71 research outputs found

    Dolor lumbar y desempeño laboral en profesionales de salud en épocas de pandemia COVID-19 en un centro de atención primaria, Piura – 2021

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal hallar la relación que existe entre el dolor lumbar y el desempeño laboral en profesionales de salud en épocas de pandemia COVID-19 en un centro de atención primaria, Piura-2021. La metodología empleada fue de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo correlacional no causal, con una población de 35 profesionales de la salud, con muestra de 32 participantes, la técnica empleada fue la encuesta, para la recolección de datos los instrumentos manejados fueron dos cuestionarios, un cuestionario para cada variable que fueron validados por expertas y la confiabilidad fue mediante Alpha de Cronbach. El resultado de la correlación entre las variables dolor lumbar y desempeño laboral con la prueba de Rho de Spearman fue de rho= - 0.94, p<0.05, indicando que es negativa, muy fuerte negativa y significativa, lo que implica que mientras mayor sea el dolor lumbar menor será el desempeño laboral de los profesionales, indicando que se acepta ha hipótesis alterna y se rechaza la hipótesis nula. Concluyendo que no existe relación entre el dolor lumbar y el desempeño laboral, que no existe relación entre el dolor agudo y el desempeño laboral, no existe relación entre el dolor crónico y el desempeño laboral, que no existe relación entre el dolor irradiado y el desempeño laboral, que no existe relación entre el dolor referido y el desempeño laboral

    Conversion of High Biomass/Bagasse from Sorghum and Bermuda Grass into Second-Generation Bioethanol

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon) grass are examples of annual and perennial forage crops produced throughout the globe. These crops should be harvested at the peak of biomass production when the levels of lignin are relatively low. The high biomass sorghum, sweet sorghum bagasse (2 cuts or crops year−1) or Bermuda grass capable of yielding up to 50, 60 and 27 tons of dry forage ha−1 year−1 rich in cellulose and hemicellulose can be efficiently transformed into bioethanol using second-generation technologies consisting of milling, pretreatment (chemical and/or enzymatic) and fermentation with microorganisms capable of transforming C5/C6 sugars to obtain ethanol. An alternative process contemplates the extrusion aimed toward the physical disruption of cell walls minimizing the use of considerable amounts of water and chemicals commonly used during pretreatment. Extruded feedstocks treated with fiber-degrading enzyme cocktails had conversion efficiencies between 60 and 78% of the hemicellulose and cellulose similar to the ones achieved after acid/enzyme hydrolyses. The chief advantages of this continuous process are that hydrolysates are practically free of enzymes and yeast inhibitors. These feedstocks can produce up to 310 L anhydrous bioethanol dry t−1 and have a great potential for widespread use

    Relación entre anemia y rendimiento escolar en alumnos de nivel primaria de la I.E.P. Genios del Millennium – 2020

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    La investigación determinó la relación entre la anemia y rendimiento escolar en los alumnos del 1er al 4to grado de nivel primaria de la I.E.P. Genios del Millennium – La Esperanza, 2020. Tiene como soporte teórico a Pender con el Modelo de Promoción de la Salud. Fue aplicada con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional; con una población de 73 alumnos. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis documental y el instrumento fue una ficha de registro de datos. En los resultados se tiene que el 65.75% son niños sin anemia, mientras que el 20.55% tienen anemia leve y el 13.7% es moderada. No obstante, se evidenció que los alumnos sin anemia tienen mayor rendimiento escolar, encontrando en logro superado y destacado un 47.9 y 16.4% respectivamente. Sin embargo, los alumnos con anemia leve y moderada tienen niveles más bajos de rendimiento escolar, encontrándose en logro en proceso con 15.1 y 11% respectivamente. Se concluye que existe relación significativa entre la anemia y el rendimiento escolar demostrada por la prueba estadística Chi-cuadrada con un valor de significancia de ,000 y un nivel de confianza del 95%

    Mixolab Profile of Wheat Flour and Their Correlation with Textural Properties of Hot-Press Tortilla

