24 research outputs found

    Las complicaciones postoperatorias tras la cirugía del cáncer gástrico con pretensión curativa no influyen en la recidiva

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    En la literatura, constan algunos trabajos que presentan como hipótesis que las complicaciones postoperatorias influyen en la recidiva y la supervivencia del cáncer. Existen pocos estudios sobre el cáncer gástrico, pero recientemente, se ha publicado uno que afirma esta relación. Por el contrario, nuestro proyecto, que consta de una serie de pacientes con características distintas que el mencionado estudio, niega esta relación. Se ha podido realizar el seguimiento de forma exhaustiva de los pacientes, descubriendo algunos factores ya descritos en la literatura anteriormente como factores de riesgo de la recidiva y de la supervivencia, dando así veracidad a nuestros datos.En la literatura, consten alguns treballs que presenten com a hipòtesi que les complicacions postoperatòries influeixen en la recidiva i la supervivència del càncer. Existeixen pocs estudis sobre el càncer gàstric, però recentment, s'ha publicat un que afirma aquesta relació. Pel contrari, el nostre projecte, que consta d'una sèrie de pacients amb característiques diferents que el mencionat estudi, nega aquesta relació. S'ha pogut realitzar el seguiment de forma exhaustiva dels pacients, descobrint alguns factors ja descrits en la literatura anteriorment com a factors de risc de la recidiva i de la supervivència, donant així veracitat a les nostres dades

    La operación de Collis-Nissen en el tratamiento de la gran hernia de hiato y de la enfermedad por reflujo con acortamiento esofágico : Resultados clínicos, radiológicos y calidad de vida tras un año de seguimiento

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    La operación de Collis-Nissen se propone como técnica de elección en pacientes con acortamiento esofágico. Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo en 32 pacientes intervenidos consecutivamente de Collis-Nissen vía laparoscópica o abierta, con una edad media de 70 años y que presentaban grandes hernias hiatales o recidivadas. Se realizó seguimiento clínico, radiológico, endoscópico y de calidad de vida con cuestionarios validados, durante los primeros 12 meses postoperatorios. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un buen control de síntomas, así como mejora de la calidad de vida, manteniendo una aceptable recidiva anatómica del 12,5% a corto plazo, sin que ello afecte la morbi-mortalidad.L'operació de Collis-Nissen es proposa com a tècnica d'elecció en pacients amb escurçament esofàgic. S'ha realitzat un estudi prospectiu en 32 pacients intervinguts consecutivament de Collis-Nissen via laparoscòpica o oberta, amb una edat mitja de 70 anys i que presentaven grans hernies hiatals o recidivades. Es va realitzar seguiment clínic, radiològic, endoscòpic i de qualitat de vida amb qüestionaris validats durant els primers 12 mesos postoperatoris. Els resultats obtinguts mostren un bon control dels símptomes, així com millora de la qualitat de vida, mantenint una acceptable recidiva anatòmica del 12,5% a curt termini, sense que afecti a la morbi-mortalitat

    Definition, diagnosis and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer: A Delphi consensus study in Europe

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    Background Local treatment improves the outcomes for oligometastatic disease (OMD, i.e. an intermediate state between locoregional and widespread disseminated disease). However, consensus about the definition, diagnosis and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer is lacking. The aim of this study was to develop a multidisciplinary European consensus statement on the definition, diagnosis and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer. Methods In total, 65 specialists in the multidisciplinary treatment for oesophagogastric cancer from 49 expert centres across 16 European countries were requested to participate in this Delphi study. The consensus finding process consisted of a starting meeting, 2 online Delphi questionnaire rounds and an online consensus meeting. Input for Delphi questionnaires consisted of (1) a systematic review on definitions of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer and (2) a discussion of real-life clinical cases by multidisciplinary teams. Experts were asked to score each statement on a 5-point Likert scale. The agreement was scored to be either absent/poor (<50%), fair (50%–75%) or consensus (≥75%). Results A total of 48 experts participated in the starting meeting, both Delphi rounds, and the consensus meeting (overall response rate: 71%). OMD was considered in patients with metastatic oesophagogastric cancer limited to 1 organ with ≤3 metastases or 1 extra-regional lymph node station (consensus). In addition, OMD was considered in patients without progression at restaging after systemic therapy (consensus). For patients with synchronous or metachronous OMD with a disease-free interval ≤2 years, systemic therapy followed by restaging to consider local treatment was considered as treatment (consensus). For metachronous OMD with a disease-free interval >2 years, either upfront local treatment or systemic treatment followed by restaging was considered as treatment (fair agreement). Conclusion The OMEC project has resulted in a multidisciplinary European consensus statement for the definition, diagnosis and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma and squamous cell cancer. This can be used to standardise inclusion criteria for future clinical trials

