69 research outputs found

    Assessment of soil erosion potential by application of USLE and PESERA models on the territory of Prvonek catchment

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    Губитак земљишта изазван процесом ерозије је озбиљан проблем у Републици Србији, a процена губитака земљишта као и систем заштите од ерозије представљају неопходни услов за одрживи развој привреде и друштва. Предвиђање губитка земљишта је важно за процену опасности од ерозије и детерминацију одговарајућих мера конзервације и коришћења земљишта у сливу. Широк спектар модела је данас доступан за процену ризика од ерозије земљишта. Избор одређеног модела у великој мери зависи од сврхе истраживања, доступности података, времена и потребних материјалних средстава за његову реализацију. Степен угрожености земљишта процесима ерозије у овој докторској дисертације, оцењен је применом USLE и PESERA моделима, док је транспорт неких микроелемената са наносом услед ерозионог процеса процењен применом WaTEM/SEDEM модела. Применом USLE и PESERA модела добили су се релативно уравнотежени резултати, са вредностима класификованим у групу умерене угрожености од ерозионих процеса. На основу добијених резултата транспортованих микроелемената применом WaTEM/SEDEM модела, ризична подручја са нешто вишим вредностима транспортованих микроелемената се углавном јављају на локалитетима где су забележене веће укупне количине тешких метала у земљишту, односно, близу подручја са израженијим интензитетом ерозије. Резултати добијени применом USLE и PESERA модела у проучаваним условима пружају могућност око националног концензуса за избор ерозионог модела. Међутим, ниво њихове примене је првенствено условљен размерама подручја. Резултати указују да је примена USLE модела прикладнија када се ради о процени ерозионих губитака земљишта на мањим сливовима, пре свега због могућности модела да врши процену на детаљнијим резолуцијама. С друге стране, PESERA модел има предност када се ради о проценама губитака земљишта на регионалном нивоу, зато што боље одражава хидроеколошке параметре, који су од значаја за развој ерозионих процеса. На овакав закључак упућују и резултати примене оба модела, према анализираној литератури, у различитим подручјима у Европи

    In Silico Exploration of CD200 as a Therapeutic Target for COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen causing COVID-19, continues to pose a significant threat to public health and has had major economic implications. Developing safe and effective vaccines and therapies offers a path forward for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. The presented study, performed by using the informational spectrum method (ISM), representing an electronic biology-based tool for analysis of protein–protein interactions, identified the highly conserved region of spike protein (SP) from SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is essential for recognition and targeting between the virus and its protein interactors on the target cells. This domain is suggested as a promising target for the drug therapy and vaccines, which could be effective against all currently circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The analysis of the virus/host interaction, performed by the ISM, also revealed OX-2 membrane glycoprotein (CD200) as a possible interactor of SP, which could serve as a novel therapeutic target for COVID-19 disease. © 2024 by the authors

    Simple Theoretical Criterion for Selection of Natural Compounds with Anti-COVID-19 Activity

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    A novel human coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become the leading threat to global health. An effective antiviral could not only help those still vulnerable to the virus but could be a critical treatment if a virus emerges toward evading coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. Despite the significant efforts to test already-approved drugs for their potential to kill the virus, researchers found very few actually worked. Methods: The present report uses the electronic molecular descriptors, the quasi-valence number (AQVN), and the electron-ion interaction potential (EIIP), for the analysis of natural compounds with proven therapeutic activity against the COVID-19. Results: Based on the analysis of the electronic properties of natural compounds which are effective against SARS-CoV-2 virus the simple theoretical criterion for the selection of candidate compounds for the treatment of COVID-19 is proposed. Conclusions: The proposed theoretical criterion can be used for the identification and optimization of new lead compounds for the treatment of the COVID-19 disease and for the selection of the food and food supplements which could have a beneficial effect on COVID-19 patients

    Radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the content of radionuclides and toxic elements in samples feedstuffs and food of animal origin collected between 2007-2017 from two suburban areas of Belgrade, the municipalities of Palilula and Surčin, both areas with intensive agricultural production. Materials and Methods. Radionuclides (40 K and 137 Cs) and toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were determined in samples of corn, hay, meat, milk and eggs, by gamma ray spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Results and Conclusions. The obtained results showed that natural 40 K was present in all investigated samples. The average activity concentration of 40 K was 94 Bq/kg in corn, 117 Bq/kg, 108 Bq/kg and 95 Bq/kg in beef, pork and chicken meat, respectively, as well as 61 Bq/kg in cow's milk and 48 Bq/kg in eggs. Anthropogenic radionuclide 137 Cs was not detected. The trend for toxic element levels according to the average concentrations found in the studied feed samples (corn and hay) was as follows: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsenic was detected in animal feed in both Belgrade municipalities, with the average concentration being 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), and in corn, the as content was higher than in hay samples. In food of animal origin, only Zn and Cu were detected. It is concluded that the presence of radionuclides and toxic elements in feedstuffs and foods of animal origin does not pose a health risk for either humans or animals.Uvod. U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja sadržaja radionuklida i toksičnih elemenata u uzorcima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla prikupljanih na području grada Beograda, opštinama Palilula i Surčin, u periodu od 2007-2017. godine. Materijal i metode. U uzorcima kukuruza, sena, mesa, mleka i jaja određivani se radionuklidi (40K i 137Cs) i toksični elementi (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn) metodama gama spektrometrije i indukovane kuplovane plazma spektrometrije (ICP-OES, Spectro Genesis). Rezultati i zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u uzrocima hrane za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla 40K bio dominantni radionuklid. Prosečan sadržaj 40K u kukuruzu je bio 94 Bq/kg, 117 Bq/kg u junećem mesu, 108 Bq/kg u svinjskom mesu, 95 Bq/kg u pilećem mesu, 61 Bq/kg u kravljem mleku i 48 Bq/kg u jajima. U hrani za životinje (kukuruz i seno) detektovani su toksični elementi u opadajućem trendu: Zn>Cu>Pb>As>Ni>Cd. Arsen je detektovan u hrani za životinje na oba ispitivana lokaliteta, prosečan sadržaj je bio 1.08 mg/kg (0.5-1.37 mg/kg), u uzroku kukuruza sadržaj arsena je bio veći nego u senu. U hrani animalnog porekla detektovani su Zn i Cu, dok je sadržaj ostalih toksičnih elemenata bio ispod praga detekcije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da radionuklidi i toksični elementi u hrani za životinje i hrani animalnog porekla ne predstavljaju rizik po zdravlje ljudi i životinja

    Predlozi za uvođenje katastra zagađivača kao obaveze u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji

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    Izvori zagađivanja životne sredine su lokacijski određeni i prostorno ograničeni tačkastim, linijskim i površinskim izvorima zagađenja. Sa jedne strane, katastar izvora zagađenja predstavlja polaznu osnovu za monitoring životne sredine, kako bi najkvalitetnije bilo realizovano posmatranje, kontrola i prognoziranje mogućih promena u prirodi pod uticajem eksternih činilaca, mere regulisanja stanja sredine i upravljanje životnom sredinom. Sa druge strane, katastar izvora zagađivanja životne sredine jeste skup sistematizovanih informacija o vrstama, količinama, načinu i mestu unošenja, ispuštanja ili odlaganja zagađujućih materija u gasovitom, tečnom i čvrstom agregatnom stanju ili ispuštanja energije (buke, vibracija, toplote, jonizujućeg i nejonizujućeg zračenja) iz tačkastih, linijskih i površinskih izvora zagađivanja u životnu sredinu. Ova činjenice su glavni razlog za uvođenje katastra zagađivača u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji. Zadatak koji se postavio pred autore je da ukažu na probleme u vezi izrade planova i programa zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji, a vezano za nepostojanje informacija o katastru zagađivača. Primarni cilj koji je postavljen u radu je način na koji bi se implementirao katastar zagađivača u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine

    Primena GIS u proceni topografskih i hemijskih parametara pogodnosti za uzgoj vinove loze

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    In this paper, unique vineyard plots are selected, according to suitability of topographic and chemical parameters in municipality of Krupanj. Separation of vineyard plots was performed using GIS, which enables processing, analysis and presentation of spatial data. Benefits of GIS tools in the preparation of this work were highlighted during the presentation of topographic factors from DEM and through the use of geostatistics in processing spatial data. By analyzing only the topographic parameters, it was concluded that 0.97 km2 of municipality area has ideal conditions for growing vines, but only 0.0039 km2 according to both topographic and chemical parameters. The applied methodology allows fast and reliable determination of sites that are ideal for growing grapes. This gives a basis to municipal authorities for realistic assessment of significance and conditions, as well as further developments planning.U ovom radu izdvojene su jedinstvene vinogradarske parcele na osnovu povoljnih topografskih i hemijskih parametara plodnosti na području opštine Krupanj. Izdvajanje vinogradarskih parcela izvedeno je primenom GIS (Geografski Informacioni Sistem) tehnologija koje nam pružaju mogućnosti obrade, analize i prezentacije prostornih podataka. Prednosti GIS alata u izradi ovog rada bile su naglašene prilikom izvođenja topografskog faktora iz DEM-a (Digitalni Elevacioni Model) i kroz upotrebu geostatistike u obradi prostornih podataka U radu je utvrđeno da, analizirajući samo topografske parametre, 0.97km2 opštine ima idealne uslove za uzgajanje vinove loze, dok svega 0.0039 km2 opštine poseduje jedinstvene vinogradarske parcela izdvojene po oba kriterijuma: topografski i hemijski parametri. Primenjena metodologija pruža mogućnost brzog i pouzdanog utvrđivanja lokaliteta koji su idealni za uzgajanje vinove loze. Time se opštinskim službama daje osnova za realnu procenu stvarnog značaja, povoljnosti uslova i planiranje daljeg razvoja ove vrste proizvodnje

