993 research outputs found

    Intramedullary teratoma

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    Objetivo: conhecer a perceção dos enfermeiros do trabalho no que respeita às áreas deconhecimento e intervenção. Método: estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. Envolveuamostra de 472 enfermeiros do trabalho. Utilizou-se como instrumento de recolha de dados, que decorreu entre maio e setembro de 2017, questionário, alicerçado nas áreas nucleares de conhecimentos e competências do enfermeiro do trabalho e na escala de perceção das áreas de conhecimento e intervenção do enfermeiro do trabalho. Resultados: a Enfermagem do Trabalho foi entendida pela maioria como atividade profissional transitória, pelo facto de ser exercida como complemento financeiro à atividade principal ou porque não conseguiram colocação na área de exercício profissional da sua preferência. Conclusão: o exercício profissional nas áreas de conhecimento e intervenção foi desvalorizado ou não reconhecido e encarado pela maioria dos enfermeiros como transitório, pelo facto de quase metade ambicionar trabalhar no futuro nessa área, mas apenas em regime de tempo parcial. Descritores: Enfermagem do Trabalho. Perceção. Educação Continuada. Assistência Integral àSaúde. Desenvolvimento de Programas

    Identification of metabolic thresholds in fitted heart rate curve

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    The aim of this study was to compare the linear and sigmoid adjustments for the behavior of the heart rate (HR) during graded exercise test and to verify the validity of these models to identify metabolic thresholds from Boltzman's non-linear adjustment during incremental exercise. Ten high level mountain bikers (27.1 ± 7.4 years; 67.0 ± 6.1 kg; 175.1 ± 4.1 cm; 6.1 ± 1.9% estimated body fat) were submitted to graded exercise test in cycle-simulator, with initial load of 100 W and 30 W increments every 3 min until exhaustion. The HR behavior was fitted by Boltzman's sigmoid equation, and HR inflection point (HRIP = fixed value of V50 from equation) and HR deflection point (HRDP = Dmax method) were identified. Blood lactate samples were withdrawn at the end of each stage. The first lactate threshold (LT1) was determined by the calculation of minimum value equivalent of lactate/work. To identify the second lactate threshold (LT2), 1.5 mmol.l-1 was added to the LT1 value. In all athletes the sigmoid model was more appropriate than the linear one (p < 0.0001). The HRIP (161 ± 10 bpm) and HRDP (179 ± 5 bpm) were identified in 8 and 7 subjects, respectively. From the similarity of the results about the intensity in power output and HR, it can be suppose that the HRIP is in the same physiological domain of the LT2, above to LT1 and lower to HRDP. However, were found poor association between lactate thresholds, HRIP and HRDP (-0.08 to 0.37).O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os ajustes linear e sigmóide da freqüência cardíaca (FC) durante o exercício incremental e analisar a validade destes modelos para identificar os limiares de transição metabólica em exercício progressivo, a partir de pontos de mudança no ajuste não-linear de Boltzmann. Dez "mountain bikers" de alto rendimento (27,1 ± 7,4 anos; 67,0 ± 6,1 kg; 175,1 ± 4,1 cm; 6,1 ± 1,9 % de gordura) foram submetidos a teste progressivo no ciclo-simulador, com carga inicial de 100 W e incremento de 30 W a cada 3 min até a exaustão. A FC foi registrada batimento-a-batimento durante todo o teste. A curva da FC foi ajustada pela equação sigmóide de Boltzmann, com cálculo do Ponto de Inflexão da FC (PIFC = valor fixo V50 da equação) e Ponto de Deflexão da FC (PDFC = método Dmáx). No final de cada estágio, foi determinada a concentração sanguínea de lactato ([La]). O primeiro limiar de lactato (LL1) foi determinado através do cálculo do menor valor equivalente de lactato/carga. Para o segundo limiar (LL2), foi acrescido 1,5 mmol.l-1 ao menor valor deste equivalente. Em todos os atletas, o ajuste sigmóide da FC se apresentou mais adequado que o linear (p < 0,0001). O PIFC (161 ± 10 bpm) e PDFC (179 ± 5 bpm) foram identificados em oito e sete sujeitos, respectivamente. A FC e a carga do PIFC foram semelhantes às obtidas no LL2, enquanto que esses parâmetros foram menores no LL1 e maiores no PDFC. Assim, é possível especular que o PIFC está no mesmo domínio fisiológico do LL2. Entretanto, foram encontradas fracas associações entre os limiares de lactato com o PIFC e PDFC (-0,08 a 0,37)

