252 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequence variations: an approach to fish species identification in processed fish products.

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    The identification of fish species in food products is problematic because morphological features of the fish are partially or completely lost during processing. It is important to determine fish origin because of the increasing international seafood trade and because European Community Regulation 104/2000 requires that the products be labeled correctly. Sequence analysis of PCR products from a conserved region of the cytochrome b gene was used to identity fish species belonging to the families Gadidae and Merluccidae in 18 different processed fish products. This method allowed the identification of fish species in all samples. Fish in all of the examined products belonged to these two families, with the exception of one sample of smoked baccalà (salt cod), which was not included in the Gadidae cluster

    Levels and congeners distribution of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in buffaloes adipose tissues sampled in vivo and milk

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    The levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs were analyzed both in milk and adipose tissues sampled "in vivo" from lactating, drying off and heifer buffaloes from a Campania farm which had been impounded by the competent authority owing to the high dioxin levels found in bulk milk. The chemical determination was carried out by HRGC-HRMS using US EPA Method 1613b. The range of WHO-TEQ values for the PCDDs/PCDFs in adipose tissues was 1.79 to 68.64 pg g−1 fat and in milk was 8.33 to 13.95 pg g−1 fat. The contamination profile for dioxins and furans was given by 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD; 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF; 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The levels of DL-PCBs in adipose tissue varied from 1.38 to 20.13 pg g−1 fat while ranged from 8.33 to 13.95 pg g−1 fat in milk. The pattern of DL-PCBs in both matrices was dominated by congeners PCB 126 and PCB 169

    Is there a difference in phenotype between males and females with non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia? A cross-sectional evaluation.

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    Non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia includes a variety of phenotypes and genotypes that rarely require regular transfusions. However, these patients can experience a wide range of complications. The objective of this retrospective study was to verify whether there is a significant difference in non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia-related complications and treatment among males and females.We performed a re-analysis of samples evaluated in a previously published cross-sectional study, regarding 96 non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia patients followed at the 'UOSD Malattie Rare del Globulo Rosso' Centre of the Cardarelli Hospital in Naples, Italy.We found that females were more anemic than males, but there was no significant difference in prevalence of common complications among genders, except for hypogonadism. Furthermore, the transitory regular transfusions regimen in women who had been pregnant does not seem to have a significant impact on overall prognosis.In non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia patients, the lower levels of hemoglobin found in females do not seem to indicate a higher prevalence of complications.This data should be considered in studies with experimental treatments aiming to correct anemia in patients with non-transfusion-dependent thalassemia. It should probably also be taken into account in order to set up different transfusion regimens among genders in transfusion-dependent patients

    Norovirus monitoring in bivalve molluscs harvested and commercialized in southern Italy.

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    Norovirus (NoV) is the main cause of human nonbacterial gastroenteritis throughout the world. NoVs are classified into five genogroups: GI, GII, GIII, GIV, and GV. NoVs from GI and GII are the most commonly reported NoVs associated with human infections, and raw or undercooked shellfish have been identified as the main potential infection vehicle. European Commission Regulation 2073/2005 defines only bacteriological parameters for use as safety criteria for shellfish because reference methods for detection of viruses are lacking. From July 2007 to April 2010, 163 shellfish samples were collected in southern Italy from harvesting areas, authorized or nonauthorized retailers, and a restaurant after an outbreak of human gastroenteritis. The shellfish were analyzed for the presence of NoVs from GI and GII using the one-step real-time reverse transcription PCR protocol. A total of 94 shellfish samples (57.7%) were positive for the presence of NoV, and GII was the most frequently identified genogroup

    Heavy Metals in Canned Tuna from Italian Markets

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    Fish is a good source of nutrients for humans but can pose a risk to human health because of the possible presence of some xenobiotics such as heavy metals and persistent organic contaminants. Constant monitoring is needed to minimize health risks and ensure product quality and consumer safety. The aim of the present study was to use atomic absorption spectrometry to determine the concentrations of some heavy metals (Hg, Pb, and Cd) in tuna packaged in different kinds of packages (cans or glass) in various countries (Italy and elsewhere). Concentrations of Cd and Hg were within the limits set by European Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 and in many samples were below the detection limit. Pb concentrations exceeded European limits in 9.8% of the analyzed samples. These results are reassuring in terms of food safety but highlighted the need to constantly monitor the concentrations of heavy metals in fish products that could endanger consumer health

