43 research outputs found

    Model d’organització de centres

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    Aquest estudi fa una proposta de model d’organització de centres escolars públics de secundària a partir de l’anàlisi del sistema educatiu actual —que és clarament ineficaç— i de les propostes de reforma estructural que podem inferir de la LOE, del Dictamen del Consell Econòmic i Social sobre l’eficàcia del sistema educatiu de les Illes Balears del document «Pacto Social y Político por la Educación», de la Llei catalana d’educació i dels models de gestió de qualitat reconeguts internacionalment. Més enllà de la situació dramàtica, ens decantem per una visió optimista, ateses les oportunitats que sorgeixen per capgirar la situació.Este estudio hace una propuesta de modelo de organización de centros escolares públicos de secundaria a partir del análisis de la situación actual del sistema educativo, claramente ineficaz, y de las propuestas de reforma estructural del mismo que se pueden inferir de la propia LOE, del Dictamen del Consell Econòmic i Social sobre l’eficàcia del sistema educatiu de les Illes Balears del documento de «Pacto Social y Político por la Educación», la Llei catalana d’educació y los modelos de gestión de calidad internacionalmente reconocidos. Más allá de la dramàtica situación apuesta por una visión optimista atendiendo a las oportunidades que se nos ofrecen de dar un giro a la situación

    Quina autonomia de centres?

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    De què parlem quan parlem d’autonomia? Quins tipus d’autonomia trobem? Es basta per ella mateixa per solucionar tots els reptes dels centres educatius? S’ha d’aplicar per igual en tots els centres? En la primera part d’aquest article aprofundim en el concepte d’autonomia, per la qual cosa intentem respondre a aquestes i altres preguntes. En la segona part defensem que l’autonomia de centres té un enorme potencial com a palanca, com a força desencadenant d’una autèntica millora del sistema educatiu i de l’aprofitament dels recursos. Es tracta d’una força que actua en una estructura reticular, de forma que influeix i és influïda per altres forces. És a dir, constitueix un sistema complex.¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de autonomía? ¿Qué tipos de autonomía podemos encontrar? ¿Se basta por si sola para solucionar todos los retos de los centros educativos? ¿Debe aplicarse por igual en todos los centros? En la primera parte de este artículo profundizamos en el concepto de autonomía, para lo cual intentamos responder a estas y otras preguntas. En la segunda parte defendemos que la autonomía de centros tiene un enorme potencial como palanca, como fuerza desencadenante de una auténtica mejora del sistema educativo y del aprovechamiento de los recursos. Se trata de una fuerza que actúa en una estructura reticular, de forma que influye y es influida por otras fuerzas. Es decir, constituye un sistema complejo

    El batxillerat a les Illes Balears

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    Aquest treball pretén donar a conèixer la situació del batxillerat a les Illes Balears. Analitzam l’evolució de la matrícula del curs 1995-96 al 2009-10 i completam aquestes xifres amb els resultats acadèmics, comptabilitzats preferentment en taxes per poder comparar-los amb els d’altres comunitats autònomes. Així mateix, contextualitzam els resultats de batxillerat entre els de la resta d’etapes educatives i procuram respondre la pregunta: Ens atracam a les xifres d’alumnes amb estudis postobligatoris (85%) que es va marcar la UE a Lisboa?Este trabajo pretende `presentar la situación del bachillerato a las Islas Baleares. Se analiza la evolución de la matrícula del curso 1995-96 al curso 2009-10 y completa estas cifras con los resultados académicos contabilizados, preferentemente, en tasas para poder compararlos con el resto de las comunidades. Así mismo, contextualiza los resultados de bachillerato entre los resultados del resto de etapas educativas e intenta responder a la pregunta: ¿nos acercamos a las cifras de estudiantes con estudios postobligatoris (85%) que se marcó la UE en Lisboa

    El batxillerat a les Illes Balears

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    Aquest estudi pretén fer conèixer la situació del batxillerat a les Illes Balears. Analitza les dades de matrícula del període 1995-2004 i completa aquestes xifres amb els resultats acadèmics comptabilitzats, preferentment, en taxes per poder comparar-los amb la resta de les comunitats.Així mateix, contextualitza els resultats de batxillerat entre els resultats de la resta d’etapes educatives i en repassa breument les característiques acadèmiques.Este estudio pretende dar a conocer la situación del bachillerato en las Islas Baleares. Analiza los datos de matrícula del periodo 1995-2004 y completa estas cifras con las de los resultados académicos contabilizados, mayoritariamente, en tasas para poder compararlos con las demás comunidades.Asimismo, contextualiza los resultados de bachillerato entre los resultados del resto de las etapas educativas y repasa brevemente sus características académicas

