22 research outputs found


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    Parents put their hopes in their children who will be born. When a child is born with conditions that are not as expected, this causes an emotional reaction in parents, especially the mother as the main caregiver for children and people who give birth to children in the world. The existence of a diagnosis of Down syndrome in children, mothers feel lost hope and their role will change. According to Fidler, Down syndrome is known as a form of chromosomal abnormality that causes developmental delays, mild to severe mental retardation and physical abnormalities. Finally, the mother faces the terrible reality that her child has special needs. This is a situation that is difficult for mothers to accept and needs to go through a process to be able to achieve self-acceptance. If the mother accepts herself with the condition of having a Down syndrome child, it can help the child to grow and develop properly. Therefore, researchers want to know the process of self-acceptance of mothers with children with Down syndrome.                This research uses a qualitative approach and data collection is carried out using the interview method. Participants in this study were 3 mothers who had children with Down syndrome at the age of 30-45 years. Through interviews, researchers explore the expectations of parents about children, events during pregnancy, childbirth and raising children. In addition, researchers also dig data about the process experienced by mothers to achieve self-acceptance. The analysis conducted on each participant was carried out with the thematic analysis method.                The results showed that the three participants had a process of self-acceptance in accordance with the phase initiated by Duncan and Moses, but there were several different stages. It takes many years for mothers to be able to complete the emotional stages and feelings that emerge can overlap. When the mother has reached self-acceptance, it is still possible to experience a setback to the previous phase. Factors that influence, among others, hope, ignorance of Down syndrome, the economy and support from the surrounding environment


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    ABSTRACT Bcakground: Social media makes it easier to get information and communicate remotely quickly and efficiently. However, the use of excessive social media can have a negative impact on its users, such as experiencing fear of missing out (FoMO). FoMO occurs due to the fear of missing a moment and feeling that other people's lives are better than theirs. This research aims to see the relationship between FoMO and the subjective well-being of social media users in early adulthood. Methods: The study used a quantitative approach with convenience sampling technique to obtain 55 trial research participants and 165 field test research participants with the characteristics: (1) aged 18-25 years; (2) domicile in Jabodetabek; (3) have more than one social media application. The study used the Fear of Missing Out Scale (FoMOs). To measure subjective well-being, researchers used the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The data collection technique was carried out online by using a questionnaire in the form of a Google Forms. Statistical analysis used is correlation technique. Result:  Based on the results, there is a significant relationship between FoMO and subjective well-being. Conclusion: It can be concluded that FoMO has a relationship with subjective well-being in early adult social media users.   Keywords: early adulthood, fear of missing out, subjective well-being   ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Media sosial memudahkan penggunanya untuk mendapatkan informasi serta komunikasi jarak jauh dengan cepat dan efisien. Namun, penggunaan media sosial yang terlalu intens dapat memberikan dampak negatif, seperti mengalami fear of missing out (FoMO). FoMO terjadi karena adanya perasaan takut kehilangan suatu momen dan merasa kehidupan orang lain lebih baik dari dirinya. Metode: Penelitian ini hendak ingin melihat hubungan FoMO dengan subjective well-being pengguna media sosial pada dewasa awal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling sehingga memperoleh 55 partisipan penelitian uji coba dan 165 partisipan penelitian uji lapangan dengan karakteristik: (1) berusia 18-25 tahun; (2) domisili di Jabodetabek; (3) memiliki lebih dari satu aplikasi media sosial. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, maka penelitian menggunakan alat ukur Fear of Missing Out Scale (FoMOs). Lalu untuk mengukur subjective well-being, peneliti menggunakan Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara online menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk Google Forms. Analisis statistik yang digunakan yaitu teknik korelasi. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara FoMO dengan subjective well-being. Kesimpulan: Hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa FoMO memiliki hubungan dengan subjective well-being pada pengguna media sosial yang berusia dewasa awal.   Kata kunci: fear of missing out, subjective well-being, dewasa awa

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Wartawan yang Meliput saat Pandemi COVID-19

