21 research outputs found

    Redes Sociais Pessoais e In(ex)clusão Digital em Idosos

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    Objetivos: No presente estudo pretendeu-se caracterizar as redes sociais pessoais de idosos, segundo a inclusão digital baseada na utilização ou não de computador. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e correlacional. Foram utilizados questionários para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra e a inclusão digital e o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (versão para idosos) (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012). Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 567 indivíduos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (n = 357, 63%), com uma média de idade de 75,5 anos. A maioria é casada (n = 304, 53,7%), habita em meio rural (n = 323; 57,0%) e detém a 4ª classe (n = 291, 51,3%). Resultados: Verifica-se que a maioria dos participantes não utiliza computador (n = 487, 85,9%). No entanto, entre os utilizadores, 60,0% (n = 45) usam redes sociais virtuais e consideram que estas são muito importantes nas suas relações interpessoais (n = 33; 62,3%). Entre os que têm uma maior probabilidade de não utilizar computador destacam-se as mulheres (p < 0,05), os idosos com idade ≥75 anos (p < 0,001), os viúvos (p < 0,005), indivíduos com escolaridade ≤ 4º ano (p < 0,001), trabalhadores rurais (p < 0,001), habitantes em contexto rural (p < 0,01), pessoas com rendimentos inferiores (p < 0,005) e pessoas com dificuldades na visão e audição (p < 0,05). Relativamente às redes sociais constata-se que os utilizadores de computador, quando comparados com os não utilizadores, apresentam maior proporção de relações de trabalho (p < 0,05), redes menos coesas (p < 0,05), têm maior perceção de apoio no acesso a novos contactos (p < 0,005), maior perceção de reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,05) e menor durabilidade de relações (p < 0,005). Os idosos que utilizam meios digitais apresentam menores níveis de solidão (p < 0,05). Conclusões: A utilização de computadores pelos idosos pode contribuir para maximizas as suas redes sociais, observando-se uma maior perceção de apoio para aceder a novos contactos e menores níveis de solidão entre os utilizadores. Para isso, é essencial desenvolver estratégias de educativas para a infoinclusão e o envelhecimento ativo. / Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the personal social networks of older people according to the use of computer. Methodology: This is a descriptive and correlational study. The Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente 2012) and a questionnaire for sociodemographic and issues related to e-inclusion was used for data collection. Participants: The sample consisted of 567 participants, mostly female (n = 357, 63.0%) with a mean age of 75.53 years (SD = 7.60). Most people are married or in a partnership (n = 304, 53.7%) is living in a rural area (n = 323; 57,0%) and has the 4th class (n = 291, 51.3%) as qualifications. Results: It appears that most of the participants does not use computer (n = 487, 85.9%). However, among users, 60,0% (n = 45) use social networks and attach much importance to the bonds made through social networks (n = 33, 62.3%). It is observed that female subjects (p<0.05), people aged ≥ 75 years (p < 0.001), widowed (p < 0.005), with schooling ≤ 4 years (p < 0.001), who held office in agriculture or household care (p < 0.001), who live in rural areas (p < 0.01) and lower yields (p < 0.005) and those with visual and hearing impairment (p < 0.05) have a higher probability of not using the computer. With regard to social networks it appears that computer users have a higher proportion of working relationships (p < 0.05) in networks and lower density level of their personal social network (p < 0.05), a greater perception of support to access to new contacts (p < 0.005), higher perception of reciprocation of support (p < 0.05) and less durability relationships (p < 0.005). The elderly using digital media have lower solitude levels (p < 0.05). Conclusions: It is clear the potential use of computers by the elderly in order to maximize their personal social networks, there is a greater perception of support to access to new contacts and lower solitude levels between the users. In order to increase the level of senior e-inclusion it is essential to develop adaptation strategies of equipment and education, thereby promoting the quality of life and the inclusion of older people in society

    Abundance and diversity of Heteropteran species in portuguese olive groves

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    The olive tree canopy is a habitat for phytophagous and predaceous Heteropteran specimens whose biodiversity is important to be characterized. The aim of this world was to study the abundance and diversity of Heteropteran specimens in Portuguese olive groves with different plant protection systems (conventional. integrated protection and organic farming groves). Therefore, data were obtained in olive groves located in the main olive Portuguese regions (Alto Alentejo and Trás-os-Montes). Sampling occurred in 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003 and samples were obtained through the beating technique, on a weekly or fortnight basis from March to November of each year. The captured heteropteran specimens were identified to family level and, when possible, to genera or species level. Experimental results showed that specimens belonged to six families that were, for order of importance: Anthocoridae, Miridae. Lygaeidae, Tingidae, Penlalomidae and Nabidae. Beneficial predaceous specimens like AntiJocoris sp. and Deraeocoris lutenscens (Schilling, 1837) were the most abundant of the Anthocoridae and Miridae families, respectively. These families were more abundant from the beginning to the middle of June which coincided with the antophagou5 larval stage of the olive moth, Prays oleae (Bernard)

