120 research outputs found

    Quantum entanglement and classical communication through a depolarising channel

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    We analyse the role of entanglement for transmission of classical information through a memoryless depolarising channel. Using the isotropic character of this channel we prove analytically that the mutual information cannot be increased by encoding classical bits into entangled states of two qubits.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; contribution to special issue of JMO on the physics of quantum information; 2nd version: slight modifications and improved presentatio

    Photosensitizer Activation Drives Apoptosis by Interorganellar Ca2+ Transfer and Superoxide Production in Bystander Cancer Cells

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    In cells, photosensitizer (PS) activation by visible light irradiation triggers reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, followed by a cascade of cellular responses involving calcium (Ca2+) and other second messengers resulting in cell demise. Cytotoxic effects spread to nearby cells not exposed to light by poorly characterized so-called \u201cbystander effects\u201d. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in bystander cell death, we used both genetically encoded biosensors and fluorescent dyes. In particular, we monitored the kinetics of interorganellar Ca2+ transfer and the production of mitochondrial superoxide anion (O2\uaf\uaf 19) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in irradiated and bystander B16-F10 mouse melanoma cancer cells. We determined that focal PS photoactivation in a single cell triggers Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) also in the surrounding non-exposed cells, paralleled by mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Efficient Ca2+ efflux from ER was required to promote mitochondrial O2\uaf\uaf 19 production in these bystander cells. Our results support a key role for ER-mitochondria communication in the induction of ROS-mediated apoptosis both in direct and indirect photodynamical cancer cell killing

    Schroedinger Cat: Entanglement test in a Micro-Macroscopic system

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    A Macro-state consisting of N= 3.5 x 10^4 photons in a quantum superposition and entangled with a far apart single-photon state (Micro-state) is generated. Precisely, an entangled photon pair is created by a nonlinear optical process, then one photon of the pair is injected into an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) operating for any input polarization state, i.e. into a phase-covariant cloning machine. Such transformation establishes a connection between the single photon and the multi particle fields. We then demonstrate the non-separability of the bipartite system by adopting a local filtering technique within a positive operator valued measurement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropy in the viscoelastic response of knee meniscus cartilage.

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    Background The knee meniscus is instrumental to stability, shock absorption, load transmission and stress distribution within the knee joint. Such functions are mechanically demanding, and replacement constructs used in meniscus repair often fail because of a poor match with the surrounding tissue. This study focused on the native structure–mechanics relationships and on their anisotropic behavior in meniscus, to define the target biomechanical viscoelastic properties required by scaffolds upon loading. Methods To show regional orientation of the collagen fibers and their viscoelastic behavior, bovine lateral menisci were characterized by second harmonic generation microscopy and through time-dependent mechanical tests. Furthermore, their dynamic viscoelastic response was analyzed over a wide range of frequencies. Results and conclusions Multilevel characterization aims to expand the biomimetic approach from the structure itself, to include the mechanical characteristics that give the meniscus its peculiar properties, thus providing tools for the design of novel, effective scaffolds. An example of modeling of anisotropic open-cell porous material tailored to fulfill the measured requirements is presented, leading to a definition of additional parameters for a better understanding of the load transmission mechanism and for better scaffold functionality

    Mouse Panx1 Is Dispensable for Hearing Acquisition and Auditory Function

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    Panx1 forms plasma membrane channels in brain and several other organs, including the inner ear. Biophysical properties, activation mechanisms and modulators of Panx1 channels have been characterized in detail, however the impact of Panx1 on auditory function is unclear due to conflicts in published results. To address this issue, hearing performance and cochlear function of the Panx1−/− mouse strain, the first with a reported global ablation of Panx1, were scrutinized. Male and female homozygous (Panx1−/−), hemizygous (Panx1+/−) and their wild type (WT) siblings (Panx1+/+) were used for this study. Successful ablation of Panx1 was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western immunoblotting in the cochlea and brain of Panx1−/− mice. Furthermore, a previously validated Panx1-selective antibody revealed strong immunoreactivity in WT but not in Panx1−/− cochleae. Hearing sensitivity, outer hair cell-based “cochlear amplifier” and cochlear nerve function, analyzed by auditory brainstem response (ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) recordings, were normal in Panx1+/− and Panx1−/− mice. In addition, we determined that global deletion of Panx1 impacts neither on connexin expression, nor on gap-junction coupling in the developing organ of Corti. Finally, spontaneous intercellular Ca2+ signal (ICS) activity in organotypic cochlear cultures, which is key to postnatal development of the organ of Corti and essential for hearing acquisition, was not affected by Panx1 ablation. Therefore, our results provide strong evidence that, in mice, Panx1 is dispensable for hearing acquisition and auditory function

    Data concerning the proteolytic resistance and oxidative stress in LAN5 cells after treatment with BSA hydrogels

