106 research outputs found

    Pseudogap in fermionic density of states in the BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases

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    We study pseudogap behaviors of ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover region. We calculate the density of states (DOS), as well as the single-particle spectral weight, above the superfluid transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} including pairing fluctuations within a TT-matrix approximation. We find that DOS exhibits a pseudogap structure in the BCS-BEC crossover region, which is most remarkable near the unitarity limit. We determine the pseudogap temperature T∗T^* at which the pseudogap structure in DOS disappears. We also introduce another temperature T∗∗T^{**} at which the BCS-like double-peak structure disappears in the spectral weight. While one finds T∗>T∗∗T^*>T^{**} in the BCS regime, T∗∗T^{**} becomes higher than T∗T^* in the crossover and BEC regime. We also determine the pseudogap region in the phase diagram in terms of temperature and pairing interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of QFS 200

    Observation of pseudogap behavior in a strongly interacting Fermi gas

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    Ultracold atomic Fermi gases present an opportunity to study strongly interacting Fermi systems in a controlled and uncomplicated setting. The ability to tune attractive interactions has led to the discovery of superfluidity in these systems with an extremely high transition temperature, near T/T_F = 0.2. This superfluidity is the electrically neutral analog of superconductivity; however, superfluidity in atomic Fermi gases occurs in the limit of strong interactions and defies a conventional BCS description. For these strong interactions, it is predicted that the onset of pairing and superfluidity can occur at different temperatures. This gives rise to a pseudogap region where, for a range of temperatures, the system retains some of the characteristics of the superfluid phase, such as a BCS-like dispersion and a partially gapped density of states, but does not exhibit superfluidity. By making two independent measurements: the direct observation of pair condensation in momentum space and a measurement of the single-particle spectral function using an analog to photoemission spectroscopy, we directly probe the pseudogap phase. Our measurements reveal a BCS-like dispersion with back-bending near the Fermi wave vector k_F that persists well above the transition temperature for pair condensation

    Evolution of Charge-Lattice Dynamics across the Kuramoto Synchronization Phase Diagram of Quantum Tunneling Polarons in Cuprate Superconductors

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    Because of its sensitivity to the instantaneous structure factor, S(Q,t = 0), Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) is a powerful tool for probing the dynamic structure of condensed matter systems in which the charge and lattice dynamics are coupled. When applied to hole-doped cuprate superconductors, EXAFS has revealed the presence of internal quantum tunneling polarons (IQTPs). An IQTP arises in EXAFS as a two-site distribution for certain Cu–O pairs, which is also duplicated in inelastic scattering but not observed in standard diffraction measurements. The Cu–Sr pair distribution has been found to be highly anharmonic and strongly correlated to both the IQTPs and to superconductivity, as, for example, in YSr2Cu2.75Mo0.25O7.54 (Tc=84 K). In order to describe such nontrivial, anharmonic charge-lattice dynamics, we have proposed a model Hamiltonian for a prototype six-atom cluster, in which two Cu-apical-O IQTPs are charge-transfer bridged through Cu atoms by an O atom in the CuO2 plane and are anharmonically coupled via a Sr atom. By applying an exact diagonalization procedure to this cluster, we have verified that our model indeed produces an intricate interplay between charge and lattice dynamics. Then, by using the Kuramoto model for the synchronization of coupled quantum oscillators, we have found a first-order phase transition for the IQTPs into a synchronized, phase-locked phase. Most importantly, we have shown that this transition results specifically from the anharmonicity. Finally, we have provided a phase diagram showing the onset of the phase-locking of IQTPs as a function of the charge-lattice and anharmonic couplings in our model. We have found that the charge, initially confined to the apical oxygens, is partially pumped into the CuO2 plane in the synchronized phase, which suggests a possible connection between the synchronized dynamic structure and high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) in doped cuprates

    Quantitative comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results for the BCS-BEC crossover

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    Theoretical predictions for the BCS-BEC crossover of trapped Fermi atoms are compared with recent experimental results for the density profiles of 6^6Li. The calculations rest on a single theoretical approach that includes pairing fluctuations beyond mean field. Excellent agreement with experimental results is obtained. Theoretical predictions for the zero-temperature chemical potential and gap at the unitarity limit are also found to compare extremely well with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and with recent experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Two-gap model for underdoped cuprate superconductors

