10 research outputs found


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    In this review, we provide a brief retrospective history of the science of animal welfare and recognize the sentience of non-human animals; however, we emphasize that crucial problems remain regarding how to define and measure animal welfare. In general, the use of physiological measures to assess welfare is discouraged. Furthermore, there is a theoretical background for measures of stress, but not for welfare states because life may not be at risk. Instead, a preference or choice-based approach, which is based on the animal decision, is recommended. To this end, welfare is discussed and then contrasted with disease, health, stress and distress. In addition, the importance of prospective capacities for the welfare of human and non-human animals is discussed.Después de una breve retrospectiva histórica de la ciencia del bienestar animal, en este artículo reconocemos la capacidad de sentir en animales no-humanos; pero enfatizamos que un problema crucial aun persiste al definir y medir el bienestar animal. Desalentamos el uso de medidas fisiológicas para evaluar el bienestar. Argumentamos que hay bases teóricas suficientes para tales patrones en el caso del estrés, pero no en el caso del bienestar, porque en este caso la vida puede no estar en riesgo. En contrapartida, defendemos un abordaje basado en la preferencia o escogencia de los animales, la cual está basada en la decisión del animal. Por tal razón, el bienestar es discutido y contrastado con enfermedad, salud, estrés y destres. Además de esto, la importancia de capacidades prospectivas es discutida en relación al bienestar de animales humanos y no-humanos.Após uma breve retrospectiva histórica da ciência do bem-estar animal, neste artigo reconhecemos a senciência em animais não-humanos; mas enfatizamos que problemas crucias permanecem para definirmos e medirmos o bem-estar animal. Desencorajamos o uso de medidas fisiológicas para avaliar bem-estar. Argumentamos que há substrato teórico suficiente para tais padrões no caso do estresse, mas não no caso do bem-estar, porque neste caso a vida pode não estar em risco. Em contrapartida, defendemos uma abordagem baseada na preferência ou escolha dos animais, a qual baseia-se na decisão do animal. Para tanto, o bem-estar é discutido e, então, contrastado com doença, saúde, estresse e distresse. Além disso, a importância de capacidades prospectivas é discutida em relação ao bem-estar de animais humanos e não-humanos

    Low cholesterol is not always good: low cholesterol levels are associated with decreased serotonin and increased aggression in fish

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    The inverse relationship between serum cholesterol and levels of aggression led to the cholesterol-serotonin hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, low dietary cholesterol intake leads to depressed central serotonergic activity, which is associated with increased aggression. Here we present the hypothesis about the evolutionary origins of low cholesterol and aggressive behavior, investigating the relationship between low levels of plasma cholesterol and aggressive behavior in fish. We used Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), a species of aggressive fish with a clear dominant subordinate relation, as an experimental model. The fish were treated with statin, a cholesterol-lowering drug. Aggressive behavior, brain serotonin (5-HT) concentrations, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA, the major 5-HT metabolite) and plasma cholesterol were analyzed after chronic administration of statin. Our results show that fish treated with statin exhibited reduced plasma cholesterol, reduced telencephalic indexes of 5-HIAA/5-HT and increased aggressive behavior compared to control fish. These results indicate that changes in plasma cholesterol may affect neurochemical processes underlying aggressive behavior in fish, suggesting an evolutionary mechanism conserved among vertebrates. Such mechanisms may be important for the control of aggression in many vertebrate species, not just mammals, as has been demonstrated so far

    Animal welfare: from concepts to reality

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    Após uma breve retrospectiva histórica da ciência do bem-estar animal, neste artigo reconhecemos a senciência em animais não-humanos; mas enfatizamos que problemas crucias permanecem para definirmos e medirmos o bem-estar animal. Desencorajamos o uso de medidas fisiológicas para avaliar bem-estar. Argumentamos que há substrato teórico suficiente para tais padrões no caso do estresse, mas não no caso do bem-estar, porque neste caso a vida pode não estar em risco. Em contrapartida, defendemos uma abordagem baseada na preferência ou escolha dos animais, a qual baseia-se na decisão do animal. Para tanto, o bem-estar é discutido e, então, contrastado com doença, saúde, estresse e distresse. Além disso, a importância de capacidades prospectivas é discutida em relação ao bem-estar de animais humanos e não-humanos.In this review, we provide a brief retrospective history of the science of animal welfare and recognize the sentience of non-human animals; however, we emphasize that crucial problems remain regarding how to define and measure animal welfare. In general, the use of physiological measures to assess welfare is discouraged. Furthermore, there is a theoretical background for measures of stress, but not for welfare states because life may not be at risk. Instead, a preference or choice-based approach, which is based on the animal decision, is recommended. To this end, welfare is discussed and then contrasted with disease, health, stress and distress. In addition, the importance of prospective capacities for the welfare of human and non-human animals is discussed.Después de una breve retrospectiva histórica de la ciencia del bienestar animal, en este artículo reconocemos la capacidad de sentir en animales no-humanos; pero enfatizamos que un problema crucial aun persiste al definir y medir el bienestar animal. Desalentamos el uso de medidas fisiológicas para evaluar el bienestar. Argumentamos que hay bases teóricas suficientes para tales patrones en el caso del estrés, pero no en el caso del bienestar, porque en este caso la vida puede no estar en riesgo. En contrapartida, defendemos un abordaje basado en la preferencia o escogencia de los animales, la cual está basada en la decisión del animal. Por tal razón, el bienestar es discutido y contrastado con enfermedad, salud, estrés y destres. Además de esto, la importancia de capacidades prospectivas es discutida en relación al bienestar de animales humanos y no-humanos

    Bile acids as potential pheromones in pintado catfish Pseudoplatystoma corruscans (Spix & Agassiz, 1829): eletrophysiological and behavioral studies

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    Bile acids are potent olfactory and gustatory stimulants for fish. Electro-olfactogram recording was used to test whether the olfactory epithelium of pintado catfish Pseudoplatystoma corruscans is specifically sensitive to bile acids, some of which have been hypothesized to function as pheromones. Five out of 30 bile acids that had been pre-screened for olfactory activity in fish were selected. Cross-adaptation experiments demonstrated that sensitivity to bile acids is attributable to at least 3 independent classes of olfactory receptor sites. The taurocholic acid (TCA) and taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCD) were the most potent compounds. By using avoidance/preference tests, we found that P. corruscans prefers water containing TCA. Bile acids are discriminated by olfactory epithelium of pintado, supporting that these compounds could function as pheromones

    Blood Cues Induce Antipredator Behavior in Nile Tilapia Conspecifics

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    In this study, we show that the fish Nile tilapia displays an antipredator response to chemical cues present in the blood of conspecifics. This is the first report of alarm response induced by blood-borne chemical cues in fish. There is a body of evidence showing that chemical cues from epidermal 'club' cells elicit an alarm reaction in fish. However, the chemical cues of these 'club' cells are restricted to certain species of fish. Thus, as a parsimonious explanation, we assume that an alarm response to blood cues is a generalized response among animals because it occurs in mammals, birds and protostomian animals. Moreover, our results suggest that researchers must use caution when studying chemically induced alarm reactions because it is difficult to separate club cell cues from traces of blood. © 2013 Barreto et al