3,680 research outputs found

    On the exhaustive generation of convex permutominoes

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    A permutomino of size n is a polyomino determined by a pair of permutations of size n+1, such that they differ in each position. In this paper, after recalling some enumerative results about permutominoes, we give a first algorithm for the exhaustive generation of a particular class of permutominoes, the convex permutominoes, proving that its cost is proportional to the number of generated objects.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Investigation of Campylobacter spp in broiler chickens from farm to retail

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    Campylobacter spp è l’agente patogeno di origine alimentare più comune nell'Unione Europea (UE), con 236.851 casi umani confermati di campilobatteriosi nel 2014 (EFSA e l'ECDC, 2015). Le più comuni specie associate a campilobatteriosi sono Campylobacter jejuni, seguito da Campylobacter coli (EFSA e l'ECDC, 2015) ma anche Campylobacter lari, Campylobacter fetus e Campylobacter upsaliensis sono in grado di causare infezioni umane (EFSA, 2006). Campylobacter è frequentemente isolato nel tratto intestinale del pollame; pertanto, il consumo e la manipolazione di carne di pollame cruda o poco cotta costituiscono i principali fattori di rischio per l'infezione da Campylobacter (Wingstrand et al., 2006). Sulla base di quanto premesso, lo scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare la contaminazione di Campylobacter spp lungo la filiera del pollo da carne dall’allevamento al prodotto finito. Considerando l'importanza di ridurre la prevalenza e la contaminazione di Campylobacter negli allevamenti e sulle carcasse dei polli da carne, rispettivamente, il presente studio aveva lo scopo di determinare la presenza, la diversità genetica e la resistenza antimicrobica di ceppi di C. jejuni e C.coli isolati da allevamenti commerciali e da carcasse refrigerate di polli da carne. Un totale di ventidue allevamenti di polli da carne situati nel centro Italia sono stati esaminati per la presenza di Campylobacter spp attraverso la raccolta di tamponi cloacali da polli da carne scelti a caso. Contemporaneamente la presenza della contaminazione da Campylobacter è stata valutata, dopo la macellazione, sulle pelli del collo di carcasse refrigerate di polli da carne, provenienti dagli stessi allevamenti precedentemente esaminati. Ceppi di C. jejuni and C. coli isolati da otto allevamenti di polli da carne sono stati geneticamente caratterizzati tramite polimorfismo dei frammenti di restrizione amplificati con singolo enzima (s-AFLP) e sono stati valutati in termini di suscettibilità agli antimicrobici con il metodo della microdiluizione. Inoltre, è stata studiata la presenza e la concentrazione di Campylobacter nei prodotti avicoli raccolti nella fase di confezionamento; un totale di ottanta campioni di carne di pollo crudo (con pelle e senza pelle), pronti ad essere venduti, sono stati esaminati. L'effetto della refrigerazione in due diversi packaging (confezionamento in atmosfera modificata (ATM) e confezionamento con la classica pellicola per alimenti) sulla sopravvivenza di Campylobacter a fine shelf life è stato indagato. Ceppi random di C. jejuni and C. coli isolati da polli da carne al giorno del confezionamento e a fine shelf life sono stati selezionati per la tipizzazione molecolare tramite elettroforesi in campo pulsato (PFGE) e sottoposti a valutazione del profilo di sensibilità agli antibiotici con il metodo della microdiluizione. Infine è stata indagata la presenza dei geni di virulenza Cdt nei ceppi di C. jejuni, isolati da prodotti avicoli a fine shelf life.Campylobacter spp. bacteria are the most common cause of bacterial enteritis in humans in European Union (EU), with 236.851 confirmed human cases of campylobacteriosis in 2014 (EFSA and ECDC, 2015). The most commonly species detected associated with campylobacteriosis are Campylobacter jejuni, followed by Campylobacter coli (EFSA and ECDC, 2015) but also Campylobacter lari, Campylobacter fetus and Campylobacter upsaliensis have been reported to cause human infections (EFSA, 2006). Campylobacters is frequently observed in the intestinal tract of poultry; therefore, the consumption and the handling of raw or undercooked poultry meat constitute the main risk factors for infection (Wingstrand et al., 2006). The aim of study was to evaluate the contamination of Campylobacter spp along the production chain from farm to retail products. Considering the importance to reduce Campylobacter prevalence and the contamination in broiler chickens farms and on broiler carcasses, respectively, the present study was aimed at determining the presence, the genetic diversity and the antimicrobial resistance of C. jejuni and C.coli isolated from commercial broiler farms and from chilled broiler carcasses. A total of twenty-two broiler farms located in central Italy were examined for the presence of Campylobacter spp by collecting cloacal swabs from randomly selected birds. Simultaneously the presence of microorganisms contamination was evaluated after slaughter on neck skins of chilled broiler chicken carcasses, coming from the same farms. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli strains isolated from eight farms were genetically characterized by single Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (s-AFLP) and then tested for their susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs using the microdilution method. Moreover, the presence and the concentration of Campylobacter in poultry products collected at packaging time were investigated; a total of eighty raw broiler chicken meat samples (with skin and skinless) were examined. The effect of refrigeration in two different packaging (modified atmospheric packaging (MAP) and plastic film (PF) packaging) on the survival of Campylobacter at end shelf life was studied. Random C. jejuni and C. coli strains isolated from broiler chicken meat both at day packaging and at end shelf life were selected for molecular typing with Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis and then subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility using the microdilution method. Finally, Cdt genes profiles in C. jejuni strains, isolated from broiler chicken meat at end shelf life, were determined

    Perbedaan Handbook Dan Manual Tinjauan Isi

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    Koleksi rujukan adalah koleksi yang dapat membantu petugas perpustakaan dalam memberikan layanan informasi kepada pengguna. Karena fungsinya inilah diperlukan pengertian yang jelas mengenai masing-masing koleksi rujukan beserta isinya agar pustakawan tidak keliru dalam menentukan strategi penelusuran informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna. Ada dua koleksi rujukan yaitu handbook dan manual yang sering diartikan sama. Kerancuan pengertian ini harus dihindari karena perbedaannya secara jelas dapat terlihat dari isinya. Dengan demikian penegasan adanya perbedaan antara handbook dan manual sangat diperlukan


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    This study aims to determine the utilization of resources in the article of Journal of Psychology UGM period 1993-2014. The method employed is quantitative, with the subject assessment UGM Psychology Bulletin 1993-2014 period. Object of this study are reference or bibliography of the article that was published in the publication that period. Analysis of data using the percentage method and presented in a frequency table with the aid of a computer program MS Excel. Based on the data analysis, the results show that the name of the faculty with the highest cited frequency is Hastjarjo that is equal to 22,30%, the rank below are Prawitasari amounted to 17,98%, followed by Kuntjoro with a frequency of 12,94%. Then Ancok and Helmi respectively by 8,63%, followed by Hadipranata amounted to 7,91%, and Anwar amounted to 7,19%. The lowest frequency of 0,72% accepted by ten other teaching staff. Utilization of the title work of the teaching staff shows that there are 24 works that have been cited twice or more. The highest frequency of title of the work cited by 16,66% with the title “Reliability and validity” by Saifuddin Anwar, followed by a work entitled “The importance of a paradigm shift and approach to learning and the application of social psychology in Indonesia” by Kuntjoro, and the work entitled “Facial expressions to uncover the basic human emotions “by Prawitasari. Frequency of two titles Kuntjoro works and Prawitasari respectively reached 12,5%. The core information that is used as a source of information is more varied subjective and depends on the needs of authors of the article