9 research outputs found


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    Indonesia has so many ethnic groups whose languages are different from each other. There are some big ethnic groups; Javanese, Sundanese, and etc. Here, in this case, the writer only focuses on one of Indonesia’s ethnics and languages that is Javanese. Javanese language is divided into old, middle, new and modern Javanese language. The modern Javanese language is now used by most of Javanese. There are three main dialects in the modern Javanese language; Central, Eastern, and Western Javanese. They have their own accent and dialect that differs one Javanese language from one another. Each employs its own vocabulary and grammatical rules. There are three Javanese language styles; Ngoko, Madya, and Krama. Those three different styles that Javanese uses show that in Javanese there are levels of politeness. The politeness itself is being one of a sacral thing that must be kept by every Javanese. Nowadays, Javanese language becomes endangered language, in which at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to speaking another language. Most of Javanese speak in Indonesian as their national language. If they keep speaking Indonesian in their daily communication, Javanese language will be an extinct language. The government should have policy to protect Javanese language from being extinct by including Javanese language in school curriculum, providing government law to force the Javanese to keep speaking Javanese language

    An Analysis of Language Style Used in “The Princess Switch” Movie and Its Implications in Teaching Speaking

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    This research aims to describe the types of language styles based on the level of formality theory by Joos in Sutherland (2016), identify the most frequent language used, and explain its implications in teaching speaking. The method used in this research was a descriptive qualitative method. The data was movie dialogues entitled "The Princess Switch". Data collection techniques used in this research were observation and documentation. The results of this research show 90 data from movie dialogues used in the movie. The writer concludes that there are five types of language styles used in this research, namely frozen style (1 datum), formal style (43 data), consultative (9 data), casual style (26 data), and intimate (11 data). The most frequently used language in the movie is the formal style type. In addition, this research can be used as alternative teaching materials and references for teachers and the government


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    The aim of this community service is to change the parents’ mindset in giving the parenting way toward their children especially in education in order that the children can get further education for their future life. I conducted this community service in two ways; by giving counseling to 35 families in the village meeting hall of Kasimpar, Petung Kriyono sub-district, Pekalongan City. I also gave accompaniment system for five families for further process. The result of this activity shows that I managed to change the families’ especially parents’ mindset about the way to educate their children so that they can be motivated to continue their higher education. I also found the parents’ new mindset in educating and supervising their children democratically to keep studying. It can be concluded that all of the samples in this case are parents are able to change their mindsets in how important education is for their children. Key words: families, parenting, children educatio


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    Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dibatasi dengan menetapkan masalah sebagai berikut: “Sejauhmana efektifitas penggunaan gambar acak sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Berbicara Mahasiswa Semester II Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pekalongan Tahun Akademik 2009/2010”. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengaplikasikan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri atas beberapa siklus, sehingga diperoleh perubahan yang signifikan pada kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa. Pengukuran kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa dilakukan melalui pelaksanaan tes berbicara dengan mengukur fluency, quality of communication, pronunciation, dan effort to communicate. Masing- masing siklus memiliki 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Mahasiswa semester II program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pekalongan Tahun akademik 2009/2010.Kata Kunci: Berbicara Bahasa Inggris, Pembelajar Berbicara, Media Pengajaran, Gambar Acak, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

    Improving Literacy Skills of Students with Different Learning Styles Using E-6tslearning

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    This research was aimed at describing what learning styles dominate the students' reading and writing abilities and how E-6tslearning improve the the fourth semester students’ reading and writing skills of the English Language Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Pekalongan University. The writer used classroom action research (CAR) with 28 students as samples. The writer used planning, acting, observing and reflecting cycles. The writer used questionnaires to determine students’ learning styles and their satisfaction with the use of E-6tslearning and tests to measure their reading and writing skills. The results of the questionnaire analysis showed that there were three learning styles; those were visual, auditory and kinesthetic. From the results of the comparison of pre-test and post-test, students with kinesthetic learning styles experienced the best improvement of all, the visual group was the second one and the auditory group got the lowest achievement. The results of the pre-test and post-test comparison show an improvement in students' skills and motivation. This proves that the use of e-6tslearning can improve students' reading and writing skills. The results of the questionnaire analysis of student satisfaction on the use of e-6tslearning shows that learning by using e-6tslearning, students can improve their reading and writing skills and digital literacy. They can learn with fun with and without lecturer’s assistance


