22 research outputs found

    Diplomats or Defendants? Defining the Future of Head-of-State Immunity

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    Fluorescence nanoscopy provides means to discernthe finer details of protein localization and interaction in cells by offeringan order of magnitude higher resolution than conventional optical imagingtechniques. However, these super resolution techniques put higher demands onthe optical system as well as on the fluorescent probes, making multicolorfluorescence nanoscopy a challenging task. Here we present a new and simpleprocedure which exploits the photostability and excitation spectra of dyes toincrease the number of simultaneous recordable targets in STED nanoscopy. Weuse this procedure to demonstrate four color STED imaging of platelets with ≤40 nm resolution and low crosstalk. Platelets can selectively store, sequesterand release a multitude of different proteins, and in a manner specific fordifferent physiological and disease states. By applying multicolor nanoscopy tostudy platelets, we can achieve spatial mapping of the protein organizationwith a high resolution, for multiple proteins at the same time and in the samecell. This provides a means to identify specific platelet activation states fordiagnostic purposes and to understand the underlying protein storage andrelease mechanisms. We studied the organization of the pro- and anti-angiogenicproteins VEGF and PF-4 together with fibrinogen and filamentous actin, andfound distinct features in their respective protein localization. Further,colocalization analysis revealed only minor overlap between the proteins VEGFand PF-4 indicating that they have separate storage and release mechanisms,corresponding well with their opposite rules as pro- and anti-angiogenicproteins, respectively.Updated from "Submitted" to "Published". QC 20140630</p

    Comparative Evaluation of Anti-HER2 Affibody Molecules Labeled with Cu-64 Using NOTA and NODAGA

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    Imaging using affi body molecules enables discrimination between breast cancer metastases with high and low expression of HER2, making appropriate therapy selection possible. This study aimed to evaluate if the longer half-life of Cu-64 (T-1/2 = 12.7h) would make Cu-64 a superior nuclide compared to Ga-68 for PET imaging of HER2 expression using affibody molecules. The synthetic ZHER2: S1 affibody molecule was conjugated with the chelators NOTA or NODAGA and labeled with Cu-64. The tumor-targeting properties of Cu-64-NOTA-ZHER2: S1 and Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 were evaluated and compared with the targeting properties of Ga-68-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 in mice. Both 64 Cu-NOTA-ZHER2: S1 and Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 demonstrated specific targeting of HER2-expressing xenografts. At 2 h after injection of Cu-64-NOTA-ZHER2: S1, Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1, and Ga-68-NODAGAZHER2: S1, tumor uptakes did not differ significantly. Renal uptake of Cu-64-labeled conjugateswas dramatically reduced at 6 and 24 h after injection. Notably, radioactivity uptake concomitantly increased in blood, lung, liver, spleen, and intestines, which resulted in decreased tumor-to-organ ratios compared to 2 h postinjection. Organ uptake was lower for Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1. The most probable explanation for this biodistribution pattern was the release and redistribution of renal radiometabolites. In conclusion, monoamide derivatives of NOTA and NODAGA may be suboptimal chelators for radiocopper labeling of anti-HER2 affibody molecules and, possibly, other scaffold proteins with high renal uptake

    Site-specific labeling of affinity molecules for in vitro and in vivo studies

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    The thesis is focused on site-specific labeling of affinity molecules for different applications where two types of binding proteins, Affibody molecules and antibodies, have been used. For the purpose of improving the properties of Affibody molecules for in vivo imaging, novel bi-functional chelators for radiolabeling using the radionuclide 111In were evaluated. In a first study, two chelators denoted NOTA and DOTA, respectively, were separately conjugated via maleimide chemistry to a C-terminal cysteine residue in a HER2-binding Affibody molecule (ZHER2:2395). In vivo evaluation using mice with prostate carcinoma cell line xenografts showed that the 111In-NOTA-MMA-ZHER2:2395 tracer exhibited faster clearance from blood than the 111In-DOTA-MMA-ZHER2:2395 counterpart,resulting in improved tumor-to-organ ratios. In a second study the in vivo imaging properties of a third tracer, 111In-NODAGA-MMA-ZHER2:2395, was investigated in tumor-bearing mice. While the tumor uptake was lower than seen for the 111In-DOTA-MMA-ZHER2:2395 tracer, a low uptake in non-targeted organs and a fast clearance from blood resulted in higher tumor-to-organ ratios for 111In-NODAGA-MMA-ZHER2:2395 compared to the DOTA variant. In a following study, a synthetically produced HER2-targeting affibody variant, denoted ZHER2:S1, was used where NODAGA, NOTA and DOTA chelators instead were conjugated via an amide bond to the N-terminus. In vivo evaluation in mice showed an unfavorable uptake in liver for 111In-NOTA-ZHER2:S1, resulting in a discontinuation. The study showed faster clearance of 111In-NODAGA-ZHER2:S1 from blood, but also an increased uptake in bone in comparison to 111In-DOTA-ZHER2:S1. As bone is a common metastatic site in prostate cancer, the favorable tumor-to-bone ratio for 111In-DOTA-ZHER2:S1 suggests it as the tracer of choice for prostate cancer. Further, the DOTA chelator was also evaluated as conjugated to either N- or C-terminus or to the back of helix 3 via an amide bond, where the in vivo evaluation showed that that C-terminal conjugation resulted in the highest contrast. Site specificity is also of great importance for labeling antibodies, as conjugation in the antigen-binding regions might influence the affinity. A method for site-specific labeling of antibodies using an IgG-binding domain that becomes covalently attached to the Fc-region of an antibody by photoconjugation was optimized. By investigation of positions most suitable for incorporation of the photoreactive probe, the conjugation efficiencies were increased for antibody subclasses important for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. In addition, optimized variants were used in combination with an incorporated click-reactive handle for selective labeling of the antibody with a detection molecule.QC 20140929</p

