49 research outputs found

    The role of pre-school children motor behavior in developing their self-concept

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    The assessment of motor behavior and general intellectual abilities were performed on a sample of 42 pre-school children (22 boys and 20 girls) aged 6 (Ā±3 months); moreover, the self-concept of those children was analysed. For the assessment of their motor behavior six movement tasks were chosen and the Mary Gutrich scale was applied for the analysis of the results. The children's intellectual abilities were assessed by the means of Raven's colored progressive matrices so as to enable the groups to homogenise, as well as to eliminate potential parasite factors when drawing conclusions. The self-concept analysis was performed using the pshychological interview during the course of which the children described their impression of their own abilities with regard to the past, present and future. The data related to the self-concept were complemented with the analysis of the children's drawings. The statistical analysis of the data gathered showed that motor behavior plays a significant role in developing one's self-concept, which is especially true of boys. Even though there is no significant statistical difference between boys and girls with respect to the quality of their motor behavior, there are significant differences between them pertaining to the vocabulary they use when describing their own selves, i.e. their self-concept, especially with respect to the present and future. Boys seem to use more extensive motor-related vocabulary when describing themselves, especially those with greater motor skills. Both boys and girls show a tendency to describe themselves as incapable in the past. When describing their present moment capabilities, girls tend to use vocabulary related to play and independence, whereas they mostly use vocabulary related to professions and sex roles when referring to the future. These findings indicate that social factors are of immense importance from a very early age, especially among girls. Moreover, the results show that drawings done by children with the weakest motor sills are rather symptomatic

    Successfulness of content marketing in tourism: The importance of instrument testing

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    Along with the improvement of the information technology, new means of communication in tourism were also developed, the success of which is not always easy to measure. The subject of this paper is based on researching the means of measurement of new communication forms, classified in today's marketing under the term of content marketing. A necessity to test the measuring instrument was observed when aiming to obtain more precise data on the successfulness of use of a form of content marketing in tourism. After a review of insights into measurement of successfulness of content marketing gained thus far, the paper demonstrates the process of testing of a measuring instrument (questionnaire) based on an empirical method, whose results should indicate the final form of the measuring instrument. The goal of the paper is to show the significance of this phase of research in the process of measurement of successfulness of marketing content

    The impact of adapted soccer program on psychosocial behavior in adolescents with Down syndrome

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    Introduction. Numerous studies have proven the significant positive impact of regular physical activity on the condition of people with intellectual disability. In practice, various adapted sports activities are increasingly used for children and adolescents with disabilities. Objectives. The current feasibility study determined the effect of soccer program on some psychosocial characteristics in adolescents with Down syndrome. Methods. 20 adolescents were recruited and randomized into two groups (the experimental group vs. the control group). Adolescents placed in the experimental group followed an adapted soccer program twice a week for 16 weeks. Adolescents placed in the control group continued with their usual daily routine during the experimental period. The level of aggression, attention problems, the level of anxiety and depression, and social problems were assessed. Results. The experimental group had significant improvements in all psychosocial variables. At the same time, no significant changes were registered in the control group. Conclusion. The results suggest that the soccer program can decrease the level of aggression, anxiety and depression, increase attention and improve social behavior in adolescents with DS.Uvod: Brojne studije dokazale su značajan pozitivan uticaj redovne fzičke aktivnosti na zdravstveno stanje i psihofzički razvoj osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću. U praksi se sve viÅ”e primenjuju različite adaptirane sportske aktivnosti za decu i adolescente sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj: Ova pilot studija imala je za cilj da utvrdi uticaj programa adaptiranog fudbala na neke psihosocijalne karakteristike kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom. Metod: Praćeno je 20 adolescenata (prosečna starost 15 godina i 8 meseci) koji su nasumično podeljeni u dve grupe (eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu). Sa adolescentima eksperimentalne grupe sproveden je adaptirani program fudbala dva puta nedeljno tokom 16 nedelja. Adolescenti iz kontrolne grupe nastavili su uobičajeni dnevni režim tokom eksperimentalnog perioda. Pre i posle tretmana procenjeni su agresija, poremećaji pažnje, anksioznost i depresivnost te socijalni problemi. Rezultati: Eksperimentalna grupa ostvarila je statistički značajna poboljÅ”anja u svim psihosocijalnim varijablama u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Istovremeno, u kontrolnoj grupi nisu registrovane značajne promene. Zaključak: Rezultati sugeriÅ”u da se primenom adaptiranog fudbala može smanjiti nivo agresije, anksioznosti i depresivnosti, povećati pažnja i poboljÅ”ati socijalno ponaÅ”anje kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom

    MikrobioloŔka analiza efikasnosti hemijsko-mehaničke metode uklanjanja karijesa dentina

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    The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of the chemo-mechani- cal method for caries removal based on microbiological analyses of dentine samples. Sixty freshly extracted teeth with coronaly caries were analysed. In the experimental group (30 teeth) chemo-mechanical caries removal was performed, and in the control group (30 teeth) rotary instruments were used. Before the caries treatment and at the completion of cavity preparation dentine samples were taken by sterile round ISO 012 bur for microbiological analyses. Results of the study showed significant differences between initial and final dentine samples, while differences between the experimental and control group were not significant. The microbiological analyses in the present study imply that the chemo-mechanical method for caries removal is as efficient as the conventional technique.Cilj rada je bio da se mikrobioloÅ”kom analizom uzoraka dentina sa dna preparisanog kaviteta proceni kvalitet i efikasnost hemijsko-mehaničke metode u uklanjanju karijesa. Istraživanje je obavljeno na 60 sveže ekstrahovanih zuba na kojima je dijagnostikovan koronarni karijes. Nakon ekstrakcije, zubi su podeljeni u dve grupe: u eksperimentalnoj grupi (30 zuba) primenjena je hemijsko-mehanička metoda uklanjanja karijesa, dok je u kontrolnoj grupi (30 zuba) karijes uklanjan maÅ”inskim rotirajućim instrumentima. Neposredno pre i nakon terapijske procedure, sterilnim okruglim ISO 012 borerom uzimani su uzorci dentinskog detritusa za mikrobioloÅ”ku analizu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajnu razliku u broju bakterija između početnih i finalnih uzoraka dentina, ali bez značajnih razlika u eksperimentalnoj i kontrolnoj grupi. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na efikasnost hemijsko-mehaničke metode u uklanjanju karijesom oÅ”tećenih zubnih tkiva

    The valorization of recreative program of walking by the side of participants: Middle aged women

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    Different programs of walking which are regularly practiced as content of recreation for a period of at least 60 minutes, thee happens in natural environment (foothpaths near river, woods, on the mountain, etc.) represent recommended physical activity which can have exceptionally positive influence on keeping and upgrading health. This transversal research was conducted within recreative program 'Walking up to Fruska Gora's monasteries', with the apply of Survay method. Goal was to make evaluation of some quality aspects of this program based on the perception of direct participants, with the establishment of metric characteristics of the scale PKPP. On the sample of 31 female sex examinee, aged from 35 to 57 years, questionnaire was applied for a conduct of the elements quality program. By analysis of the Scale Reliability Analysis, we got high Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha (,826). By Oblimin rotation of main components, we got stable monofactorial structure which shows that questionnaire can be applied as unique scale. Results of questionnaire found out that participants highly evaluated most of the quality aspects from chosen program of walking. There's none significant difference between scalar averages got in different subsamples which are formed compared to the years of life and habits for walking as regular recreative activity

    The relevance of muscle strength - extensors of the knee on pain relief in elderly people with knee osteoarthritis

