27 research outputs found

    Factors affecting discards by the coastal Spanish North Atlantic trawlers

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    Variations in the total discard in weight were evaluated by Spanish trawler fleet operating in the North Atiantic Spanish coast in 1994. The data used for this study came from observers on board commercial fishing boats in ICES Divisions VIIIe and IXa during normal fishing activity. A total of 493 hauls were analysed and 221 commercial and non-commercial species discarded were determined. The response variable studied is the whole discard of all species per unit effort. A general analysis of covariance was carried out with the following sources of variation: trip, quarter, area, port, three types of gears, groups of boats (using multivariant analysis of classification) and as covariables: total eatch per unit effort, fishing hours, depth, tonnage, horsepower and length of the boats studied. The results show a great variation in the discard values by unit of effort for this fleet, except for the intra-annual variation

    Discards of the trawl and long line Spanish fleets in ICES Subarea VII in 1994

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    Within the framework of a European Union (UE) contract and with voluntary participation of commercial fishing vessels, a discard sampling programme based on stratified random sampling by fisheries covered the activities of trawl and long line Spanish fleets fishing in ICES Subarea VII in 1994. Discards of commercial and non-commercial species, including species of pinnipeds, cetaceans, sea turtles and sea birds, caught incidentally were estimated in kg per fishing hour by ICES rectangle and depth stratum in 1994. The sampling programme was carried out by observers on board commercial fishing vessels during normal fishing activity. A total of 238 species caught by trawlers and 76 by long liners were determined. The comparison of the two fleets regarding their ratios of discards in 1994 shows that the larger percentages of discards relative to total catches are found in the trawl fisheries (48%) and around 50% are primarily due to the discards of three species of fish and one of crustacea. Seasonal variation in the case of discards of the two main species (Great Silver Smelt and Horse Mackerei) was observed. The depth at which discards were hig lies between 200 and 400m. Conversely, long line fishing in Subarea VII shows a lower discard rate than that of trawlers (10%). Approximately 60% of discards primarily comprise two species of fish, Blue Whiting and Great Silver Smelt, both of which show the highest discard value per f.h. in the 3rd quarter. No differences were observed by depth strata

    Recovery of two specimens of anglerfish Lophius piscatorius Linnaeus, 1758 in the northern stock (ICES Divisions VIII a and b) after being tagged in the southern stock (Division VIII c)

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    The present paper provides a first report on the recovery of two specimens of anglerfish Lophius piscatorius Linnaeus, 1758, both of which had been tagged in ICES Division VIII c (southern stock of anglerfish) and where recovered in Divisions VIII a and b (northern stock). The first of these recoveries, tagged on 22 October 1996 in the Cantabrian Sea waters off the coast of Fuenterrabía (Spain), took place on 10 January 1997 off the coast of Biscarrose (France). In the 80 days from tagging to recovery, its length had increased by 3 cm and it had travelled approximately 109 km. The other specimen was tagged on 20 December 1995 in the Cantabrian Sea waters off the coast of Santander (Spain) and recovered at the beginning of March 1997 off the coast of La Rochelle (France). During these 440 days, the fish travelled approximately 292 km.En este trabajo se notifica por primera vez la recuperación de dos ejemplares marcados de rape Lophius piscatorius Linnaeus, 1758. Ambos ejemplares fueron marcados en la división VIII c del CIEM (stock sur de rape) y capturados de nuevo en las divisiones VIII a y b (stock norte). El primer ejemplar fue marcado el día 22 de octubre de 1996 en aguas del mar Cantábrico, frente a la costa de Fuenterrabía (España), y recuperado el 10 de enero de 1997 frente a las costas de Biscarrose (Francia). Su talla aumentó 3 cm y se desplazó aproximadamente109 km desde el lugar de marcado, tras pasar 80 días en libertad. El segundo ejemplar fue marcado el 20 de diciembre de 1995 en aguas del mar Cantábrico, frente a la costa de Santander (España), y recuperado a primeros de marzo de 1997 frente a las costas de La Rochelle (Francia). Se desplazó aproximadamente292 km desde el lugar de marcado, tras pasar aproximadamente 440 días en libertad.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Relaciones talla-peso de peces capturados en las campañas de arrastre demersal Demersales 0993 y Demersales 0994

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    Se presentan las relaciones talla-peso de 52 especies de peces capturados en las campañas de arrastre demersal Demersales 0993 y Demersales 0994 durante los meses de septiembre y octubre de 1993 y 1994 en aguas del norte y noroeste de España (divisiones VIIIc y IXa del ICES).Length-weight relationships of 52 species of fish are presented. Fish were caught during the demersal trawl surveys Demersales O993 and Demersales 0994 carried out in September-October 1993 and 1994 in northern and northeastern Spanish waters (VIIIc and IXa ICES Divisions).Versión del editor0,000

    Importance of Blue Whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) discarded in the diet of Lesser-Spotted Dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) in the Cantabrian sea

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    Blue whiting is the most important demersal species caught, in landed biomass as well as in discarded biomass, by the trawl fleet in the South part of the Gulf of Biscay. Dogfish' is not commercial by-catch and it is discarded inmediately after sorting. During 1994 were accomplished analysis of 1094 stomach contents of dogfish caught in commercial ships working in a discard sampling program and a cruise research. The results reveal that from 17 cm, this especie depredates on blue whiting along all the year. The length ranges found in the stornach contents (6-31 cm) is similar to the length ranges discarded in the fishery (7-39 cm). The average quantity of blue whiting in stomachs of dogfish between 40 and 60 cm constitutes the 25% of the stomachs volume. The state of digestion in which is found the blue whiting prey, and the comparative analysis of the size distributions of blue whiting of the stomachs and the one of the fishery, presuppose that the blue whiting consumed is dead material originated from discard. Finally it is discussed the importance that this supplementary material can have in dogfish abundance

    Presence of atypical characteristics in two specimens of anglerfish Lophius budegassa Spinola, 1807, caught in the Bay of Biscay

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    Two specimens of anglerfish Lophius budegassa Spinola, 1807 with atypical characteristics, caught in the Bay of Biscay by trawlers during 1996 and 1997, are described. One of them was totally albinistic, with unpigmented peritoneum, blindness, and 5 rays at its first dorsal fin. The first three characteristics seem to be associated, and it is the largest albinistic specimen of L. budegassa described to date. The other specimen had orange spots on its dorsal side and on the edges of the pectoral fins on the ventral side.Se describen las características atípicas de dos ejemplares de rape Lophius budegassa Spinola, 1807, capturados por barcos de arrastre en el mar Cantábrico en los años 1996 y 1997. Uno de ellos presentaba albinismo total, peritoneo despigmentado, ceguera total y 5 radios en su primera aleta dorsal. Los tres primeros caracteres, al parecer, se encuentran asociados y se trata, además, del ejemplar albino de L. budegassa de mayor talla descrito hasta la actualidad. El otro ejemplar presentaba manchas naranjas en su parte dorsal y en los extremos de la parte ventral de sus aletas pectorales.Instituto Español de Oceanografí