16 research outputs found

    Interface superconductivity: History, developments and prospects

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    The concept of interface superconductivity was introduced over 50 years ago. Some of the greatest physicists of that time wondered whether a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) superconductor can actually exist, what are the peculiarities of 2D superconductivity, and how does the reduced dimensionality affect the critical temperature (Tc). The discovery of high-temperature superconductors, which are composed of coupled 2D superconducting layers, further increased the interest in reduced dimensionality structures. In parallel, the advances in experimental techniques made it possible to grow epitaxial 2D structures with atomically flat surfaces and interfaces, enabling some of the experiments that were proposed decades ago to be performed finally. Now we know that interface superconductivity can occur at the junction of two different materials (metals, insulators, semiconductors). This phenomenon is being explored intensely; it is also exploited as a means to increase Tc or to study quantum critical phenomena. This research may or may not produce a superconductor with a higher Tc or a useful superconducting electronic device but it will likely bring in new insights into the physics underlying high-temperature superconductivity

    Interface superconductivity: History, developments and prospects

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    The concept of interface superconductivity was introduced over 50 years ago. Some of the greatest physicists of that time wondered whether a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) superconductor can actually exist, what are the peculiarities of 2D superconductivity, and how does the reduced dimensionality affect the critical temperature (Tc). The discovery of high-temperature superconductors, which are composed of coupled 2D superconducting layers, further increased the interest in reduced dimensionality structures. In parallel, the advances in experimental techniques made it possible to grow epitaxial 2D structures with atomically flat surfaces and interfaces, enabling some of the experiments that were proposed decades ago to be performed finally. Now we know that interface superconductivity can occur at the junction of two different materials (metals, insulators, semiconductors). This phenomenon is being explored intensely; it is also exploited as a means to increase Tc or to study quantum critical phenomena. This research may or may not produce a superconductor with a higher Tc or a useful superconducting electronic device but it will likely bring in new insights into the physics underlying high-temperature superconductivity

    Unified method for measuring entropy differences between coexisting surface phases using low energy electron microscopy

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    We demonstrate the ability of low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) to extract fundamental information in surface phase transitions during in situ observations of complex semiconductor surfaces. We utilize established LEEM techniques and develop a methodology that enables us to calculate the surface entropy difference using only LEEM measurements without the need for external characterization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the unified method by monitoring the phase coexistence during the first-order transition between the c (8 × 2) and (6 × 6) phases on the surface of GaAs(001) at a range of temperatures relevant for epitaxy. The coexistence behavior with temperature and the fluctuations of phase boundaries are measured and analyzed to obtain the entropy difference and stress difference between the phases. The calculated values show that the entropy difference is not large enough to stabilize the (6 × 6) phase with respect to the c (8 × 2) by itself, suggesting that the elastic relaxation during the coexistence between the two phases is necessary to stabilize the (6 × 6) phase

    Selected energy dark-field imaging using low energy electrons for optimal surface phase discrimination

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    We propose a general strategy for surface phase discrimination by dark-field imaging using low energy electrons, which maximizes contrast using diffraction spots, at selected optimal energies. The method can be automated to produce composite phase maps in real space and study the dynamics of complex phase transformations in real-time. To illustrate the capabilities of the technique, surface phases are mapped in the vicinity of liquid Ga droplets on the technologically important GaAs (001) surface

    Growth of Nitrogen-Doped Mg~xZn~1~-~xO for Use in Visible Rejection Photodetectors

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    Improvement in the Schottky behavior of metal (Au) contacts with Mg0.01Zn0.99O and Mg0.01Zn0.99O:N thin films were observed by treating the films with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (dipping of samples in H2O2 at 100 _C for 3 min). Contacts formed on untreated film showed Ohmic behavior in the current-voltage (I-V ) measurements. The H2O2 treatment led to a smooth surface morphology for the films and resulted in Schottky contact of Au fabricated on the treated films with barrier heights of 0.82≈0.85 eV. The absolute current density at a reverse bias of 3 V was 1≈6 × 10−6 A/cm2 for Au contacts on H2O2-treated films. The treated films showed lower electron concentration than the untreated films due to removal of the relatively high conducting top layers of the thin films. A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) detector was fabricated using a Mg0.05Zn0.95O:N film and was characterized for its spectral response

    Photoluminiscence enhancement in quaternay III-nitrides alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy with increasing Al content

