19 research outputs found

    Percepción de estudiantes universitarios frente al ecosistema emprendedor y la intención emprendedora social

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    Entrepreneurship today has become a priority to promote the sustainability of countries. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Ecuadoris the country with the highest level of entrepreneurship in Latin America. Specifically, social entrepreneurship has gained momentum as an alternative to satisfy needs that have not been addressed at the governmental level. In this context, the article analyzes the relationship and the significant differences between theentrepreneurial ecosystem and the social entrepreneurial intention of the students of the University of Cuenca; using the variables gender and faculties as transversaltreatment. To meet this objective we worked with a representative sample of 856 students, which was filtered, generating a robust sample of 543 students.The analysis of results used inferential statiscal techniques such as: ANOVA one way, Student´s t test and Pearson correlation, which show that there are no significant differences by sex in the students´ perception of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the social enterpreneurial intention. In addition, students considerthat the entrepreneurial ecosystem differs among the twelve faculties, identifying the faculty of Dentistry and faculty of Arts with a suitable ecosystem comparedto the perception that more intervention is required in the ecosystem of the faculty of Philosophy and faculty of Jurisprudence. Finally, the positive relationshipbetween the two variables is an indicator that should be worked on in strategies to promote the social entrepreneurial culture at the university.El emprendimiento se ha convertido en una prioridad para promover la sostenibilidad de los países. De acuerdo al Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Ecuador es el país con mayor nivel de emprendimiento en América Latina. Específicamente, el emprendimientosocial ha tomado impulso como alternativa para satisfacer necesidades que no han sido atendidas a nivel gubernamental. En este contexto,el artículo analiza la relación y las diferencias significativas entre el ecosistema emprendedor y la intención emprendedora social de los y lasestudiantes de la Universidad de Cuenca, utilizando las variables sexo y facultades como tratamiento transversal. Para cumplir este objetivose trabajó con una muestra representativa de 856 estudiantes, que fue depurada, generando una muestra robusta de 543 estudiantes. En elanálisis de resultados se utilizó técnicas de estadística inferencial como: prueba de varianza ANOVA una vía, prueba T student y correlaciónPearson, que muestran que no existen diferencias significativas por sexo en la percepción del estudiantado frente al ecosistema emprendedory la intención emprendedora social. Además, consideran que el ecosistema emprendedor difiere entre las doce facultades, identificando a lasfacultades de Odontología y Artes con un ecosistema adecuado frente a la percepción de que se requiere mayor intervención en el ecosistemade las facultades de Filosofía y Jurisprudencia. Finalmente, la relación positiva entre las dos variables demuestra la necesidad de trabajar enestrategias que impulsen la cultura emprendedora social en la universidad

    Percepción de estudiantes universitarios frente al ecosistema emprendedor y la intención emprendedora social

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    el emprendimiento se ha convertido en una prioridad para promover la sostenibilidad de los países. De acuerdo al Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Ecuador es el país con mayor nivel de emprendimiento en América Latina. Específicamente, el emprendimiento social ha tomado impulso como alternativa para satisfacer necesidades que no han sido atendidas a nivel gubernamental. En este contexto, el artículo analiza la relación y las diferencias significativas entre el ecosistema emprendedor y la intención emprendedora social de los y las estudiantes de la Universidad de Cuenca, utilizando las variables sexo y facultades como tratamiento transversal. Para cumplir este objetivo se trabajó con una muestra representativa de 856 estudiantes, que fue depurada, generando una muestra robusta de 543 estudiantes. En el análisis de resultados se utilizó técnicas de estadística inferencial como: prueba de varianza ANOVA una vía, prueba T student y correlación Pearson, que muestran que no existen diferencias significativas por sexo en la percepción del estudiantado frente al ecosistema emprendedor y la intención emprendedora social. Además, consideran que el ecosistema emprendedor difiere entre las doce facultades, identificando a las facultades de Odontología y Artes con un ecosistema adecuado frente a la percepción de que se requiere mayor intervención en el ecosistema de las facultades de Filosofía y Jurisprudencia. Finalmente, la relación positiva entre las dos variables demuestra la necesidad de trabajar en estrategias que impulsen la cultura emprendedora social en la universidad.//entrepreneurship today has become a priority to promote the sustainability of countries. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Ecuador is the country with the highest level of entrepreneurship in Latin America. Specifically, social entrepreneurship has gained momentum as an alternative to satisfy needs that have not been addressed at the governmental level. In this context, the article analyzes the relationship and the significant differences between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the social entrepreneurial intention of the students of the University of Cuenca; using the variables gender and faculties as transversal treatment. To meet this objective we worked with a representative sample of 856 students, which was filtered, generating a robust sample of 543 students. The analysis of results used inferential statiscal techniques such as: ANOVA one way, Student´s t test and Pearson correlation, which show that there are no significant differences by sex in the students´ perception of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the social enterpreneurial intention. In addition, students consider that the entrepreneurial ecosystem differs among the twelve faculties, identifying the faculty of Dentistry and faculty of Arts with a suitable ecosystem compared to the perception that more intervention is required in the ecosystem of the faculty of Philosophy and faculty of Jurisprudence. Finally, the positive relationship between the two variables is an indicator that should be worked on in strategies to promote the social entrepreneurial culture at the university

