4,443 research outputs found

    Flutter prediction for a wing with active aileron control

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    A method for predicting the vibrational stability of an aircraft with an analog active aileron flutter suppression system (FSS) is expained. Active aileron refers to the use of an active control system connected to the aileron to damp vibrations. Wing vibrations are sensed by accelerometers and the information is used to deflect the aileron. Aerodynamic force caused by the aileron deflection oppose wing vibrations and effectively add additional damping to the system

    Innovation in flood risk management: an 'Avenues of Innovation' analysis

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    Innovation in flood risk management (FRM) is a driver for change. Research, however, is sparse in this area, and innovation itself appears to be left largely to chance. This paper uses a ’systems of innovation’ approach, defining ’avenues’ of innovation, to explore factors that promote or inhibit innovation. The research is based on in-depth interviews with 10 leading figures in FRM in the United Kingdom, and describes the interactions and iterations involved. We conclude that in terms of practice the encouragement of champions should be enhanced, risk cultures require concerted attention to minimise risk aversion, learning should be facilitated, and innovation scaled up to maximise its effectiveness. We aim also to add to the literature on innovation systems, providing a case study of a complex field previously unexplored in this regard. Detailed innovation-encouraging processes here need to be better understood and FRM policies and practices adjusted accordingly

    Die Aufklärungspflicht des Augenarztes

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    Tendenzen der Rechtsprechung zum Gebiet der Geburtshilfe

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    In den letzten Jahren wurde eine Fülle von Gerichtsurteilen veröffentlicht, die das Fachgebiet des Frauenarztes berühren und teilweise einschneidend reglementieren. Wir wollen an dieser Stelle einige insbesondere obergerichtliche Urteile vorstellen, aus deren Kenntnis sich Konsequenzen gerade für die tägliche Praxis des Geburtshelfers ableiten lassen

    The immunohistochemical analysis of fibronectin, collagen type III, laminin, and cytokeratin 5 in putrified skin

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    Fibronectin, collagen type III, laminin, and cytokeratin 5 were visualized in normal skin and in skin showing early or advanced signs of autolytic decomposition to prove whether the immunohistochemical analysis of these antigens can provide useful information for an age-estimation of skin wounds obtained from putrified corpses. In cases with early signs of decomposition (visible course of veins, greenish discoloration) and without microscopic alterations like relaxation of the epidermal cell layers or destruction of the blood vessel structures, the staining pattern was identical to that found in normal, non-putrefied skin. In skin already showing microscopic alteration of the tissue structure, fibronectin and collagen type III could not be localized unambiguously. The distribution of laminin and cytokeratin 5, however, was well preserved. In advanced putrefied skin no reliable staining results could be obtained for fibronectin, collagen type III, and laminin. Even though cytokeratin 5 was still detectable in remnants of decomposition-resistant skin appendages, no information useful for an age-estimation of skin wounds can be obtained due to the autolytic detachment of the epidermal layers
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