    Definitions and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer according to multidisciplinary tumour boards in Europe

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    Background: Consensus about the definition and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer is lacking. Objective: To assess the definition and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer across multidisciplinary tumour boards (MDTs) in Europe. Material and methods: European expert centers (n = 49) were requested to discuss 15 real-life cases in their MDT with at least a medical, surgical, and radiation oncologist present. The cases varied in terms of location and number of metastases, histology, timing of detection (i.e. synchronous versus metachronous), primary tumour treatment status, and response to systemic therapy. The primary outcome was the agreement in the definition of oligometastatic disease at diagnosis and after systemic therapy. The secondary outcome was the agreement in treatment strategies. Treatment strategies for oligometastatic disease were categorised into upfront local treatment (i.e. metastasectomy or stereotactic radiotherapy), systemic therapy followed by restaging to consider local treatment or systemic therapy alone. The agreement across MDTs was scored to be either absent/poor (<50%), fair (50%-75%), or consensus (≥75%). Results: A total of 47 MDTs across 16 countries fully discussed the cases (96%). Oligometastatic disease was considered in patients with 1-2 metastases in either the liver, lung, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, adrenal gland, soft tissue or bone (consensus). At follow-up, oligometastatic disease was considered after a median of 18 weeks of systemic therapy when no progression or progression in size only of the oligometastatic lesion(s) was seen (consensus). If at restaging after a median of 18 weeks of systemic therapy the number of lesions progressed, this was not considered as oligometastatic disease (fair agreement). There was no consensus on treatment strategies for oligometastatic disease. Conclusion: A broad consensus on definitions of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer was found among MDTs of oesophagogastric cancer expert centres in Europe. However, high practice variability in treatment strategies exists

    State of the art of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols in esophagogastric cancer surgery: the Western experience

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 21-06-2022Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs provide a framework to standardize care processes and improve outcomes. The results of this multimodal and multidisciplinary approach based on actions focused on reducing physiological surgical stress in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods are beneficial in reducing morbidity and hospital stay, without increasing readmissions across different surgical settings. The implementation of ERAS in resection procedures of esophageal and gastric cancer has been challenging due to the complexity of these surgical techniques and the high risk of complications. Despite the limited evidence of ERAS in esophagectomy operations, systematic reviews and meta-analysis have confirmed a reduction of pulmonary complications and hospital stay without increasing readmissions. In gastrectomy operations, the implementation of ERAS reduces the use of nasogastric tubes and intraabdominal drains, facilitates early diet, and reduces the length of hospital stay, without increasing complications. There is, however, wide heterogeneity and absence of standardization in the number and definition of the ERAS components. The development of ERAS consensus guidelines including procedure-specific components may reduce this variability. Regardless growing evidence of the effectiveness of ERAS, the adherence rate is still low. The commitment of the multidisciplinary team and leadership is critical in the application and refinement of ERAS protocols in parallel with periodic audits. Pre- and post-habilitation methods are emerging concepts to be incorporated in ERAS protocols

    Machine learning risk prediction model of 90-day mortality after gastrectomy for cancer

