316 research outputs found

    A place to live. The fight of migrants to gain access to the urban spaces of the city of Cordoba (Argentina)

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    Basado en un trabajo etnográfico realizado en la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina), este artículo busca contribuir al creciente número de trabajos que se preguntan por el agenciamiento político de los migrantes. Específicamente, se propone analizar los modos en que las prácticas políticas de un grupo de mujeres peruanas que habitan en la periferia urbana de dicha ciudad, se relacionan y articulan con los procesos migratorios en los cuales se enmarca su arribo a Córdoba. Para ello, se sumerge en un conjunto de experiencias que buscan poner en primer plano los avatares de las luchas que llevan adelante. Muestra entonces la potencialidad de politizar analíticamente la migración, más allá de los momentos específicos en los cuales los migrantes reivindican derechos socialmente considerados como de migrantes.Based on an ethnographic field work made in Córdoba city (Argentina), this article seeks to contribute with the growing number of research that is wondering about migrant’s political agency. The main aim of the article is to analyze the ways in which the political practices of a group of Peruvian women living in the periphery of the city are related to the migratory processes that place them in Córdoba. To that purpose, the paper explores different struggles that are in the foreground of their experiences in the city. Hence, it shows the potentiality of analytically politicizing the migration phenomena, even beyond the specific moments in which migrants claim for rights socially conceived as migrant´s rights.Fil: Perissinotti, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Relations among Shakespeare's characters: an analysis in terms of centrality measures and new tecniques from graph theory

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    This work analyzes some aspects of two problems in graph theory: centrality measures that allow us to detect the most important group of nodes in a network and the clustering of a graph in coherent sub-communities. We propose two new centrality measures that are the results of a new point of view and we suggest a new algorithm to detect communities. We apply all the results to analyze drama, in particular five Shakespeare's plays

    Impróprio para viver? Uma aproximação etnográfica às disputas de significado sobre o território de um asentamiento da cidade de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Basado en un trabajo etnográfico realizado en un asentamiento de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) este artículo propone analizar las disputas que mantienen distintos actores interesados en el proceso de definición y clasificación de un territorio. A partir de que el asentamiento en cuestión fue declarado por el Estado como inhabitable, se desata un conflicto que permite problematizar la clasificación de un territorio como contaminado. Partiendo del supuesto de que la definición de un territorio no remite únicamente a dimensiones materiales objetivas, sino que condensa las representaciones que los sujetos se hacen de él, buscamos mostrar cómo la lucha por clasificar el territorio puede ser comprendida como una disputa política. Con este objetivo, indagamos en las posiciones que asumen los sujetos involucrados, mostrando cómo esta disputa conlleva consecuencias significativas para estas personas.Baseado num trabalho etnográfico realizado num asentamiento da cidade de Córdoba (Argentina), este artigo propõe analisar as disputas mantidas por distintos atores interessados no processo de definição e classificação de um território. O asentamiento em questão foi declarado pelo Estado como inabitável, o que gerou um conflito que permite problematizar a classificação de um território como contaminado. Partindo do pressuposto de que a definição de um território não remete unicamente para dimensões materiais objetivas, mas condensa as representações que os sujeitos fazem dele, procuramos mostrar como a luta por classificar o território pode ser compreendida como uma disputa política. Com este objetivo, questionámos as posições que assumem os sujeitos envolvidos, mostrando como esta disputa acarreta consequências significativas para essas pessoas.Fil: Perissinotti, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; ArgentinaFil: Zenklusen, Denise. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Role of Intrathecal Rituximab and Trastuzumab in the Management of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To review evidence for the use of intrathecal rituximab and trastuzumab in the management of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. DATA SOURCES: A search of MEDLINE (1966-July 2010) and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970-July 2010) was performed using search terms intrathecal, trastuzumab, rituximab, and monoclonal antibody. Additionally, American Society of Clinical Oncology, San Antonio Breast Conference, American Association for Cancer Research, and American Society of Hematology meeting abstracts were searched. STUDY SELECTION AND DATA EXTRACTION: Publications were reviewed for inclusion. Those reporting use of rituximab and trastuzumab intrathecally are reviewed and include 1 Phase 1 trial, 2 small prospective studies, 1 case series, and 15 case reports. DATA SYNTHESIS: The treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis is challenging due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier. Numerous systemically administered therapies do not readily penetrate into the site of leptomeningeal disease and have been ineffective. Intrathecal administration of 2 monoclonal antibodies (trastuzumab and rituximab) has been investigated in case reports and case series. Additionally, intrathecal rituximab has been investigated in a Phase 1 study. Survival after intrathecal trastuzumab ranged from 39 days to greater than 72 months and the drug was well tolerated, with no adverse events attributed to it. Doses used in these reports ranged from 5 to 100 mg. Survival after intrathecal rituximab ranged from 1.1 weeks to greater than 3.5 years. In the Phase 1 trial, the maximum tolerated rituximab dose was 25 mg and 60% of patients responded. Four of the 6 responding patients experienced a complete response. Intrathecal rituximab exhibited minor toxicities that resolved quickly without long-term effects. CONCLUSIONS: Reports suggest that both trastuzumab and rituximab may be utilized intrathecally. Patients with refractory leptomeningeal carcinomatosis may benefit from a trial of intrathecal trastuzumab or rituximab; however, their use remains investigational, as more data and experience are necessary before intrathecal administration can be considered standard

