53 research outputs found

    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy imaging of live cell protein localizations

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    The current advances in fluorescence microscopy, coupled with the development of new fluorescent probes, make fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) a powerful technique for studying molecular interactions inside living cells with improved spatial (angstrom) and temporal (nanosecond) resolution, distance range, and sensitivity and a broader range of biological applications

    Multiphoton Microscopy

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    Mitochondria-localized AMPK responds to local energetics and contributes to exercise and energetic stress-induced mitophagy

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    Mitochondria form a complex, interconnected reticulum that is maintained through coordination among biogenesis, dynamic fission, and fusion and mitophagy, which are initiated in response to various cues to maintain energetic homeostasis. These cellular events, which make up mitochondrial quality control, act with remarkable spatial precision, but what governs such spatial specificity is poorly understood. Herein, we demonstrate that specific isoforms of the cellular bioenergetic sensor, 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα1/α2/β2/γ1), are localized on the outer mitochondrial membrane, referred to as mitoAMPK, in various tissues in mice and humans. Activation of mitoAMPK varies across the reticulum in response to energetic stress, and inhibition of mitoAMPK activity attenuates exercise-induced mitophagy in skeletal muscle in vivo. Discovery of a mitochondrial pool of AMPK and its local importance for mitochondrial quality control underscores the complexity of sensing cellular energetics in vivo that has implications for targeting mitochondrial energetics for disease treatment

    Localization of protein-protein interactions in live cells using confocal and spectral imaging FRET microscopy

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    48-57Microscopy has become an essential tool for cellular protein investigations. The development of new fluorescent markers such as green fluorescent proteins generated substantial opportunities to monitor protein-protein interactions qualitatively and quantitatively using advanced fluorescence microscope techniques including wide-field, confocal, multiphoton, spectral imaging, lifetime, and correlation spectroscopy. The specific aims of the investigation of protein dynamics in live specimens dictate the selection of the microscope methodology. In this article confocal and spectral imaging methods to monitor the dimerization of alpha enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) in the pituitary GHFT1-5 living cell nucleus have been described. Also outline are issues involved in protein imaging using light microscopy techniques and the advantages of lifetime imaging of protein-protein interactions

    Multiphoton microscopy

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    none2PERIASAMY A.; A. DIASPROPeriasamy, A.; Diaspro, ALBERTO GIOVANN
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