105 research outputs found

    Effect of initial levothyroxine dose on neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes in children with congenital hypothyroidism

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    We designed a multicentre open prospective randomized trial to evaluate the risk-benefit profile of two different initial treatment schemes with levothyroxine (L-T4), 10-12.5 ÎĽg/kg/day vs 12.6-15 ÎĽg/kg/day, on growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) detected by neonatal screening to identify the best range dose to achieve optimal neurocognitive development

    Radiological Protection in Industries Involving NORM: A (Graded) Methodological Approach to Characterize the Exposure Situations

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    The interest in radiation protection in industrial sectors involving Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) is increasingly growing. This is due also to the recent implementation of the European Council Directive 59/2013/Euratom which in Italy and in the other European Union Member States extends the field of application to industrial sectors never involved before. This paper reports main results of a research project on radiation protection in industries involving NORM carried out in Italy aimed to provide useful tools for stakeholders to comply new legal obligations. The project activities were mainly focused on different aspects relevant to the NORM involving industries, accounting for the positive list reported in the Italian law. Firstly, the inventory of the industries currently operating in Italy in order to identify the industrial sectors with an important radiological impact on population and workers was updated. Based on this information, a general methodology was elaborated taking into account a graded approach. The first phase consists in the identification and characterization of the most critical exposure scenarios and of the radiological content of NORMs involved in the different phases of the industrial processes. In the second phase calculation methods were developed for dose estimation for workers and members of public. These tools require the use of existing and well tested calculation codes, and the development of a dedicated user-friendly software

    Acute cough in children and adolescents: A systematic review and a practical algorithm by the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

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    The current systematic review presented and discussed the most recent studies on acute cough in pediatric age. After that, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology elaborated a comprehensive algorithm to guide the primary care approach to pediatric patients, such as infants, children, and adolescents, with acute cough. An acute cough is usually consequent to upper respiratory tract infections and is self-resolving within a few weeks. However, an acute cough may be bothersome, and therefore remedies are requested, mainly by the parents. An acute cough may significantly affect the quality of life of patients and their family.Several algorithms for the management of acute cough have been adopted and validated in clinical practice; however, unlike the latter, we developed an algorithm focused on pediatric age, and, also, in accordance to the Italian National Health System, which regularly follows the child from birth to all lifelong. Based on our findings, infants from 6 months, children, and adolescents with acute cough without cough pointers can be safely managed using well-known medications, preferably non-sedative agents, such as levodropropizine and/or natural compounds, including honey, glycerol, and herb-derived components

    Chronic cough in childhood: A systematic review for practical guidance by the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

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    The current systematic review presented and discussed the most recent studies on pediatric chronic cough. In addition, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology elaborated a comprehensive algorithm to guide the primary care approach to a pediatric patient with chronic cough.Several algorithms on chronic cough management have been adopted and validated in clinical practice; however, unlike the latter, we developed an algorithm focused on pediatric age, from birth until adulthood. Based on our findings, children and adolescents with chronic cough without cough pointers can be safely managed, initially using the watchful waiting approach and, successively, starting empirical treatment based on cough characteristics. Unlike other algorithms that suggest laboratory and instrumental investigations as a first step, this review highlighted the importance of a "wait and see" approach, consisting of parental reassurance and close clinical observation, also due to interprofessional collaboration and communication between general practitioners and specialists that guarantee better patient management, appropriate prescription behavior, and improved patient outcome. Moreover, the neonatal screening program provided by the Italian National Health System, which intercepts several diseases precociously, allowing to treat them in a very early stage, helps and supports a "wait and see" approach.Conversely, in the presence of cough pointers or persistence of cough, the patient should be tested and treated by the specialist. Further investigations and treatments will be based on cough etiology, aiming to intercept the underlying disease, prevent potentially irreversible tissue damage, and improve the general health of patients affected by chronic cough, as well as the quality of life of patients and their family. Further high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to validate this algorithm's performance in real clinical practice

    Short-term and medium-term clinical outcomes of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children:a prospective observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Even though the incidence of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) is decreasing cases are still reported across the world. Studying the consequences of MIS-C enhances our understanding of the disease's prognosis. The objective of this study was to assess short- and medium-term clinical outcomes of MIS-C.METHODS: Prospective observational cohort study at Municipal Children's Hospital Morozovskaya, Moscow, Russia. All children meeting the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or the World Health Organization (WHO) MIS-C case definition admitted to the hospital between 17 May and 26 October 2020 were included in the study. All survivors were invited to attend a clinic at 2 and 6 weeks after hospital discharge.RESULTS: 37 children median age 6 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3.3-9.4), 59.5% (22/37) boys were included in the study. 48.6% (18/37) of patients required ICU care. One child died. All children had increased levels of systemic inflammatory markers during the acute event. Echocardiographic investigations identified abnormal findings in 35.1% (13/37) of children. 5.6% (2/36) of children were presenting with any symptoms six weeks after discharge. By six weeks the inflammatory markers were within the reference norms in all children. The echocardiographic evaluation showed persistent coronary dilatation in one child.CONCLUSIONS: Despite the severity of their acute MIS-C, the majority of children in our cohort fully recovered with none having elevated laboratory markers of inflammation at 6 weeks, few (&lt; 10%) reporting persistent symptoms at 6 weeks, and only one with persistent echocardiographic abnormalities.</p

    La radioprotezione applicata alle industrie NORM: sviluppo di un sistema di strumenti metodologici, conoscitivi e formativi a sostegno degli stakeholders. Stato dell’arte del progetto di INAIL

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    Con il recepimento della Direttiva Europea 59/2013 EURATOM, la normativa italiana di radioprotezione ha introdotto nuovi obblighi per gli esercenti di diversi settori industriali “NORM”. Per sostenere l’assolvimento di tali obblighi che garantiscono la protezione di lavoratori e popolazione, dal 2019 è in corso un progetto di ricerca, nell’ambito del quale sono state realizzate diverse attività. Alcune di esse hanno avuto sviluppi anche in ambito internazionale, a testimonianza di quanto questa tematica sia di grande interesse. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è presentare i nuovi risultati del progetto, dall’aggiornamento del censimento dei settori NORM attualmente attivi in Italia, all’ applicazione e declinazione dell’approccio graduale per l’individuazione di situazioni di particolare interesse dal punto di vista della radioprotezione, fino allo sviluppo di metodologie operative e di calcolo applicate ad alcuni settori

    Saving temporary exhibitions in virtual environments: The Digital Renaissance of Ulisse Aldrovandi – Acquisition and digitisation of cultural heritage objects

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    As per the objectives of Project CHANGES, particularly its thematic sub-project on the use of virtual technologies for museums and art collections, our goal was to obtain a digital twin of the temporary exhibition on Ulisse Aldrovandi called “The Other Renaissance”, and make it accessible to users online. After a preliminary study of the exhibition, focusing on acquisition constraints and related solutions, we proceeded with the digital twin creation by acquiring, processing, modelling, optimising, exporting, and metadating the exhibition. We made hybrid use of two acquisition techniques to create new digital cultural heritage objects and environments, and we used open technologies, formats, and protocols to make available the final digital product. Here, we describe the process of collecting and curating bibliographical exhibition (meta) data and the beginning of the digital twin creation to foster its findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. The creation of the digital twin is currently ongoing
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