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    Refined wheat flours commercially milled from the same red winter wheat under 10 different commercial conditions were tested for quality with a Mixolab and then processed into tortillas using the hot-press forming procedure. Tortilla making qualities of the flour samples were evaluated during dough handling, hot-pressing, baking, and the first five days on the shelf at room temperature. The most dominating Mixolab variables that were correlated with flour tortilla performance and textural shelf stability were C3 related to starch gelatinization (1.93-2.18), C4 related to amylase activity (1.46-1.78) and C5 related to starch retrogradation (2.82-3.41). These mixolab parameters influenced tortilla texture after one day storage whereas parameters C3 and C4 influenced tortillas stored for two and five days. Hot-press tortillas produced from 03 flour, which had the highest C3, C4 and C5 values, had the worst textural shelf-life (Force 12.41 N) and rollability. On the other hand, tortillas produced from 07 flour, that had the lowest C3, C4 and C5 values, exhibited the best textural shelf life (Force 6.73 N). Mixolab parameters C3, C4 and C5 proved to be useful in predicting the quality of wheat flours intended for hot-press tortilla production

    Ligand-Based Virtual Screening and Molecular Docking of Benzimidazoles as Potential Inhibitors of Triosephosphate Isomerase Identified New Trypanocidal Agents

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    Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) is a parasite that affects humans and other mammals. T. cruzi depends on glycolysis as a source of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply, and triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) plays a key role in this metabolic pathway. This enzyme is an attractive target for the design of new trypanocidal drugs. In this study, a ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) from the ZINC15 database using benzimidazole as a scaffold was accomplished. Later, a molecular docking on the interface of T. cruzi TIM (TcTIM) was performed and the compounds were grouped by interaction profiles. Subsequently, a selection of compounds was made based on cost and availability for in vitro evaluation against blood trypomastigotes. Finally, the compounds were analyzed by molecular dynamics simulation, and physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties were determined using SwissADME software. A total of 1604 molecules were obtained as potential TcTIM inhibitors. BP2 and BP5 showed trypanocidal activity with half-maximal lytic concentration (LC50) values of 155.86 and 226.30 µM, respectively. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation analyzes showed a favorable docking score of BP5 compound on TcTIM. Additionally, BP5 showed a low docking score (−5.9 Kcal/mol) on human TIM compared to the control ligand (−7.2 Kcal/mol). Both compounds BP2 and BP5 showed good physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties as new anti-T. cruzi agents. View Full-Tex

    Aspectos psico-espirituales medidos con la FACIT-Sp en pacientes con cáncer estadio IV

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    Objective: To describe different psycho-spiritual elements in a sample of stage IV cancer patients from a public hospital in Lima, Peru, through the application of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp) scale. Methods: Application of FACIT-Sp to a sample of patients (n = 100) diagnosed with stage IV cancer at the Oncology Service of the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. The 33-question instrument, designed to evaluate psycho-spiritual elements, analyzes five areas: social well-being (SWB), emotional well-being (EWB), functional well-being (FWB), meaning and peace (MP) and faith (F). Results: The most prominent aspect was F (average score=13.53 ± 3.05, corresponding to 84.56% of the maximum possible score), and the lowest was FWB (average score=15.79 ± 6.89, corresponding to 56.39% of the maximum possible score). Conclusions: According to FACIT-Sp, the most developed psycho-spiritual aspect among the participating patients was the one related to Faith, whereas the least developed, the one linked to the area of Functional Well-Being.Objetivo: Describir los diferentes elementos psico-espirituales en pacientes con cáncer aplicando la escala Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well Being, FACIT-Sp (Evaluación Funcional de Terapia de Enfermedades Crónicas y Bienestar Espiritual). Métodos: Aplicación de la escala a una muestra de pacientes (n = 100) con diagnóstico de cáncer, estadio IV, del Servicio de Oncología del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. El instrumento de 33 preguntas examina cinco áreas: bienestar social (SWB), bienestar emocional (EWB), bienestar funcional (FWB), sentido y paz (MP) y fe (F). Resultados: En la muestra estudiada, el aspecto más resaltante fue el relacionado con F (puntaje promedio=13,53 ± 3,05, correspondiente al 84,56% del puntaje máximo posible) y el más bajo fue el vinculado a FWB (puntaje promedio=15,79 ± 6,89, correspondiente al 56,39% del puntaje máximo posible). Conclusiones: De acuerdo a FACIT-Sp, el aspecto psico-espiritual más desarrollado en los pacientes de la muestra estudiada fue el relativo a la Fe y el menos desarrollado, el vinculado al área de Bienestar Funcional

