17 research outputs found

    Can Single Metal Atoms Trapped in Defective h-BN/Cu (111) Improve Electrocatalysis of the H2 Evolution Reaction?

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    Metal-supported hexagonal boron nitride monolayers (h-BN/M) are emerging as new potential electrocatalysts for various energy-related oxidation or reduction process. So far, several preparation methods have been developed to introduce, in a controlled way, defects such as vacancies or substitutional heteroatoms. Herein, we investigate by dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) calculations, defective and metal-doped h-BN/Cu(111) systems as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). By calculating the hydrogen binding energy (ΔG*H) at different coverage conditions, we observe how the interaction between the defective/metal-doped h-BN layer and the Cu(111) substrate plays a key role in tuning the reactivity, leading to a thermoneutral hydrogen adsorption step (i.e., ΔG*H ≈ 0). These results could be generalized to other h-BN/M interfaces and may help their rational design for an improved H2-evolving electrocatalysis

    Tuning graphene doping by carbon monoxide intercalation at the Ni(111) interface

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    Under near-ambient pressure conditions, carbon monoxide molecules intercalate underneath an epitaxial graphene monolayer grown on Ni(111), getting trapped into the confined region at the interface. On the basis of ab-initio density functional theory calculations, we provide here a full characterization of the intercalated CO pattern, highlighting the modifications induced on the graphene electronic structure. For CO coverages as low as 0.14 monolayer (ML), the graphene layer is spatially decoupled from the metallic substrate, with a significant C 1s core level shift towards lower binding energies. The most relevant signature of the CO intercalation is a clear switching of the graphene doping state, which changes from n-type, when strongly interacting with the metal surface, to p-type. The shift of the Dirac cone linearly depends on the CO coverage, reaching about 0.9 eV for the saturation value of 0.57 ML. Theoretical predictions are compared with the results of scanning tunnelling microscopy, low-energy electron diffraction and photoemission spectroscopy experiments, which confirm the proposed scenario for the nearly saturated intercalated CO system. This result opens the way to the application of the Graphene/Ni(111) interface as gas sensor to easily detect and quantify the presence of carbon monoxide

    Water at the Interface Between Defective Graphene and Cu or Pt (111) Surfaces

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    The presence of defects in the graphenic layers deposited on metal surfaces modifies the nature of the interaction. Unsaturated carbon atoms, due to vacancies in the lattice, form strong organometallic bonds with surface metal atoms that highly enhance the binding energy between the two materials. We investigate by means of a wide set of dispersion-corrected density functional theory calculations how such strong chemical bonds affect both the electronic properties of these hybrid interfaces and the chemical reactivity with water, which is commonly present in the working conditions. We compare different metal substrates (Cu vs Pt) that present a different type of interaction with graphene and with defective graphene. This comparative analysis allows us to unravel the controlling factors of water reactivity, the role played by the carbon vacancies and by the confinement or “graphene cover effect”. Water is capable of breaking the C–Cu bond by dissociating at the undercoordinated carbon atom of the vacancy, restoring the weak van der Waals type of interaction between the two materials that allows for an easy detachment of graphene from the metal, but the same is not true in the case of Pt, where C–Pt bonds are much stronger. These conclusions can be used to rationalize water reactivity at other defective graphene/metal interfaces

    Mechanism of CO Intercalation through the Graphene/Ni(111) Interface and Effect of Doping

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    Molecules intercalate at the graphene/metal interface even though defect-free graphene is impermeable to any atomic and molecular species in the gas and liquid phase, except hydrogen. The mechanism of molecular intercalation is still a big open question. In this Letter, by means of a combined experimental (STM, XPS, and LEED) and theoretical (DFT) study, we present a proof of how CO molecules succeed in permeating the graphene layer and get into the confined zone between graphene and the Ni(111) surface. The presence of N-dopants in the graphene layer is found to highly facilitate the permeation process, reducing the CO threshold pressure by more than one order of magnitude, through the stabilization of multiatomic vacancy defects that are the open doors to the bidimensional nanospace, with crucial implications for the catalysis under cover and for the graphene-based electrochemistry

    Functionalizing TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoparticles with Fluorescent Cyanine Dye for Photodynamic Therapy and Bioimaging: A DFT and TDDFT Study

