4,003 research outputs found

    Spear operators between Banach spaces

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    The aim of this manuscript is to study \emph{spear operators}: bounded linear operators GG between Banach spaces XX and YY satisfying that for every other bounded linear operator T:X⟶YT:X\longrightarrow Y there exists a modulus-one scalar ω\omega such that ∥G+ω T∥=1+∥T∥. \|G + \omega\,T\|=1+ \|T\|. To this end, we introduce two related properties, one weaker called the alternative Daugavet property (if rank-one operators TT satisfy the requirements), and one stronger called lushness, and we develop a complete theory about the relations between these three properties. To do this, the concepts of spear vector and spear set play an important role. Further, we provide with many examples among classical spaces, being one of them the lushness of the Fourier transform on L1L_1. We also study the relation of these properties with the Radon-Nikod\'ym property, with Asplund spaces, with the duality, and we provide some stability results. Further, we present some isometric and isomorphic consequences of these properties as, for instance, that ℓ1\ell_1 is contained in the dual of the domain of every real operator with infinite rank and the alternative Daugavet property, and that these three concepts behave badly with smoothness and rotundity. Finally, we study Lipschitz spear operators (that is, those Lipschitz operators satisfying the Lipschitz version of the equation above) and prove that (linear) lush operators are Lipschitz spear operators.Comment: 114 pages, 9 chapter

    Mano biónica a partir de impulsos musculares

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    El campo de la ingeniería tiene una gran importancia en el día a día de nuestra sociedad. Está integrada a su vez en muchas ramas de las ciencias como puede ser la rama de la Salud. Es por ello que el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, pretende unificar la ingeniería con la salud, a través de la fabricación de una mano biónica a partir de impulsos musculares. El desarrollo de la unificación de las ramas de la ingeniería y la salud ha permitido a lo largo de la historia, que muchas personas hayan visto mejorada su calidad de vida. Desde sus comienzos al usar dedos de madera hasta la fabricación de piernas biónicas que permiten que una persona pueda volver a caminar, las prótesis han tenido a lo largo de la historia un gran desarrollo en cuanto a diseño, fabricación, versatilidad e integración de nuevos materiales. Es por ello que ha día de hoy la unión humano-máquina es cada vez más común y normalizado. Pero es cierto que todo desarrollo también tiene su parte negativa y es que no todo el mundo puede disponer de dichos dispositivos al tener un coste elevado. Es por ello que el fin de este proyecto es la de poder desarrollar una prótesis de mano, de bajo coste que pueda tener un uso práctico y de calidad a la que pueda tener acceso cualquier persona que la requiera. El principio de funcionamiento estará basado en la detección de señales musculares a través de un sensor muscular y en la traducción de esta señal para que el microcontrolador que se use, pueda transmitir la información de ejecución de movimiento. Luego para ello se ha decidido dividir este proyecto en varias secciones de desarrollo. Se realizará una selección de los materiales que se van a usar para la fabricación de la mano. Seguidamente se procederá a la fase de diseño la cual está dividida en dos partes. La primera consta del diseño estructural de la mano, donde desarrollaremos cada uno de los dedos, los engranajes que los moverán y la palma. Y la segunda parte del diseño es la referida a la parte electrónica que es el diseño del programa que ejecutará las órdenes para poder realizar los diferente movimientos de la mano. Al mismo tiempo se realizará la impresión 3D de las piezas que usaremos, cuya novedad es la del uso de un filamento biodegradable, por lo que el impacto medioambiental en el desarrollo del proyecto será lo más bajo posible. Y finalmente se ensamblará cada una de las piezas y se realizarán las conexiones pertinentes con el circuito que haremos.The engineering field has a great impact in the daily life of our society. It is also integrated in other branches of sciences like in Health. So the purpose of this Final Degree Project is to join engineering and health, by building up a bionic hand controlled by muscle impulse. The development of unifying engineering and health along history, has provided an improvement regarding to life quality of huge amount of people. From the first wood toe made until the use of a bionic leg that let people to walk again, prosthetics have had a great development according to design, fabrication,versatility and the use of new materials.For this reason, the mix of human-machine, has been settle as common and normalized. But it is also true, that all this progress has a negative side, because not everybody can achieve certain kind of these devices cause of high prices. For this reason, the main goal of the project is to make a prosthetic hand, low cost of quality and that can be used day by day by any user and also that can be achieved by anyone who demands it. How it works, is based on the detection of muscle signal through out a muscle senor and the translation of these signals by the microcontroller that is been used, to send the proper information to execute the hand movements. So the project has been divided into certain sectors of development. First of all, we will select the materials that we are going to use to build up the hand. Then, we will enter into the design secor that is also divided in two areas. The first one will be the structure design, where all the fingers, gears and the palm of the hand will be buildup. The second part will be the electronic side according to the code sketch, where all the movements that we want the hand to do, will be settle down. At the same time, we are going to do the 3D printing of all the pieces, where we are going to introduce a innovation, by using a biodegradable filament to print out all the hando, so we are going to low down the environmental impact. And we will end by assemble the whole hand and do all the electronic connections according to a circuit sketch that we are going to do

    Twisted Nano-optics: Manipulating Light at the Nanoscale with Twisted Phonon Polaritonic Slabs