    Mercury, cadmium, and lead levels in human placenta: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Placental tissue may furnish information on the exposure of both mother and fetus. Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) are toxicants of interest in pregnancy because they are associated with alterations in child development. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to summarize the available information regarding total Hg, Cd, and Pb levels in human placenta and possible related factors. METHODS: We performed a systematic search of PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Lilacs, OSH, and Web of Science for original papers on total Hg, Cd, or Pb levels in human placenta that were published in English or Spanish (1976-2011). Data on study design, population characteristics, collection and analysis of placenta specimens, and main results were extracted using a standardized form. RESULTS: We found a total of 79 papers (73 different studies). Hg, Cd, and Pb levels were reported in 24, 46, and 46 studies, respectively. Most studies included small convenience samples of healthy pregnant women. Studies were heterogeneous regarding populations selected, processing of specimens, and presentation of results. Hg concentrations > 50 ng/g were found in China (Shanghai), Japan, and the Faroe Islands. Cd levels ranged from 1.2 ng/g to 53 ng/g and were highest in the United States, Japan, and Eastern Europe. Pb showed the greatest variability, with levels ranging from 1.18 ng/g in China (Shanghai) to 500 ng/g in a polluted area of Poland. CONCLUSION: The use of the placenta as a biomarker to assess heavy metals exposure is not properly developed because of heterogeneity among the studies. International standardized protocols are needed to enhance comparability and increase the usefulness of this promising tissue in biomonitoring studies.We thank the librarians of the Móstoles Hospital and of the National Health Sciences Library (ISCIII).S

    Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction parameters on the biological activities and metabolites present in extracts from <i>Arthrospira platensis</i>

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    Arthrospira platensis was used to obtain functional extracts through supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SFE-CO2). Pressure (P), temperature (T), co-solvent (CX), static extraction (SX), dispersant (Di) and dynamic extraction (DX) were evaluated as process parameters through a Plackett–Burman design. The maximum extract yield obtained was 7.48 ± 0.15% w/w. The maximum contents of bioactive metabolites in extracts were 0.69 ± 0.09 µg/g of riboflavin, 5.49 ± 0.10 µg/g of α-tocopherol, 524.46 ± 0.10 µg/g of β-carotene, 1.44 ± 0.10 µg/g of lutein and 32.11 ± 0.12 mg/g of fatty acids with 39.38% of palmitic acid, 20.63% of linoleic acid and 30.27% of γ-linolenic acid. A. platensis extracts had an antioxidant activity of 76.47 ± 0.71 µg GAE/g by Folin–Ciocalteu assay, 0.52 ± 0.02, 0.40 ± 0.01 and 1.47 ± 0.02 µmol TE/g by DPPH, FRAP and TEAC assays, respectively. These extracts showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. Overall, co-solvent was the most significant factor for all measured effects (p &lt; 0.05). Arthrospira platensis represents a sustainable source of bioactive compounds through SFE using the following extraction parameters P: 450 bar, CX: 11 g/min, SX: 15 min, DX: 25 min, T: 60 °C and Di: 35 g

    Childhood acute leukemias are frequent in Mexico City: descriptive epidemiology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Worldwide, acute leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer. It is particularly common in the Hispanic populations residing in the United States, Costa Rica, and Mexico City. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of acute leukemia in children who were diagnosed and treated in public hospitals in Mexico City.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Included in this study were those children, under 15 years of age and residents of Mexico City, who were diagnosed in 2006 and 2007 with leukemia, as determined by using the International Classification of Childhood Cancer. The average annual incidence rates (AAIR), and the standardized average annual incidence rates (SAAIR) per million children were calculated. We calculated crude, age- and sex-specific incidence rates and adjusted for age by the direct method with the world population as standard. We determined if there were a correlation between the incidence of acute leukemias in the various boroughs of Mexico City and either the number of agricultural hectares, the average number of persons per household, or the municipal human development index for Mexico (used as a reference of socio-economic level).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although a total of 610 new cases of leukemia were registered during 2006-2007, only 228 fit the criteria for inclusion in this study. The overall SAAIR was 57.6 per million children (95% CI, 46.9-68.3); acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was the most frequent type of leukemia, constituting 85.1% of the cases (SAAIR: 49.5 per million), followed by acute myeloblastic leukemia at 12.3% (SAAIR: 6.9 per million), and chronic myeloid leukemia at 1.7% (SAAIR: 0.9 per million). The 1-4 years age group had the highest SAAIR for ALL (77.7 per million). For cases of ALL, 73.2% had precursor B-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR: 35.8 per million) and 12.4% had T-cell immunophenotype (SAAIR 6.3 per million). The peak ages for ALL were 2-6 years and 8-10 years. More than half the children (58.8%) were classified as high risk. There was a positive correlation between the average number of persons per household and the incidence of the pre-B immunophenotype (Pearson's r, 0.789; P = 0.02).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The frequency of ALL in Mexico City is among the highest in the world, similar to those found for Hispanics in the United States and in Costa Rica.</p