128 research outputs found

    Total syntheses of conformationally-locked difluorinated pentopyranose analogues and a pentopyranosyl phosphate mimetic

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    Trifluoroethanol has been elaborated, via a telescoped sequence involving a metalated difluoroenol, a difluoroallylic alcohol, [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement, and ultimately an RCM reaction and requiring minimal intermediate purification, to a number of cyclooctenone intermediates. Epoxidation of these intermediates followed by transannular ring opening or dihydroxylation, then transannular hemiacetalization delivers novel bicyclic analogues of pentopyranoses, which were elaborated (in one case) to an analogue of a glycosyl phosphate

    One-pot near-ambient temperature syntheses of aryl(difluoroenol) derivatives from trifluoroethanol

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    Difluoroalkenylzinc reagents prepared from 1-(2’-methoxy-ethoxymethoxy)-2,2,2-trifluoroethane and 1-(N,N-diethylcarbamoyloxy)-2,2,2-trifluoroethane at ice bath temperatures, underwent Negishi coupling with a range of aryl halides in a convenient one pot procedure. While significant differences between the enol acetal and carbamate reagents were revealed, the Negishi protocol compared very favourably with alternative coupling procedures in terms of overall yields from trifluoroethanol

    A computational triage approach to the synthesis of novel difluorocyclopentenes and fluorinated cycloheptadienes using thermal rearrangements

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    Electronic structure calculations have been used for the effective triage of substituent effects on difluorinated vinylcyclopropane precursors and their ability to undergo vinyl cyclopropane rearrangements (VCPR). Groups which effectively stabilised radicals, specifically heteroarenes, were found to result in the lowest energy barriers. Ten novel precursors were synthesised to test the accuracy of computational predictions; the most reactive species which contained heteroarenes underwent thermal rearrangements at room temperature to afford novel difluorocyclopentenes and fluorinated benzocycloheptadienes through competing VCPR and [3,3]-rearrangement pathways, respectively. More controlled rearrangement of ethyl 3-(1’(2’2’-difluoro-3’benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)cyclopropyl) propenoate (22) allowed these competing pathways to be monitored at the same time and activation energies for both reactions were determined; Ea(VCPR) = (23.4 ± 0.2) kcal mol-1 and Ea([3,3]) = (24.9 ± 0.3) kcal mol-1. Comparing our calculated activation energies with these parameters showed that no single method stood out as the most accurate for predicting barrier heights; (U)M05-2X/6-31+G* methodology remained the best for VCPR but M06-2X/6-31G* was better for the [3,3]-rearrangement. The consistency observed with (U)B3LYP/6-31G* calculations meant that it came closest to a universal method for dealing with these systems. The developed computational design model correctly predicted the observed selectivity of rearrangement pathways for both our system and literature compounds

    Rapid assembly of highly-functionalised difluorinated cyclooctenones via ring-closing metathesis

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    Building block methodology from trifluoroethanol and ringclosing metathesis using a Fürstner modification of Grubbs’ conditions allows the rapid synthesis of novel difluorinated cyclooctenones

    The electrophilic fluorination of enol esters using SelectFluor : a polar two-electron process

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    The reaction of enol esters with SelectFluor is facile and leads to the corresponding α-fluoroketones under mild conditions and, as a result, this route is commonly employed for the synthesis of medicinally important compounds such as fluorinated steroids. However, despite the use of this methodology in synthesis, the mechanism of this reaction and the influence of structure on reactivity are unclear. We present a rigorous mechanistic study of the fluorination of these substrates, informed primarily by detailed and robust kinetic experiments. The results of this study implicate a polar two-electron process via an oxygen-stabilised carbenium species, rather than a single-electron process involving radical intermediates. The structure/reactivity relationships revealed here will assist synthetic chemists in deploying this type of methodology in the syntheses of α-fluoroketone

    What is the initiation step of the Grubbs-Hoveyda olefin metathesis catalyst?

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    Density function theory calculations reveal that the Grubbs-Hoveyda olefin metathesis pre-catalyst is activated by the formation of a complex in which the incoming alkene substrate and outgoing alkoxy ligand are both clearly associated with the ruthenium centre. The computed energies for reaction are in good agreement with the experimental values, reported here

    Developing the Saegusa-Ito cyclisation for the synthesis of difluorinated cyclohexenones

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    Palladium(II)-catalysed cycloalkenylation (Saegusa-Ito cyclisation) has been used for the first time to transform difluorinated silylenol ethers to difluorinated cycloalkenones under mild conditions. The silylenol ether precursors were prepared in two high-yielding steps from trifluoroethanol, and cyclised in moderate to good yields. A combination of air and copper(I) chloride in acetonitrile achieved the turnover of the initial palladium(II) salt, while the provision of an oxygen atmosphere ensured more rapid reaction. Annulations required a minimum level of substitution on the chain, but failed when the alkene was substituted. Annelations allowed a range of n,6-bicyclic systems to be prepared and afforded three products in which heterocycles were fused to the new cyclohexenone. The least substituted system explored underwent cyclisation followed by terminal oxidation to a cyclic enal, which corresponded to a Wacker product of unusual regiochemistry

    Solvent effects on Grubbs’ pre-catalyst initiation rates

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    Initiation rates for Grubbs and Grubbs-Hoveyda second generation pre-catalysts have been measured accurately in a range of solvents. Solvatochromic fitting reveals different dependencies on key solvent parameters for the two pre-catalysts, consistent with different mechanisms by which the Grubbs and Grubbs-Hoveyda pre-catalysts initiate

    Atom efficient synthesis of selectively difluorinated carbocycles through a gold(I) catalyzed cyclization

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    The intramolecular carbocyclization of difluorinated enol acetals has been achieved for the first time using gold(I) catalysis. Difluorinated enol acetals bearing a pendant alkene group can be cyclized and reduced in one pot to form fluorinated diol motifs. Alternatively, the cyclization of terminal alkynes allows for the synthesis of fluorinated pyran scaffolds. Both cyclization processes can be performed under mild conditions allowing access to complex products rich in functionality. The cyclic systems are synthesized concisely (maximum four steps) from trifluoroethanol, an inexpensive fluorinated feedstock

    Toward a simulation approach for alkene ring-closing metathesis : scope and limitations of a model for RCM

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    A published model for revealing solvent effects on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of di-Et diallylmalonate 7 has been evaluated over a wider range of conditions, to assess its suitability for new applications. Unfortunately, the model is too flexible and the published rate consts. do not agree with exptl. studies in the literature. However, by fixing the values of important rate consts. and restricting the concn. ranges studied, useful conclusions can be drawn about the relative rates of RCM of different substrates, precatalyst concn. can be simulated accurately and the effect of precatalyst loading can be anticipated. Progress has also been made toward applying the model to precatalyst evaluation, but further modifications to the model are necessary to achieve much broader aims
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