196 research outputs found

    Alternative method of analysis of results of 3D terrestrial laser scanning (comment to the article “Contribution to a rock block slide examination by a model of mutual transformation of point clouds”, Acta Carsologica 38,1)

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    The article Konic et al. (2009) describes efforts to find out if the rock block on which the castle of Črni kal is situated slid away from the Kraški rob wall. 3D terrestrial laser scanning has been used to determine positions of many points on both presumed contact surfaces and 12-parameter affine transformation that transforms the cloud of points from one wall into another has been found. The deviation between matching point clouds has been used as a test of the original hypothesis. It has been concluded that the rock block did slide. Some of the data from the article are re-analysed using another numerical method. A 6-parameter translation composed with rotation that best transforms the 12 published points from the rock block wall into their counterparts on the Kraški rob wall is found. The original hypothesis is confirmed and some additional insight into the block slide is revealed.Keywords: rock block slide, 12-parameter affine transformation, rotation matrix, translation vector

    Duodenal carcinoid tumour – a case report

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    Duodenal carcinoids are rare tumours of the small intestine with heterogenous clinical and pathological characteristics. The long-term prognosis is very good if discovered in the early stages. We present the case of a patient with a non-functional duodenal carcinoid tumour discovered incidentally during an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The diagnosis was confirmed through immunohistochemistry. Treatment consisted of the endoscopic resection of the tumour and the surveillance of the patient for the following 2 years, with no signs of recurrence. We have conducted a literature review regarding the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients with this type of tumours


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    Cilji magistrske naloge so bili ugotoviti učinke dveh različnih vadb moči na moč izbranih mišičnih skupin in izvedbo ravnotežnih nalog ter povezanost njihovih sprememb pri aktivnih starejših osebah. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 30 vadečih, ki so bili naključno razdeljeni v dve skupini. Prva skupina je izvajala vadbo za moč na napravah (15 vadečih, 65±4,6 let, 68,8±11,3 kg, 160,5±8,1 cm), druga skupina pa vadbo za moč z gimnastičnimi vajami (15 vadečih, 66±4,8 let, 77,2±12,5 kg, 164,5±8,3 cm). Vadbi sta se izvajali 2x tedensko po 60 minut, trajali pa sta 9 tednov. Pred začetkom in po koncu izvajanja vadb smo opravili meritve, ki so zajemale teste ravnotežja in največjega izometričnega naprezanja izbranih mišičnih skupin. Vadba na napravah je vsebovala 10 različnih vaj, medtem ko je vadba z gimnastičnimi vajami vsebovala 12 različnih vaj predvsem za moč mišic nog in trupa. Rezultati testov moči so pokazali statistično značilno izboljšanje največjega navora iztegovalk gležnja in trupa pri obeh skupinah, upogibalk trupa pri skupini z gimnastičnimi vajami in sile iztegovalk nog pri skupini na napravah. Skupina na napravah je statistično značilno izboljšala vse funkcionalne dosege, medtem ko je druga skupina izboljšala samo funkcionalni doseg z nogo. Obe skupini sta statistično značilno zmanjšali trajanje testa štirih kvadratov. Pri testih statičnega ravnotežja je do statistično značilnih razlik med skupinama prišlo pri povprečni amplitudi gibanja središča pritiska v anteriorno-posteriorni smeri, kjer je napredovala samo skupina z gimnastičnimi vajami. Obe skupini sta statistično značilno izboljšali ravnotežje med stojo na trdi in mehki podlagi z odprtimi očmi ter tandemsko stojo, medtem ko je skupina na napravah izboljšala tudi stojo na mehki podlagi z zaprtimi očmi. Ugotovili smo, da obe vadbi za moč pozitivno vplivata na ravnotežje, kar kaže, da je mišična moč pomembna pri ohranjanju drže in ravnotežja.The purpose of this study was to determine effects of two different strength training regimens on strength of choosen muscle gropus and their effects on balance tasks performance and correlations in older adults. The research included 30 participants, which were randomly devided assainged to two groups. First group participated in hypertrophy resistance training on fitness machines (15 participants, 65±4,6 years, 68,8±11,3 kg, 160,5±8,1 cm), while second group performed strength training with gymnastic exercises (15 participants, 66±4,8 years, 77,2±12,5 kg, 164,5±8,3 cm). Both groups performed 2 sessions weekly for 9 weeks. Measurements of different balance tests and maximal isometric voluntary contractions of chosen muscle groups were conducted before and after completed training protocol. Workout on fitness machines contained 10 different exercisesmeanwhile gymnastic exercise training was made up of 12 different exercises. In both cases, exercises were mainly chosen to affect leg and trunk muscles. The results of the strength tests showed statistically significant changes in ankle and trunk extensors for both groups. Significant improvement in leg extensors torque was calculated for fitness machine group, meanwhile in other group significant improvement was noticed for trunk flexors. All functional reaches were significantly improved in fitness machine group, while improvements in other group were calculated for leg functional reach forward and backward. Both group statistically improved balance while standing on hard and soft ground with eyes open and while tandem standing, meanwhile the fitness machine group also improved stance on soft ground with eyes closed. We came to a conclusion, that both strength training regimens have positive influence on balance, because muscle strength is very important for postural control and balance

    Einfluss der Genkopiezahlvariation der beta-Defensine drei und vier auf die Inzidenz der Sepsis

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine unterschiedliche Anzahl an Genkopien der humanen beta-Defensine drei und vier einen Einfluss auf die Inzidenz der Sepsis haben. Es zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied der Genkopiezahlen zwischen septischen und gesunden Individuen, so dass für die Entstehung einer Sepsis die Anzahl an Genkopien der Defensine keinen Einfluss zu besitzen scheint. Ferner ergab die Genkopiequantifizierung eine intraindividuelle Variabilität der beta-Defensine drei und vier

    Nanoparticles in the treatment of chronic lung diseases

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    Nanoparticles, although considered a topic of modern medicine, actually have an interesting history. Currently, advances in nanomedicine hold great promise as drug carrier systems for sustained release and targeted delivery of diverse therapeutic agents. Nanoparticles can be defined as complex drug carrier systems which incorporate and protect a certain drug or particle. Nanoparticles can be administered via different routes, such as intravenous injection, oral administration, or pulmonary inhalation. Even though the use of nano-carriers via pulmonary inhalation is heavily debated, this system represents an attractive alternative to the intravenous or oral routes, due to the unique anatomical and physiological features of the lungs and the minimal interactions between the targeted site and other organs. Some of the widely used nano-carriers for the treatment of chronic pulmonary diseases, via pulmonary route, are as follows: polymeric nanoparticles, liposomal nano-carriers, solid lipid nanoparticles, and submicron emulsions. Nano-carrier systems provide the advantage of sustained-drug release in the lung tissue resulting in reduced dosing frequency and improved patient compliance. Further studies focusing on understanding the mechanisms of action of nanoparticles and improving their chemical structure are required in order to better understand the potential long-term risk of excipient toxicity and nanoscale carriers

    Duodenal carcinoid tumour – a case report

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    Duodenal carcinoids are rare tumours of the small intestine with heterogenous clinical and pathological characteristics. The long-term prognosis is very good if discovered in the early stages. We present the case of a patient with a non-functional duodenal carcinoid tumour discovered incidentally during an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The diagnosis was confirmed through immunohistochemistry. Treatment consisted of the endoscopic resection of the tumour and the surveillance of the patient for the following 2 years, with no signs of recurrence. We have conducted a literature review regarding the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients with this type of tumours