47 research outputs found

    Slovenian exonyms in North America

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    The number of Slovenian exonyms around the world decreases with distance from Slovenia. This applies less so to North America, where their density is twice as high as in South and Central America.Based on a comparative analysis of geographical names from all important world atlases in Slovenian, we prepared two spreadsheets of Slovenian exonyms. The extensive spreadsheet has 5,038 names and the concise spreadsheet has 3,819 names. Each exonym has thirty-five thematic fields.In North America, marine hydronyms (21.1%) are the most numerous semantic type of exonyms, and completely translated names (77.9%) are the most numerous Slovenianized type of exonyms. Among the original languages of exonyms, English completely prevails (97.1%).The most commonly used Slovenian exonyms from North America in Slovenian texts are Dolina smrti ‘Death Valley’, Veliki kanjon ‘Grand Canyon’, Niagarski slapovi ‘Niagara Falls’, Skalno gorovje ‘Rocky Mountains’, and Aleuti ‘Aleutian Islands’

    Slovenian geographical names

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    This work discusses Slovenian geographical names: endonyms in Slovenia and in border areas inhabited by Slovenians in neighboring countries, and Slovenian exonyms used in Slovenian to describe geographical features outside the Slovenian settlement area. First, it gives a historical overview of dealing with geographical names in Slovenia and especially emphasizes their scholarly and cartographic significance. Then it presents macrotoponyms and microtoponyms, especially geographical names in Slovenian normative guides, names of countries, and foreign exonyms for Slovenian endonyms. All of this is connected with the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) and the Slovenian Government Commission for the Standardization of Geographical Names. The former body handles geographical names globally and the latter nationally

    Europe's landscape hotspots

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    The main purpose of this analysis is to identify places in Europe that can be described as very diverse according to various natural landscape types or landscape regions. In order to obtain these “hotspots,” several geographical divisions of Europe were examined. The analysis was performed for most of Europe at 5 km resolution. First, maps of landscape variety were produced based on each division of Europe taken into account. This step was carried out for each cell by counting the number of different unique natural landscape types or regions that are present in a radius of 50 km around the cell. Several maps of landscape diversity were produced using this method. Each of them was then weighted; the cell values were divided by the number of all unique types or regions in a division. In the final stage, all of the maps were synthesized (averaged) into one map showing landscape diversity for Europe. With this data it was possible to determine Europe’s landscape hotspots and to define the most naturally heterogeneous countries. Among all of the European countries, Slovenia has the highest average landscape diversity; the highest absolute landscape diversity is located in the Norwegian part of southern Scandinavia

    Surface Roughness and Land Use in Slovenia

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    The article describes characteristics of several relief indicators (surface height, surface slope, surface aspect, height coefficient of surface roughness, slope coefficient of surface roughness, and aspect coefficient of surface roughness) relative to various types of land use in Slovenia and establishes the con-nection between surface roughness and land use and between relief indicators and individual types of land use

    Slovenska imena držav

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    This volume (‘Slovenian Country Names’) offers a detailed analysis of naming all independent countries and non-self-govering territories. Alongside the Slovenian short and full names of individual political territorial units, the genitive, locative, and adjectival forms of the short names, native short and full forms transliterated into the Roman alphabet (if applicable) or English and French official short and full names of individual territorial political communities, it also contains coded labels, an etymological explanation of the names, notes if needed, any alternative names, archaic names, or nicknames, and demonyms.The volume is organized into three sections. The first is a theoretical and methodological discussion of exonyms, and it also presents the reasons for selected name forms for independent countries and dependent territories. Certain names whose usage is not uniform are presented in greater detail. The second part, in tabular format, is a detailed presentation of the names of 198 independent countries and fifty-one major non-self-govering territories with a high degree of autonomy for which corresponding political decisions could lead to their independence at any time. The third section is cartographic and presents territorial political units on colored maps with borders. The volume will contribute to more correct and more uniform use of country names, and it will be a useful aid for both individuals and institutions dealing with this issue.Monografija razčlenjuje poimenovanje vseh neodvisnih držav in glavnih odvisnih ozemelj. Poleg slovenskih kratkih in polnih imen, rodilnika in mestnika kratkih imen ter njihove pridevniške oblike, po potrebi latiniziranih originalnih ali izvirnih uradnih kratkih in polnih imen ter angleških in francoskih uradnih kratkih in polnih imen posameznih ozemeljskih političnih skupnosti vsebuje še njihove kodne oznake, etimološko razlago izvora imena, morebitne opombe, morebitno alternativno in staro ime ter vzdevek, pa tudi imena njihovih prebivalcev.Sestavljajo jo trije deli. V prvem so teoretsko-metodološka razmišljanja o eksonimih, podrobno pa so predstavljene tudi utemeljitve izbranih imenskih oblik neodvisnih držav in odvisnih ozemelj. Posebej temeljito so predstavljena nekatera imena, katerih raba je neenotna. V drugem, tabelaričnem delu so podrobno predstavljeni imenski vidiki 198 neodvisnih držav in 51 najpomembnejših odvisnih ozemelj z visoko stopnjo avtonomije, ki si lahko z ustreznimi političnimi odločitvami zagotovijo neodvisnost. V tretjem, kartografskem delu so obravnavane ozemeljske politične enote prikazane na barvnih zemljevidih z vrisanimi razmejitvami