    Els plans d’innovació pedagògica per a la millora educativa

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    [cat] Aquest article es divideix en tres parts. La primera part pretén explicar les característiques de les convocatòries de plans d’innovació pedagògica com una iniciativa per a promoure la innovació i millora del sistema educatiu a partir dels centres docents com a motor del canvi. La segona part analitza el paper de l’administració en els processos de canvi en què es troben els centres docents, què s’està fent a administracions educatives d’altres comunitats autònomes i a altres sistemes educatius, així com allò que proposen importants estudis internacionals. La tercera recull propostes per al debat sobre allò que l’administració educativa podria fer per a facilitar la innovació.[spa] Este artículo se divide en tres partes. La primera parte pretende explicar las características de las convocatorias de Planes de Innovación Pedagógica como una iniciativa para promover la innovación y mejora del sistema educativo a partir de los centros docentes como motor del cambio. La segunda parte analiza el papel de la administración en los procesos de cambio en que se encuentran los centros docentes, qué se está haciendo en administraciones educativas de otras Comunidades Autónomas y en otros sistemas educativos, así como lo que proponen importantes estudios internacionales. La tercera recoge propuestas para el debate sobre lo que la Administración educativa podría hacer para facilitar la innovación

    Use of neural networks and computer vision for spill and waste detection in port waters: an application in the Port of Palma (Majorca, Spain)

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    Water quality and pollution is the main environmental concern for ports and adjacent coastal waters. Therefore, the development of Port Environmental Management systems often relies on water pollution monitoring. Computer vision is a powerful and versatile tool for an exhaustive and systematic monitoring task. An investigation has been conducted at the Port of Palma de Mallorca (Spain) to assess the feasibility and evaluate the main opportunities and difficulties of the implementation of water pollution monitoring based on computer vision. Experiments on surface slicks and marine litter identification based on random image sets have been conducted. The reliability and development requirements of the method have been evaluated, concluding that computer vision is suitable for these monitoring tasks. Several computer vision techniques based on convolutional neural networks were assessed, finding that Image Classification is the most adequate for marine pollution monitoring tasks due to its high accuracy rates and low training requirements. Image set size for initial training and the possibility to improve accuracy through retraining with increased image sets were considered due to the difficulty in obtaining port spill images. Thus, we have found that progressive implementation can not only offer functional monitoring systems in a shorter time frame but also reduce the total development cost for a system with the same accuracy level.This work is supported by ECOBAYS project (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) funded from the Agencia Española de Investigación (Spanish Research Agency).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Parathyroid hormone and phosphate homeostasis in patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome: an international cross-sectional study

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    Bartter syndrome; Parathyroid hormone; PhosphateSíndrome de Bartter; Hormona paratiroidea; FosfatoSíndrome de Bartter; Hormona paratiroïdal; FosfatBackground Small cohort studies have reported high parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in patients with Bartter syndrome and lower serum phosphate levels have anecdotally been reported in patients with Gitelman syndrome. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed PTH and phosphate homeostasis in a large cohort of patients with salt-losing tubulopathies. Methods Clinical and laboratory data of 589 patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome were provided by members of the European Rare Kidney Diseases Reference Network (ERKNet) and the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN). Results A total of 285 patients with Bartter syndrome and 304 patients with Gitelman syndrome were included for analysis. Patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II had the highest median PTH level (7.5 pmol/L) and 56% had hyperparathyroidism (PTH >7.0 pmol/L). Serum calcium was slightly lower in Bartter syndrome type I and II patients with hyperparathyroidism (2.42 versus 2.49 mmol/L; P = .038) compared to those with normal PTH levels and correlated inversely with PTH (rs −0.253; P = .009). Serum phosphate and urinary phosphate excretion did not correlate with PTH. Overall, 22% of patients had low serum phosphate levels (phosphate—standard deviation score < −2), with the highest prevalence in patients with Bartter syndrome type III (32%). Serum phosphate correlated with tubular maximum reabsorption of phosphate/glomerular filtration rate (TmP/GFR) (rs 0.699; P < .001), suggesting renal phosphate wasting. Conclusions Hyperparathyroidism is frequent in patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II. Low serum phosphate is observed in a significant number of patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome and appears associated with renal phosphate wasting.This project has been supported by the European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases (ERKNet), which is partly co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Third Health Programme ‘ERN-2016-Framework Partnership Agreement 2017–2021’. This work is generated within the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology working group on inherited renal disorders. This work was supported by an Innovation Grant 19OI06 from the Dutch Kidney Foundation (to T.N.)

