56 research outputs found

    Real-time monitoring of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation on endotracheal tubes in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen responsible for both acute and chronic infections in humans. In particular, its ability to form biofilm, on biotic and abiotic surfaces, makes it particularly resistant to host's immune defenses and current antibiotic therapies as well. Innovative antimicrobial materials, like hydrogel, silver salts or nanoparticles have been used to cover new generation catheters with promising results. Nevertheless, biofilm remains a major health problem. For instance, biofilm produced onto endotracheal tubes (ETT) of ventilated patients plays a relevant role in the onset of ventilation-associated pneumonia. Most of our knowledge on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm derives from in vitro studies carried out on abiotic surfaces, such as polystyrene microplates or plastic materials used for ETT manufacturing. However, these approaches often provide underestimated results since other parameters, in addition to bacterial features (i.e. shape and material composition of ETT) might strongly influence biofilm formation. RESULTS: We used an already established biofilm development assay on medically-relevant foreign devices (CVC catheters) by a stably transformed bioluminescent (BLI)-Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, in order to follow up biofilm formation on ETT by bioluminescence detection. Our results demonstrated that it is possible: i) to monitor BLI-Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development on ETT pieces in real-time, ii) to evaluate the three-dimensional structure of biofilm directly on ETT, iii) to assess metabolic behavior and the production of microbial virulence traits of bacteria embedded on ETT-biofilm. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we were able to standardize a rapid and easy-to-perform in vitro model for real-time monitoring Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation directly onto ETT pieces, taking into account not only microbial factors, but also ETT shape and material. Our study provides a rapid method for future screening and validation of novel antimicrobial drugs as well as for the evaluation of novel biomaterials employed in the production of new classes of ETT

    A Purified Capsular Polysaccharide Markedly Inhibits Inflammatory Response during Endotoxic Shock

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    Capsular material of the opportunistic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is mainly composed of a polysaccharide named glucuronoxylomannan (GXM). In this study, the effects of GXM were analyzed in an in vivo experimental system of LPS-induced shock. Endotoxic shock was induced in mice by a single intraperitoneal injection of LPS from Escherichia coli. GXM treatment reduced the mortality of mice at early stages. Mice treated with LPS alone showed markedly increased plasma levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6, whereas mice treated with GXM too showed significantly lower plasma levels of these cytokines. This effect was related to a marked suppression of Akt and IkBα activation. Importantly, the inhibitory effect of GXM on pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion was reproduced by treatment with Wortmannin, an inhibitor of the Akt transcription pathway. Our results indicate that GXM has a beneficial effect on endotoxic shock, resulting in a significant increase in rate of survival by dampening the hyper-inflammatory response

    Bioimmunological activities of Candida glabrata cellular mannan

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    Candida glabrata is a second most common human opportunistic pathogen which causes superficial but also life-threatening systemic candidiasis. According to the localization of mannans and mannoproteins in the outermost layer of the cell wall, mannan detection could be one of the first steps in the cell recognition of Candida cells by the host innate immune system. Mannans from the cell wall provide important immunomodulatory activities, compromising stimulation of cytokine production, induction of dendritic cells maturation and T-cell immunity. The model of DCs represents a promising tool to study immunomodulatory interventions throughout the vaccine development. Activated DCs induce, activate and polarize T-cell responses by expression of distinct maturation markers and cytokines regulating the adaptive immune responses. In addition, they are uniquely adept at decoding the fungus-associated information and translate it in qualitatively different T helper responses. We find out, that C. glabrata mannan is able to induce proliferation of splenocytes and to increase the production of TNF-α and IL-4. Next, increased the expression of co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 and the proportion of CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD28+ T cells during in vitro stimulation of splenocytes

    Functional Improvement of Regulatory T Cells From Rheumatoid Arthritis Subjects Induced by Capsular Polysaccharide Glucuronoxylomannogalactan