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    Svrha rada je evaluacija vrijednosti jakosti miÅ”ića nakon kraćeg programa vježbanja kod starijih osoba s osteoartritisom koljena koje inače redovito ne vježbaju i utvrditi da li te promjene utječu na smanjenje boli u koljenu. Proveden je longitudinalni eksperiment tijekom dva tjedna, s jednom skupinom od 30 ispitanika, 61 do 80 godina starosti, s kliničkim simptomima osteoartritisa koljena. Program je obuhvaćao jačanje miÅ”ića stabilizatora koljena - individualno u dvorani i skupno u bazenu. Prije i nakon eksperimenta svakom je ispitaniku je izmjerena jakost kvadricepsa te procjenjena bol na VAS. Testirana je značajnost razlike između vrijednosti dobijenih inicijalnim i finalnim mjerenjima (t-test), dok je regresijskom analizom kvantificiran utjecaj porasta jakosti kvadricepsa na stupanj subjektivnog osjećaja boli u koljenu. Podaci su obrađeni SPSS programom za osobna računala, verzija 15.0 za Windowse. Kvantitativni pokazatelji promjena jasno su ukazali na smanjenje boli i povećanje jakosti miÅ”ića. Stupanj boli u prosjeku je pao za viÅ”e od 33ā€‰%, bol je prema VAS na finalnoj procjeni bila za 2,4 manja nego inicijalno. Jakost miÅ”ića za jaču nogu iznosila je (inicijalno/finalno) 93,10/106,33 kg/cm2 (t-test 3,584*, p<0,001), a za slabiju nogu 71,93/83,37 kg/cm2 (t-test 3,118* p<0,004). Regresijskom analizom su dobivene veoma niske vrijednosti koeficijenta determinacije (R2 od 0,014 do 0,081) i regresijskog koeficijenta (B od 0,004 do 0,015) čiju nesignifikantnost su potvrdile i niske vrijednosti realiziranog nivoa značajnosti kako za jaču, tako i slabiju nogu. Vježbe dovode do snaženja miÅ”ića i smanjenja boli kod OA koljena. Hipoteza o utjecaju porasta jakosti m. kvadricepsa na smanjenje stupnja subjektivnog osjećaja boli u koljenu nije potvrđena.The main aim of this study was to evaluate muscle strength after short-term exercise program by elderly people with knee osteoarthritis that usually non exercising and to estimate if this change have influence on decrease of the pain. This study was longitudinal experiment that involved thirty participants aged 61-80 years with clinical signs and radiographic evidence of knee OA stage Kellgren II and III. They completed individual strengthening program knee muscle stabilisator and hydrotherapy in the pool during two weeks. Muscle strength and pain was estimated pre and post experimental time. The results are analysed by SPSS programme, version 15.0 for Windows. Values demonstrated decreasing degrees of the pain and increasing of muscle strength. The pain decreased 33ā€‰% in advance, final pain oposite initial estimated 2.4 degrees smaller by VAS. Muscle strength for stronger leg was (initial/final) 93.10/106.33 kg/cm2 (t-test 3.584*, p<0.001), and for weak leg 71.93/ 83.37 kg/cm2 (t-test 3.118* p<0.004). Regression analysis gave small valuables of determination coefficient (R2 of 0.014-0.081) and regression coefficient (B of 0.004-0.015) for stronger and weaker leg. Exercises produced significant increase in muscle strength and decrease in pain in OA of the knee. Hypothesis that increase of muscle quadriceps strength have influence on decrease of the pain in the knee is not confirmed

    Opetovani lipomatozni tumor hipofarinksa: prikaz slučaja i pregled literature

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    Liposarcoma is one of the most common soft-tissue sarcomas in adults, but head and neck are rarely involved, especially regions of the larynx and hypopharynx. According to Enzinger and Weiss, liposarcoma can be divided into 5 subtypes: well-differentiated, myxoid, round cell, pleomorphic and dedifferentiated. We present an unusual case of well-differentiated liposarcoma of the hypopharynx in a patient with previous three procedures of endoscopic removal of hypopharyngeal tumor classified as benign lipoma. Well-differentiated liposarcoma is a tumor of low-grade malignancy, which frequently recurs locally, but does not metastasize. Wide tumor resection with free margins is mandatory. Immunohistochemistry is a useful diagnostic tool. We also discuss recently published literature on this unusual presentation of well-differentiated liposarcoma.Liposarkom je jedan od najčeŔćih mekotkivnih sarkoma u odrasloj dobi. Usprkos tome, zahvaćenost glave i vrata je rijetka, osobito u regijama larinksa i hipofarinksa. Prema Enzingeru i Weissu, liposarkom se može podijeliti u 5 podtipova: dobro diferenciran, miksoidni (mijeÅ”ani), tumor kružnih stanica, pleomorfni i nediferencirani. Mi predstavljamo neobičan slučaj bolesnika s dobro diferenciranim liposarkomom u hipofarinksu, koji je prije bio tri puta endoskopski operiran, a svaki je put odstranjeni tumor bio dijagnosticiran kao benigni lipom. Dobro diferencirani liposarkom je tumor niskog malignog potencijala, koji često nakon toga opetovano raste, ali ne daje metastaze. Å iroka resekcija tumora sa slobodnim rubovima je metoda prvoga izbora. Imunohistokemijska analiza je od osobitog dijagnostičkog značenja. Također, u radu se raspravlja o podacima iz novije literature glede neobičnih prikaza dobro diferenciranih liposarkoma hipofarinksa