    Progression of Interstitial Fibrosis and Tubular Atrophy in Low Immunological Risk Renal Transplants Monitored by Sequential Surveillance Biopsies : The Influence of TAC Exposure and Metabolism

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    The combination of tacrolimus (TAC) and mycophenolate is the most widely employed maintenance immunosuppression in renal transplants. Different surrogates of tacrolimus exposure or metabolism such as tacrolimus trough levels (TAC-C), coefficient of variation of tacrolimus (CV-TAC-C), time in therapeutic range (TTR), and tacrolimus concentration dose ratio (C/D) have been associated with graft outcomes. We explore in a cohort of low immunological risk renal transplants (n = 85) treated with TAC, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), and steroids and then monitored by paired surveillance biopsies the association between histological lesions and TAC-C at the time of biopsy as well as CV-TAC-C, TTR, and C/D during follow up. Interstitial inflammation (i-Banff score ≥ 1) in the first surveillance biopsy was associated with TAC-C (odds ratio (OR): 0.69, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50-0.96; p = 0.027). In the second surveillance biopsy, inflammation was associated with time below the therapeutic range (OR: 1.05 and 95% CI: 1.01-1.10; p = 0.023). Interstitial inflammation in scarred areas (i-IFTA score ≥ 1) was not associated with surrogates of TAC exposure/metabolism. Progression of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy (IF/TA) was observed in 35 cases (41.2%). Multivariate regression logistic analysis showed that mean C/D (OR: 0.48; 95% CI: 0.25-0.92; p = 0.026) and IF/TA in the first biopsy (OR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.24-0.77, p = 0.005) were associated with IF/TA progression between biopsies. A low C/D ratio is associated with IF/TA progression, suggesting that TAC nephrotoxicity may contribute to fibrosis progression in well immunosuppressed patients. Our data support that TAC exposure is associated with inflammation in healthy kidney areas but not in scarred tissu

    Evaluation of Medicine Abuse Trends in Community Pharmacies: The Medicine Abuse Observatory (MAO) in a Region of Southern Europe

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    The misuse of medicines is a global public health concern that needs to be taken into consideration and requires actions across all government sectors and society. The aim of this study is to identify trends of drug abuse in Catalonia, a region of Spain located in the South of Europe. For this purpose, a questionnaire-based detection tool was created and implemented in 60 community pharmacies. Out of 548 questionnaires (98.4%), 64.2% of participants were men and the highest age proportion was 25-35 years (31.4%). Potential drug abuse was the highest in urban pharmacies (84.9%). The main drug class involved were benzodiazepines (31.8%), codeine (19.3%), tramadol (7.5%), methylphenidate (5.8%), gabapentinoids (5.8%), cycloplegic drops (4.4%), z-drugs (2.6%), piracetam (2.2%), dextromethorphan (1.6%) and clomethiazole (1.1%). The majority of drugs were requested without prescription (58.6%) and through probably forged prescriptions (23.7%). Slightly less than half (49.8%) of the patients request frequently to the pharmacist, especially in rural and mountain pharmacies (73.3% and 88.5%, respectively). A small proportion (10.8%) were requested with intimidation. Pharmacists only supplied in 21.7% of the cases. This study has demonstrated the suitability of the new detection system, being a useful approach to replicate in other locations with similar needs

    Antibiotic treatment versus no treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria in kidney transplant recipients: a multicenter randomized trial

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    Background: whether antibiotic treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (AB) can prevent acute graft pyelonephritis (AGP) in kidney transplant (KT) recipients has not been elucidated. Methods: in this multicenter, open-label, nonblinded, prospective, noninferiority, randomized controlled trial, we compared antibiotic treatment with no treatment for AB in KT recipients in the first year after transplantation when urinary catheters had been removed. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of AGP. Secondary endpoints included bacteremic AGP, cystitis, susceptibility of urine isolates, graft rejection, graft function, graft loss, opportunistic infections, need for hospitalization, and mortality. Results: we enrolled 205 KT recipients between 2013 and 2015. AB occurred in 41 (42.3%) and 46 (50.5%) patients in the treatment and no treatment groups, respectively. There were no differences in the primary endpoint in the intention-to-treat population (12.2% [5 of 41] in the treatment group vs 8.7% [4 of 46] in the no treatment group; risk ratio, 1.40; 95% confidence interval, 0.40-4.87) or the per-protocol population (13.8% [4 of 29] in the treatment group vs 6.7% [3 of 45] in the no treatment group; risk ratio, 2.07, 95% confidence interval, 0.50-8.58). No differences were found in secondary endpoints, except for antibiotic susceptibility. Fosfomycin (P = .030), amoxicillin-clavulanic (P < .001) resistance, and extended-spectrum β-lactamase production (P = .044) were more common in KT recipients receiving antibiotic treatment for AB. Conclusions: antibiotic treatment of AB was not useful to prevent AGP in KT recipients and may increase antibiotic resistance. However, our findings should be regarded with caution, due to the small sample size analyzed