162 research outputs found


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    Доклад посвящен теме биологического морального совершенствования. Рассмотрены основные аргументы противников и сторонников биологического достижения нравственного идеала.The report is devoted to the topic of biological moral enhancement. It analyzes main arguments of opponents and supporters of the biological achievement of the moral ideal

    The use of narrative as a speech behaviour model

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    The authors of this paper view narrative as a way for a human to express his or her attitude to the world, finding its presence virtually in every aspect of human relations. Revealing the essence of a narrative approach, the authors refer to the works by J. Brockmeier, R. Harré, A. Schütz, J.F. Lyotard, J. Bruner who analyzed the essence of narrative in their studies. The structure, characteristics, forms and functions of narrative as a type of discursive reality are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to personal narrative as a way to reflect acquired experience. The authors underline the use of narrative techniques in many knowledge areas: psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, and psychiatry. Analyzing pedagogical aspects of narrative, the authors mention the use of metaphors as a means of influencing the audience. The authors pay a special attention to the practicability of narrative teaching methods, namely a narrative game as one of the methods of active learning in an educational process.peer-reviewe

    The effect of maximal vs submaximal exertion on postprandial lipid levels in individuals with and without coronary heart disease

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    Background: Decisions about fat consumption and levels of physical activity are among the everyday choices we make in life and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) can be affected by those choices. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a standard fat load combined with physical exertion of different intensities on the plasma lipid profile of CHD patients and CHD-free individuals. Methods: This study looked at the influence of different intensities of physical exercise on postprandial lipid metabolism in 20 healthy men and 36 men with diagnosis of CHD. Venous blood samples were obtained after overnight fasting, 3 hours after standard fat load (before the physical load), and immediately after maximal or submaximal physical exercise on bicycle ergometer. Results: After fat load total cholesterol (TC) concentration did not change in either group. However, after the addition of maximal exercise, TC, triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and apolipoprotein (Apo) B increased significantly (P < .01) in both groups. After fat load and maximal exercise, there was no change in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in healthy men, but in men with CHD, HDL-C fell significantly (P < .01); and Apo AI rose in healthy men (P < .01) but dropped significantly (P < .01) in men with CHD. Submaximal physical exercise (60% of max VO2 load for 40 minutes) after fat load decreased TG level in CHD patients (P < .01) and improved other lipid parameters in both groups significantly (↓LDL-C, ↑HDL-C, ↑Apo AI, ↓Apo B, P < .01). We observed a worsening of physical work capacity in men with CHD (significant reduction of duration and total amount of work performed, maximal VO2, oxygen pulse), during maximal stress test performed 3 hours after fat load. There was a doubling of the number of abnormal stress test results (P < .01). Healthy persons showed an increase in respiratory parameters (ventilation, CO2 production, maximal VO2, and oxygen pulse), but no significant change was found in work capacity. Thus, maximal physical exercise produced atherogenic blood lipid changes (increased TC, increased LDL-C, increased TG, increased Apo B, P < .01) in men with CHD and in healthy men; however, individuals with CHD also demonstrated a significant decrease in HDL-C and Apo AI (P < .01). In contrast, the submaximal physical load improved postprandial lipid changes in both healthy men and men with CHD. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that moderate exercise is beneficial in improving postprandial lipid abnormalities in both CHD and CHD-free subjects after fatty meal preload. In addition, maximal exercise demonstrated evidence of increase of lipid abnormalities in both CHD and CHD-free individuals under similar conditions of fatty meal preload

    Определение профиля флавоноидов в гипогликемическом сборе методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии

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    Objectives. Herbal hypoglycemic drugs complement the conventional approach to the treatment of type-2 diabetes based on the use of synthetic prescription drugs. However, their scientifically based application and standardization are limited due to inadequate and often outdated information on their chemical composition. Accordingly, we have developed a hypoglycemic collection (HGС) consisting of common bean pods (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), bilberry shoots (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), galega herb (Gallega officinalis L.), common knotgrass herb (Polygonum aviculare L.), burdock roots (Arctium lappa L.), and cinnamon rose hips (Rosa cinnamomea L.). According to a number of researchers, the antidiabetic properties of these herbs are largely due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds, especially flavonoids. The aim of this study was to determine the profile of flavonoids in the HGС and in its total dry extract (TDE).Methods. The study was performed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometric detection.Results. Nine individual flavonol glycosides—derivatives of myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol and kaempferide—were identified in the HGC and the TDE. The main flavonol glycosides in the studied objects were robinin and kaempferol-3-glucuronide, the contents of which in the HGC were 2.09 and 2.22 mg/g, in the TDE 4.85 and 3.84 mg/g, respectively. The other flavonol glycosides were determined in the HGC and its TDE at significantly lower concentrations.Conclusions. The method developed in the study can be used to standardize HGCs and estimate their pharmacological activities.Цели. Гипогликемические препараты растительного происхождения успешно дополняют синтетические рецептурные лекарства, использующиеся в традиционном подходе к лечению сахарного диабета 2 типа. Однако научно обоснованное применение и стандартизация таких препаратов ограничены из-за неадекватной и часто устаревшей информации об их химическом составе. Нами был разработан гипогликемический сбор (ГГС), состоящий из створок фасоли обыкновенной (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), побегов черники обыкновенной (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), травы галеги лекарственной (Gallega officinalis L.), травы горца птичьего (спорыша) (Polygonum aviculare L.), корней лопуха большого (Arctium lappa L.), плодов шиповника коричного (Rosa cinnamomea L.). По мнению ряда исследователей, антидиабетические свойства вышеупомянутых растений во многом обусловлены присутствием в них полифенольных соединений, особенно флавоноидов. Цель данного исследования – определение профиля флавоноидов в ГГС и в суммарном сухом экстракте (ССЭ) на основе ГГС.Методы. Исследование проводили методом обращено-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с диодно-матричным и масс-спектрометрическим детектированием.Результаты. В ГГС и ССЭ было идентифицировано девять индивидуальных флавонолгликозидов – производных мирицетина, кверцетина, кемпферола и кемпферида. Основными флавонолгликозидами в исследуемых объектах были робинин и кемпферол-3-глюкуронид, содержание которых в ГГС составило 2.09 и 2.22 мг/г, в ССЭ – 4.85 и 3.84 мг/г, соответственно. Остальные флавонолгликозиды были обнаружены в ГГС и ССЭ в существенно более низких концентрациях.Выводы. Результаты работы могут быть использованы при стандартизации ГГС и оценке его фармакологической активности

    Adverse reactions of high-osmolar and low-osmolar radiographic contrast media in clinical practice

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    Introduction. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) to administration of radiographic contrast media (RCM) are observed in 10–20 % of patients. Individual tolerability of drugs is affected by RCM properties (ionicity, osmolarity). Aim. Evaluation of ADR in patients during diagnostic studies using high- and low-osmolar RCM. Methods. Analysis of 52 reports of adverse reactions to RCM registered in medical organizations of Voronezh region in 2014–2021 was performed. Group 1 included 21 patients with ADR to high-osmolar RCM (sodium amidotrizoate, yoxitalamic acid), group 2–31 patients with ADR to low-osmolar drugs (yogexol, yopromide, yopamidol, yoversol). Results. Age of patients is 6–82 years, median 48.5 years, children — 8 persons (15.4 %), women — 31 patients (59.6 %), serious reactions — 28 (53.8 %). Since 2017 there has been an increase in the number of ADRs with constant frequency of serious reactions. In 2020–2021 ADRs to low-osmolar drugs were mainly registered. Life-threatening conditions (anaphylactic shock, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia) were observed in 70.2 % of group 2, in 28.6 % of group 1 (p=0.007). One patient with initial renal dysfunction and comorbid pathology was reported to develop nephrotoxicity to yogexol. Pharmacological correction was performed in 92.3 % of cases. In 57.7 % of the patients ADR ended in recovery, in the  other cases — state improvement. Conclusion. Side effects of high-osmolar and low-osmolar RCM mainly had form of hyperergic reactions of immediate type and were reversible. High frequency of serious reactions to lowosmolar RCM against an increase in their use requires a more careful selection of patients for X-ray contrast studies


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    Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis has been studied in 77 patients with new infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and 34 patients with fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. The level of cumulative and endogenous nitrite depended on the clinical form of tuberculosis: in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was within the limits of reference ranges, and in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was significantly lower. Results of statistical analysis point out at the significant homogeneity (monofunctionality) of the set of rates, defining the level of NO metabolites in blood serum in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis, namely: impact of adenosine deaminase, levels of α1-protease inhibitor, ceruleoplasmin and age. On the contrary in case of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis the diverse (multi-functional) complexes were detected including clinical blood rates providing influence on the reduction of NO level in blood. Nitric oxide in the patients with both clinical forms of tuberculosis correlated with classical markers of system inflammatory response, thus nitric oxide can be regarded as an integral component of inflammatory response with potential evaluation of prognosis of specific lesions during follow-up of changes


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    The purpose of the present work was the experimental substantiation of application of new biodegraded materials: gel implant «Sfero®Gel» and a film membrane of «ElastoPOB»® a domestic production, in surgery of defeats of peripheral nerves. Experimental researches carried out on females of nonlinear rats, is powerful 200–250 gramme. In experience 10 animals are used, 20 operative interventions on sciatic nerves are executed. Morphological studying of the received material in 101 days after operation was carried out. At application of a membrane «ElastoPOB»® it was defined delimitin of peripheral nerves from surrounding tissue. A film membrane of «ElastoPOB»® is perspective to apply at traumas of a nervous fabric for the purpose of formation of a friable hem in a damage zone. On the basis of the received experimental data it is possible to make the conclusion about possibility and expediency of application of biodegraded materials in surgical treatment of defeats of peripheral nervous system