    Position for Site-Specific Attachment of a DOTA Chelator to Synthetic Affibody Molecules Has a Different Influence on the Targeting Properties of Ga-Compared to In-Labeled Conjugates

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    Affibody molecules, small (7 kDa) scaffold proteins, are a promising class of probes for radionuclide molecular imaging. Radiolabeling of Affibody molecules with the positron-emitting nuclide 68 Ga would permit the use of positron emission tomography (PET), providing better resolution, sensitivity, and quantification accuracy than single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The synthetic anti-HER2 Z HER2:S1 Affibody molecule was conjugated with DOTA at the N-terminus, in the middle of helix 3, or at the C-terminus. The biodistribution of 68 Ga- and 111 In-labeled Affibody molecules was directly compared in NMRI nu/nu mice bearing SKOV3 xenografts. The position of the chelator strongly influenced the biodistribution of the tracers, and the influence was more pronounced for 68 Ga-labeled Affibody molecules than for the 111 In-labeled counterparts. The best 68 Ga-labeled variant was 68 Ga-[DOTA-A1]-Z HER2:S1 which provided a tumor uptake of 13 ± 1 %ID/g and a tumor to blood ratio of 39 ± 12 at 2 hours after injection. 111 In-[DOTA-A 1 ]-Z HER2:S1 and 111 In-[DOTA-K 58 ]-Z HER2:S1 were equally good at this time point, providing a tumor uptake of 15 to 16 %ID/g and a tumor to blood ratio in the range of 60 to 80. In conclusion, the selection of the best position for a chelator in Affibody molecules can be used for optimization of their imaging properties. This may be important for the development of Affibody-based and other protein-based imaging probes

    Comparative Evaluation of Anti-HER2 Affibody Molecules Labeled with Cu-64 Using NOTA and NODAGA

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    Imaging using affi body molecules enables discrimination between breast cancer metastases with high and low expression of HER2, making appropriate therapy selection possible. This study aimed to evaluate if the longer half-life of Cu-64 (T-1/2 = 12.7h) would make Cu-64 a superior nuclide compared to Ga-68 for PET imaging of HER2 expression using affibody molecules. The synthetic ZHER2: S1 affibody molecule was conjugated with the chelators NOTA or NODAGA and labeled with Cu-64. The tumor-targeting properties of Cu-64-NOTA-ZHER2: S1 and Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 were evaluated and compared with the targeting properties of Ga-68-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 in mice. Both 64 Cu-NOTA-ZHER2: S1 and Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1 demonstrated specific targeting of HER2-expressing xenografts. At 2 h after injection of Cu-64-NOTA-ZHER2: S1, Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1, and Ga-68-NODAGAZHER2: S1, tumor uptakes did not differ significantly. Renal uptake of Cu-64-labeled conjugateswas dramatically reduced at 6 and 24 h after injection. Notably, radioactivity uptake concomitantly increased in blood, lung, liver, spleen, and intestines, which resulted in decreased tumor-to-organ ratios compared to 2 h postinjection. Organ uptake was lower for Cu-64-NODAGA-ZHER2: S1. The most probable explanation for this biodistribution pattern was the release and redistribution of renal radiometabolites. In conclusion, monoamide derivatives of NOTA and NODAGA may be suboptimal chelators for radiocopper labeling of anti-HER2 affibody molecules and, possibly, other scaffold proteins with high renal uptake