11 research outputs found

    The Impact of Virtual Reality Simulation on Cognitive Achievement of Nursing Students

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    Introduction: Simulation of nursing care in patients with acute respiratory infections (ARI) requires a method that is high fidelity. This study aims to determine the impact of Virtual Reality Simulation (VRS), as a learning method, on the improvement of cognitive abilities of undergraduate nursing students in conducting nursing care of the ARI case. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test on the control and intervention group. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, with a total of 27 respondents divided into nine respondents in each group, including the control group (group A)  intervention group (Group B and C). There were three different methods in the implementation of VRS as learning activities. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA test. Results: The results showed a significant impact on the application of VRS as a learning method with p <0.05 (0.025). Conclusion: This significant impact was obtained in the implementation of VRS as a stand-alone learning method

    The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Experience (SPE) Model in Teaching Critical Thinking Capability of Bachelor Nursing Students Compared to Case Study

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    Critical thinking is a main ability for nurses. However, the learning methods that are usually used by nursing education institutions cannot facilitate the development of critical thinking of nursing students optimally. This research investigated the effectiveness of Standardized Patient Experience (SPE) model in practicing the critical thinking capability of nursing students compared to case study. This quasi-experiment study used 77 nursing students as the samples that were divided into control and experiment group. Although there are no significant different between the total critical thinking scores of the students who participated in SPE compared to case study (p= 0.146), but there are differences in analysis and problem solving aspect (p==0.019 and 0.00). the satisfaction and confidence level of the students toward the SPE are also significantly increased compared to case study (p=0.01 dan p=0.00). To conclude, both the SPE and case study method are effective in developing the critical thinking of the nursing students

    Persepsi mahasiswa tentang efektivitas pembimbing klinik

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    Pendahuluan: Pencapaian keterampilan klinik keperawatan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pembimbing klinik.  Peran pembimbing klinik yang tidak efektif dapat menyebabkan rendahnya capaian kompetensi mahasiswa keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi persepsi mahasiswa tentang efektivitas pembimbing klinik.Metode:Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan populasi, yaitu mahasiswa Program Profesi Ners Angkatan XXXVIII Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran. Teknik sampling menggunakan total Sampling dengan sampel yaitu 124 orang. Instrumen menggunakanThe Nursing Clinical Teacher Effectiveness Inventory(NCTEI) (Cronbach Alpha=0,79-0,89). Hasil:Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap efektivitas pembimbing klinik di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung (RSHS) diniali lebih baik (mean=261,28) dibandingkan dengan RSUD Dr. Slamet Garut (RSUD Garut) (mean=233,85). Subvariabel tertinggi pada pembimbing klinik di RSHS yaitu kemampuan mengajar (mean=5,75), sedangkan di RSUD Garut yaitu hubungan interpersonal (mean=5,12). Simpulan:Efektivitas pembimbing klinik di RSHS dipersepsikan lebih baik dibandingkan RSUD Garut. Institusi pendidikan perlu melakukan evaluasi dan pengembangan kapasitas dari pembimbing klinik secara berkala

    Student Engagement in Online Learning Among Undergraduate Nursing Students

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    Aims: Student engagement (SE) is a significant factor for success in online learning. The low of SE will impact students' academic achievement. Purpose: This study aimed to describe SE in online learning at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran.  Methods: This study was quantitative descriptive research. The population was undergraduate nursing students (N=862). The sample criteria were that respondents were active students of the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran for the 2020/2021 period from the Jatinangor and Pangandaran campuses. The sampling technique was total sampling with a response rate of 64,3% (n=554). Data were collected using the Online Community and Student Engagement Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in frequency distribution tables.  Results: The results showed that more than half of students (52.7%) had a low category of SE, and nearly half (47.3%) have shown a high category of SE in online learning. Students had low levels of Community Building with the Instructor, Community Building with Classmates, and Engagement with Learning (57.4%; 58.3%; and 51.8%, respectively). The SE level that the respondent currently has has the potential to be increased along with the ongoing process during the lecture period. Conclusion: More than half of students had a low category of SE in online learning this could have a negative impact on student achievement and educational completion rates. Therefore, intense interactions through discussions between students and lecturers, constructive feedback, and motivational support are highly recommended to be provided by the faculty and peers for improving the SE


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    The profiles of higher education graduates are generally attached to the name of professions as a description of the competencies that are expected to be achieved after carrying out the study process at higher education. In the digital era where disruption has hit various fields, various types of new professions have also evolved accordingly and had different types and characters from previous decades. However, the graduate profile stated in the curriculum documents has not followed the current professions’ development. With the evolution of the economic era since the 1960s to the 2000s, from the agricultural, industrial, creative, to collaborative economies, creates a need to establish a graduate profile that is in line with future needs. It is impossible for higher education actors to offer back outdated graduate profiles that are not relevant to the times in the future. In this research, various changes in the world were analyzed and the competences and roles of new graduates were laid out. This profile was aimed to prepare graduates to implement their knowledge when entering the new era that needs different characteristics of graduates compared with the previous era. The research approach wastransformative research involving various experts in a participatory manner to define the character of the profession and what roles are needed in the future. The research was conducted in the Faculty of Agricultural Industry Technology, Padjadjaran University and several faculties which emphasized the implementation of the Outcome Based Curriculum. This research produces 6 types of future role characters that can be used as a reference for future roles of Agro-industrial Higher Education graduates.Keywords: disruptions, generation’s characteristics, agroindustrial courses, graduate’s profiles