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    Several studies have established empirically that second language speakers might fail to communicate effectively even when they master an excellent grammar of the target language. The inability of the non-native English speakers might happen because they do not have the so called ‘Communicative Competence’, that is the competence which enables someone to use language effectively in real acts of communication. The theoretical frameworks of this competence have already been provided by some linguists. One of them is presented by Celce-Murcia. Celce-Muria et al. (1995) proposed that communicative competence includes five areas of knowledge and skill; linguistic competence, strategic competence, sociocultura


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    Permanasari, Pradnya. 2011. An Analysis of Recount Writing of the Fifth Term Students of English Department Teachers’ Training and Education Faculty Pekalongan University.Salah satu peranan dosen bahasa Inggris saat ini adalah membuat mahasiswa bisa menulis berbagai tipe text sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku. Siswa diharapkan bisa menulis berbagai text yang masing-masing berbeda fungsi sosialnya, generic structurenya dan kaidah kebahasaanya. Maka dari itu dosen harus bisa mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk menulis dengan fungsi sosial text yang tepat, kaidah kebahasaan yang benar dan penggunaan struktur yang sesuai. Salah satu tipe text tersebut adalah Recount Text.Penelitian ini memiliki empat tujuan utama. Pertama, untuk menjelaskan susunan Recount Text yang benar; apakan mahasiswa sudah menulis Recount sesuai dengan susunan yang tepat?. Kedua, untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan struktur yang digunakan mahasiswa agar tercapai fungsi komunikasi dalam text. Ketiga, untuk menemukan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam menulis Recount Text. Keempat, untuk menemukan alasan mengapa mahasiswa mempunyai masalah tersebut.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Kualitatif. Generic Struktur digunakan untuk menganalisa Macro Level.Sedangkan untuk menganalisa Micro Levelnya, penulis menganalisa tenses, transitivity, dan circumstances.Objek study yang digunakan adalah 36 naskah recount mahasiswa yang diambil 13 dan diteliti secara mendalam. Data dari penelitian ini kemudian dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan analisa genre.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Teks Recount yang ditulis mahasiswa mempunyai generic structure, yang dinamakan; thesis, arguments, dan recomendation. Micro level yang dianalisa pada penelitian ini adalah tenses, transitivity, dan circumstances.  Tense yang digunakan mahasiswa adalah simple Past Tense. Transitivity yang penulis temukan adalah penggunaan material, mental, behavioral, verbal, relational, dan existensial. Circumstance yang digunakan adalah time, place, quality, manner, dan reason. Penulis juga menemukan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam menulis recount seperti; 1). Masalah kesalahan tata bahasa; 2). Masalah penggunaan circumstances; dan 3) masalah penggunaan partisipan.  Hasil dari penelitian inia adalah sebagian besar masalah yang dihadapi siswa adalah penggunaan tense yang salah; mahasiswa sering menggunakan simple present tense.banyak juga kesalahan pada penggunaan finite yang disebabkan oleh ketidak perhatianya mahasiswa dalam penggunaan to be. Masalah tersebut terjadi karena dosen tidak menjelaskan circumstances dengan baik. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dalam pengajaran menulis recount, dosen harus menguasai macro dan micro level. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, jenis teks yang lain  yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa PBI UNIKALharus dianalisa lebih jauh. Analysa tersebut meliputi macro dan micro level.Key words: genre, recount writing, generic structure, linguistic feature

    Pre-service Teachers' Challenges in Teaching During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Microteaching is an important subject taught in all teachers’ training and education faculty in Indonesian higher institutions. It is offered at the end of the course to equip the students majoring in teaching with teaching experiences. Microteaching is usually done in a face-to-face setting, where one student takes the role of a teacher while the others pretend to be students. With the outbreak of covid-19, however, microteaching practices had to be made online. This sudden shift subsequently posed various challenges to pre-service teachers since they were not fully prepared to teach online. This article reports the findings of a qualitative study on pre-service teachers’ challenges in teaching during and after covid-19 pandemic in Pekalongan University Indonesia. Taking the data from online microteaching class, the study reveals various challenges faced by pre-service teachers such as the difficulties in managing time, in managing the class, in interacting with the students, and in using the technological tools. Keywords: teaching practices, challenges, covid-19 pandemi