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    Objective: to develop and validate a risk prediction model of 90-day mortality (90DM) using machine learning in a large multicenter cohort of patients undergoing gastric cancer resection with curative intent. Background: the 90DM rate after gastrectomy for cancer is a quality of care indicator in surgical oncology. There is a lack of well-validated instruments for personalized prognosis of gastric cancer. Methods: consecutive patients with gastric adenocarcinoma who underwent potentially curative gastrectomy between 2014 and 2021 registered in the Spanish EURECCA Esophagogastric Cancer Registry database were included. The 90DM for all causes was the study outcome. Preoperative clinical characteristics were tested in four 90DM predictive models: Cross Validated Elastic regularized logistic regression method (cv-Enet), boosting linear regression (glmboost), random forest, and an ensemble model. Performance was evaluated using the area under the curve by 10-fold cross-validation. Results: a total of 3182 and 260 patients from 39 institutions in 6 regions were included in the development and validation cohorts, respectively. The 90DM rate was 5.6% and 6.2%, respectively. The random forest model showed the best discrimination capacity with a validated area under the curve of 0.844 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.841-0.848] as compared with cv-Enet (0.796, 95% CI: 0.784-0.808), glmboost (0.797, 95% CI: 0.785-0.809), and ensemble model (0.847, 95% CI: 0.836-0.858) in the development cohort. Similar discriminative capacity was observed in the validation cohort. Conclusions: a robust clinical model for predicting the risk of 90DM after surgery of gastric cancer was developed. Its use may aid patients and surgeons in making informed decisions

    5-year collis-nissen gastroplasty outcomes for type III-IV hiatal hernia with short esophagus: a prospective observational study

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    Background: To assess the 5-year outcomes of patients undergoing Collis-Nissen gastroplasty for type III-IV hiatal hernia with short esophagus. Study design: From a prospective observational cohort of patients who underwent antireflux surgery for type III-IV hiatal hernia between 2009 and 2020, those with short esophagus (abdominal length <2.5 cm) in whom a Collis-Nissen procedure was performed and reached at least 5 years of follow-up were identified. Hernia recurrence, patients' symptoms, and quality of life were assessed annually by barium meal x-ray, upper endoscopy, and validated symptoms and Quality of Life in Reflux and Dyspepsia (QOLRAD) questionnaires. Results: Of the 114 patients with Collis-Nissen gastroplasty, 80 patients who completed a 5-year follow-up were included (mean age 71 years). There were no postoperative leaks or deaths. Recurrent hiatal hernia (any size) was identified in 7 patients (8.8%). Heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, and cough were significantly improved at each follow-up interval (p < 0.05). Preoperative dysphagia disappeared or improved in 26 of 30 patients, while new-onset dysphagia occurred in 6. Mean postoperative QOLRAD scores significantly improved at all dimensions (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Collis gastroplasty combined with Nissen fundoplication provides low hernia recurrence, good control of symptoms, and improved quality of life in patients with large hiatal hernia and short esophagus

    Las complicaciones postoperatorias tras la cirugía del cáncer gástrico con pretensión curativa no influyen en la recidiva

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    En la literatura, constan algunos trabajos que presentan como hipótesis que las complicaciones postoperatorias influyen en la recidiva y la supervivencia del cáncer. Existen pocos estudios sobre el cáncer gástrico, pero recientemente, se ha publicado uno que afirma esta relación. Por el contrario, nuestro proyecto, que consta de una serie de pacientes con características distintas que el mencionado estudio, niega esta relación. Se ha podido realizar el seguimiento de forma exhaustiva de los pacientes, descubriendo algunos factores ya descritos en la literatura anteriormente como factores de riesgo de la recidiva y de la supervivencia, dando así veracidad a nuestros datos.En la literatura, consten alguns treballs que presenten com a hipòtesi que les complicacions postoperatòries influeixen en la recidiva i la supervivència del càncer. Existeixen pocs estudis sobre el càncer gàstric, però recentment, s'ha publicat un que afirma aquesta relació. Pel contrari, el nostre projecte, que consta d'una sèrie de pacients amb característiques diferents que el mencionat estudi, nega aquesta relació. S'ha pogut realitzar el seguiment de forma exhaustiva dels pacients, descobrint alguns factors ja descrits en la literatura anteriorment com a factors de risc de la recidiva i de la supervivència, donant així veracitat a les nostres dades