    Proliferative Endometrial Lesions Hidden behind the Feline Pyometra

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    The literature refers to pyometra as the most important pathology in the feline uterus, which is often associated with cystic endometrial disease (cystic endometrial hyperplasia/pyometra complex or CEH-Pyo). The etiology of pyometra is complex and probably multifactorial, but hormonal influences are suggested to play an important role in the pathogenesis. Progestagen-based contraceptives may be risk factors for the CEH-Pyo syndrome, for endometrial adenocarcinoma and also to mammary tumors in this species


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    Nos últimos anos, a dinâmica da economia brasileira foi bastante diversa e refletiu diretamente no comportamento do mercado de trabalho. Neste cenário, o sistema normativo que regula as relações laborais passou por transformações, no intuito de atender às necessidades do mercado, sobretudo a partir de novembro de 2017 com a aprovação da Lei 13.467/2017. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a dinâmica do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, investigando indícios de precarização das relações laborais com o advento da reforma trabalhista de 2017. As análises usam dados da PNAD Contínua e do CAGED, de indicadores como taxa de desemprego, subutilização e subocupação da força de trabalho; as novas modalidades de trabalho; as disparidades entre rendimentos do trabalho; e os níveis de emprego e desemprego etc., possibilitando comparações do mercado de trabalho antes e pós-reforma. Os resultados apontam que, apesar da lenta recuperação do mercado de trabalho, tem avançado a deterioração dele

    Monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 are associated with CD147 in cervical carcinoma

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    Due to the highly glycolytic metabolism of solid tumours, there is an increased acid production, however, cells are able to maintain physiological pH through plasma membrane efflux of the accumulating protons. Acid efflux through MCTs (monocarboxylate transporters) constitutes one of the most important mechanisms involved in tumour intracellular pH maintenance. Still, the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these proteins are not fully understood. We aimed to evaluate the association between CD147 (MCT1 and MCT4 chaperone) and MCT expression in cervical cancer lesions and the clinico-pathological significance of CD147 expression, alone and in combination with MCTs. The series included 83 biopsy samples of precursor lesions and surgical specimens of 126 invasive carcinomas. Analysis of CD147 expression was performed by immunohistochemistry. CD147 expression was higher in squamous and adenocarcinoma tissues than in the non-neoplastic counterparts and, importantly, both MCT1 and MCT4 were more frequently expressed in CD147 positive cases. Additionally, co-expression of CD147 with MCT1 was associated with lymph-node and/or distant metastases in adenocarcinomas. Our results show a close association between CD147 and MCT1 and MCT4 expressions in human cervical cancer and provided evidence for a prognostic value of CD147 and MCT1 co-expression.CP received a PhD fellowship from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/27465/2006)

    O impacto do diagnóstico citológico de atipiasi indeterminadas no sistema público de saúde