    β‐Carotene and Free Radical Reactions with Nitrogen Oxides

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    The following presentation is based on experimental work we have already developed and published. We investigated the nitrogen oxides in different solvents and analyzed their reaction with β‐carotene. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and ultraviolet and visible (UV‐vis) spectroscopy were applied to investigate the reaction of β‐carotene with nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide in both pure dioxane and dioxane/water solvent. Free radicals were detected and evaluated with the EPR technique, which is highly selective and sensitive. A reaction mechanism was proposed on the basis of the experimental kinetic and EPR results. The validity of the mechanism was checked by applying simulation set up conditions that reproduced the results achieved. The radical intermediates proposed in the reaction: the β‐carotene neutral radicals and the cyclic nitroxide neutral radicals were theoretically studied. For that purpose, the density functional theory (DFT) level was applied, selecting the most suitable method, the unrestricted Becke‐style 3‐parameter with the Lee‐Yang‐Parr correlation functional (UB3LYP) and the 6‐31G(d) basis sets (d orbital functions). We developed an appropriate discussion on the importance of carotenoids compounds and their reactions in biological media. Also, we evaluated the role and the possible reactions of nitroxide intermediates

    Mujeres bolivianas y peruanas en la migración hacia Argentina: especificidades de las trayectorias laborales en el servicio doméstico remunerado en Córdoba

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    This article analyzes, from a comparative perspective, the distinctive features of the labour trajectories in paid domestic work of Bolivian and Peruvian women in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. A comparative perspective allows thinking about the ways in which national origin, together with gender and social class, becomes a central aspect of the labour trajectories and strategies of migrant women in Argentina. The methodology chosen to carry out this paper is qualitative, based on interviews with Bolivian and Peruvian women living in Cordoba city at the moment of this research.El propósito de este artículo es analizar, a partir de incorporar una mirada comparativa, las especificidades en los modos de inserción laboral en el servicio doméstico remunerado de las mujeres bolivianas y peruanas en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. El hecho de retomar una mirada comparativa brinda herramientas para reflexionar sobre la manera en que el origen nacional, conjuntamente con el género y la clase social, se convierte en un factor condicionante de las trayectorias y estrategias laborales de las mujeres migrantes en Argentina. El desarrollo de este trabajo se sustenta en una metodología cualitativa, basada en entrevistas en profundidad con mujeres bolivianas y peruanas que residían en la ciudad de Córdoba al momento de esta investigación

    Of humiliation and respectability. Labor trajectories and political experiences of migrant women in the city of Córdoba, Argentina