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    During a pandemic, unverified information spreads widely and rapidly. Therefore, accurate and fast information is needed. To get it, journalists must cover the field. work in the midst of a pandemic that affects the quality of life of journalists. When the quality of life of journalists decreases, the performance of journalists also decreases and affects the quality of information or news produced. Therefore, this study seeks to find out about the picture of the quality of life of journalists who cover the field during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research method is descriptive using 2 questionnaires, namely WHOQOL-BREF to measure the level of quality of life and COV19-QoL to measure the level of impact of the pandemic on quality of life. This study involving 167 participants found that journalists who covered the COVID-19 pandemic had a moderate level of quality of life in the domains of Physical, Psychological, and Environmental Health. While in the domain of Social Relations, the level of quality of life is relatively high. In addition, the results of this study indicate that the impact of the pandemic on the quality of life of journalists. The impact of covering the COVID-19 pandemic is moderate in the domains of General, Mental Health, Anxiety, and Depression. As for the domains of Physical Health and Personal Safety, the impact is high level.Di tengah pandemi, informasi yang belum terbukti kebenarannya menyebar secara luas dan cepat. Maka dari itu diperlukan informasi yang akurat dan cepat. Untuk mendapatkannya, wartawan harus meliput ke lapangan. Bekerja di tengah pandemi mempengaruhi kualitas hidup wartawan. Ketika kualitas hidup wartawan menurun, performa kerja wartawan pun menurun dan akhirnya mempengaruhi kualitas informasi atau berita yang diproduksi. Maka dari itu penelitian ini mencari tahu tentang gambaran kualitas hidup wartawan yang meliput ke lapangan selama pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan 2 kuesioner, yaitu WHOQOL-BREF untuk mengukur tingkat kualitas hidup dan COV19-QoL untuk mengukur tingkat dampak pandemi terhadap kualitas hidup. Penelitian yang melibatkan 167 partisipan ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa wartawan yang meliput saat pandemi COVID-19 memiliki kualitas hidup tingkat sedang pada domain Kesehatan Fisik, Psikologis, dan Lingkungan. Sedangkan pada domain Hubungan Sosial, tingkat kualitas hidup tergolong tinggi. Selain itu hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak pandemi terhadap kualitas hidup wartawan yang meliput saat pandemi COVID-19 adalah tingkat sedang pada domain Dampak Secara Umum, Kesehatan Mental, Cemas, dan Depresi. Sedangkan untuk domain Kesehatan Fisik dan Keselamatan Pribadi, dampak yang diberikan adalah tingkat tinggi

    Gambaran Proses Penerimaan Diri Ibu yang Memiliki Anak Disleksia

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    This research is intended in order to picture the process of self acceptance of the mothers whom their kids suffered dyslexia. This research uses quality approach with deep interview style. These data is gathered and done within three participants with the span of age between 20 to 40 years old who raises kids with dyslexia that ages between 7 to 11 years old, and has been diagnosed by certain psychologist. The interview is also done to two supporting participants that is significant others from the main participant. The result of the research shows that the psychological dynamics that occurred in the acceptance process is vary, include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The dominant phase that is experienced by the participants is anger and depression. Self acceptance process is supported by factors that is mentioned by Hurlock. Beside that, these factors that is mentioned by Hurlock is also slows down the self acceptance process. This discussion is also discuss another factor that is affecting the self acceptance itself like education, social economic status, and social support


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    The increasing number of people with disabilities in Indonesia who are at work and still perceived as a burden on companies affect disability to work. This study focuses on participant who has physical disabilities because people with physical disability are the second most in Indonesia and their conditions of disability that can be seen directly, and cause psychological problems. As individuals, people with physical disabilities need to live independently, one of the ways to fulfill it by working. Physical disabilities will be in new environments and new situations. This requires adjustment so that eventually they can work productively. This research is using qualitative method using one on one interview. Three participants have attended training in BBRVBD Cibinong. This study use stage passed and the factors that influence their adjustment in the workplace. The results of this study indicate that the three participants experienced an emerging stage of stress at the beginning of work, defense mechanism, resolving problems, and after eight to ten months in the workplace, they are already in the adjustment stage. Three participants were influenced by five adjustment factors from Schneiders (1964). There are other factors that affect their adjustment, namely the perspective that physical disabilities has equal rights and opportunities at work. The desire to be independent, and prove to others who have to insult their physical condition

