25 research outputs found

    Valoración agronómica de residuos industriales yesiferos y calizos. implicaciones sobre la dinámica del complejo de cambio, la disolución del suelo y la productividad en palxerults del oeste de España

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    En el presente trabajo se hace una evaluación agronómica de varios subproductos industriales yesíferos y calizos como correctores de la acidez en Palexerults del oeste de España. Los subproductos industriales seleccionados fueron fosfoyeso, yesorojo, residuos dolomíticos de convertidor (RDC) y espumas de azucarería utilizando además un yeso y caliza convencionales como referentes. Con el presente estudio se pretende dar solución por un lado al problema de almacenaje de los subproductos en las industrias generadoras y por otro al de la mejora de las características agronómicas de suelos muy ácidos y pobres por una vía asequible para los agricultores. Para la consecución de los objetivos, se plantearon varios ensayos de laboratorio, de campo y de productividad. En los ensayos de laboratorio se estudió el efecto de los subproductos seleccionados aplicados en forma aislada ó en combinación sobre la dinámica del complejo de cambio y de la disolución del suelo mediante el empleo de columnas de lavado con los horizontes Ap y AB reconstruidos y con muestreadores del agua del suelo; en dichas columnas se simularon uno y dos ciclos de lavado. Además se planteó otro ensayo con columnas de suelo con el Ap enmendada con fosfoyeso y yesorojo a las que se aplicaron de diversas formas el RDC para estudiar la capacidad de este subproducto para compensar las pérdidas de Magnesio inducidas por las enmiendas yesíferas. Paralelamente se dispuso un campo de experimentación "Campo Nuevo", en la raña de Cañamero, donde se estudió el efecto de la aplicación del fosfoyeso y yesorojo junto al RDC. Se realizaron ensayos en invernadero para evaluar el efecto en la productividad del horizonte Ap de la aplicación de los enmendantes yesíferos y calizos, y de la aplicación conjunta de los subproductos yesíferos y RDC. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de los ensayos descritos destacan: Entre los enmendantes calizos la espuma tiene un poder neutralizador de la acidez superior e incrementa la disponibilidad del fósforo en el suelo. Ambos ejercen su principal efecto en el horizonte superficial Ap, donde incrementan el pH, el Ca de cambio, reducen drásticamente el Al de cambio e incrementando la CICe, siendo su efecto sobre el horizonte AB menor. El yeso, fosfoyeso y yesorojo, afectan a los dos horizontes Ap y AB, provocando un descenso temporal en el pH, (que se recupera con el avance del lavado), incrementan el Ca de cambio, disminuyen el Al de cambio, y provocan graves pérdidas de Mg y el Na y en menor medida de K. La aplicación conjunta de espumas de azucarería con fosfoyeso ó yesorojo inducen en el Ap efectos análogos a los de la espuma en el pH, el Ca y Al de cambio, y la CICe y análogos al subproducto yesífero en el Mg, Na, y K de cambio. En el horizonte AB inducen cambios análogos a los del subproducto yesífero. El efecto sobre la dinámica de la composición de la disolución del suelo es un reflejo de los cambios observados en el complejo de cambio. Dentro de los enmendantes yesíferos, el fosfoyeso presentó diferencias en la especiación del Al en la disolución del suelo debidas principalmente a su contenido en Flúor. Los Residuos Dolomíticos de Convertidor (RDC) son eficaces correctores de las pérdidas de Mg provocadas en el suelo por la aplicación de enmendantes yesíferos, siendo más eficaz su acción cuando se aplican una vez que las enmiendas yesíferas han experimentado un cierto lavado. A corto plazo, todos los productos yesíferos y calizos ensayados incrementan la productividad del Ap, siendo la mayor producción provocada por la espuma de azucarería. de los dos subproductos yesíferos, el Trigo duro Triticum aestivum. respondió mejor al yesorojo que al fosfoyeso. La aplicación de RDC conjuntamente con los subproductos yesíferos incrementan la productividad

    The short term influence of aboveground biomass cover crops on C sequestration and β-glucosidase in a vineyard ground under semiarid conditions

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    © 2014 Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacion. All Rights Reserved. Tillage and semiarid Mediterranean climatic conditions accelerate soil organic matter losses in Spanish vineyards. Previous studies showed that cover crops can increase soil organic carbon (SOC) in Mediterranean vineyards. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of two different cover crops in the short term on soil C sequestration in a semiarid vineyard and to study the potential use of both β-glucosidase enzimatic activity (GLU) and the GLU/SOC ratio in order to assess the SOC increase. The experiment was carried out in a cv. Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) vineyard on a Oxyaquic Xerorthent soil in Rioja winegrowing region (NE, Spain). The experimental design was established in 2009 with three treatments: conventional tillage; sown barley cover crop (Hordeum vulgare, L.); sown Persian clover cover crop (Trifolium resupinatum L.). Carbon in the aboveground biomass with each cover crop was monitored. Soil was sampled in June 2011 and June 2012, and SOC, GLU and the GLU/SOC ratio were determined. After 3 years both cover crops increased SOC at soil surface with C sequestration rates of 0.47 and 1.19 t C ha–1 yr–1 for BV and CV respectively. GLU and GLU/SOC ratio increased in both cover crops at 0-5 cm soil depth. The C sequestration rates and GLU were related to the cover crops aboveground biomass. In consequence, in semiarid vineyards under cover crops GLU could be an appropriate indicator to asses the increase of SOC and the soil quality improvement in the short-term (2-3 years).This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, INIA and European Social Fund through project INIA-RTA 2009-00101-00-00. F. Peregrina thanks the INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria) and European Social Fund for its post-doctoral grants and E. Pérez-Álvarez thanks the INIA for her pre-doctoral grant.Peer Reviewe