    Contribution of Ivan Gams to Slovenia's Regional Geography and Regionalization

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    The Slovenian geographer Ivan Gams made his greatest research contribution in the second half of the twentieth century, when regional geography was primarily characterized by a decline in its theory and exceptional development of its methodology. In recent years, the role of thematic cartography and related geographic information systems has been strengthening, and the humanist(ic) component of regional geography has been emphasized. In Slovenia, regional geography gained new impetus with the country’s independence in 1991. Gams enriched Slovenian regional geography especially through various regionalization schemes for Slovenia and secondary-school textbooks, as the leader of a long-standing regional geography research project, and as an advisor to junior researchers in regional geography

    Analiza površja Slovenije s stometrskim digitalnim modelom reliefa

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    In the introductory chapter, the author explains the term “digital elevation model”~outlines the features of the 100-meter digital elevation model of Slovenia~presents relief as a component part of the landscape, the geographic information system, and maps~derives a special coefficient for surface undulation based on changes in altitude and inclination~describes the method for determining relationships between relief and other components of the landscape~and outlines the basic characteristics of the surface of Slovenia.The central chapters are devoted to presenting the characteristics of altitude, inclination, and surface exposition determined by the author using the 100-meter digital elevation model. On the basis of an analysis of numerous relief elements, primarily altitude, inclination, and relief coefficients, the author defines the relief units of Slovenia and calculates the relationship between relief and several other landscape elements, in particular rocks, vegetation, population, and settlement patterns.Avtor v knjigi najprej predstavlja izrazoslovje s poudarkom na izrazih relief in digitalni model reliefa, opisuje relief kot sestavino pokrajine, geografskega informacijskega sistema in zemljevidov ter podaja splošne značilnosti površja v Sloveniji, nato pa predstavlja tiste značilnosti nadmorskih višin, naklonov, ekspozicij in reliefnih enot Slovenije, ki jih je ugotovil z obdelavo stometrskega digitalnega modela reliefa. Avtor se ukvarja tudi s povezanostjo reliefa in nekaterih drugih sestavin pokrajine. Ugotovitve iz osrednjih poglavij prikazuje tudi po posameznih pokrajinskih enotah. Knjiga je bogato opremljena s kartografskim in drugim slikovnim gradivom ter preglednicami. Namenjena je študentom, dijakom, učencem in njihovim učiteljem ter vsem drugim, ki jih zanimajo reliefne značilnosti naše nenavadno raznolike Slovenije

    Morfometrija površja Slovenije

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    This book describes some basic morphometric characteristics of Slovenia’s surface relative to its landscape types using a geographic information system and digital elevation model. The book compares the more recent 25-meter digital elevation model and the older 100-meter digital elevation model. Statistical analysis of the two digital elevation models of Slovenia indicates that the smallest differences exist relative to surface heights, that there are larger differences relative to surface aspects, and that the largest differences exist relative to surface slopes.Knjiga opisuje morfometrične značilnosti površja Slovenije, ki jih je mogoče določiti z obdelavo digitalnega modela višin v geografskem informacijskem sistemu. Prikazuje morfometrične razlike med slovenskimi tipi pokrajine ter analizira razlike med stometrskim in petindvajsetmetrskim digitalnim modelom višin. Statistična analiza obeh digitalnih modelov višin Slovenije kaže, da so najmanjše razlike pri višinah, večje pri ekspozicijah in največje pri naklonih površja. Z digitalnim modelom višin lahko določamo oddaljenost, nagnjenost in ukrivljenost površja glede na vodoravno ali navpično ravnino v prostoru ter njihovo prostorsko spreminjanje, ki mu pravimo razgibanost površja. Določamo ga z lokalnimi in regionalnimi koeficienti. Prvi prikazujejo spremenljivost glede na povprečje sosednjih celic, drugi glede na povprečje vseh celic. Najbolj uporabni so regionalni višinski, naklonski in ekspozicijski koeficient razgibanosti površja

    The usefulness of unsupervised classification methods for landscape typification: The case of Slovenia

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    Supervised and unsupervised classification methods can be a useful tool in determining various geographical spatial divisions, especially regionalizations and typifications. Because Slovenia is geographically very diverse, its divisions are a particularly significant and interesting research challenge. The main objective of this article is to determine the effectiveness of unsupervised classification methods, and therefore we compare the well-established landscape typology of Slovenia from 1996 with landscape typologies that were modeled using various unsupervised classification methods. Our results show that landscape typologies modeled using unsupervised classification methods deviate more from the original landscape typology of Slovenia than landscape typologies modeled using random and expert-supervised classification methods