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    Room temperature photoluminescence and optical absorption spectra have been measured in wurtzite InxAlyGa1−x−yN (x ∌ 0.06, 0.02<y<0.27) layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Photoluminescence spectra show both an enhancement of the integrated intensity and an increasing Stokes shift with the Al content. Both effects arise from an Al-enhanced exciton localization revealed by the S- and W-shaped temperature dependences of the photoluminescence emission energy and bandwidth, respectively. Present results point to these materials as a promising choice for the active region in efficient light emitters. An In-related bowing parameter of 1.6 eV was derived from optical absorption data

    Band bending at In-rich InGaN surfaces

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    The band bending and carrier concentration profiles as a function of depth below the surface for oxidized InxGa1−xN alloys with a composition range of 0.39 ≀ x ≀ 1.00 are investigated using x-ray photoelectron, infrared reflection, and optical absorption spectroscopies, and solutions of Poisson’s equation within a modified Thomas–Fermi approximation. All of these InGaN samples exhibit downward band bending ranging from 0.19 to 0.66 eV and a high surface sheet charge density ranging from 5.0×1012 to 1.5×1013 cm−2. The downward band bending is more pronounced in the most In-rich InGaN samples, resulting in larger near-surface electron concentrations

    Bowing of the band gap pressure coefficients in InGaN alloys

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    The hydrostatic pressure dependence of photoluminescence, dEPL/dp, of InxGa1−xN epilayers has been measured in the full composition range 0_x_1. Furthermore, ab initio calculations of the band gap pressure coefficient dEG/dp were performed. Both the experimental dEPL/dp values and calculated dEG/dp results show pronounced bowing and we find that the pressure coefficients have a nearly constant value of about 25 meV/GPa for epilayers with x_0.4 and a relatively steep dependence for x_0.4. On the basis of the agreement of the observed PL pressure coefficient with our calculations, we confirm that band-to-band recombination processes are responsible for PL emission and that no localized states are involved. Moreover, the good agreement between the experimentally determined dEPL/dp and the theoretical curve of dEG/dp indicates that the hydrostatic pressure dependence of PL measurements can be used to quantify changes of the band gap of the InGaN ternary alloy under pressure, demonstrating that the disorder-related Stokes shift in InGaN does not induce a significant difference between dEPL/dp and dEG/dp. This information is highly relevant for the correct analysis of pressure measurement

    Effect of the growth temperature and the AlN mole fraction on In incorporation and properties of quaternary III-nitride layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    Indium incorporation into wurtzite (0001)-oriented InxAlyGa1−x−yN layers grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy was studied as a function of the growth temperature (565–635 °C) and the AlN mole fraction (0.01<y<0.27). The layer stoichiometry was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). RBS shows that indium incorporation decreased continuously with increasing growth temperature due to thermally enhanced dissociation of In–N bonds and for increasing AlN mole fractions. High resolution x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements did not show evidence of phase separation. The mosaicity of the quaternary layers was found to be mainly determined by the growth temperature and independent on alloy composition within the range studied. However, depending on the AlN mole fraction, nanometer-sized composition fluctuations were detected by TEM. Photoluminescence spectra showed a single broad emission at room temperature, with energy and bandwidth S- and W-shaped temperature dependences typical of exciton localization by alloy inhomogeneities. Cathodoluminescence measurements demonstrated that the alloy inhomogeneities, responsible of exciton localization, occur on a lateral length scale below 150 nm, which is corroborated by TE

    Low-energy electron microscope study of tobacco mosaic viruses

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    Virus microscopy – or perhaps more proper, ‘nanoscopy’, since their typical dimensions are on the nanometer scale – is crucially important for their identification and study. The required high spatial resolution can be achieved by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), but at the expense of using high-energy (typically 50 - 400 keV) electrons that cause substantial radiation damage. A less invasive variant of virus electron microscopy would be highly desirable. Here, we present the first low-energy electron microscope (LEEM) observation of viruses. SrRuO3 films and Nb-doped SrTiO3 bulk single crystals are introduced as excellent new substrates for LEEM studies. High-quality images of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) are obtained with electrons at just a few eV, or even without reaching the surface. LEEM offers easy sample preparation, tens of high-resolution images per second, and no radiation damage. With additional capabilities such as spectroscopy and diffraction, it is a promising technique for the study of viruses and other biological nano-objects