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    Recent discoveries have shown that when two layers of van der Waals (vdW) materials are superimposed with a relative twist angle between their respective in-plane principal axes, the electronic properties of the coupled system can be dramatically altered. Here, we demonstrate that a similar concept can be extended to the optics realm, particularly to propagating polaritons, hybrid light-matter interactions. To do this, we fabricate stacks composed of two twisted slabs of a polar vdW crystal (MoO3) supporting low-loss anisotropic phonon polaritons (PhPs), and image the propagation of the latter when launched by localized sources (metal antennas). Our images reveal that under a critical angle the PhPs isofrequency curve (determining the PhPs momentum at a fixed frequency) undergoes a topological transition. Remarkably, at this angle, the propagation of PhPs is strongly guided along predetermined directions (canalization regime) with no geometrical spreading (diffraction-less). These results demonstrate a new degree of freedom (twist angle) for controlling the propagation of polaritons at the nanoscale with potential for nano-imaging, (bio)-sensing, quantum applications and heat management

    Coherent optical transduction of suspended microcapillary resonators for multi-parameter sensing applications

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    Characterization of micro and nanoparticle mass has become increasingly relevant in a wide range of fields, from materials science to drug development. The real-time analysis of complex mixtures in liquids demands very high mass sensitivity and high throughput. One of the most promising approaches for real-time measurements in liquid, with an excellent mass sensitivity, is the use of suspended microchannel resonators, where a carrier liquid containing the analytes flows through a nanomechanical resonator while tracking its resonance frequency shift. To this end, an extremely sensitive mechanical displacement technique is necessary. Here, we have developed an optomechanical transduction technique to enhance the mechanical displacement sensitivity of optically transparent hollow nanomechanical resonators. The capillaries have been fabricated by using a thermal stretching technique, which allows to accurately control the final dimensions of the device. We have experimentally demonstrated the light coupling into the fused silica capillary walls and how the evanescent light coming out from the silica interferes with the surrounding electromagnetic field distribution, a standing wave sustained by the incident laser and the reflected power from the substrate, modulating the reflectivity. The enhancement of the displacement sensitivity due to this interferometric modulation (two orders of magnitude better than compared with previous accomplishments) has been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated

    Mechanical evaluation of polylactic acid (PLA) based composites reinforced with different calcium phosphates

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    In the present work, the mechanical performance of polylactic acid (PLA) based composites reinforced with hydroxyapatite (HA) or β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) was investigated. The polymer was melt compounded with 1 and 2.5 wt% of particles by using an intensive mixer or a twin screw extruder. Morphological, thermal and rheological studies were performed to analyze the composites internal structure and filler-matrix interaction. The mechanical behavior was investigated through uniaxial tensile and quasi-static fracture tests. The different characterization techniques evidenced a better filler dispersion for composites obtained by extrusion independently of the filler used. A relatively weak filler-matrix interaction was revealed from morphological observations and rheological measurements. In addition, thermal analysis evidenced similar crystalline structure for all of the investigated materials. In general, uniaxial tensile parameters displayed almost constant values independently of the filler content or compounding method. Particularly, extruded composites with 2.5 wt% filler exhibited slightly increased ductility respect to neat PLA which was related to improved filler dispersion. The PLA matrix displayed load-displacement curves with ductile instability in quasi-static fracture tests. On the other hand, the composites with 2.5 wt% filler exhibited an increased stable crack growth followed by ductile instability. The fracture process was quantitatively described by means of critical stress intensity factor (K IQ) and strain energy release rate at propagation (G CP) parameters. The extruded composites with 2.5 wt% filler displayed improved propagation fracture toughness. Based on fractured surfaces analysis this enhanced behavior, not largely reported for untreated rigid fillers, was attributed to the effective activation of the toughening mechanisms of particle debonding and subsequent plastic void growth.Fil: Pérez, Claudio Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Eisenberg, Patricia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Bernal, Celina Raquel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Perez, Ezequiel Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología; Argentin

    Modelling remediation scenarios in historically mined catchments

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    Local remediation measures, particularly those undertaken in historical mining areas, can often be ineffective or even deleterious because erosion and sedimentation processes operate at spatial scales beyond those typically used in point-source remediation. Based on realistic simulations of a hybrid landscape evolution model combined with stochastic rainfall generation, we demonstrate that similar remediation strategies may result in differing effects across three contrasting European catchments depending on their topographic and hydrologic regimes. Based on these results, we propose a conceptual model of catchment-scale remediation effectiveness based on three basic catchment characteristics: the degree of contaminant source coupling, the ratio of contaminated to non-contaminated sediment delivery, and the frequency of sediment transport events

    Proyecto de orientación y mentorización al alumnado de nuevo ingreso en una escuela de ingeniería

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    En este trabajo se presenta un plan de orientación a alumnos noveles en la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Málaga. El programa, que ha pasado por diversas fases en tres años, utiliza la mentoría de alumnos ve-teranos. Pese a la reducida participación, ha posibilitado el desarrollo de diversas actividades formativas y socializantes (para mentores y mentoriza-dos), así como un mejor conocimiento de los problemas que afectan a los alumnos noveles.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Geovisualization of green spaces with augmented reality

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    The management of green spaces in urban areas requires new techniques and instruments that provide all the information available to people. It is intended to facilitate data-based services to citizens through the use of mobile devices in green spaces, parks and most visited public gardens. The selected area of study has been the Plaza de Oriente (Madrid) and its surroundings. Maps and images from different sources of information have been implemented in this research work.Then we proceeded to develop a database with woodland and existing cultural heritage. Finally, related this information using geolocation and augmented reality system. We have created a system that allows the user to interact with the single orientation of the camera on your mobile device. This application allows efficient use through the integration of mobile devices and the knowledge of the cultural heritage associated with the public space
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