    Elication of an excitation center in the depth of tissue by visualization with high-frequency electric field

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    Hardware and software system, which makes it possible to visualize the glow center, marker of the excitation center in tissue, in the electric field, is created. The system was tested in 14 experiments with sinoatrial nodes of cat's hearts, which's fist excitation's center is in the depth of the right auricle's myocardium, and in 30 experiments with frog's venous sinuses, which's first excitation's center is situated in the superficial layer of the sinus wall. Also observations were held with deeply situated center - in cat's tooth's pulp, which is surrounded by insulators: dentine and tooth's enamel. The ability of visualization the excitation's center was developed at localizations in different depths

    Importance of implementation disease prevention programs temporomandibular joint in elderly and senile

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    The aim of the study was to increase the effectiveness of prevention of dysfunctional states of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in elderly and senile age by developing and implementing new approaches to health education as part of the creation and implementation of the program «Prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joint in elderly and senile». To achieve the objectives were examined 86 patients from 60 to 83 years: 25 patients with symptoms of diseases TMJ found as a result of uptake with complaints of difficulty in chewing, aesthetic dissatisfaction, and 61 patients who were sent for consultation gnathology doctors another profile under the program "Prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joint in elderly and senile.

    Искусственный нервный проводник для направленного роста периферических нервов (кадаверное исследование)

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    At present, the search for effective ways of restoring peripheral nerves with anatomical damage continues. Autoplasty still remains the gold standard, which, however, is not without its drawbacks. The use of nerve implants for promoting directional axon growth is essential and promising.Objective: to study the biomechanical properties of laboratory samples of an artificial nerve conduit (NGC) made of hybrid biomaterials and to, on cadaveric material, assess the technical feasibility of using them in surgical practice to repair extended peripheral nerve defects.Material and methods. The objects of the study were three electrospun NGC samples: from synthetic material (polycaprolactone, PCL) and hybrid biomaterials (PCL + gelatin or PCL + collagen). The work compared the physical and mechanical properties of NGC: stiffness, plasticity, elasticity, brittleness, resistance to chemical attack, their ability to be impregnated with liquid media, permeability, possibility of making an anastomosis between the implant and the nerve during surgical procedure. Cadaveric material was the object of the study: we used a dissected superficial sensory branch of the human right radial nerve, 2 mm in diameter, isolated on the forearm, about 12 cm in length, because it most corresponded to the diameter of the NGC samples tested. After surgery, the echogenic features of the implants and their anastomoses with the nerve were assessed by ultrasound imaging.Results. It was found that hybrid NGC samples, based on their biomechanical properties, are fundamentally suitable for use in surgical practice, to ensure growth and replacement of a peripheral nerve defect. However, the best composition of a nerve guide can be established after comparative preclinical study of the biocompatible and functional properties of hybrid material samples.Conclusion. The physical and mechanical properties of the investigated NGC samples made of hybrid biomaterials meet the technical requirements for implantable nerve conduits for surgical application.В настоящее время продолжаются поиски эффективных способов восстановления периферических нервов при анатомическом нарушении их целостности. Золотым стандартом по-прежнему остается аутопластика, которая, однако, не лишена недостатков. Актуальным и перспективным является метод применения нервных имплантатов для направленного роста аксонов.Цель: изучить биомеханические свойства лабораторных образцов искусственного нервного проводника (ИНП) – нервного кондуита, изготовленных из гибридных биоматериалов, и на кадаверном материале оценить техническую возможность их применения в хирургической практике для восстановления протяженных дефектов периферических нервов.Материал и методы. Объектами исследования служили изготовленные методом электроспиннинга три образца ИНП: из синтетического материала – поликапролактона (ПКЛ) и гибридных биоматериалов (ПКЛ с желатином или коллагеном). В ходе работы сравнивались физические и механические свойства ИНП: жесткость, пластичность, эластичность, хрупкость, устойчивость образцов к химическому воздействию, их способность к пропитыванию жидкими средами, проницаемость, возможность наложения анастомоза между имплантатом и нервом во время хирургической операции. В качестве кадаверного материала использовали поверхностную чувствительную ветвь правого лучевого нерва человека диаметром 2 мм, выделенную на предплечье протяженностью около 12 см, как наиболее соответствующую диаметру тестируемых образцов ИНП. После хирургической операции оценивали эхогенные признаки имплантатов и их анастомозов с нервом методом ультразвуковой визуализации.Результаты. Установлено, что образцы ИНП из гибридных материалов по биомеханическим свойствам принципиально пригодны для использования в хирургической практике для обеспечения роста и замещения дефекта периферических нервов. Однако наилучший состав нервного проводника может быть установлен после проведения сравнительных доклинических исследований биосовместимых и функциональных свойств образцов из гибридных материалов.Заключение. Физические и механические свойства исследуемых образцов ИНП из гибридных биоматериалов соответствуют техническим требованиям, предъявляемым к имплантируемым нервным проводникам при их хирургическом применении