17 research outputs found

    Industry dynamics in Growth Triangles : the E&E industry in SIJORI 25 years on

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    Launched in 1989 and encompassing Singapore, the Malaysian state of Johor, and Batam Island in Indonesia, the SIJORI Growth Triangle sought to market these territories as a ‘single investment destination’ offering differing factor endowments in close proximity. Singapore was the ‘core’ of the region; Johor and Batam occupied the land, labour, and resource-intensive ‘non-core’ spaces. During the 1990s, investment flows into the three territories, particularly in the electrical and electronics (E&E) industry, mirrored this division of labour. Through scrutinising trends in E&E firm entries, nationality, and industry branch in Singapore, Johor, and Batam for the 1993–2012/14 period, this article sheds light on the recent evolution of the E&E sector in the Growth Triangle. We document an increasing disconnect between the three nodes that has substantially reduced SIJORI's significance as an integrated industrial cross-border region

    Avaliação muscular respiratória nas toracotomias e laparotomias superiores eletivas Respiratory muscle evaluation in elective thoracotomies and laparotomies of the upper abdomen

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe associação entre a função muscular respiratória pré-operatória abaixo dos valores previstos e a incidência de complicações pós-operatórias e o óbito, nas laparotomias superiores e toracotomias eletivas. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo, no qual 70 pacientes acima de dezoito anos foram acompanhados, em dois hospitais similares. A avaliação durante a internação pré-operatória classificou-os em não expostos (50) ou expostos (20), estes quando os valores das pressões respiratórias máximas foram abaixo de 75% dos valores previstos. O acompanhamento foi feito até a alta hospitalar, verificando-se a incidência de pneumonia, insuficiência respiratória aguda, broncoespasmo, ventilação mecânica prolongada, atelectasia, derrame pleural, pneumotórax e óbito nos dois grupos. Realizou-se análise comparativa entre os grupos e cálculo do risco relativo. RESULTADOS: A incidência total de complicações pós-operatórias da amostra foi de 22,86% (16/70); no grupo exposto foi de 55% (11/20) e no grupo não exposto de 10% (5/50). Os pacientes expostos apresentaram risco relativo de 5,5 (intervalo de confiança de 95% entre 2,19 e 13,82). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicaram que a função muscular respiratória pré-operatória abaixo do valor previsto esteve associada a um risco relativo maior de complicações pós-operatórias nas cirurgias pesquisadas.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify any possible relation between lower than predicted preoperative respiratory muscle function and the incidence of postoperative respiratory complications and death in elective thoracotomies and laparotomies of the upper abdomen. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted, in which 70 patients over the age of 18 were monitored in two similar hospitals. In the preoperative evaluation performed at admission, patients were classified as presenting respiratory muscle function (as determined by measurement of maximal respiratory pressures) > 75% of the predicted value (n = 50) or < 75% of the predicted value (n = 20). Patients were monitored until discharge. In both groups, the incidence of pneumonia was determined, as was that of acute respiratory failure, bronchospasm, prolonged mechanical ventilation, atelectasis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and death. A comparative analysis was made between the groups, and relative risk was calculated. RESULTS: In the study sample, the overall incidence of postoperative complications was 22.86% (16/70): 55% (11/20) in the group of patients presenting < 75% of the predicted value; and 10% (5/50) in the group of patients presenting > 75% of the predicted value. Patients in the < 75% of the predicted value group presented a relative risk of 5.5 (95% confidence interval between 2.19 and 13.82). CONCLUSION: Respiratory muscle function below the predicted value was found to be related with higher relative risk of postoperative complications in the surgical procedures studied