947 research outputs found

    Aplicación de la gestión de almacén para optimizar los costos logísticos en la empresa Plaza Victoria Trujillo 2022

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    La presente investigación titulada “Aplicación de gestión de almacén para optimizar costos logísticos en la empresa Plaza Victoria Trujillo 2022” con una metodología aplicada, pre experimental. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal optimizar los costos logísticos en la empresa. Para el primer objetivo específico se aplicó como instrumento la entrevista, la clasificación ABC y diagrama Ishikawa en el almacén. Acto seguido, en el segundo objetivo específico se elaboró un control de merma para ver cuáles son los insumos principales que más se dañan y los motivos de estas pérdidas, un estudio de tiempos para disminuir los costos de despacho e inventariar la rotación para disminuir el costo improductivo. Por consiguiente, para el tercer objetivo se procedió a implementar el layout y capacitaciones para mejorar el orden y los espacios, creación de diagramas de recorrido. Y finalmente como cuarto objetivo se procedió a evaluar los cálculos de los costos logísticos después que se implementos las mejoras a la empresa demostrando así logrando reducir un 62% de los costos logísticos de la empresa Plaza Victoria Trujillo

    Determination of the minimum integral entropy, water sorption and glass transition temperature to establishing critical storage conditions of beetroot juice microcapsules by spray drying

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    The aim of this work was to microencapsulate beetroot juice (BJ) (Beta vulgaris L.) by spray-drying using as protective colloid gum Arabic. The adsorption isotherms of the microcapsules and the minimum integral entropy (∆S int)T were determined at 25, 35 and 40 ◦C. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry and modeled by GordonTaylor equation. The water contents-water activity (M-aW ) sets obtained from (∆S int)T , and critical water content (CWC) and critical water activity (CWA) from the Tg were similar, being in the range of water content of 5.11-7.5 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. and in the water activity range of 0.532-0.590. These critical storage conditions were considered as the best conditions for increase the stability of the microcapsules, where the percentage of retention Betanin in the microcapsules was higher compared with other storage conditions in the temperature and aw range studied. Keywords: beetroot juice, microcapsules, minimum integral entropy, glass transition temperature, critical water content, critical water activity

    Comunidades y recursos naturales. Gestión del desarrollo rural

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    "La complejidad intrínseca del proceso de transformación que busca mejorar las condiciones de vida de diversos sectores de la población rural resalta la incorporación de la dimensión ambiental en el análisis de la disponibilidad, utilización y deterioro de los recursos naturales, y la importancia de los esfuerzos orientados al descubrimiento de las interacciones que las comunidades establecen con su medioambiente interno y externo; así como el estudio de los factores que potencian o limitan el despliegue de las capacidades propias para garantizar la supervivencia y la generación de beneficios sostenibles en mediano y largo plazo.

    Interrelationship between the structural features and rehydration properties of spray dried manzano chilli sauce microcapsules

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    Manzano chilli sauce microcapsules (MCHS) were obtained by spray drying using Gum Arabic (GA100%), whey protein concentrate (WPC100%) and a blend of these biopolymers (GA50%-WPC50%) as wall materials in 2:1 and 4:1 wall to core material ratios (WCMR). Water vapor adsorption isotherms data of microcapsules were obtained at 35 °C and fitted to GAB's model. The monolayer water content values of the microcapsules varied from 9.97 to 14.32 kg H2O/100 kg dry solids, and were used for determining the surface fractal dimension (Ds). Ds values ranged between 2.04 to 2.30 for the 2:1 WCMR and 2.17 to 2.43 for the 4:1 WCMR, respectively. Microcapsules topology was determined by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). Microcapsules with WPC100% exhibited smoother and more regular shaped topology than those with GA100% which tended to exhibit surface flaws and dents, while those made with the biopolymers blend exhibited an intermediate morphology. Rehydration times of the microcapsules were function of water activity (aw) and WCMR. The higher the WCMR, the higher the rehydration time required

    Efectos de las variables de proceso en la microencapsulación del aceite de ajonjolí (Sesamum indica L.) mediante secado por aspersión

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    Artículo científico en revista indizada en SCOPUS, JCR, CONACyTThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the process variables of microencapsulation sesame oil (SO) by spray drying to generate the desired powder quality with the highest efficiency encapsulation and maximum linoleic acid content microencapsulated using a full factorial design of experiments. Thirty two tests were made, and five replicates were conducted on the central points. Independent variables were volumetric dispersed phase (O/W) (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15), wall material to core ratios (Wa:Co) (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and drying air inlet temperature (Ti) (120, 140 and160 °C). Surface oil (SOM%), encapsulation efficiency (EE%), linoleic acid content (LAC%), and moisture content (MC%) were analyzed as responses. Under maximum process conditions Wa:Co=2.59:1, O/W=0.05 and Ti=154.04 °C, the response variables including, EE and LAC were predicted as 88.20% and 50.02% respectively. It was concluded that these microcapsules containing high content of linoleic acid can be used as functional food.CONACy

    Moisture sorption properties and storage stability conditions of a nutraceutical system microencapsulated by spray drying

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    The adsorption isotherms of a nutraceutical system microencapsulated by spray drying were determined at 20, 35 and 40 °C. Experimental data of the isotherms were fitted using the GAB and Caurie models and the integral thermodynamic functions (enthalpy and entropy) were estimated by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The Kelvin and Halsey equations were adequate for calculation of pore radius which varied from 0.67 to 8.15 nm. The point of maximum stability (minimum integral entropy) was found between 3.61 and 3.81 kg H2O/100 kg d.s. (corresponding to water activity, aW, of 0.19-0.37). Enthalpy-entropy compensation for the microcapsules showed two isokinetic temperatures. The first isokinetic temperature was observed at low moisture contents (< 3.81 kg H2O/100 kg d.s.) and was controlled by changes in the entropy of water, whereas the second isokinetic temperature was considered to be enthalpy-driven (3.81-20 kg H2O/100 kg d.s.). Keywords: sorption isotherms, pore radius, minimum integral entropy, enthalphy-entropy compensation, water activity

    Estimación de la producción de agua Superficial del parque nacional nevado de Toluca, para el año 2006

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    En la presente investigación se realizó el análisis para estimar la cantidad de agua producida por el Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca (PNNT), en el periodo octubre-noviembre del 2006 a partir de la medición del caudal de las principales corrientes de 25 microcuencas, así como la obtención de parámetros físicos y químicos medidos en campo y muestras analizadas en laboratorio para determinar la calidad de ésta; dicho trabajo revela la cantidad de agua producida por microcuenca en m3/seg, así como las características en que se encuentra el recurso agua en relación con los parámetros establecidos por las Normas Mexicanas NMX. Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación 2028/2005 financiado por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

    Encephalopathy and encephalitis during acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Spanish Society of Neurology COVID-19 Registry

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    Objectives: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Spanish Society of Neurology has run a registry of patients with neurological involvement for the purpose of informing clinical neurologists. Encephatopathy and encephalitis were among the most frequently reported complications. In this study, we analyse the characteristics of these complications. Patients and methods: We conducted a retrospective, descriptive, observational, multicentre study of patients with symptoms compatible with encephalitis or encephalopathy, entered in the Spanish Society of Neurology''s COVID-19 Registry from 17 March to 6 June 2020. Results: A total of 232 patients with neurological symptoms were registered, including 51 cases of encephalopathy or encephalitis (21.9%). None of these patients were healthcare professionals. The most frequent syndromes were mild or moderate confusion (33%) and severe encephalopathy or coma (9.8%). The mean time between onset of infection and onset of neurological symptoms was 8.02 days. Lumbar puncture was performed in 60.8% of patients, with positive PCR results for SARS-CoV-2 in only one case. Brain MRI studies were performed in 47% of patients, with alterations detected in 7.8% of these. EEG studies were performed in 41.3% of cases, detecting alterations in 61.9%. Conclusions: Encephalopathy and encephalitis are among the complications most frequently reported in the registry. More than one-third of patients presented mild or moderate confusional syndrome. The mean time from onset of infection to onset of neurological symptoms was 8 days (up to 24 hours earlier in women than in men). EEG was the most sensitive test in these patients, with very few cases presenting alterations in neuroimaging studies. All patients treated with boluses of corticosteroids or immunoglobulins progressed favourably. (C) 2021 Sociedad Espanola de Neurologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U