222 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Karyawan Menggunakan Simple Additive Weighting Studi Kasus PT. Trafoindo Prima Perkasa

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    - Sebuah Perusahaan tidak akan berkembang tanpa ada dukungan dari karyawan sebagai salah satu aset Perusahaan, sehingga Perusahaan dituntut untuk merekrut calon karyawan yang berpotensi dan berbakat guna mendukung keberhasilan Perusahaan. Tenaga kerja terampil yang dapat membawa Perusahaan berkembang dan bersaing dengan perkembangan zaman, dan aspek perekrutan mulai mendapatkan pandangan khusus, karena proses perekrutan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan dapat menghalang laju berkembangnya Perusaan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk proses pemilihan karyawan tersebut. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Dalam hal ini para calon karyawan dibandingkan satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga memberikan output nilai intensitas prioritas yang menghasilkan suatu sistem yang memberikan penilaian terhadap setiap karyawan. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini membantu melakukan penilaian setiap karyawan, melakukan Perubahan kriteria, dan Perubahaan nilai bobot. Hal ini berguna untuk memudahkan pengambilan keputusan yang terkait dengan masalah pemilihan karyawan, sehingga akan di dapatkan karyawan yang paling layak diterima di Perusahaan

    Kematangan Gonad Ikan Sumpit (Toxotes Jaculatrix Pallas 1767) Pada Salinitas Berbeda [Gonad Maturity of Archerfish (Toxotes Jaculatrix Pallas 1767) in Different Salinity]

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    Ikan sumpit (Toxotes jaculatrix Pallas 1767) memiliki toleransi tinggi terhadap Perubahan salinitas (eurihalin). Namun kemampuan adaptasi ikan sumpit pada berbagai salinitas belum didukung oleh informasi perkembangan gonadnya. Pe-nelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi perkembangan kematangan gonad ikan sumpit yang dipelihara pada salinitas berbeda. Wadah yang digunakan adalah bak beton berukuran 300 x 200 x 100 m3 sebanyak tiga bak, masing-masing di isi air dengan salinitas berbeda yaitu 0, 12-15, dan 30-35 ppt. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah calon induk ikan sum-pit ukuran 15,06±2,05 cm (bobot badan 50-70 g). Selama enam bulan pemeliharaan, ikan diberi pakan jangkrik dua kali sehari secara ad libitum. Tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) ikan betina diamati melalui pengukuran diameter telur yang didapat dari hasil kanulasi dan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan jantan diamati melalui kuantitas dan kualitas (motilitas) spermatozoa yang diperoleh melalui pengurutan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa gonad ikan sumpit berkem-bang pada semua salinitas media. Sebanyak 25-30% ikan betina mengalami perkembangan gonad hingga TKG 3 pada semua salinitas, sedangkan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan jantan tertinggi didapatkan pada ikan yang dipelihara pada salinitas 30-35 ppt selanjutnya 0 ppt dan 12-15 ppt masing-masing sebanyak 20%, 6% dan 7%

    Mineral Utilization in Rams Fed Ration Supplemented with Different Levels of Chromium, Calcium, and Cation-Anion Balances

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    Chromium (Cr) is an essential mineral for ruminants. Its metabolism and interactions with other minerals has not been widely known. This experiment was designed to evaluate the utilization of minerals and growth of Garut ram fed ration supplemented with Cr and different Dietary Cation Anion Balance (DCAB) and Ca level. Dietary treatments, namely: R0 (Ration with DCAB+14); R1 (Ration with DCAB+14 + Cr 3ppm,); R2 (Ration with DCAB 0 + Ca); R3 (Ration with DCAB 0 + Cr 3 ppm + Ca), were allocated in twenty four of 1.5-2 years old Garut rams in a randomized block design. The results showed that Cr supplementation in rations containing different levels of Ca did not affect feed intake, body weight gain, and dry matter digestibility, but reduced the absorption of Cr and Ca of the low Ca diet. Supplementation of Cr had no effect on Cr, Ca, Zn, and Mg status in blood and semen of the rams. Level of Cr intake had negative correlation with Ca absorption and positive correlation with blood Cr levels. There is a positive relationship between level of Ca intake with Ca and Mg absorption and blood Ca and Zn levels. Intake of Cr and Ca was not related to the semen Cr and Ca levels

    Efektivitas Sanksi Administratif Keterlambatan Pengembalian Bahan Pustaka Terhadap Kedisiplinan Pemustaka Di Kantor Perpustakaan Dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efekftivitas sanksi administratif keterlambatan pengembalian bahan pustaka terdahap kedisiplinan pemustaka Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskripatif. Adapun sampel yang digunakan 13 responden. Jenis dan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara. Uji instrumen menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teori efektivitas sebagai dimensi indikator (pencapaian tujuan, integritas, adaptasi dan kedisiplinan) untuk memperoleh data dari responden. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan diambil kesimpulan dengan distribusi frekuensi bahwa efektivitas sanksi administratif keterlambatan pengembalian bahan pustaka terhadap kedisiplinan pemustaka di Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Banyumas dalam kategori sedang yang menunjukan skor rata – rata nilai efektivitas sebesar 38,5 berada dalam interval 37,1 – 39,9