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    Objective: Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a critical role in the prevention of autoimmunity, and the suppressive activity of these cells is impaired in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of the present study was to investigate function and properties of Treg of RA patients in response to purified polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannogalactan (GXMGal). Methods: Flow cytometry and western blot analysis were used to investigate the frequency, function and properties of Treg cells. Results: GXMGal was able to: i) induce strong increase of FOXP3 on CD4+ T cells without affecting the number of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg cells with parallel increase in the percentage of non-conventional CD4+CD25-FOXP3+ Treg cells; ii) increase intracellular levels of TGF-beta1 in CD4+CD25-FOXP3+ Treg cells and of IL-10 in both CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ and CD4+CD25-FOXP3+ Treg cells; iii) enhance the suppressive activity of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ and CD4+CD25-FOXP3+ Treg cells in terms of inhibition of effector T cell activity and increased secretion of IL-10; iv) decrease Th1 response as demonstrated by inhibition of T-bet activation and down-regulation of IFN-gamma and IL-12p70 production; v) decrease Th17 differentiation by down-regulating pSTAT3 activation and IL-17A, IL-23, IL-21, IL-22 and IL-6 production. Conclusion: These data show that GXMGal improves Treg functions and increases the number and function of CD4+CD25-FOXP3+ Treg cells of RA patients. It is suggested that GXMGal may be potentially useful for restoring impaired Treg functions in autoimmune disorders and for developing Treg cell-based strategies for the treatment of these diseases

    A new strategy to prevent biofilm and clot formation in medical devices: the use of atmospheric non-thermal plasma assisted deposition of silver-based nanostructured coatings

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    In industrialized countries, health care associated infections, the fourth leading cause of dis- ease, are a major health issue. At least half of all cases of nosocomial infections are associ- ated with medical devices. Antibacterial coatings arise as an important approach to restrict the nosocomial infection rate without side effects and the development of antibiotic resis- tance. Beside nosocomial infections, clot formation affects cardiovascular medical devices and central venous catheters implants. In order to reduce and prevent such infection, we develop a plasma-assisted process for the deposition of nanostructured functional coatings on flat substrates and mini catheters. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are synthesized exploit- ing in-flight plasma-droplet reactions and are embedded in an organic coating deposited through hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) plasma assisted polymerization. Coating stability upon liquid immersion and ethylene oxide (EtO) sterilization is assessed through chemical and morphological analysis carried out by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the perspective of future clinical appli- cation, an in vitro analysis of anti-biofilm effect has been done. Moreover, we employed a murine model of catheter-associated infection which further highlighted the performance of Ag nanostructured films in counteract biofilm formation. The anti-clot performances coupled by haemo- and cytocompatibility assays have also been performed


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    INTRODUZIONE La maggior parte delle infezioni associate all’assistenza sono dovute alla capacità che molti patogeni hanno di produrre biofilm sui diversi dispositivi medici utilizzati. Ad esempio, i pazienti sottoposti a ventilazione assistita sono particolarmente a rischio di sviluppare infezioni respiratorie legate alla formazione di biofilm da parte di Pseudomonas aeruginosa su tubi endotracheali (TE), che evolvono spesso in polmoniti severe. La maggior parte delle attuali conoscenze relative alla formazione di tali biofilm sui dispositivi medici derivano da studi in vitro su micropiastre in polistirene o su materiali plastici. Tuttavia, i risultati che derivano da questi studi non rispecchiano pienamente ciò che accade a livello clinico, poiché la formazione del biofilm è fortemente influenzata da parametri quali la forma e la composizione dei materiali usati per produrre i TE, oltre che da fattori di virulenza microbici. In questo studio abbiamo messo a punto un sistema innovativo in vitro per monitorare in tempo reale la formazione di biofilm di P. aeruginosa su TE. METODI Tramite l’utilizzo di un ceppo batterico geneticamente modificato bioluminescente, è stato possibile monitorare in tempo reale la formazione di biofilm direttamente sui TE, attraverso la valutazione della bioluminescenza (BL). La validità di tale metodo innovativo è stata comparata a metodiche standard (cristal violetto e microscopia confocale). E’ stata inoltre valutata la percentuale di cellule vive/morte nel del biofilm formato sui TE, la produzione di pioverdina e la presenza di DNA extracellulare (in fluorescenza). RISULTATI Dimostriamo che: 1) P. aeruginosa è in grado di produrre biofilm su TE 2) il segnale di BL, emesso solo da cellule vitali, è proporzionale al numero di batteri rilevabili mediante conta delle unità formanti colonia, 3) la quantificazione del segnale consente di misurare il biofilm prodotto tenendo conto non solo del contributo dei fattori microbici ma anche della forma e del materiale di cui sono fatti i TE, 4) è possibile studiare la produzione di fattori di virulenza e l’attività metabolica dei batteri incorporati nel biofilm sui TE. CONCLUSIONI Il modello descritto è ad oggi il sistema in vitro che mima più da vicino quello che può accadere nei pazienti con infezioni TE-associate. Per tale motivo potrà avere un’immediata applicazione per lo screening e la valutazione dell’attività anti- biofilm di nuovi farmaci come anche di nuovi materiali per la produzione di dispositivi medici

