156 research outputs found

    Head And Neck Reconstruction Using Infrahyoid Myocutaneous Flaps.

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    The use of pedicled myocutaneous flaps in head and neck reconstruction is widely accepted. Here we describe our experience with infrahyoid flaps (IHFs) employed to cover surgical defects in the oral cavity and oropharynx in patients with benign and malignant tumors. The aim was to evaluate the success rate for infrahyoid myocutaneous flap procedures performed at a single institution. Retrospective study, at the Head and Neck Surgery Service, Unicamp. Fourteen IHFs were used to reconstruct surgical defects in eleven men (78.5%) and three women (21.5%) with a mean age of 66.4 years. The anterior floor of the mouth was reconstructed in nine patients (64.2%), the base of tongue in three (21.4%), the lateral floor in one (7.1%), and the retromolar area (7.1%) in one. Thirteen patients (92.8%) had squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and one (7.2%) ameloblastoma. The disease stage was T3 in eight (61.5%) of the SCC cases and T4 in five (38.5%). No patient presented total flap loss or fistula. The most common complication was epidermolysis, which delayed the beginning of oral ingestion. The patients with SCC received postoperative radiotherapy without major consequences to the flap. IHF is a safe and reliable procedure for reconstructing head and neck surgical defects. Due to its thinness and malleability, its use for oral cavity and oropharynx defects provides favorable cosmetic and functional outcomes. Complications, when present, are easy to manage.124271-

    Educação e mercado de trabalho em Portugal: retornos e transições

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    http://www.poatfse.qren.pt/upload/docs/Diversos/ESTUDOS/Estudos%202014/Relatorio_final_U_Minho.pdf[Sumário Executivo] A adesão de Portugal à União Europeia em 1986 coincide com a apro- vação da estratégia para a concretização de um mercado interno no espaço europeu, coloca ndo desafios às economias dos países euro- peus e em particular à economia portuguesa, em matéria de produti- vidade e competitividade. O tradicional paradigma de competitividade assente em baixos salários é exposto a um nível de concorrência sem precedentes, revelando - se inadequado para fazer face a este novo con- texto de mercados integrados, caracterizados por uma livre circulação de bens, serviços e fatores produtivos. A capacidade de resposta do mercado de trabalho português é testada, assim como a qualidade da sua força de trabalho, do seu capital humano. Avaliar a qualidade do capital huma no implica, também, aferir o impacto do sistema educa- tivo na força de trabalho, quer ao nível do indivíduo, quer ao nível da sociedade. (excerto)Projecto: 000 598 402 012, POAT FSE – Programa Operacional de Assistência Técnica do Fundo Social Europeu, POATFSE: gerir, conhecer e intervir, QREN

    Cultivation of algae in photobioreator and obtention of biodiesel

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    In this work we described the cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in a photobioreactor to algal biomass production. The dried biomass was used as feedstock for biodiesel production, it presented 26% lipids and via sonocatalysis stage of the methodology resulted in 60% of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). The FAME content was confirmed by Gas Chromatography (GC).CNPqFAPERGSCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES