108 research outputs found

    Urban regeneration, strategic planning and conflict management in tourist destinations. The case of Calpe

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    La dimensión territorial y medioambiental es un hecho determinante en la configuración y competitividad de los destinos turísticos. La regeneración urbana es una herramienta fundamental para reestructurar destinos maduros, sin embargo, la envergadura y carácter estratégico de dichos proyectos provoca inevitablemente fricciones en el desempeño cotidiano de los agentes y usuarios afectados por las acciones que conllevan. En este contexto, la planificación estratégica y la gestión del conflicto devienen fundamentales para el éxito de los proyectos. Este artículo expone la experiencia de regeneración urbana de Calpe, a través de un ambicioso proyecto desarrollado entre 2008 y 2012 cofinanciado entre el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Ayuntamiento de Calpe, desde el punto de vista de la Dirección del proyecto, sacando a relucir los logros obtenidos así como las principales dificultades para su consecución

    Sostenibilidad inteligente: una nueva perspectiva en el debate del turismo sostenible

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    This work tries to contribute to closing the existing gap in the relationship between sustainability and smartness, patent both in the field of research and in the management of cities and tourist destinations. The points in common between the concepts of sustainability and smartness applied to the management of tourist destinations are analyzed, as well as the critical factors that hinder its practical application, as a starting point to move towards a synergistic model for sustainable tourism destinations, called Smart Sustainability. This proposal is based on a true governance of the destination and is aimed at taking advantage of the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies (ICTs) for a more efficient and sustainable management.Este trabajo trata de contribuir a cerrar la brecha existente en la relación entre sostenibilidad e inteligencia, patente tanto en el ámbito de la investigación como en el de la gestión de ciudades y destinos turísticos. Se analizan los puntos en común entre los conceptos de sostenibilidad e inteligencia aplicados a la gestión de los destinos turísticos, así como los factores críticos que dificultan su aplicación práctica, como punto de partida para avanzar hacia un modelo sinérgico para los destinos turísticos sostenibles e inteligentes, denominado "Smart Sustainability". Esta propuesta está basada en una verdadera gobernanza del destino y está orientada a aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (ICTs) para una gestión más eficiente y sostenible

    Wiki and blog as teaching tools in tourism higher education

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    The application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to higher education is an essential element in the improvement of open and flexible teaching–learning. This is particularly important for students of tourism, a sector in which the relationship with technological processes and their everyday use is increasing. This article describes the experience of students of an “Introduction to Economics” in a tourism degree that was involved in this initiative. It is based on the information provided by a quantitative and qualitative survey to obtain the start profile of students, gender differences and mainly the attitude of students towards the use of the wiki and blog as educational tools. As a result, it is highlighted that the implementation of these technological teaching tools increases the interest and engagement of students with the subject

    La situación de la actividad turística en España: ante nuevos récords y retos

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    El sector turístico español ha jugado un papel clave como motor de crecimiento económico y catalizador de la recuperación de la economía nacional, resultando estratégico en una economía de servicios como la española. En este sentido, el papel del sector público se ha traducido en programas de apoyo a las empresas turísticas, a los destinos y a los emprendedores. Por tanto, es necesario seguir avanzando en la introducción de mecanismos de respaldo al turismo para mantener y reforzar la posición de liderazgo internacional. La mayoría de los indicadores estadísticos sobre turismo: llegadas internacionales de turistas y gasto asociado, comportamiento del turismo nacional y pernoctaciones hoteleras confirman que durante el año 2016 se mantiene la fortaleza del sector turístico español, consolidándose como un sector en alza en la economía española, con repercusiones positivas sobre el empleo. El turismo, continuará según las previsiones batiendo record en los flujos turísticos recibidos y en el gasto. Sin embargo, el sector se enfrenta aún a algunos retos, entre los que cabe resaltar: la gestión y regulación del turismo colaborativo o P2P, la sostenibilidad del modelo turístico, la diferenciación de la oferta turística española respecto a competidores directos, adaptando dicha oferta a las nuevas necesidades de los turistas; es decir, apostar por propuestas de valor añadido soportadas en la innovación y el conocimiento, claves para mantener el liderazgo competitivo ya alcanzado por el sector turístico español

    Economic crises and tourism competitiveness: A Markov swtiching regression approach

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    Authors discuss the effects that economic crises generate on the global market shares of tourism destinations, through a series of potential transmission mechanisms based on the main economic competitiveness determinants identified in the previous literature using a non-linear approach. Specifically a Markov Switching Regression approach is used to estimate the effect of two basic transmission mechanisms: reductions of internal and external tourism demands and falling investment