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    En este artículo propongo explorar, simultánea y relacionalmente, dos ámbitos de la experiencia vital de algunas mujeres migrantes de la Argentina contemporánea: el trabajo y la política. A lo largo de casi diez años de investigación, he descubierto que la política y la organización colectiva tienen un valor ontológico fundamental para muchas mujeres peruanas que viven en las periferias de las ciudades argentinas. Para comprender acabadamente la dimensión de ese valor es preciso poner en relación el mundo de la política con el mundo del trabajo. En este artículo exploro entonces las relaciones de asimetría y las vivencias de humillación que mis interlocutoras sufren en sus ámbitos laborales y repongo los hilos invisibles que unen esas experiencias con el lugar de dignificación que encuentran en sus trayectorias políticas. El texto muestra que, desde la perspectiva de las mujeres peruanas protagonistas de esta investigación, los dos ámbitos se referencian y nutren mutuamente porque los lugares de respetabilidad que construyen en el mundo de la política les permiten subvertir los lugares subjetivos de humillación que viven en el trabajo. La metodología empleada está basada en un trabajo etnográfico realizado en tres barrios populares de la ciudad de Córdoba, que combina observación participante con entrevistas en profundidad.Neste artigo eu exploro, simultânea e relacionalmente, duas áreas da experiência de vida das mulheres migrantes na Argentina contemporânea: trabalho e política. Ao longo de quase dez anos de pesquisa, eu descobri que a política e a organização coletiva têm um valor fundamental para muitas mulheres peruanas que vivem na periferia das cidades argentinas. Para entender plenamente a dimensão desse valor, argumento, é necessário relacionar o mundo da política com o mundo do trabalho. Assim, neste artigo eu exploro a relação de assimetria e as experiências de humilhação que meus interlocutores sofrerem em seus ambientes de trabalho e tento relacioná-las com o lugar de dignificação que elas encontram em suas trajetórias políticas. A metodologia é baseada em um trabalho etnográfico em três bairros do município de Córdoba, combinando observação participante com entrevistas.The main aim of this article is to explore, simultaneously, the labor trajectories and the political experiences of migrant women in contemporary Argentina. Throughout almost ten years of research, I have discovered that collective organization and political participation have a fundamental ontological value for many Peruvian women who live in the peripheries of Argentinian cities. To fully understand the dimension of that value, I argue here, it is necessary to make the effort of analyzing both their political practices and their labor trajectories at the same time. Thus, in this article I explore the experiences of humiliation that my interlocutors suffer in their work environments and I replace the threads that unite these experiences with the place of dignification that they find in their political trajectories. The methodology used is based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in three popular neighborhoods in the city of Córdoba, which combines participant observation with in-depth interviews.Fil: Perissinotti, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Bolivian and Peruvian women in migration to Argentina: specificities of career paths in paid domestic work in Córdoba

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar, a partir de incorporar una mirada comparativa, las especificidades en los modos de inserción laboral en el servicio doméstico remunerado de las mujeres bolivianas y peruanas en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. El hecho de retomar una mirada comparativa brinda herramientas para reflexionar sobre la manera en que el origen nacional, conjuntamente con el género y la clase social, se convierte en un factor condicionante de las trayectorias y estrategias laborales de las mujeres migrantes en Argentina. El desarrollo de este trabajo se sustenta en una metodología cualitativa, basada en entrevistas en profundidad con mujeres bolivianas y peruanas que residían en la ciudad de Córdoba al momento de esta investigación.This article analyzes, from a comparative perspective, the distinctive features of the labour trajectories in paid domestic work of Bolivian and Peruvian women in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. A comparative perspective allows thinking about the ways in which national origin, together with gender and social class, becomes a central aspect of the labour trajectories and strategies of migrant women in Argentina. The methodology chosen to carry out this paper is qualitative, based on interviews with Bolivian and Peruvian women living in Cordoba city at the moment of this research.Fil: Magliano, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Perissinotti, María Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; ArgentinaFil: Zenklusen, Denise. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentin

    TRPC1/5-CaV3 Complex Mediates Leptin-Induced Excitability in Hypothalamic Neurons

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    Leptin regulates hypothalamic POMC+ (pro-opiomelanocortin) neurons by inducing TRPC (Transient Receptor Potential Cation) channel-mediate membrane depolarization. The role of TRPC channels in POMC neuron excitability is clearly established; however, it remains unknown whether their activity alone is sufficient to trigger excitability. Here we show that the right-shift voltage induced by the leptin-induced TRPC channel-mediated depolarization of the resting membrane potential brings T-type channels into the active window current range, resulting in an increase of the steady state T-type calcium current from 40 to 70% resulting in increased intrinsic excitability of POMC neurons. We assessed the role and timing of T-type channels on excitability and leptin-induced depolarization in vitro in cultured mouse POMC neurons. The involvement of TRPC channels in the leptin-induced excitability of POMC neurons was corroborated by using the TRPC channel inhibitor 2APB, which precluded the effect of leptin. We demonstrate T-type currents are indispensable for both processes, as treatment with NNC-55-0396 prevented the membrane depolarization and rheobase changes induced by leptin. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that TRPC1/5 channels and CaV3.1 and CaV3.2 channels co-exist in complex. The functional relevance of this complex was corroborated using intracellular Ca2+ chelators; intracellular BAPTA (but not EGTA) application was sufficient to preclude POMC neuron excitability. However, leptin-induced depolarization still occurred in the presence of either BAPTA or EGTA suggesting that the calcium entry necessary to self-activate the TRPC1/5 complex is not blocked by the presence of BAPTA in hypothalamic neurons. Our study establishes T-type channels as integral part of the signaling cascade induced by leptin, modulating POMC neuron excitability. Leptin activation of TRPC channels existing in a macromolecular complex with T-type channels recruits the latter by locally induced membrane depolarization, further depolarizing POMC neurons, triggering action potentials and excitability.Fil: Perissinotti, Paula Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Hernández, Elizabeth. Loyola University Of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Piedras Rentería, Erika S.. Loyola University Of Chicago; Estados Unido