12,893 research outputs found

    An automated atmospheric sampling system operating on 747 airliners

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    An air sampling system that automatically measures the temporal and spatial distribution of selected particulate and gaseous constituents of the atmosphere has been installed on a number of commercial airliners and is collecting data on commercial air routes covering the world. Measurements of constituents related to aircraft engine emissions and other pollutants are made in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (6 to 12 km) in support of the Global Air Sampling Program (GASP). Aircraft operated by different airlines sample air at latitudes from the Arctic to Australia. This system includes specialized instrumentation for measuring carbon monoxide, ozone, water vapor, and particulates, a special air inlet probe for sampling outside air, a computerized automatic control, and a data acquisition system. Air constituents and related flight data are tape recorded in flight for later computer processing on the ground

    RTP control protocol (RTCP) extended report (XR) block for independent reporting of burst/fgp discard metrics

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    This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of burst/gap discard metrics independently of the burst/gap loss metrics for use in a range of RTP applications

    A correlation method to predict the surface pressure distribution on an infinite plate from which a jet is issuing

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    A correlation method to predict pressures induced on an infinite plate by a jet issuing from the plate into a subsonic free stream was developed. The complete method consists of an analytical method which models the blockage and entrainment properties of the jet and a correlation which accounts for the effects of separation. The method was developed for jet velocity ratios up to ten and for radial distances up to five diameters from the jet. Correlation curves and data comparisons are presented for jets issuing normally from a flat plate with velocity ratios one to twelve. Also, a list of references which deal with jets in a crossflow is presented

    Prediction of vortex shedding from circular and noncircular bodies in supersonic flow

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    An engineering prediction method and associated computer code NOZVTX to predict nose vortex shedding from circular and noncircular bodies in supersonic flow at angles of attack and roll are presented. The body is represented by either a supersonic panel method for noncircular cross sections or line sources and doublets for circular cross sections, and the lee side vortex wake is modeled by discrete vortices in crossflow planes. The three-dimensional steady flow problem is reduced to a two-dimensional, unsteady, separated flow problem for solution. Comparison of measured and predicted surface pressure distributions, flow field surveys, and aerodynamic characteristics is presented for bodies with circular and noncircular cross-sectional shapes

    Computer programs to predict induced effects of jets exhausting into a crossflow

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    A user's manual for two computer programs was developed to predict the induced effects of jets exhausting into a crossflow. Program JETPLT predicts pressures induced on an infinite flat plate by a jet exhausting at angles to the plate and Program JETBOD, in conjunction with a panel code, predicts pressures induced on a body of revolution by a jet exhausting normal to the surface. Both codes use a potential model of the jet and adjacent surface with empirical corrections for the viscous or nonpotential effects. This program manual contains a description of the use of both programs, instructions for preparation of input, descriptions of the output, limitations of the codes, and sample cases. In addition, procedures to extend both codes to include additional empirical correlations are described

    Spin-1 effective Hamiltonian with three degenerate orbitals: An application to the case of V_2O_3

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    Motivated by recent neutron and x-ray observations in V_2O_3, we derive the effective Hamiltonian in the strong coupling limit of an Hubbard model with three degenerate t_{2g} states containing two electrons coupled to spin S = 1, and use it to re-examine the low-temperature ground-state properties of this compound. An axial trigonal distortion of the cubic states is also taken into account. Since there are no assumptions about the symmetry properties of the hopping integrals involved, the resulting spin-orbital Hamiltonian can be generally applied to any crystallographic configuration of the transition metal ion giving rise to degenerate t_{2g} orbitals. Specializing to the case of V_2O_3 we consider the antiferromagnetic insulating phase. We find two variational regimes, depending on the relative size of the correlation energy of the vertical pairs and the in-plane interaction energy. The former favors the formation of stable molecules throughout the crystal, while the latter tends to break this correlated state. We determine in both cases the minimizing orbital solutions for various spin configurations, and draw the corresponding phase diagrams. We find that none of the symmetry-breaking stable phases with the real spin structure presents an orbital ordering compatible with the magnetic space group indicated by very recent observations of non-reciprocal x-ray gyrotropy in V_2O_3. We do however find a compatible solution with very small excitation energy in two distinct regions of the phase space, which might turn into the true ground state of V_2O_3 due to the favorable coupling with the lattice. We illustrate merits and drawbacks of the various solutions and discuss them in relation to the present experimental evidence.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figure

    The design of a research water table

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    A complete design for a research water table is presented. Following a brief discussion of the analogy between water and compressible-gas flows (hydraulic analogy), the components of the water table and their function are described. The major design considerations are discussed, and the final design is presented

    Flow visualization experiments in a porous nozzle

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    An experimental approach is described for the study of nozzle flows with large wall-transpiration rates. Emphasizing a qualitative understanding of the flow, the technique uses the hydraulic analogy, whereby a compressible gas flow is simulated by a water flow having a free surface. For simplicity, the simulated gas flow is taken to be two-dimensional. A nozzle with porous walls in the throat region has been developed for use on a water table. A technique for visualizing the transpired fluid has also been devised. These are discussed, and preliminary results are presented which illustrate the success of the experimental approach

    A device-dependent interface for interactive image display

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    The structure of the device independent Display Management Subsystem (DMS) and the interface routines that are available to the applications programmer for use in developing a set of portable image display utility programs are described

    A study of prediction methods for the high angle-of-attack aerodynamics of straight wings and fighter aircraft

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    Work is described dealing with two areas which are dominated by the nonlinear effects of vortex flows. The first area concerns the stall/spin characteristics of a general aviation wing with a modified leading edge. The second area concerns the high-angle-of-attack characteristics of high performance military aircraft. For each area, the governing phenomena are described as identified with the aid of existing experimental data. Existing analytical methods are reviewed, and the most promising method for each area used to perform some preliminary calculations. Based on these results, the strengths and weaknesses of the methods are defined, and research programs recommended to improve the methods as a result of better understanding of the flow mechanisms involved