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    Various properties of underdoped superconducting cuprates, including the momentum-dependent pseudogap opening, indicate a behavior which is neither BCS nor Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) like. To explain this issue we introduce a two-gap model. This model assumes an anisotropic pairing interaction among two kinds of fermions with small and large Fermi velocities representing the quasiparticles near the M and the nodal points of the Fermi surface respectively. We find that a gap forms near the M points resulting into incoherent pairing due to strong fluctuations. Instead the pairing near the nodal points sets in with phase coherence at lower temperature. By tuning the momentum-dependent interaction, the model allows for a continuous evolution from a pure BCS pairing (in the overdoped and optimally doped regime) to a mixed boson-fermion picture (in the strongly underdoped regime).Comment: 5 pages, 1 enclosed figure. For further information see http://htcs.or

    Three-dimensional electron-hole superfluidity in a superlattice close to room temperature

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    Although there is strong theoretical and experimental evidence for electron-hole superfluidity in separated sheets of electrons and holes at low TT, extending superfluidity to high TT is limited by strong 2D fluctuations and Kosterlitz-Thouless effects. We show this limitation can be overcome using a superlattice of alternating electron- and hole-doped semiconductor monolayers. The superfluid transition in a 3D superlattice is not topological, and for strong electron-hole pair coupling, the transition temperature TcT_c can be at room temperature. As a quantitative illustration, we show TcT_c can reach 270270 K for a superfluid in a realistic superlattice of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, supplementary material (3 pages) includes 1 table and 1 figur

    Superfluid phase transition and strong-coupling effects in an ultracold Fermi gas with mass imbalance

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    We investigate the superfluid phase transition and effects of mass imbalance in the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover regime of an cold Fermi gas. We point out that the Gaussian fluctuation theory developed by Nozi\`eres and Schmitt-Rink and the TT-matrix theory, that are now widely used to study strong-coupling physics of cold Fermi gases, give unphysical results in the presence of mass imbalance. To overcome this problem, we extend the TT-matrix theory to include higher-order pairing fluctuations. Using this, we examine how the mass imbalance affects the superfluid phase transition. Since the mass imbalance is an important key in various Fermi superfluids, such as 40^{40}K-6^6Li Fermi gas mixture, exciton condensate, and color superconductivity in a dense quark matter, our results would be useful for the study of these recently developing superfluid systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of QFS-201

    Pairing-gap, pseudo-gap, and no-gap phases in the radio-frequency spectra of a trapped unitary 6Li gas

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    Radio frequency spectra of a trapped unitary 6Li gas are reported and analyzed in terms of a theoretical approach that includes both final-state and trap effects. Final-state effects play a crucial role in evidencing two main peaks both above and below the critical temperature Tc as being associated with two distinct phases that reside in different trap regions. These are the pairing-gap and pseudo-gap phases below Tc, which evolve into the pseudo-gap and no-gap phases above Tc. In this way, a long standing puzzle about the interpretation of rf spectra for 6Li in a trap is solved.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures (final version

    Pseudogap and spectral function from superconducting fluctuations to the bosonic limit

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    The crossover from weak to strong coupling for a three dimensional continuum model of fermions interacting via an attractive contact potential is studied above the superconducting critical temperature. The pair-fluctuation propagator, the one-loop self-energy, and the spectral function are investigated in a systematic way from the superconducting fluctuation regime (weak coupling) to the bosonic regime (strong coupling). Analytic and numerical results are reported. In the strong-coupling regime, where the pair fluctuation propagator has bosonic character, two quite different peaks appear in the spectral function, a broad one at negative frequencies and a narrow one at positive frequencies. By decreasing coupling, the two-peak structure evolves smoothly. In the weak-coupling regime, where the fluctuation propagator has diffusive Ginzburg-Landau character, the overall line-shape of the spectral function is more symmetric. The systematic analysis of the spectral function identifies specific features which allow one to distinguish by ARPES whether a system is in the weak- or strong-coupling regime. Connection of the results of our analysis with the phenomenology of cuprate superconductors is also attempted and rests on the recently introduced two-gap model.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Density-induced BCS to Bose-Einstein crossover

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    We investigate the zero-temperature BCS to Bose-Einstein crossover at the mean-field level, by driving it with the attractive potential and the particle density.We emphasize specifically the role played by the particle density in this crossover.Three different interparticle potentials are considered for the continuum model in three spatial dimensions, while both s- and d-wave solutions are analyzed for the attractive (extended) Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice. For this model the peculiar behavior of the crossover for the d-wave solution is discussed.In particular, in the strong-coupling limit when approaching half filling we evidence the occurrence of strong correlations among antiparallel-spin fermions belonging to different composite bosons, which give rise to a quasi-long-range antiferromagnetic order in this limit.Comment: 10 pages, 5 enclosed figure
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