    Predlozi za uvođenje katastra zagađivača kao obaveze u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji

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    Izvori zagađivanja životne sredine su lokacijski određeni i prostorno ograničeni tačkastim, linijskim i površinskim izvorima zagađenja. Sa jedne strane, katastar izvora zagađenja predstavlja polaznu osnovu za monitoring životne sredine, kako bi najkvalitetnije bilo realizovano posmatranje, kontrola i prognoziranje mogućih promena u prirodi pod uticajem eksternih činilaca, mere regulisanja stanja sredine i upravljanje životnom sredinom. Sa druge strane, katastar izvora zagađivanja životne sredine jeste skup sistematizovanih informacija o vrstama, količinama, načinu i mestu unošenja, ispuštanja ili odlaganja zagađujućih materija u gasovitom, tečnom i čvrstom agregatnom stanju ili ispuštanja energije (buke, vibracija, toplote, jonizujućeg i nejonizujućeg zračenja) iz tačkastih, linijskih i površinskih izvora zagađivanja u životnu sredinu. Ova činjenice su glavni razlog za uvođenje katastra zagađivača u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji. Zadatak koji se postavio pred autore je da ukažu na probleme u vezi izrade planova i programa zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji, a vezano za nepostojanje informacija o katastru zagađivača. Primarni cilj koji je postavljen u radu je način na koji bi se implementirao katastar zagađivača u planove i programe zaštite životne sredine

    Soil acidification as a limiting factor to agricultural production in the municipality of Ljubovija

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    The process of soil acidification means, above all, a reduction of soil solution pH. It can be the result of slow, years-long natural process or considerably accelerated due to a combination of natural processes and anthropogenic influences. Acidification is a very important factor in the permanent degradation of the fertility of soil, as the most important and hardly renewable natural resource. Studies on soil susceptibility to the process of acidification were carried out in the Municipality of Ljubovija, using three methods. Defining of the degree of soil susceptibility to the process of acidification allows timely activities aimed at the reduction of overall soil acidity. Management of agricultural land, in isolated areas, must be focused on a balanced use of fertilizers and agrotechnical measures, using proper planting /crops to achieve the optimum use of resources and sustainable soil fertility

    Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica

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    In this paper, the assessment of the sensitivity of the soil in the rural area of Čukarica municipality to the processes of degradation is considered. Land areas, especially in the vicinity of large cities, are exposed to numerous processes of degradation: soil erosion, urban and industrial zone expansion at the expense of fertile agricultural soils, activation of landslides and a number of other significant ecological problems. Based on the characteristics of the research area, the MEDALUS (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use) model was applied, and for the assessment of sensitivity to the processes of degradation the main quality indicators were considered: soil, climate, vegetation and management. For each of the analyzed quality indicators, parameter groups were identified. Each parameter is quantified according to the defined method by giving them a sensitivity coefficient between 1.0 and 2.0. ArcGIS 10.0 has been applied to analyze and prepare layers of quality maps. Subsequently, the geometric mean for all four quality indicators was used to generate the map of environmental sensitivity to degradation. The results obtained show that 41.54% of the study area is classified as critical; 22.34% of the surface as fragile; 8.47% of the areas are potentially endangered and 9.58% not threatened to degradation processes. The results have also shown that MEDALUS model is a functional tool for simulations which support sustainable land management in the areas prone to degradation

    Radionuclides and heavy metals in soil, vegetables, and medicinal plants in suburban areas of the cities of Belgrade and Pancevo, Serbia

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    The content of radionuclides (K-40 , U-238 , Ra-226 , Th-232, and Cs-137) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, and Pb) was determined in samples of soil, vegetables and medicinal plants collected in the period 2007-2017, from two suburban areas of Belgrade - the municipalities of Palilula and Surcin, and Pancevo - the Dr Josif Pancic Institute for the Study of Medicinal Herbs. During the research period, activity concentration of Cs-137 in soil decreased from 16 Bqkg(-1) to 3.9 Bqkg(-1) (Palilula, Belgrade) and from 18 Bqkg(-1) to 12 Bqkg(-1) (Surcin, Belgrade). Mean activity concentrations of natural radionuclides in the soil were higher than the global average. lkend for heavy metal levels, according to the average concentrations found in the soil, were as follows: Cu >Pb >As >Cd for Palilula, Pb >Cu >As >Cd for Surcin and Dr Josif Pancic Institute, Pancevo. The obtained results indicate that the industrial pollution has no impact on food production in the study area and that the main anthropogenic source of radionuclides and heavy metals in soil are mineral phosphorous fertilizers, often used in agricultural fields