    Parallel sets and morphological measurements of CT images of soil pore structure in a vineyard

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    Important physical and biological processes in soil-plant-microbial systems are dominated by the geometry of soil pore space, and a correct model of this geometry is critical for understanding them. We analyze the geometry of soil pore space with the X-ray computed tomography (CT) of intact soil columns. We present here some preliminary results of our investigation on Minkowski functionals of parallel sets to characterize soil structure. We also show how the evolution of Minkowski morphological measurements of parallel sets may help to characterize the influence of conventional tillage and permanent cover crop of resident vegetation on soil structure in a Spanish Mediterranean vineyard

    Morphological Functions with Parallel Sets for the Pore Space of X-ray CT Images of Soil Columns

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    During the last few decades, new imaging techniques like X-ray computed tomography have made available rich and detailed information of the spatial arrangement of soil constituents, usually referred to as soil structure. Mathematical morphology provides a plethora of mathematical techniques to analyze and parameterize the geometry of soil structure. They provide a guide to design the process from image analysis to the generation of synthetic models of soil structure in order to investigate key features of flow and transport phenomena in soil. In this work, we explore the ability of morphological functions built over Minkowski functionals with parallel sets of the pore space to characterize and quantify pore space geometry of columns of intact soil. These morphological functions seem to discriminate the effects on soil pore space geometry of contrasting management practices in a Mediterranean vineyard, and they provide the first step toward identifying the statistical significance of the observed differences

    Evolution of some physical properties related to soil quality in the degraded ecosystems of raña formations from SW Spain

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    Se hace un estudio de la dinámica de diversas propiedades físicas del suelo relacionadas con su calidad: densidad aparente, porosidad y porcentaje de agregados estables en un palexexerult bajo diferentes tipos de vegetación y formas de uso; se encuentra que estas propiedades son muy sensibles a la disminución del contenido en materia orgánica, que a su vez esta relacionado con la degradación de la vegetación natural y los años de laboreo del suel

    Relación entre la respiración del suelo y propiedades indicadoras de la calidad del suelo en un viñedo de la D.O.Ca. Rioja con manejos alternativos

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    11 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.-- Trabajo presentado al IV Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo: "Suelo: Funciones y Manejo" celebrado en Granada del 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2010.En un suelo de viñedo representativo de la D.O.Ca Rioja se han estudiado la capacidad de dos manejos de suelo alternativos, cubiertas vegetales y la aplicación de sustrato de postcultivo de champiñón (SPCH) para incrementar el carbono orgánico del suelo y mejorar la calidad del mismo. Se muestreó la capa más superficial del suelo (0-5 cm), y se encontró que ambos manejos incrementaron la materia orgánica total y las hcciones lábiles como el Carbono soluble y el Nitrógeno potencialmente mineralizable. Sin embargo las cubiertas vegetales presentan mayor actividad enzimática B-Glucosidasa y Ureasa; las cuales mostraron altas correlaciones con la respiración del suelo.El presente trabajo se realizado gracias al INIA y el Fondo Social Europeo a través del programa de Doctores INIA-CCAA. También gracias a la financiación del Gobierno de la Rioja a través del proyecto regional R-07-09 y del INIA (proyecto RTA 2009-00101-00-00).Peer reviewe

    Surface Soil Properties Influence Carbon Oxide Pulses After Precipitation Events in a Semiarid Vineyard Under Conventional Tillage and Cover Crops

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    In semiarid regions of the Mediterranean basin, a rainfall event can induce a respiratory pulse that releases a large amount of soil carbon dioxide (CO) into the atmosphere; this pulse can significantly contribute to the annual ecosystem carbon (C) balance. The impacts of conventional tillage and two different cover crops, resident vegetation and Bromus catharticus L., on soil CO efflux were evaluated in a Vitis vinifera L. vineyard in La Rioja, Spain. Soil CO efflux, gravimetric water content, and temperature were monitored at a depth of 0-5 cm after rainfall precipitation events approximately every 10 d in the period from May 17 to July 27, 2012, during which the cover crops had withered. Additionally, on June 10, 2012, soil organic C, microbial biomass C, and β-glucosidase activity were determined at soil depths of 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-15, and 15-25 cm. The results show that pulses of soil CO were related to the increase in soil water content following precipitation events. Compared to the conventional tillage treatment, both cover crop treatments had higher soil CO efflux after precipitation events. Both cover crop treatments had higher soil organic C, microbial biomass C, and β-glucosidase activity at the soil surface (0-2.5 cm) than the conventional tillage treatment. Each pulse of CO was related to the surface soil properties. Thus, this study suggests that the enhancement of soil organic C and microbiological properties at the soil surface under cover crops may increase soil CO efflux relative to conventional tillage immediately after precipitation events during the dry season.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria), Spain, and European Social Fund (INIA-RTA 2009-00101-00-00). F. Peregrina thanks the INIA and European Social Fund for his postdoctoral grant.Peer Reviewe

    Soil Quality Dynamics Following Long-Term Application of Poultry Manure and Sewage Sludge on Grassland

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    Organic manures can complement or even replace mineral fertilization of a pasture within a sustainable production system. In this article, an evaluation is made of the changes occurring in some properties related to soil quality after 7 years of applying two types of organic manures, poultry manure (PM) and sewage-sludge pellets (SP), compared those produced by normal mineral fertilization and a control. Both organic manures were effective for improving the quality of the soil surface horizon; however, PM appeared more effective in accumulating organic matter and improved more soil properties than did SP. The PM in particular improved soil aggregation, microbial development, and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage in the form of organic matter. On the other hand, SP lowered soil pH and increased β-glucosidase activity. The soil water-storage capacity and conservation also increased with the application of both organic manures.Peer Reviewe

    Soil nutrient availability under Cover Crops: Effects on vines, must, and wine in a Tempranillo Vineyard

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    © 2015 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture. All rights reserved. Cover crops can compete with vines for soil nutrients and thus can affect grapevine development and must and wine quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different cover crops on the availability of soil N, P, K, and Mg and on grapevine nutritional status, vigor, yield, and must and wine quality. The experiment was carried out in a cv. Tempranillo vineyard in La Rioja, Spain, using three treatments: a gramineous cover crop (barley), a leguminous cover crop (clover), and conventional tillage. Soil nitrate evolution and P, K, and Mg were determined, and total biomass and nutrient content of cover crops were measured. We also assessed leaf nutrient content, vine vigor, yield, and must and wine quality. Uptake of P, K, and Mg by cover crops did not reduce the soil availability of those nutrients and did not affect their concentrations in grapevines. The barley cover crop reduced soil N availability from the first year onward and led to decreased leaf N and vine vigor in the third year. Increased polyphenol content and color intensity were observed in the barley treatment in the fourth year, and these changes were more significant in must than in wine. The clover treatment increased soil N availability in years 2 through 4 and led to increased leaf N content in the third and fourth years. The use of barley as a cover crop could be a viable alternative for reducing soil N and improving must and wine quality; however, these effects required time to develop after introduction of the cover crop.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria), and European Social Fund through project INIA-RTA 2009-00101-00-00. F. Peregrina thanks the INIA and European Social Fund for his postdoctoral grant and E. Pérez-Álvarez thanks the INIA for her predoctoral grant.Peer Reviewe

    Soil microbiological properties and its stratification ratios for soil quality assessment under different cover crop management systems in a semiarid vineyard

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    In vineyards in Spain, tillage and semiarid Mediterranean climatic conditions accelerate organic matter loss from the soil. Cover crops are a conservation management practice that can provoke changes in soil quality which requires evaluation. Stratification ratios of soil properties such as soil organic C and labile C fractions have been proposed for the assessment of soil quality under different soil management systems. Our objective was to study the effect of different cover crop management on various soil parameters and their stratification ratios. We evaluated three different soil managements in a Typic Haploxerept from NE Spain: conventional tillage (CT); 5-y continuous cover crop of resident vegetation (RV); and 4-y continuous cover crop of Festuca longifolia Thuill., followed by 1-y Bromus catharticus L. after resowing (BV). We monitored soil organic C, particulate organic C, water soluble C, potentially mineralizable N, microbial biomass C, β-glucosidase and urease enzymatic activities, and water stable aggregates at 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-15, 15-25, and 25-45cm soil depths. We calculated soil depth stratification ratios of those soil properties. Resident cover crop increased microbiological properties, labile C fractions, and aggregation with respect to conventional tillage at 0-2.5 and 2.5-5cm soil depths. However, for Bromus cover crop the same soil properties were lower than for the resident cover crop at 0-2.5cm depth. Stratification ratios of β-glucosidase and urease enzymatic activities, and particulate organic C showed a higher sensitivity than other soil properties; therefore, they would be the best indicators for soil quality assessment in semiarid Mediterranean vineyards. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.This study was supported by Spain’s Ministry of Science (INIA) and the European Social Fund (ESF) through project INIA-RTA 2009-00101-00-00. F. Peregrina thanks INIA and ESF for his postdoctoral contract, and E. Pérez-Álvarez thanks the INIA for her predoctoral contract.Peer Reviewe