    La poesia di Ovidio: letteratura e immagini

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    [Italiano]: Nella sterminata bibliografia ovidiana, cogliendo l’occasione fornita dalle celebrazioni del bimillenario della morte del poeta (17-2017) il volume intende offire uno strumento utile ad approfondire, in chiave diacronica e sincronica, non solo le molteplici virtù della poesia di Ovidio, la sua straordinaria ars di matrice alessandrina, le tappe della sua fortuna a partire dall’antichità, ma anche – se non soprattutto – una qualità indiscussa e per certi aspetti inarrivabile della lingua e dello stile ovidiani: la dirompente forza icastica, la capacità di servirsi, come pochi altri, delle immagini nella costruzione del testo poetico, delle sue trame narrative, della sua elegante ricercatezza, della sua efficacia nella ricezione da parte del lettore. La versatilità della poesia di Ovidio, la trasversalità delle sue letture e dei suoi possibili riusi nel corso della storia della cultura occidentale trovano conferma nella compresenza, all’interno del volume, di contributi che spaziano dalle letterature classiche a quelle moderne e contemporanee, dall’archeologia alla storia dell’arte, dalla filosofia alla musica ./[English]: Within the vast Ovidian bibliography, taking the opportunity provided by the celebrations of the Bimillenary of the poet's death (17-2017), the volume aims at offering a useful tool to deepen, in a diachronic and synchronic perspective, not only the multifarious virtues of Ovid's poetry, his extraordinary Alexandrian ars, the stages of his Reception starting from antiquity, but also - if not above all - an undisputed and in some ways unreachable quality of the Ovidian language and style: the disruptive icastic strength, the ability to employ, like few others, the images in the construction of the poetic text, of its narrative plots, of its elegant refinement, of its effectiveness in the reader’s Reception. The versatility of Ovid's poetry, the transversality of its readings and of its possible reuse throughout the history of western culture are confirmed by the coexistence, within the volume, of contributions ranging from classical to modern and contemporary literatures, from archeology to Art history, from philosophy to music

    Heavy metals in canned tuna from Italian markets.

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    Fish is a good source of nutrients for humans but can pose a risk to human health because of the possible presence of some xenobiotics such as heavy metals and persistent organic contaminants. Constant monitoring is needed to minimize health risks and ensure product quality and consumer safety. The aim of the present study was to use atomic absorption spectrometry to determine the concentrations of some heavy metals (Hg, Pb, and Cd) in tuna packaged in different kinds of packages (cans or glass) in various countries (Italy and elsewhere). Concentrations of Cd and Hg were within the limits set by European Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 and in many samples were below the detection limit. Pb concentrations exceeded European limits in 9.8% of the analyzed samples. These results are reassuring in terms of food safety but highlighted the need to constantly monitor the concentrations of heavy metals in fish products that could endanger consumer health

    Envy, Social Comparison, and Depression on Social Networking Sites: A Systematic Review

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    This study aims to review the evidence for the reciprocal relationship between envy and social comparison (SC) on social networking sites (SNSs) and depression. We searched PsychINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science from January 2012 to November 2022, adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A total of 9 articles met our inclusion criteria. In all articles reviewed, a simple correlation was found between SC on SNSs, envy, and depression. Three cross-sectional studies successfully tested a model with envy as a mediator between SNSs and depression. The moderating role of additional variables such as self-efficacy, neuroticism, SC orientation, marital quality, and friendship type was also evident. The only two studies that were suitable to determine direction found that depression acted as a predictor rather than an outcome of SC and envy, and therefore depression might be a relevant risk factor for the negative emotional consequences of SNSs use
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