    A methodology proposal to evaluate the governance achievement in the public university management of Ecuador

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    The public universities in Ecuador have different alternatives to manage their goals accomplishment. The majority of them resort to an Annual Operate Plan, because of the budget control from the government. In fact, this administrative tool is useful; it controls not only the money resources but also goals achievement. Nonetheless, these evaluation criteria need a complement to generate added value, for all the stakeholders. Although several theoretical models exist. They have not been tested in the Ecuadorian context. Therefore, this article describes a specific proposal methodology for two public universities in Ecuador. It considers dissimilar authors contributions for this field. Beginning with Đỗ Thị Ngọc Quyên (2014), who defined five dimensions to evaluate the governance in public universities. Whereas Evaristo Martín Fernandez (2010) specified a methodology to evaluate the management of intelligent educational institutions. While Jose Joaquin Brunner (2010) identified four quadrants for governance in the Latin American context, the third quadrant considers a stakeholder participation. Finally, United Nations stablished the principles for good governance, which need to be present in the proposed methodology. As a result, it is a mixed model to evaluate governance in the public university management, its validity and applicability has the support of the Delphi methodValenci

    The governance in the public universities: incidence of the stakeholders in the levels of university management.

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    In recent years the importance of maintaining suitable attachments with the environment and society has been more and more evident for the Ecuadorian Universities. Not just as an income by services, but also as a link that reinforces the fundamental functions of shaping and investigation, promoting trends of different productive sectors. For that reason, it is necessary the existence of a modern, versatile and flexible university, with mechanisms which makes possible the participation of its members, to face troubles. It is precisely in this context that, this research is focus on, based on the fact that, the current knowledge society, demands that higher education institutions develop as organizational structures aiming on achieving greater and better interaction with their stakeholders (Actors of the public sector, productive sector, university community and society in general), with the aim of ensuring economy, efficiency, effectiveness and quality in the provision of public goods and services and, above all, ensure that the university's government and management, have as purpose and result in the creation and added value, improving the general utility for the higher education community and the benefits for the whole society. This research focuses on analyzing the management of Ecuadorian Public Universities through the analytical perspective of governance, With the purpose of determining to what extent the current university management model is aligned with a university governance perspective and specifically to evaluate the governance at “Universidad de Cuenca” to diagnose its current situation under the perspective of university governance; because all these aspects and components have been relegated, being among other reasons of this lack of attention and importance, the little scientific tradition of my country, the lack of vision and commitment of the governors, the pressure of the social demand to get register, the lack of a clear concept of what have been done from the University by its Professors and students; and particularly, university management, which has been oriented more on solving immediate problems and not problems that would imply their permanence, strengthening and growth over time This research approach is mixed (qualitative and quantitative), and the results of the research target is to determine: a) the degree of participation of the actors of public sector, the productive sector, the university community and society in general, in the different levels of the University of Cuenca. b) Demonstrate if university management observes certain features of university governance; and, c) If the structuring and formality of the processes in the university strategic management are determining factors that condition the effective governance in this University.Valenci

    El Modelo tradicional y el modelo dual de formación

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    En los primeros años del siglo XXI, la Universidad está sometida a fuertes presiones de cambios e innovaciones constantes, es como si el modelo tradicional está quedando obsoleto y es preciso actuar a toda prisa, para sustituirlo por otro que garantice calidad en la formación del ser humano. En el presente trabajo, veremos una comparación entre el modelo tradicional y el modelo dual de formación, describiendo algunas de las principales dimensiones del proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje, destacando sus condiciones y transformación a lo largo del tiempo, a través de la perspectiva de diferentes autores y considerando además la experiencia personal de trabajar muy de cerca con un sistema dual de formación.Diplomado Superior en Docencia UniversitariaCuenc

