2,666 research outputs found

    Information systems for industrial processes support and optimization

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    This paper presents the Document Management Systems (DMS) as a support decision tool to optimize Toyota Caetano Portugal S.A. (TCAP) processes performance. The created systems were developed on the best practices of a Business Project Management (BPM), for better structural implementation. The first system implementation was related to the warehouse materials requirement process, where an excel template with VBA functions for fill automatization was built. It had a reduction of the overall paper consumption and time execution optimization, which means the gain of approximately of 0,10€ and 2,09€ per unit produced, respectively. It was also obtained an elimination of 4538 paper sheets per year. A second system was also developed, in order to provide a Decision Support System (DSS) for documental management. Several User Forms were developed in VBA code in order to provide a flexible and intuitively user interface experience. It reduced the users time decision making and the administrator maintenance, by a total of 26 minutes, corresponding to a 1,61€ reduction per unit built, which means an efficiency increase of 42%. The present work fits in the company's strategy for a more sustainable environment being a positive driver of Industry 4.0 implementation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pulmonary Actinomycosis: A Diagnostic Challenge

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    Pulmonary actinomycosis is an uncommon and challenging infectious disease with non-specific symptoms and imaging findings. The authors report a case of a 68-year-old man with diabetes and a history of past smoking who presented with anorexia and weight loss with no significant findings on physical examination. A parenchymal consolidation in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe was detected after a chest computed tomography (CT). Bacterial colonies of Actinomyces species were identified in the histology of transbronchial biopsy. Imaging reassessment after six weeks of treatment with oral amoxicillin showed progression with a high metabolism 10.5 standardized uptake value (SUV) documented on the f-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/CT. Concern about the possibility of lung cancer was raised and ruled out by a negative transthoracic needle biopsy. The diagnosis of pulmonary actinomycosis with pyogenic superinfection was presumed. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous amoxicillin and clavulanate for two weeks, followed by six months of oral treatmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Passing Through a Hole: Delayed Diaphragmatic Hernia After Cytoreductive Surgery

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    A diaphragmatic hernia is a protrusion of abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity. Although it is commonly congenital, diaphragmatic hernias can also be acquired. Blunt or penetrating trauma are among the most frequent causes, although spontaneous or iatrogenic cases have been reported. Recently, some case reports related to diaphragmatic hernia after debulking surgery for advanced ovarian cancer have been described. This is an exceedingly rare but life-threatening complication, being prompt recognition and surgical correction critical. We report a case of a delayed diaphragmatic hernia in a 19-year-old female resulting from cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. Rapid evolution from gastrointestinal symptoms to hypovolemic shock occurred, and intensive care admission was required. Immediate surgery was critical to improving the patient outcome. This case highlights this uncommon but life-threatening complication, the challenges of diagnosing and managing those patients, and the need for early recognition, support, and surgical correction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a grooming process for an agile software team in the automotive domain

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    At the current unpredictable technical evolution, the market is demanding an increasingly flexibility from companies to adapt to the pace of change in what customers want. The present research was developed in an automotive company, where software teams are pursuing Agile methodologies to coupe with these challenges. Teams use the Scrum framework, however, lack of efficient communication among team members results in poor performance of the product owner and the development team. In an attempt to solve this issue and according to the needs shared by the teams, this paper proposes a grooming process for a Scrum team. It provides a step-wise approach to work breakdown, from customer requirements elicitation to the development of ready work entities using the user story format. This paper describes how agile methods can support requirements engineering in a software project.This work is supported by: European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 002797; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002797

    Pneumocephalus Following an Accidental Dural Puncture, Treated Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. A Case Report

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    Introduction: Neuraxial techniques, including epidural anaesthesia, are often used for perioperative pain control and are generally safe. However, both transient, mild and even severe, life-threatening neurologic complications can occur. Case presentation: A seventy-eight-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for a radical nephrectomy plus transurethral resection due to kidney and bladder cancer. During the epidural exploration, an accidental dural puncture was noted. This was followed by the patient complaining of an intense headache. The epidural catheter was placed in a different location, and surgery was performed uneventfully. The patient presented with confusion, agita-tion, vertical nystagmus, vision loss, and paraparesis about two hours later. The epidural levobupivacaine and mor-phine infusion were stopped, followed by motor block resolution. A computerized head-tomography scan showed extra-axial multiple air spots involving the frontal and temporal lobes. Emergent hyperbaric oxygen therapy was commenced. After a single session, there was complete resolution of all symptoms and a marked reduction in the number and volume of the extra-axial air visible on the CT scan. Conclusions: Although rare, pneumocephalus is a well-recognized complication of a dural puncture. Its rapid recognition in a patient with new-onset neurological symptoms and early treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy allows rapid clinical and imaging resolution and an improved prognosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Melhoria de desempenho de processo de tratamento de reclamações e gestão de stocks de produto intermédio numa empresa do setor automóvel

