203 research outputs found

    Classification of Jaw Bone Cysts and Necrosis via the Processing of Orthopantomograms

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    The authors analyze the design of a method for automatized evaluation of parameters in orthopantomographic images capturing pathological tissues developed in human jaw bones. The main problem affecting the applied medical diagnostic procedures consists in low repeatability of the performed evaluation. This condition is caused by two aspects, namely subjective approach of the involved medical specialists and the related exclusion of image processing instruments from the evaluation scheme. The paper contains a description of the utilized database containing images of cystic jaw bones; this description is further complemented with appropriate schematic repre¬sentation. Moreover, the authors present the results of fast automatized segmentation realized via the live-wire method and compare the obtained data with the results provided by other segmentation techniques. The shape parameters and the basic statistical quantities related to the distribution of intensities in the segmented areas are selected. The evaluation results are provided in the final section of the study; the authors correlate these values with the subjective assessment carried out by radiologists. Interestingly, the paper also comprises a discussion presenting the possibility of using selected parameters or their combinations to execute automatic classification of cysts and osteonecrosis. In this context, a comparison of various classifiers is performed, including the Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Neural Network, k-NN, SVM, and LDA classifica¬tion tools. Within this comparison, the highest degree of accuracy (85% on the average) can be attributed to the Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and Neural Network classifier

    TNG Near-IR Photometry of five Galactic Globular Clusters

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    We present near--infrared J and K observations of giant stars in five metal-poor Galactic Globular Clusters (namely M3, M5, M10, M13 and M92) obtained at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG). This database has been used to determine the main photometric properties of the red giant branch (RGB) from the (K,J-K) and, once combined with the optical data, in the (K,V-K) Color Magnitude Diagrams. A set of photometric indices (the RGB colors at fixed magnitudes) and the major RGB evolutionary features (slope, bump, tip) have been measured. The results have been compared with the relations obtained by Ferraro et al. 2000 and with the theoretical expectations, showing a very good agreement.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Ekstraksi Pektin dari Berbagai Macam Kulit Jeruk

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    Tanaman jeruk merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia dan hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia dapat ditanami jeruk. Buah jeruk dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk buah segar ataupun hasil olahan. Limbah dari buah jeruk yang berupa kulit jeruk selain dapat dibuat manisan, juga dapat diekstrak pektinnya. Jeruk mempunyai kandungan pektin yang cukup tinggi, sekitar 30%. Pektin juga terdapat pada buah–buah lainnya seperti pisang, apel dan papaya. Pektin merupakan bahan aditif yang memiliki aplikasi luas pada industri makanan karena kemampuannya membentuk gel seperti untuk membuat jelly, se lai, desert dan sebagai penghalus tekstur. Selain itu, pektin juga dapat digunakan dalam bidang bakery fillings, yaitu pada penyiapan buah. Dalam bidang produksi susu, digunakan pada pengasaman susu dan minuman berprotein serta yogurt. Pektin dapat juga digunakan dalam bidang produk kesehatan dan farmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pelarut dan zat terlarut yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan yield pektin dengan jumlah yang maksimum. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa yield pektin meningkat seiring dengan kenaik an kecepatan pengadukan dan besarnya perbandingan berat kulit jeruk:volume pelarut. Semua kulit jeruk termasuk kedalam golongan high metoksil pektin. Kadar metoksil dan kekuatan pembentukan gel Jeruk manis> Jeruk Lokam> Jeruk Shantang> Jeruk Nipis. Kadar abu pektin dari berbagai macam kulit jeruk memenuhi standar mutu kering pektin

    The 1/N-expansion, quantum-classical correspondence and nonclassical states generation in dissipative higher-order anharmonic oscillators

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    We develop a method for the determination of thecdynamics of dissipative quantum systems in the limit of large number of quanta N, based on the 1/N-expansion of Heidmann et al. [ Opt. Commun. 54, 189 (1985) ] and the quantum-classical correspondence. Using this method, we find analytically the dynamics of nonclassical states generation in the higher-order anharmonic dissipative oscillators for an arbitrary temperature of a reservoir. We show that the quantum correction to the classical motion increases with time quadratically up to some maximal value, which is dependent on the degree of nonlinearity and a damping constant, and then it decreases. Similarities and differences with the corresponding behavior of the quantum corrections to the classical motion in the Hamiltonian chaotic systems are discussed. We also compare our results obtained for some limiting cases with the results obtained by using other semiclassical tools and discuss the conditions for validity of our approach.Comment: 15 pages, RevTEX (EPSF-style), 3 figs. Replaced with final version (stylistic corrections

    Generation of squeezed light in a nonlinear asymmetric directional coupler

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    We show that a nonlinear asymmetric directional coupler composed of a linear waveguide and a nonlinear waveguide operating by nondegenerate parametric amplification is an effective source of single-mode squeezed light. This is has been demonstrated, under certain conditions and for specific modes, for incident coherent beams in terms of the quasiprobability functions, photon-number distribution and phase distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Citronella essential oil in the control and activation of coffee plants defense response against rust and brown eye spot.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o óleo essencial de citronela no controle da ferrugem e cercosporiose e na ativação de respostas de defesa em cafeeiro

    The surprising external upturn of the Blue Straggler radial distribution in M55

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    By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population of the low density galactic globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809) over its entire radial extent. The BSS projected radial distribution is found to be bimodal, with a central peak, a broad minimum at intermediate radii, and an upturn at large radii. Similar bimodal distributions have been found in other globular clusters (M3, 47 Tucanae, NGC 6752, M5), but the external upturn in M55 is the largest found to date. This might indicate a large fraction of primordial binaries in the outer regions of M55, which seems somehow in contrast with the relatively low (\sim 10%) binary fraction recently measured in the core of this cluster.Comment: in press on Ap

    Wehrl information entropy and phase distributions of Schrodinger cat and cat-like states

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    The Wehrl information entropy and its phase density, the so-called Wehrl phase distribution, are applied to describe Schr\"odinger cat and cat-like (kitten) states. The advantages of the Wehrl phase distribution over the Wehrl entropy in a description of the superposition principle are presented. The entropic measures are compared with a conventional phase distribution from the Husimi Q-function. Compact-form formulae for the entropic measures are found for superpositions of well-separated states. Examples of Schr\"odinger cats (including even, odd and Yurke-Stoler coherent states), as well as the cat-like states generated in Kerr medium are analyzed in detail. It is shown that, in contrast to the Wehrl entropy, the Wehrl phase distribution properly distinguishes between different superpositions of unequally-weighted states in respect to their number and phase-space configuration.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral structure and decompositions of optical states, and their applications

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    We discuss the spectral structure and decomposition of multi-photon states. Ordinarily `multi-photon states' and `Fock states' are regarded as synonymous. However, when the spectral degrees of freedom are included this is not the case, and the class of `multi-photon' states is much broader than the class of `Fock' states. We discuss the criteria for a state to be considered a Fock state. We then address the decomposition of general multi-photon states into bases of orthogonal eigenmodes, building on existing multi-mode theory, and introduce an occupation number representation that provides an elegant description of such states that in many situations simplifies calculations. Finally we apply this technique to several example situations, which are highly relevant for state of the art experiments. These include Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, spectral filtering, finite bandwidth photo-detection, homodyne detection and the conditional preparation of Schr\"odinger Kitten and Fock states. Our techniques allow for very simple descriptions of each of these examples.Comment: 12 page