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    As alterações citológicas de significado indeterminado representam uma importante limitação diagnóstica nos programas de escrutíneo de lesões cérvico-vaginais. A introdução de métodos biomoleculares, como o sistema de captura híbrida para detecção de HPV de alto risco contribui para a otimização da conduta clínica dessas pacientes, indicando colposcopia com precisão. Objetivo: avaliar o significado de lesões de significado indeterminado com relação à infecção pelo HPV, com o uso do teste de DNA para HPV com o método da captura de híbridos II. Métodos: foram estudadas amostras de 236 casos consecutivos examinados no laboratório da DIGENE-BRASIL, de pacientes com diagnóstico citológico prévio de ASCUS. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de captura híbrida para identificação de DNA-HPV de alto e baixo riscos. Resultados: dos 236 casos analisados, 183 (77,5%) foram negativos para o teste de captura híbrida, seis (2,6%) foram positivos para HPV de baixo risco e 47 (19,9%) foram positivos para HPV de alto risco. Conclusão : as amostras positivas para HPV de baixo risco representam uma pequena e não- onsiderável minoria de casos, provavelmente, transientes. Cerca de 20% dos casos foram positivos para HPV de alto risco e deverão ser encaminhados à colposcopia e biopsia, se necessário. Esses casos representam um grande potencial de progressão para lesões cervicais.In order to optimize the morphological analysis of the cases with uncertain diagnosis, we critically analyzed the cases with Atypia of Squamous Cells of Undertemined Significance (ASCUS) in cytological samples of uterine cervix collected in conventional smears (CS) and liquidbased preparations (LBC) an to correlate the findings with Hybrid Capture II (HC2) assay and biopsy. Objective: to evaluate the meanig of undetermined cytological atypia in relation to HPV infection detected by hybrid capture II test. Methods: 97 cases taken from women examined at Perola Byignton Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, during the year of 2002. The conventional smears were taken previously than LBC. The residual sample was placed in liquid-medium and LBC preparation with DNA-Citoliq system was performed. If at least one of the paired samples were classified as ASCUS, the pair was submitted to a guided revision in order to evaluate the type of alteration taken in account to categorized ASCUS. Results: from 97 cases studied, 14 were categorized as ASCUS by the two methods simultaneously. The others had different classification under or hyper estimated. Six cases diagnosed as squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) by CS were ASCUS by LBC; in contrary, 19 ASCUS by CS were SIL by LBC. Eleven ASCUS by CS were diagnosed as negative by LBC, but CS categorized 47 LBC ASCUS as negative. From the morphological parameters nuclear enlargement and coarse chromatin were regarded as ASCUS. From 68 ASCUS by LBC, 36 were HC2 positive for high risk HPV (hr-HPV) : ten of them with biopsy proven lesion. From 42 CS ASCUS, 23 were hr-HPV positive, but only 7 with histological lesion. Conclusion: our results reinforced the hypothesis that ASCUS is poorly reproducible by morphological examination by CS or LBC preparations. To add HC2 as adjunct method to ASCUS cytology can improve the routine diagnosed of the uncertain atypies

    The association of p16INK4A and fragile histidine triad gene expression and cervical lesions

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    Objective. This cross-sectional study was intended to assess the association between immunohistochemical analysis of p16INK4A and fragile histidine triad (FHIT) and the presence of precancerous cervical lesions. Materials and Methods. Women seen at Pe´ rola Byington Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, with histologically confirmed cervicitis (n = 31), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 (n = 30), CIN 2,3 (n = 30), and cervical cancer (n = 7) had also cervical material collected for liquid-based cytology, human papillomavirus Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) test, and p16 and FHIT immunohistochemical reactions. Results. p16 and FHIT reactions were scored as the following: G1%, 1% to 5%, 95% to 25%, and 925%. Receiver operating curve analysis was used to select p16 and FHIT score cutoffs for further categorical analyses. All but one of the 37 CIN 2,3/cancer cases had a p16 score of greater than 1% to 5%. Among the 61 cervicitis/CIN 1 cases, 46 (75%) had a p16 score lower than 1% to 5%. In contrast, no association of FHIT expression and severity of cervical lesions could be demonstrated in this data set. Receiver operating curve analyses suggested the score of 1% to 5% for p16 as the cutoff that best discriminates CIN 2,3/cancer from cervicitis/CIN 1. No cutoff for FHIT scores could be suggested with data set. Conclusions. p16, but not FHIT expression, has the potential to be used as complementary diagnostic tool to investigate human papillomavirusYinduced cervical lesions, if these results are confirmed in larger studies.(undefined

    Immunocytochemical expression of p16 INK4A and Ki-67 in cytologically negative and equivocal pap smears positive for oncogenic human papillomavirus