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas (área de especialização em Logística)O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido numa empresa do ramo automóvel, cuja finalidade é a produção de antenas. Foi realizado no âmbito do projeto de dissertação do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas, ramo de especialização em Logística. Os principais objetivos da dissertação assentaram na melhoria de desempenho do processo de tratamento de reclamações de produto não conforme por parte do Cliente e na gestão de stocks de produto acabado e Work-in-Process (WIP) não conforme que seguem para as fases de Análise e Retrabalho, respetivamente. Deste modo, pretendeu-se reduzir o desperdício e aumentar a eficiência nos dois processos. A metodologia de investigação usada neste estudo foi a metodologia Investigação-Ação. Assim, foi realizada a revisão da literatura acerca do Lean Manufacturing e dos seus princípios e ferramentas, do tratamento de reclamações, da redução de stocks e da Simulação em Arena. Através do estudo do processo de tratamento de reclamações de antenas não conformes por parte do Cliente e do processo produtivo de peças não conforme da empresa, foi realizado um diagnóstico à situação atual. Recorrendo às ferramentas Lean como fluxogramas, Análise de Pareto e Diagrama de causa-efeito (Diagrama de Ishikawa), à realização de auditorias internas às linhas de produção bem como o recurso ao uso da Simulação em Arena, foram identificadas algumas fontes de desperdício, nomeadamente, o excesso de campos no software utilizado para a gestão de reclamações por parte do Cliente, o que dificulta na análise de dados, e o elevado número de produto não conforme em stock na Análise e Retrabalho. A utilização adequada destas ferramentas permitiu identificar os principais problemas e as suas causas, para os processos em estudo. Com base neste conhecimento foram propostas ações de melhorias que passaram pela reformulação do software utilizado pela organização e pela contratação de mais trabalhadores para as fases da Análise e Retrabalho. Com a implementação das ações propostas, prevê-se (pelo modelo de simulação implementado) uma redução do stock de produto acabado não conforme na ordem dos 96% para a fase da Análise e uma redução idêntica para o produto intermédio não conforme, para fase do Retrabalho. Devido à curta duração do estágio curricular onde a dissertação foi realizada, as propostas não foram implementadas, sendo recomendada a sua adoção no futuro.The present work was developed in an automobile company, whose purpose is the production of antennas. It was carried out within the scope of the dissertation project of the 2nd year of the Master in Systems Engineering, Logistics branch. The main objectives of the dissertation were to improve the process of product that went back to the company because it was not according to Customer’s specifications and the stock management of non-conforming and Work-in-Process (WIP) product that go to Analysis and Rework phases, respectively. Thus, it was attempted to reduce waste and increase efficiency on both processes. The research methodology used in this study was the Research-Action methodology. Thus, a review of the literature on Lean Manufacturing and its principles and tools, handling complaints, stock reduction and Arena Simulation was carried out. Through the study of how the management of defective antennas is done by the Quality department and the productive process of non-conforming product of the Production department is done, a diagnosis was made to the current situation. Using Lean tools such as flowcharts, Pareto Analysis and Cause-Effect Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram), internal audits to the production line and the use of Arena Simulation, some source of waste were identified such as excess of fields on the software used for the management of complaints by the Customer, which makes data analysis difficult, and the high number of non-conforming product that is on stock at Analysis and Rework phases. The proper use of these tools allowed to identify the main problems and their causes for the processes under study. Actions were presented for improvements that went through the reformulation of the software used by the organization and the hiring of more workers for the Analysis and Rework phases. With the implementation of the presented actions, a reduction of the non-conforming finished product stock in the order of 96% for the Analysis phase is expected (by the simulation model implemented) and a similar reduction for the defective WIP product for the Rework. Due to the short duration of the curricular internship where the dissertation was held, the suggestions were not implemented and its implementation are recommended in the future

    Deep dense and convolutional autoencoders for machine acoustic anomaly detection

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    Recently, there have been advances in using unsupervised learning methods for Acoustic Anomaly Detection (AAD). In this paper, we propose an improved version of two deep AutoEncoders (AE) for unsupervised AAD for six types of working machines, namely Dense and Convolutional AEs. A large set of computational experiments was held, showing that the two proposed deep autoencoders, when combined with a mel-spectrogram sound preprocessing, are quite competitive and outperform a recently proposed AE baseline. Overall, a high-quality class discrimination level was achieved, ranging from 72% to 92%.European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) - Project n ∘ 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334