32 research outputs found

    Amor: desencontro e solidão, em Dias perdidos, de Lúcio Cardoso

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    Este artigo aborda na obra Dias perdidos, de Lúcio Cardoso, a relação amorosa, vivida pela personagem central do romance. A fundamentação teórica da leitura encontra-se pautada na crítica psicanalítica freudiana

    High frequency trading : riscos e propostas de regulamentação

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    Orientador: José Guilherme Silva VieiraMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo abordar, com base na bibliografia existente, os riscos e externalidades que a prática do HFT ou high-frequency trading pode trazer no âmbito dos mercados financeiros. Também são trazidas as diferentes propostas de regulamentação já levantadas por diversos autores. Ao final, o trabalho é concluído com o que acredita-se ser uma abordagem prudente com relação ao tema do high-frequency trading em termos de regulação, dado o atual nível de conhecimento sobre o assuntoAbstract: This study takes as its objective, based on the existing literature, the risks and externalities that the practice of HFT or high-frequency trading can make to the financial markets. Also the different regulatory proposals already raised by several authors are brought. In the end, the work is completed what is believed to be a prudent approach with respect to high-frequency trading theme in terms of regulation, given the current level of knowledge on the subjec

    O meio ambiente e a sociedade de risco: sustentabilidade e o equilíbrio entre o público e o privado

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as mudanças produzidas pela sociedade de risco no Brasil, bem como as consequências jurídicas da adoção de práticas de sustentabilidade como possível solução para o dilema da preservação ambiental no Brasil

    Itinerário da errância: a morte na obra cardosiana

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    Na polêmica obra romanesca do escritor mineiro, Lúcio Cardoso, o tema da morte aparece de modo privilegiado. É sobre este tema que este artigo tece considerações

    O antitruste na economia atual : uma discussão à partir dos questionamentos levantados pelos neo-brandeisianos

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Vinicius KleinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Econômico. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/04/2019Inclui referências: p. 82-91Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta o debate antitruste, em especial nos Estados Unidos, no contexto da crescente onda de concentração econômica. O aumento no poder de mercado das firmas que vem sendo verificado tem gerado questionamentos acerca da imposição da legislação antitruste. Os críticos do atual estado do antitruste denominamse neo-brandeisianos e defendem uma aplicação mais rigorosa do antitruste para endereçar uma série de questões decorrentes da concentração e da falta de competição nos mercados. Dentre os problemas que os neo-brandeisianos relacionam com a falta de competição estão, entre outros, a influência política das corporações e a desigualdade de renda. Apesar desses questionamentos acerca do antitruste nos círculos acadêmicos e na imprensa, a maioria das autoridades desconfia dos méritos de se abandonar o atual paradigma na aplicação da legislação. O motivo dessa desconfiança seria a previsibilidade e segurança jurídica que o atual paradigma supostamente confere. Ainda, argumenta-se que parte das críticas dos neo-brandeisianos ao atual estado do antitruste poderiam ser endereçadas sem implicar em mudanças radicais ou em excessiva discricionariedade por parte das autoridades concorrenciais. Palavras-chave: Antitruste. Neo-brandeisianos. Competição. Concentração.Abstract: This dissertation presents the antitrust debate, especially in the United States, in the context of the growing wave of economic concentration. The increase in the market power of firms that has been verified has raised questions about the imposition of antitrust legislation. Critics of the current state of antitrust are called neo-Brandeisians and advocate stricter enforcement of antitrust to address a number of issues arising from concentration and lack of market competition. Amid the problems that neo-Brandeisians associate with the lack of competition are, among others, the political influence of corporations and income inequality. Despite these antitrust questionings in academic circles and the press, most authorities are suspicious of the merits of abandoning the current paradigm in law enforcement. The reason for this suspicion is the predictability and legal certainty that the current paradigm aleggedly confers. Further, it is argued that part of the neo-Brandeisians' criticism of the current state of antitrust could be addressed without entailing radical changes or excessive discretion on the part of the competition authorities. Keywords: Antitrust. Neo-brandeisians. Competition. Concentration