    Innovative Tourism Clusters: Myth or Reality? Empirical Evidence from Benidorm

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    Paper submitted to TCVT3 Bozen/Bolzano, 10-12 April 2014, International workshop on Tourists as Consumers, Visitors, TravellersThis paper analyses the applicability of the cluster concept to tourist destinations, taking Benidorm as the reference for study: a destination on the Mediterranean coast of Spain which has attained a high degree of competitive success with the sun and sand product in which it has specialized. The main result obtained is that Benidorm's success is not derived from or favoured by the existence of a cluster in the destination, since important elements are present that prevent affirmation of its existence. This paper is the preliminary result of a research project that has been carried out within the framework of the project "Methodology, criteria and impementation of the cluster theory in consolidated tourism areas: innovation, competitiveness and territorial synergies" under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011 supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.This research has been carried out within the framework of the project “Methodology, criteria and implementation of the cluster theory in consolidated tourism areas: innovation, competitiveness and territorial synergies” under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011 supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation

    La cuota de mercado como indicador de competitividad en los destinos turísticos: sentido y limitaciones

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    The market share is the most widely used indicator in the analysis of competitiveness in trade of goods and services. However, their use in tourism is subject to a widespread controversy, especially in those cases where goes together to the territorial analysis. This is because the goals of maximization of this variable by policy-makers, can lead to growth policies that jeopardize the economic and environmental sustainability of a resource-limited destinations. This paper discusses the use, validity and limitations of the market share as an indicator of competitiveness in tourism.La cuota de mercado es el indicador más difundido en el análisis de la competitividad empresarial para todo tipo de bienes y servicios. Sin embargo, su uso en turismo está sometido a una amplia controversia, especialmente cuando el objeto de estudio es la competitividad de los destinos turísticos. Ello es debido a que objetivos de maximización de esta variable en la planificación, pueden conllevar la implementación de políticas de crecimiento comprometedoras de la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental de los citados destinos. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones, en el presente trabajo se discute el uso, validez y limitaciones de la cuota de mercado como indicador de la competitividad de los destinos turísticos

    Second homes vs. residential tourism: A research gap

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    Residential tourism and second homes are two closely related phenomena that constitute a growing research field, but the different names given to the concepts by researchers have led to a fragmented and disconnected literature. These two categories are essentially the same - or share many elements – but the research seems to be disjointed, which, in our opinion, has created a gap in the existing literature on this subject. Specifically, the research on "residential tourism" has expanded to integrate not only second home ownership issues, but the rental of holiday homes to tourists. This commercial use of second homes has been only occasionally referred to by second home authors. Mainstream literature, mainly focused on North American-Canadian and Scandinavian destinations, uses the term "second homes". Conversely, researchers in Mediterranean countries – e.g. Spain or France – prefer the term "residential tourism". Both phenomena are also related with a third concept, to take into account in this context, the visiting friends and relatives tourism (VFR). This note advocates an unified approach to studying this kind of tourism that will extend knowledge in the field and optimise future research efforts

    Reassessment of the economic impact of popular festivals of tourist projection through metadata from mobile telephony: Calp, an example of application

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    Los estudios de impacto económico se han venido basando tradicionalmente en metodologías clásicas como el análisis input‑output o diferentes tipologías de multiplicadores. La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías y la posibilidad de captación y explotación de grandes volúmenes de datos (big data) brinda nuevas posibilidades para el análisis de estos eventos. Este artículo presenta una aplicación pionera de estas metodologías, reestimando el impacto económico generado por dos fiestas populares de un destino turístico consolidado, Calp (Alicante), a través de metadatos provenientes de la telefonía móvil. Los resultados revelan que mediante estas técnicas innovadoras se afinan los impactos evitando los riesgos de sobreestimación asociados a las técnicas clásicas de análisis económico.Economic impact studies have traditionally been based on classical methodologies such as input‑output analysis or multipliers. The emergence of new technologies and the possibility of capturing and exploitation of big data offers new possibilities for the analysis of these events. This article presents a pioneering application of these methodologies to two popular festivals of a consolidated tourist destination, Calp (Alicante), using metadata obtained from mobile phone devices. The results reveal that through these innovative techniques the impacts are refined avoiding the risks of overestimation associated with the classical techniques

    Has COVID-19 changed the factors explaining the occupancy of Airbnb accommodation? Madrid as a case study

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    In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dynamics of short-term rental demand, particularly on Airbnb, have seen pivotal shifts. Using Madrid as a case study, this research used strategic sampling to investigate changes in occupancy, housing attributes, and online reputation. Leveraging a sup-likelihood ratio test and a hedonic-type pooled panel-data Logit regression, we identified a marked structural break. Findings revealed a diminished demand-side bargaining power, resulting in increased rental prices and reduced information transparency. These results offered critical insights for tourism industry stakeholders, especially destination managers and Airbnb hosts.The development and publication of this article has been financed within the framework of the project “Digital Transition and Innovation in The Labor Market and Mature Sectors. Taking Advantage of Artificial Intelligence and Platform Economy (DILATO)”, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government as part of the “Projects oriented to the Green and Digital Transition”