    Gambaran Life Skills dan Perkembangan Tahapan Karir pada Siswa Autism Spectrum Disorder di Sekolah Y

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    The number of people with autism in Indonesia has reached 2.4 million people. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have limitations in social functioning, as well as the ability to communicate and behave. These limitations are the main influencing factors in choosing a career to pursue. Given this, researchers wanted to see an overview of life skills and career development stages in ASD students at School Y. This research was conducted using a mixed methods convergent parallel design. Data collection was carried out through interviews (qualitative) and behavior checklist (quantitative). The number of participants was five ASD students who had studied for at least three years at School Y. Given the limitations of the ASD students, information was collected from teachers (first informant) and caregivers of each student (second informant). The data analysis strategy used in this study is thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. The results showed that the five ASD students at School Y had quite good mastery of life skills in personal and social skills but were still limited to academic and vocational skills. In terms of the development of career stages, three students are already at a career stage appropriate to their age. The support of parents and teachers in helping ASD students identify their interests, talents, strengths, and weaknesses is very instrumental for better career planning skills.Jumlah penyandang autisme di Indonesia telah mencapai 2,4 juta jiwa. Siswa Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) memiliki keterbatasan terhadap fungsi sosial, serta kemampuan berkomunikasi dan berperilaku. Keterbatasan tersebut menjadi faktor pengaruh utama dalam memilih karir yang akan ditempuhnya. Mengingat hal tersebut, peneliti ingin melihat gambaran life skills dan perkembangan tahapan karir pada siswa ASD di Sekolah Y. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode mixed methods convergent parallel design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara (kualitatif) dan behavior checklist (kuantitatif). Jumlah partisipan sebanyak lima siswa ASD yang telah menempuh pendidikan selama minimal tiga tahun di Sekolah Y. Mengingat keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh siswa ASD, pengumpulan informasi dilakukan pada guru (narasumber pertama) dan pengasuh dari masing-masing siswa (narasumber kedua). Strategi analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah thematic analysis dan descriptive statistic. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelima siswa ASD di Sekolah Y memiliki penguasaan life skills yang cukup baik pada kecakapan personal dan sosial, namun masih terbatas pada kecakapan akademik dan vokasional. Dari segi perkembangan tahapan karir, tiga siswa sudah berada pada tahapan karir yang sesuai dengan usianya. Dukungan orang tua dan guru dalam membantu siswa ASD mengenali minat, bakat, kelebihan dan kekurangannya sangat berperan bagi kemampuan perencanaan karir yang lebih baik

    The Psychological Development Program for Adolescents in PSAA Ceger and Tebet, Jakarta: A Needs Analysis

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    Panti Sosial Asuhan Anak (PSAA) Putra Utama 3 and 4 are units of DKI Jakarta Social Service that provide alternative foster care for adolescents. As substitute for parents, PSAA is responsible for fulfilling the needs of the foster kids. Unfortunately, the service provided is inadequate, both from the quantity and the quality of the caregivers. That is, even though the kids’ physical needs are met, their psychological needs are often neglected. As a result, problems emerge, including the feeling of apprehension about their future after leaving the orphanage, which were worsened by their poor social and academic ability. These problems seem to stem from low level of self-efficacy, namely one’s confidence in the ability in organizing and carrying out actions needed to attain certain result, which in this case is to be able to survive outside the orphanage. As a means of intervention, a psychological development program was planned. To ensure the program effectiveness, a need analysis was carried out. The result showed that the skills needed by the kids include understanding oneself, positive attitude, understanding one’s learning style, time management, self-discipline, communication, teamwork, and goal-setting. Similar to adolescents in general, the kids’ relationship with their significant others greatly affect their emotion and motivation. Meanwhile, their idea about their future was not yet concrete or focused. Different approaches to the boys and girls were applied in executing the program, although generally, the use of video and game effectively was able to catch their attention. In order for the intervention to be thorough, the program was also provided to the caregivers

    Decision Making Process of Workign Resignation in Mothers with Down Syndrome Children