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    AbstractProteolytic resistance is a relevant aspect to be tested in the formulation of new nanoscale biomaterials. The action of proteolytic enzymes is a very fast process occurring in the range of few minutes. Here, we report data concerning the proteolytic resistance of a heat-set BSA hydrogel obtained after 20-hour incubation at 60°C prepared at the pH value of 3.9, pH at which the hydrogel presents the highest elastic character with respect to gel formed at pH 5.9 and 7.4 “Heat-and pH-induced BSA conformational changes, hydrogel formation and application as 3D cell scaffold” (G. Navarra, C. Peres, M. Contardi, P. Picone, P.L. San Biagio, M. Di Carlo, D. Giacomazza, V. Militello, 2016) [1]. We show that the BSA hydrogel produced by heating treatment is protected by the action of proteinase K enzyme. Moreover, we show that LAN5 cells cultured in presence of BSA hydrogels formed at pH 3.9, 5.9 and 7.4 did not exhibit any oxidative stress, one of the first and crucial events causing cell death “Are oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction the key players in the neurodegenerative diseases?” (M. Di Carlo, D. Giacomazza, P. Picone, D. Nuzzo, P.L. San Biagio, 2012) [2] “Effect of zinc oxide nanomaterials induced oxidative stress on the p53 pathway” (M.I. Setyawati, C.Y. Tay, D.T. Leaong, 2013) [3]

    Connexin Hemichannel Activation by S-Nitrosoglutathione Synergizes Strongly with Photodynamic Therapy Potentiating Anti-Tumor Bystander Killing

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    In this study, we used B16-F10 cells grown in the dorsal skinfold chamber (DSC) preparation that allowed us to gain optical access to the processes triggered by photodynamic therapy (PDT). Partial irradiation of a photosensitized melanoma triggered cell death in non-irradiated tumor cells. Multiphoton intravital microscopy with genetically encoded fluorescence indicators revealed that bystander cell death was mediated by paracrine signaling due to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release from connexin (Cx) hemichannels (HCs). Intercellular calcium (Ca2+) waves propagated from irradiated to bystander cells promoting intracellular Ca2+ transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria and rapid activation of apoptotic pathways. Combination treatment with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), an endogenous nitric oxide (NO) donor that biases HCs towards the open state, greatly potentiated anti-tumor bystander killing via enhanced Ca2+ signaling, leading to a significant reduction of post-irradiation tumor mass. Our results demonstrate that HCs can be exploited to dramatically increase cytotoxic bystander effects and reveal a previously unappreciated role for HCs in tumor eradication promoted by PDT

    Material radiopurity control in the XENONnT experiment

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    The selection of low-radioactive construction materials is of the utmost importance for rare-event searches and thus critical to the XENONnT experiment. Results of an extensive radioassay program are reported, in which material samples have been screened with gamma-ray spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and 222Rn^{222}Rn emanation measurements. Furthermore, the cleanliness procedures applied to remove or mitigate surface contamination of detector materials are described. Screening results, used as inputs for a XENONnT Monte Carlo simulation, predict a reduction of materials background (∌17%) with respect to its predecessor XENON1T. Through radon emanation measurements, the expected 222Rn^{222}Rn activity concentration in XENONnT is determined to be 4.2 (−0.7+0.5)ÎŒBq/kg(^{+0.5}_{−0.7}) ÎŒBq/kg, a factor three lower with respect to XENON1T. This radon concentration will be further suppressed by means of the novel radon distillation system

    Wigner-function theory and decoherence of the quantum-injected optical parametric amplifier

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    Recent experimental results demonstrated the generation of a quantum superpositon (MQS), involving a number of photons in excess of 5x10^4, which showed a high resilience to losses. In order to perform a complete analysis on the effects of de-coherence on this multiphoton fields, obtained through the Quantum Injected Optical Parametric Amplifier (QIOPA), we invesigate theoretically the evolution of the Wigner functions associated to these states in lossy conditions. Recognizing the presence of negative regions in the W-representation as an evidence of non-classicality, we focus our analysis on this feature. A close comparison with the MQS based on coherent states allows to identify differences and analogies.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figure

    Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of different raisin (Vitis vinifera L.) samples

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    In the last years, the interest in non-alcoholic grape products, aa potential alternative sources of phenolic compounds, has considerably increased. Raisins are dried grapes largely consumed in the Mediterranean area for the positive pattern of nutrients, and for recent data describing potential benefits on human health. Among the health-promoting substances contained in raisins, flavonoids seem the most interesting. The aim of this study was the application of in vitromethods for the characterization of the phenolic fraction of five samples of raisins, and, in parallel, the evaluation of their antioxidant activity. The methods were: 1) Folin-Cocalteau's assay for the quantification of total polyphenol content; 2) vanillin assay for the measure of flavan-3-ols content; 3) DPPH (1,1,-diphenil-2\u2014picrylhydrazyl) spectrophotometric assay for the assessment of radical scavenging activity; 4) High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography for separation of phenolic substances and assessment of their antioxidant activity; 5) chromatographic separation and quantification of main active substances was performed by HPLC-DAD. Although raisins showed a high variability in their composition, they can be considered as a promising source of phenolic compounds with a significant antioxidant activity for the human diet