    Turismo de observação de cetáceos no Brasil

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    This study aims to investigate whale-watching in Brazil, based on a survey of their areas of occurrence, key species and current rules and regulations. The methodology includes an extensive literature review on areas where cetaceans occur in Brazil, dolphin and whale-watching, legal instruments and codes of conduct for the planning of this activity. A search for reference areas for whale watching was carried out on the homepage of tour operators and agencies. Data collection took place through phone contact, e-mail and social networks of agencies and tour operators. In this study, seven key cetacean species for ecotourism were identified, 29 reference areas, with 79% included in Protected Areas. The results of this study will be able to support actions of monitoring and inspection of whale-watching, aiming at its management and the protection of these animals.This study aims to investigate whale-watching in Brazil, based on a survey of their areas of occurrence, key species and current rules and regulations. The methodology includes an extensive literature review on areas where cetaceans occur in Brazil, dolphin and whale-watching, legal instruments and codes of conduct for the planning of this activity. A search for reference areas for whale watching was carried out on the homepage of tour operators and agencies. Data collection took place through phone contact, e-mail and social networks of agencies and tour operators. In this study, seven key cetacean species for ecotourism were identified, 29 reference areas, with 79% included in Protected Areas. The results of this study will be able to support actions of monitoring and inspection of whale-watching, aiming at its management and the protection of these animals.This study aims to investigate whale-watching in Brazil, based on a survey of their areas of occurrence, key species and current rules and regulations. The methodology includes an extensive literature review on areas where cetaceans occur in Brazil, dolphin and whale-watching, legal instruments and codes of conduct for the planning of this activity. A search for reference areas for whale watching was carried out on the homepage of tour operators and agencies. Data collection took place through phone contact, e-mail and social networks of agencies and tour operators. In this study, seven key cetacean species for ecotourism were identified, 29 reference areas, with 79% included in Protected Areas. The results of this study will be able to support actions of monitoring and inspection of whale-watching, aiming at its management and the protection of these animals.Este estudo visa investigar o turismo de observação de cetáceos no Brasil, a partir de um levantamento de suas áreas de ocorrência, espécies-chave e normas e regulamentos vigentes.&nbsp;A metodologia inclui uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre áreas de ocorrência de cetáceos no Brasil, turismo de observação, instrumentos legais e&nbsp;códigos de conduta para o ordenamento desta atividade. Foi realizada uma busca por áreas de referência do turismo de observação de cetáceos em homepage de agências e operadoras de turismo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de contato telefônico, e-mail e redes sociais das agências e operadoras de turismo. Neste estudo, foram identificadas sete espécies de cetáceos-chave do turismo de observação, 29 áreas de referência, com 79% dessas áreas inseridas em Unidades de Conservação. Os resultados deste estudo poderão subsidiar ações de monitoramento e fiscalização do turismo de observação de cetáceos, visando seu ordenamento e a proteção desses animais

    Effect of mercury in virgin, pregnant and lactating rats

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    Mercury is a toxic metal widely used in industrial activities. In Brazil, cases of mercury contamination occur mainly in the Amazon region, where mercury is used in mining to amalgamate the gold; people is so exposed to mercury occupationally and through the consumption of contaminated fish and water [1]. Mercury has a non uniform distribution after absorption, being accumulated mainly in the kidneys causing renal injury [2]. Numerous metabolic changes occur physiologically in pregnancy and lactation periods and induce a different response to exogenous substances, respect virgin animals. At this aim, we evaluated the pathogenetic mechanism, at kidney level, involved in the different responses of virgin, pregnant and lactating rats exposed to a single dose of mercury. Interestingly, the mercury-induced nephrotoxicity differs among pregnant or lac- tating respect virgin rats. In particular, virgin rat showed kidney histopathological alterations including interstitial fibrosis and tubular damages and an altered modulation of heat shock proteins, damages that correlates with the overall loss of renal function. The distinctive responses between pregnant and lactating respect virgin rats observed in our study may be associated with some of several physiological changes that occur during pregnancy or lactation periods

    Renal Fornix Rupture Due To Acute Ureteral Obstruction

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    Background: Renal fornix rupture with fluid extravasation is a rare complication in cases of ureteral obstruction, which is usually caused by obstructive ureterolithiasis. The symptoms of renal fornix rupture are not very specific and can easily go unnoticed due to their underlying cause. Case representation: The present article reports a case of a patient of a 70-year-old, male, who was diagnosed with a ruptured renal fornix due to acute ureteral obstruction, following clinical assessment and a non-contrast CT scan. The proposed course of action was the endoscopic placement of a double J ureteral catheter. Conclusion: In the case described, the conservative treatment that was chosen by passing a double J catheter through the left ureter, for the patient proved to be an alternative to surgical treatment in the acute event, reducing the risk of possible complications from the operation. It was possible to conclude that although renal fornix rupture is a rare emergency with multiple etiologies, conservative treatment with urinary diversion using a double J ureteral stent was effective in solving the patient\u27s acute condition

    Comparative Analysis Between Native and Hybrid Mobile Applications

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    With the growth of technology in the mobile area, the app market has been bringing solutions to many problems and making life easier for many people, whether in the business, technology, administrative and many others. It is necessary to understand that to build an app, there are many technologies for different purposes, and developers need to know which one is best applied in every situation. Therefore, the objective of this research is to bring an analysis about the native and hybrid development, showing its main features and information regarding the usability and functionality of two existing applications, which were built within the standards of each tool, based on two features of ISO / IEC 25010: 2011 regarding Software Product Quality. An exploratory research was conducted to bring comparative data regarding applications, and based on the results obtained, it was observed that it is possible to develop similar applications in interface, quality and functionality, even if they are built with different technologies. As a result, native technology is often used to build more robust functionality-based applications that follow the interface standard of each platform, and hybrids are a lower-cost alternative, as well as fact that its source code is fully reusable for use on other platforms

    In silico evaluation of potassium USNATE: A composite promiser in the Covid-19 combat

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    A new coronavirus appears in China in December 2019, subsequently threatening the world, it was identified as Covid-19. Its main symptomatic characteristic is directly linked to acute respiratory failure, however there are asymptomatic cases of the disease, mainly in the group not considered at risk. For the treatment of the disease a variety ofantiviral drugs have been tested, with conflicting results. The use of computer-assisted drugs is essential for the development of new therapeutic alternatives for various diseases, once they reduce the time consumed in the initial screening tests, in addition to determining the possible mechanisms of action and reducing toxicity. In our study, we evaluated the interaction of viral components of the coronavirus with potassium usnate, salt derived from lichenic origin and with proven antimicrobial and antitumor activities. Derived from ussic acid, potassium usnate showed low energy for complex formation, this interaction occurs between the usnate salt and the structures of proteinase 3CLpro and enzyme Mpro, all key parts of Covid-19. In addition, in order to prove in silico the use of potassium usnate, they were tested and compared with other approved drugs and candidates for clinical trials to combat the new coronavirus