    Analisis Penerimaan Retribusi Pasar di Kota Semarang

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    Markets retribution is one of the potential user charge in the Semarang city. The increased income of market retribution from year to year has the potential to be developed. However, during the year 2008-2010 market retribution revenue were never able to meet the target.This study aims to analyze market retribution revenue in the Semarang city in the year 2002-2010. The independent variables used in this study is the total population, GDP percapita and the rate of inflation. This study used a secondary data per quarter from 2002-2010. Methods of data collection documentation methods, were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis.The results showed that the variables of population and GDP percapita has a significant influence on the market retribution. Both of these variables have a positive relationship to market retribution. The population greatly affect the market retribution, the more people who visit the market will increase market acceptance of retribution GDP percapita have the positive relationship and significant to market acceptance of retribution. When GDP percapita is high then the ability of people to shop will be higher because of the need to shop can be met. The inflation rate has a negative and insignificant relationship with the market acceptance of retribution. F test results indicate that the variable overall population, GDP percapita and inflation rate together to show its affect on market acceptance of retribution. R2 value of 0,950, which menas a 95% market retribution receipts variation can be explained from the third variation of the independent variable while the rest is explained by other causes outside the model

    Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi, Stress, dan Rekan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Auditor di Kantor Badan Pengawas Keuangan dan Pembangunan Riau dan Sumatera Utara

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    This research purpose to analyzing the effect of motivation, stress and partner on the auditors performance at the Supervisor Agency of Finance and Development of Riau and North Sumatera Office of Riau and North Sumatera. The sampling method used purposive sampling as many as 47 functional auditors is in Riau office and 63 functional aditors in North Sumatera office. The data used is primary data collection method of data is using questionnaires. Data analysis method used in this study is multiple regression. Based on analysis result in this reseach, indicate that the independent variable motivation (X1), stress (X2) and partners (X3) is able to explain the effect on the dependent variable in the office of auditor performance Financial and Development Supervisory Agency of Riau and North Sumatera.Keywods: analysis, motivation, stress, partner, and auditor performance

    Diallyl-n-Sulfide of Garlic Inhibits Glycogenolysis in Heat-Stressed Laying Sentul Chicken

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    Heat stress causes a decrease in metabolic function and immunity, which results in a decrease in production. The provision of natural extracts such as the active compound dyally n-suldifa (Dn-S) is one strategy to overcome the adverse effects of heat stress. One hundred and twenty-five female laying native chickens, with an average body weight of 1213.83±15.52 g, 40 weeks old, were used in this experiment, to study the impact of Dn-S administration from garlic on the metabolite profile of the glycogenolysis pathway. laying. Laying hens were distributed into five treatment groups, each with 25 samples. Dn-S isolation from garlic isolated by distillation technique. The study was carried out with five types of experimental treatments, as follows the group with a comfort zone temperature (24°C) and without the administration of Diallyl n-Sulfide (Dn-S), heat stress (38°C) and without Dn-S, heat stress (38°C) and 100 µL Dn-S, heat stress (38°C) and 125 µL Dn-S, heat stress (38°C) and 150 µL Dn-S/head. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that heat stress causes an increase in the rate of glycogenolysis and intermediate metabolites and their catalyzing enzymes. It appears that the administration of 150 µL Dn-S, effectively reduces the rate of glycogenolysis. It was concluded that heat stress on laying hens could be avoid by administering garlic Dn-S

    Roles of Dietary Cobalt and Administration of Mixed Rumen Bacteria in Regulating Hematological Parameters of Pre-weaning Twin Lambs

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    Cobalt (Co) is required by rumen microorganism for vitamin B12 synthesis. Vitamin B12 is an important cofactor for methionine synthesis and gluconeogenesis. In young ruminants up to 6–8 wk old, the rumen has not been completely developed and rumen microorganisms are not ready to supply vitamin B12. The aim of this research was to determine the potency of mixed rumen bacteria and dietary supplementation of Co and its effect on plasma glucose, blood minerals (Co, Fe, and Zn) concentrations, and hematology of pre-weaning twin lambs. Twelve one month-old local twin lambs were assigned to 4 groups in a randomized complete block design. Lambs were fed cow milk at 10% body weight, adjusted weekly for 80 d. Mixed rumen bacteria were offered at 15 mL/d (8.295x1010 cfu). Dietary treatments were: 1) basal diet (Control), 2) basal diet + 1 mg/kg DM cyanocobalamin (VitB12) and 3) basal diet + 1 mg/kg DM of Co + administration of 15 mL mixed rumen bacteria (CoBac). There were no treatment effects on neither plasma glucose and blood mineral concentrations nor hematological profiles. This study demonstrated that pre-weaning twin lambs are not responsive to supplementation of Co and administration of mixed rumen bacteria
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