    A New Phenotype in Candida-Epithelial Cell Interaction Distinguishes Colonization- versus Vulvovaginal Candidiasis-Associated Strains

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    Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) affects nearly 3/4 of women during their lifetime, and its symptoms seriously reduce quality of life. Although Candida albicans is a common commensal, it is unknown if VVC results from a switch from a commensal to pathogenic state, if only some strains can cause VVC, and/or if there is displacement of commensal strains with more pathogenic strains. We studied a set of VVC and colonizing C. albicans strains to identify consistent in vitro phenotypes associated with one group or the other. We find that the strains do not differ in overall genetic profile or behavior in culture media (i.e., multilocus sequence type [MLST] profile, rate of growth, and filamentation), but they show strikingly different behaviors during their interactions with vaginal epithelial cells. Epithelial infections with VVC-derived strains yielded stronger fungal proliferation and shedding of fungi and epithelial cells. Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of representative epithelial cell infections with selected pathogenic or commensal isolates identified several differentially activated epithelial signaling pathways, including the integrin, ferroptosis, and type I interferon pathways; the latter has been implicated in damage protection. Strikingly, inhibition of type I interferon signaling selectively increases fungal shedding of strains in the colonizing cohort, suggesting that increased shedding correlates with lower interferon pathway activation. These data suggest that VVC strains may intrinsically have enhanced pathogenic potential via differential elicitation of epithelial responses, including the type I interferon pathway. Therefore, it may eventually be possible to evaluate pathogenic potential in vitro to refine VVC diagnosis. IMPORTANCE Despite a high incidence of VVC, we still have a poor understanding of this female-specific disease whose negative impact on women's quality of life has become a public health issue. It is not yet possible to determine by genotype or laboratory phenotype if a given Candida albicans strain is more or less likely to cause VVC. Here, we show that Candida strains causing VVC induce more fungal shedding from epithelial cells than strains from healthy women. This effect is also accompanied by increased epithelial cell detachment and differential activation of the type I interferon pathway. These distinguishing phenotypes suggest it may be possible to evaluate the VVC pathogenic potential of fungal isolates. This would permit more targeted antifungal treatments to spare commensals and could allow for displacement of pathogenic strains with nonpathogenic colonizers. We expect these new assays to provide a more targeted tool for identifying fungal virulence factors and epithelial responses that control fungal vaginitis