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    The aim of this study is to explore the decision-making process of working resignation passed by mothers with Down syndrome children. Children with Down syndrome need more attention because of their limitations in terms of cognitive, behavior and health. Mother's role is needed to optimize their development. However, being full time mothers is not easy. In the case of families with economic limitations, mothers often have to work. Further more, Down syndrome children need special care and education that require large costs. Therefore, mothers will go through a long process with various considerations when she decided to resign. This research uses qualitative method through narrative approach. This study used semi structured interviews with three mothers of Down syndrome children that decided resign from work and take care of her child. The result of this research show that three mothers have gone through the process of decision making with different dynamics, depends on the child's condition

    Hubungan Konsep Diri dan Efikasi Karir pada Remaja Akhir Laki-laki Penyandang Disabilitas

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    Bekerja dan memiliki karir adalah bagian dari perkembangan seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, termasuk penyandang disabilitas. Memilih karir bukan hal yang mudah karena menyangkut kemandirian seorang individu dan masa depan terlebih lagi pada penyandang disabilitas mereka memiliki hambatan dan perlakuan diskriminatif. Efikasi karir merupakan kepercayaan seorang individu mengenai kemampuannya sehubungan dengan pembuatan keputusan dalam karir. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi karir adalah konsep diri. Konsep diridapat diaplikasikan dalam pemilihan karir agar seseorang dapat memilih karir yang sesuai dengan dirinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara konsep diri dan efikasi karir pada remaja laki-laki penyandang disabilitas. Ini berarti bahwa, penyandng disabilitas yang menghendaki bekerja juga harus memilih jenis pekerjaan mereka sesuai dengan apa yang mampu mereka lakukan dan mereka inginkan

    Psychological Guidance for Independent Adolescents Program in PSAA Ceger and Tebet Jakarta

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    Ceger and Tebet Childcare Social Institution (PSAA) is the Technical Service Unit of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service that provides services for adolescents at junior and senior high school levels. As a social care institution, it is undeniable that fulfilling psychological needs is just as important as fulfilling physical needs. Various problems that arise in foster children are usually concerned with lack of fulfillment of psychological needs. When an individual reaches the adolescent phase, the need for psychological fulfillment changes. In the adolescent phase, independence is one of the main development tasks that need to be mastered, so the focus of assistance in 2018 was directed to preparation for orphanage youths in facing life after the orphanage, which will begin after they graduate from high school. The present community service activity aims to provide psychological assistance for children of PSAA Putra Utama 3 Tebet and Putra Utama 4 Ceger Jakarta to help them become independent and to be ready to face life after high school, with an understanding of how to effectively manage themselves and manage others in personal and professional situations. Through this program, participants were expected to be able to learn the following skills: be independent and ready to work, manage themselves, and manage others. The community mentoring training module was designed based on the typical characteristics of participants fromm PSAA Putra Utama 3 Tebet and 4 Ceger during the 11 month assistance period. It can also be used by the PSAA to run training-based mentoring intervention programs independently in the future.Ceger and Tebet Childcare Social Institution (PSAA) is the Technical Service Unit of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service that provides services for adolescents at junior and senior high school levels. As a social care institution, it is undeniable that fulfilling psychological needs is just as important as fulfilling physical needs. Various problems that arise in foster children are usually concerned with lack of fulfillment of psychological needs. When an individual reaches the adolescent phase, the need for psychological fulfillment changes. In the adolescent phase, independence is one of the main development tasks that need to be mastered, so the focus of assistance in 2018 was directed to preparation for orphanage youths in facing life after the orphanage, which will begin after they graduate from high school. The present community service activity aims to provide psychological assistance for children of PSAA Putra Utama 3 Tebet and Putra Utama 4 Ceger Jakarta to help them become independent and to be ready to face life after high school, with an understanding of how to effectively manage themselves and manage others in personal and professional situations. Through this program, participants were expected to be able to learn the following skills: be independent and ready to work, manage themselves, and manage others. The community mentoring training module was designed based on the typical characteristics of participants fromm PSAA Putra Utama 3 Tebet and 4 Ceger during the 11 month assistance period. It can also be used by the PSAA to run training-based mentoring intervention programs independently in the future