    Governance in public universitie sinzone 6 of ecuador. Incidence of the stakeholders in the levels of university mana Gement

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    A lo largo del tiempo se han desarrollado diversas teorías y herramientas para mejorar la gestión de las organizaciones. En este contexto, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir y analizar la actual gestión de las instituciones de educación superior públicas (IES) de la zona 6 del Ecuador, con la finalidad de proponer un modelo de gobernanza universitaria, considerando para ello la participación de sus diferentes actores (stakeholders), las dimen-siones de la gestión y los principios de buena gobernanza. El trabajo se desa-rrolla con un alcance exploratorio-descriptivo, y se aplica a las IES públicas de la zona n.o 6 de Ecuador, sirviéndose de diferentes técnicas y herramientas de recolección de datos e información, que permiten comparar los resultados alcanzados en cada una de las dimensiones, determinando niveles de cumplimiento de la gobernanza que requieren mejora, y que coadyuven al fortalecimiento y desarrollo de las IES objeto de estudio.Various theories and tools for the management of organizations have been developed over time. In this context, this research aims to describe and analyze the current management of public higher education institutions (IES) in zone 6 of Ecuador, in order to propose a model of university governance; considering for this the participation of its different actors (stakeholders), the dimensions of management and the principles of good governance. The research is devel-oped with an exploratory-descriptive scope, and is applied to public HEIs in zone No. 6 of Ecuador, using different techniques and tools for data and information collection, which allow comparing the results achieved in each of them. the dimensions, determining levels of governance compliance that require improvement, and that contribute to the strengthening and develop-ment of the HEIs under study


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    Nowadays, Governance is an important management tool which is implemented in different fields. One relevant sector is the public Higher Educations Institutions-HEIs. Therefore, initially it is presented their decision-making under a management approach in Europe, Asia, United States of America and Latin America. Furthermore, it is described the general situation of public HEIs in Ecuador; consequently, it is identified their management models, which allows to explain governance in this context. Following, it is described a model of governance assessment which starts identifying the main stakeholders of the public HEIs of the zone six (Ecuador), and evaluates five dimensions: Management and Administration, Participation, Accountability, Autonomy and Transparency. Hence, this article aims to comprehend the influence of two critical dimensions of Governance: Participation and Accountability, in the final assessment, examining their components. The selected methodology is an explanatory case study because it contrasts the indicators results, identifying critical points and generating a precise feedback.Barcelon

    Governance assessment: a case study in the public university of Ecuador

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    Governance in public university management has become a trend all over the world. It is investigated in Europe, Africa, Asia, United States and Latin America. Its applicability and importance are supported by several researchers. As a result, there are different methodologies and typologies to evaluate governance. Most of them are theoretical models or guides to analyse its accomplishment, although others evaluate governance with a mixed approach. Considering the Ecuadorian context, there are few investigations about governance evaluation in public university management. Nonetheless, the model proposed evaluates the governance in public Higher Education Institutions. The proposal has the support of the Delphi method, it starts identifying the stakeholders and their level of incidence. Then, it evaluates five dimensions (considering indicators): management, participation, accountability, autonomy and transparency. The objectives of this investigation are, evidencing applicability and validity of the governance model for public university in Ecuador and comparing the public university dimensions results. An explanatory case study is selected to sustenance them. Therefore, two public universities located in the zone six of Ecuador are considered for this case study. In order to evaluate each dimension, the data is collected through surveys, meetings and information requirements in both universities. Successively, the data is validated by an external assessor. The results of five dimensions will provide the measure of governance achievement in public universities. The governance model is applicable and useful as well, to improve public university managementValenci

    A study case of the stakeholders´ incidence in two public higher education institutions of Ecuador

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    The stakeholder theory has increased its applicability in the public and private field since Freeman proposed it in1984. Through the years, different authors have suggested methodologies to identify, classify, and prioritize the stakeholders considering dissimilar variables; therefore, the managers have different options to select the most appropriate methodology process. Nevertheless, the public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) still do not have a specific procedure to evaluate the stakeholders’ incidence in these organizations. Hence, this article proposes a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) to provide a clear level of incidence for each stakeholder. The proposal is based on Savage´s model (2004), and, Mitchel, Agle and Wood´s model (1997) with some required adjustments. The potential stakeholders were included in the variables evaluation, in order to reduce subjectivity in the results. The study case was selected to explain all the methodology process proposed and applied for the public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the zone six in Ecuador.Sevill