    Liberalização comercial e mortalidade infantil : um estudo das microrregiões brasileiras

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    Este estudo avalia o impacto da liberalização comercial brasileira dos anos 1990 sobre a taxa de mortalidade infantil de 411 microrregiões. O método aplicado permite estimar o efeito direto da abertura comercial sobre a taxa de mortalidade infantil e também definir quais são as variáveis que intermedeiam essa relação. Variáveis governamentais e socioeconômicas são consideradas como potenciais mecanismos de transmissão do efeito da liberalização sobre a taxa de mortalidade infantil. Os resultados indicam que, no médio prazo, regiões mais afetadas pela política liberalizante experimentaram menores taxas de mortalidade infantil em relação às demais. Ademais, a despesa com saúde e saneamento se destacou entre as variáveis intermediadoras, sendo responsável por transmitir mais de 90% do efeito de médio prazo.This paper evaluates the impact of the Brazilian trade liberalization of the 1990s on the infant mortality rate across 411 microregions. The applied method allows an estimation of the direct effect the trade liberalization had on the infant mortality rate and also defines which variables intermediate this relationship. Governmental and socioeconomic variables are considered as potential channels of transmission of the effect of liberalization over the infant mortality rate. The results show that, in the medium term, regions most affected by the liberalization policy experienced lower rates of infant mortality than the others. In addition, spending on health and sanitation stood out among the intermediary variables, being responsible for transmitting more than 90% of the medium-term effect

    Mapeamento geológico-estrutural da area de Minduri, MG

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    Quality of life in medical students who act in PBL methodology

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    Introduction: The learning takes place, mainly, by the integration of new knowledge acquired to previously existing ones, that is, by the elaboration of new information, in any of its previously analyzed forms. In the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method, constructivism is obtained at the expense of activation of prior knowledge, elaboration of new information, establishment of goals for self-directed study, and increament in the complexity of semantic networks in the final discussion of problem solving. Quality of life (QoL) can be considered as a subject of multiple approaches, contextualizations and applicability of which is used by several areas of knowledge. All the components that make up the quality of life can be measured and evaluated using quantitative instruments, including questionnaires, the main one being the WHOQOL-Bref, developed by the WHO, for having a cross-cultural evaluation methodology that allows uniform results. Objectives: To analyze in a global way the quality of life of medical students who work in the PBL model of the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP). Methodology: A total of 90 students from the UNAERP medical school, aged over 18, enrolled in the 1st, 6th and 11th stages were included in this study. After signing the TCLE approved by the local CEP, the students answered a questionnaire based on the WHOQOL-bref. Results: A total of 55.5% of the women and 44.5% of the men with a mean age varying according to the stages (20 years, 1st stage, 22 years, 6th stage and 26 years in the 11th stage) were evaluated. When analyzing the degree of satisfaction of the students with regard to the PBL methodology, a percentage of 49.1% satisfaction was observed at the beginning of the course (1st stage), followed by 65.4% in the 6th stage and 77% at the end of the course (11th stage). The student’s satisfaction with the ability to perform the activities of his day-to-day recorded that in the first stage, 21.2% can carry out their activities with adequacy; in stage 6, 34.5% and in stage 11, 69.8% feel satisfied or very satisfied in this analysis. Students also had increased satisfaction with their academic performance when compared to the beginning and end of the course; on the other hand, in the intermediate phase, a percentage decrease can be observed as can be observed in the first stage: 42.8%; 6th stage: 33.5%; 11: 77%. Discussion and conclusions of the results: In this study, we measured the quality of life of university students of medicine at UNAERP and then made them reflect on how they deal with their personal, physical, social and mental issues throughout their training course. The PBL methodology enhances the need for independent study and focuses on student-led learning and improvement, which allows the student to evolve with a progressive improvement in the ability to perform day-to-day tasks and academic performance

    As Aporias do Mundo VUCA e a Educação

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    This article analyzes the major transformations in the area of ​​education and their impacts on the technological revolution.O presente artigo analisa as grandes transformações na área da educação e seus impactos na revolução tecnológica