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    This study was designed to analyze the cross-sectional comparison of the p16 INK4A and Ki-67 immunocytochemical expression in negative and equivocal (atyp-ical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US)) liquid-based cytology (LBC) samples testing positive for high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types with HC2 assay or polymerase-chain reaction (PCR). A series of 199 consecutive LBC speci-mens derived from the same number of women participating in the ongoing Latin American Screening Study at Leonor Mendes de Barros Hospital, São Paulo, were analyzed using immunocytochemistry for expression of p16 INK4A and Ki-67 in negative and equivocal LBC samples testing positive for high-risk HPV types with hybrid capture II test (HC2) or PCR. All patients with at least one test positive (cytology, PCR, and/or HC2) were followed each 6 months for 3 years. The follow-up procedure consisted of visual examination, colposcopic inspection, cytology, and HC2 assay. Among the neg-ative cytologic samples, 101 were HPV-positive and 55 HPV-negative. Of the HPV-pos-itive group, 59 of 101 cases (58.4%) were positive for both p16 and Ki67 immunostaining, and 17 of 101 (16.8%) were negative for both. The proportion of Ki-67-positivity increased almost in parallel with the increasing grade of p16-positivity (p = 0.0001 for linear trend). In the HPV-negative group, both markers were negative in 41 of 55 cases (74.5%), and no statistical relationship was observed between the two markers (Pearson, p = 0.595). HPV-positive ASC-US samples demonstrated a simulta-neous positive immunoreaction for p16 and Ki67 in 11 of 16 cases (68.7%), whereas 3 (18.7%) were concurrently negative. The relationship between the two markers was of borderline significance (Pearson, p = 0.053), but no linear relationship was found be-tween the graded p16 and Ki-67 expression (p = 0.065 for linear trend). In the HPV-negative ASC-US group, there was no statistical association between the graded p16 and Ki-67 positivity (Pearson, p = 0.281). After 36 months of follow-up of the ASC-US patients, 6 women still displayed ASC-US smear, of which 4 of 6 were HPV-positive and expressed both p16 and Ki-67 markers. Two of 43 ASC-US smears had high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions diagnosed (4.6%), and 1 had low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (2.3%). All of those were positive for HPV, p16 and Ki-67. Patients with ASC-US diagnosis and positive high-risk HPV status and positive for p16 INK4A Ki67 should be carefully observed to exclude occurrence of a squamous intraepithelial lesion. The combination of these two markers can be a useful implement for manage-ment of women with equivocal cytology.European Commission (EC) - INCO-DEV Programme - Project #ICA4-CT-2001-10013

    Chronic hepatitis C treatment in HIV co‐infection in Portugal: Results from a cohort OF 2133 patients presented by GEPCOI (Portuguese Coinfection Study Group)

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    Direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs) have recently changed the paradigm of hepatitis C therapy, significantly improving treatment response rates, patient life expectancy and quality of life. In Portugal, sofosbuvir (SOF) and SOF/ledipasvir (SOF/LDV) were fully reimbursed by the National Health System since early 2015 and generalized use of interferon-free DAA based regimens became current practice. During 2016, the remaining DAAs were sequentially added and covered by the same health access policy. The Portuguese Study Group of Hepatitis and HIV Co-infection (GEPCOI) collected data from 15 clinical centres in Portugal, pertaining to the HCV treatment experience with DAA regimens. A cohort of 2133 patients was analysed, representing one of the largest DAA treated HCV/HIV co-infected individuals. The global sustained virologic response (SVR) achieved was 95% in this real-life cohort setting. Linear regression analysis showed significant differences in treatment response rates when using SOF plus ribavirin (RBV) combination in genotype 2 or 3 infected individuals (P < .002) and in those with liver cirrhosis (P < .002). These findings corroborate that early treatment is mandatory in HIV/HCV co-infected patients, as response rates may be negatively influenced by higher fibrosis stages and suboptimal DAA regimens. The current national Portuguese health policy should continue to promote wider treatment access and individualized therapy strategies, aiming at the elimination of HCV infection in this high-risk co-infected population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Temporal changes in Neutral Endopeptidase/CD10 immunoexpression in the cyclic and early pregnant canine endometrium.

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    CD10 is a multifunctional transmembrane neutral endopeptidase (NEP), considered to be a reliable marker of ectopic human endometrial stroma. Available information in NEP/CD10 protein expression in animal endometria is scarce. This study focused on the immunolocalization of NEP/CD10 in the canine uterus and on its temporal changes during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy (days 11 to 23 post-LH surge) in healthy females. NEP/CD10 expression was found in the canine endometrial stroma in all stages of the oestrous cycle, showing cyclic differences both in intensity and in distribution pattern. A small population of negative stromal cells in subsurface position was also observed. This population shared some morphological characteristics with the human predecidual cells, which became positive in progesterone-associated stages of the cycle. In addition, positive immunolabelling was also observed in canine myometrial stroma. In early pregnancy, the basal glandular epithelia and the syncytium cords, remained negative to this marker,, contrasting with the trophoblast and the lacunar epithelium. A weak to moderate intensity of immunolabelling was observed in the decidual cells, while stromal immunolabelling was more intense at the delimitation of the syncytium cords. In conclusion, CD10 is consistently expressed in the canine endometrial stroma and myometrium, but not in endometrial epithelia. The characteristic pattern seen in early pregnancy also suggests a role for this molecule in the process of embryo invasion at implantation.FCT através dos projetos PTDC/CVT/66587/2006 e PEst-OE/AGR/UI0772/201