    Role of CD45 Signaling Pathway in Galactoxylomannan-Induced T Cell Damage

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    Previously, we reported that Galactoxylomannan (GalXM) activates the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways through an interaction with the glycoreceptors on T cells. In this study we establish the role of the glycoreceptor CD45 in GalXM-induced T cell apoptosis, using CD45+/+ and CD45−/− cell lines, derived from BW5147 murine T cell lymphoma. Our results show that whereas CD45 expression is not required for GalXM association by the cells, it is essential for apoptosis induction. In CD45+/+ cells, CD45 triggering by GalXM reduces the activation of Lck, ZAP70 and Erk1/2. Conversely, in CD45−/− cells, Lck was hyperphosphorylated and did not show any modulation after GalXM stimulation. On the whole, our findings provide evidence that the negative regulation of Lck activation occurs via CD45 engagement. This appears to be related to the capacity of GalXM to antagonize T cell activation and induce T cell death. Overall this mechanism may be responsible for the immune paralysis that follows GalXM administration and could explain the powerful immunosuppression that accompanies cryptococcosis

    Zinc prevents vaginal candidiasis by inhibiting expression of an inflammatory fungal protein

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Association for the Advancement of Science via the DOI in this recordData and materials availability: All data associated with this study are present in the paper or the Supplementary Materials. Raw data from the figures are given in data file S1.Candida causes an estimated half-billion cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) every year. VVC is most commonly caused by Candida albicans, which, in this setting, triggers nonprotective neutrophil infiltration, aggressive local inflammation, and symptomatic disease. Despite its prevalence, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underpinning the immunopathology of this fungal infection. In this study, we describe the molecular determinant of VVC immunopathology and a potentially straightforward way to prevent disease. In response to zinc limitation, C. albicans releases a trace mineral binding molecule called Pra1 (pH-regulated antigen). Here, we show that the PRA1 gene is strongly up-regulated during vaginal infections and that its expression positively correlated with proinflammatory cytokine concentrations in women. Genetic deletion of PRA1 prevented vaginal inflammation in mice, and application of a zinc solution down-regulated expression of the gene and also blocked immunopathology. We also show that treatment of women suffering from recurrent VVC with a zinc gel prevented reinfections. We have therefore identified a key mediator of symptomatic VVC, giving us an opportunity to develop a range of preventative measures for combatting this disease.Wellcome TrustMedical Research Council (MRC)National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC

    Deletion of Cryptococcus neoformans AIF Ortholog Promotes Chromosome Aneuploidy and Fluconazole-Resistance in a Metacaspase-Independent Manner

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    Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death critical for development and homeostasis in multicellular organisms. Apoptosis-like cell death (ALCD) has been described in several fungi, including the opportunistic human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. In addition, capsular polysaccharides of C. neoformans are known to induce apoptosis in host immune cells, thereby contributing to its virulence. Our goals were to characterize the apoptotic signaling cascade in C. neoformans as well as its unique features compared to the host machinery to exploit the endogenous fungal apoptotic pathways as a novel antifungal strategy in the future. The dissection of apoptotic pathways revealed that apoptosis-inducing factor (Aif1) and metacaspases (Mca1 and Mca2) are independently required for ALCD in C. neoformans. We show that the apoptotic pathways are required for cell fusion and sporulation during mating, indicating that apoptosis may occur during sexual development. Previous studies showed that antifungal drugs induce ALCD in fungi and that C. neoformans adapts to high concentrations of the antifungal fluconazole (FLC) by acquisition of aneuploidy, especially duplication of chromosome 1 (Chr1). Disruption of aif1, but not the metacaspases, stimulates the emergence of aneuploid subpopulations with Chr1 disomy that are resistant to fluconazole (FLCR) in vitro and in vivo. FLCR isolates in the aif1 background are stable in the absence of the drug, while those in the wild-type background readily revert to FLC sensitivity. We propose that apoptosis orchestrated by Aif1 might eliminate aneuploid cells from the population and defects in this pathway contribute to the selection of aneuploid FLCR subpopulations during treatment. Aneuploid clinical isolates with disomies for chromosomes other than Chr1 exhibit reduced AIF1 expression, suggesting that inactivation of Aif1 might be a novel aneuploidy-tolerating mechanism in fungi that facilitates the selection of antifungal drug resistance