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    In the field of nanomedicine, significant attention is directed toward near-infrared (NIR) light-responsive inorganic nanosystems, primarily for their applications in photodynamic therapy and fluorescence bioimaging. The crucial role of the NIR range lies in enabling optimal tissue penetration, which is essential for both irradiating and detecting nanoparticles deep within the human body. In this study, we employed density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) calculations to explore the structural and electronic properties of cyanine-functionalized TiO2 spherical nanoparticles (NPs) with a realistic diameter of 2.2 nm. We revealed that different adsorption configurations of cyanine (VG20-C1) on the TiO2 NP surface exhibit distinct features in the optical spectra. These cyanine dyes, serving as bifunctional linkers with two carboxylic end groups, can adsorb in either a side-on mode (binding with both end groups) or an end-on mode (binding only one end group). In end-on adsorption structures, low-energy excitations are exclusive to dye-to-dye electronic transitions, while side-on structures exhibit electron charge transfer excitations from the dye to the TiO2 NP at low energy. This thorough analysis provides a rational foundation for designing cyanine-functionalized TiO2 nanosystems with optimal optical characteristics tailored for specific nanomedical applications such as photodynamic therapy or fluorescence bioimaging

    π Magnetism of Carbon Monovacancy in Graphene by Hybrid Density Functional Calculations

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    Understanding magnetism in defective graphene is paramount to improve and broaden its technological applications. A single vacancy in graphene is expected to lead to a magnetic moment with both a σ (1 ÎŒ<sub>B</sub>) and a π (1 ÎŒ<sub>B</sub>) component. Theoretical calculations based on standard LDA or GGA functional on periodic systems report a partial quenching of the π magnetization (0.5 ÎŒ<sub>B</sub>) due to the crossing of two spin split bands at the Fermi level. In contrast, STS experiments (Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117, 166801) have recently proved the existence of two defect spin states that are separated in energy by 20–60 meV. In this work, we show that self-interaction corrected hybrid functional methods (B3LYP-D*) are capable of correctly reproducing this finite energy gap and, consequently, provide a π magnetization of 1 ÎŒ<sub>B</sub>. The crucial role played by the exact exchange is highlighted by comparison with PBE-D2 results and by the magnetic moment dependence with the exact exchange portion in the functional used. The ground state ferromagnetic planar solution is compared to the antiferromagnetic and to the diamagnetic ones, which present an out-of-plane distortion. Periodic models are then compared to graphene nanoflakes of increasing size (up to C<sub>383</sub>H<sub>48</sub>). For large models, the triplet spin configuration (total magnetization 2 ÎŒ<sub>B</sub>) is the most stable, independently of the functional used, which further corroborates the conclusions of this work and puts an end to the long-debated issue of the magnetic properties of an isolated C monovacancy in graphene

    VisulaitĂ  e (anti) razzismo

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    Questo libro riflette sulle immagini che riproducono gerarchie razziali; sulle ambivalenze dei tentativi di (dis)fare la “razza”, mostrandola o viceversa occultandola; infine, sulla dimensione “contro-visuale” delle battaglie culturali e politiche esplicitamente anti-razzist

    Formation of diphenyl-bipyridine units by surface assisted cross coupling in Pd-cyclometalled complexes

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    The Pd cyclometallated complex [(5-bromo-2-phenylpyridine)Pd(Ό-Cl)]2 is deposited on Ag(1 1 0) at room temperature by sublimation in ultra-high vacuum. The thermal evolution of the system is followed by scanning tunnelling microscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, while the initial and final configurations are validated by ab-initio calculations. We observe the surface induced dissociation of the molecule and the occurrence of a cross coupling reaction between the two organic fragments, leading to the surface assisted synthesis of diphenyl-bipyridine molecules. Such a process, occurring with low probability at RT, is thermally activated and competes with desorption. At variance with most cross-coupling reactions at surfaces reported in literature, in this case the reactants come from the dissociation of the same compound so that only one precursor is employed, leading to a simplified preparation protocol. The Br and Cl atoms dissociated from the molecule bind to the surface and promote an extended surface reconstruction upon annealing, which was not observed previously upon deposition of halogenated aromatic compounds

    Well-ordered surface metal atoms complexation by deposition of Pd cyclometallated compounds on Ag (1 1 0)

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    In this paper we performed the deposition and self-assembly of a Pd-cyclometallated compound on Ag(1 1 0) surface for the first time. The system is investigated from the morphological and chemical point of view by scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, respectively, and the results are validated by ab-initio calculations. Our combined experimental and theoretical study aims at elucidating the atomistic details of the chemical steps following Pd cyclometallate deposition on the metallic substrate. To do that, we analyze the electronic and chemical properties of the species present on the surface at the end of the preparation process at room temperature and at 150 degrees C. We observe an unexpected complex chemistry: on one side, the organometallic molecules are found to dissociate into fragments, forming a well-ordered metal-carbon network; on the other side, Pd atoms become buried in the bulk of the metal substrate following metal exchange with surface Ag atoms. The details of this mechanistic study reveal the active role played by the metal substrate in promoting the chemistry of the deposited Pd cyclometallates and could open new perspectives for the application of this class of materials in heterogeneous catalysis