997 research outputs found

    Structural validity of the MACI psychopathy and narcissism scales: Evidence of multidimensionality and implications for use in research and screening

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    This study investigated the psychometric properties and predictive validity of three self-report scales (the Psychopathy Content Scale, the Psychopathy-16 scale, and the Egotistic scale) derived from the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) to screen for the presence of psychopathic and narcissistic personality characteristics. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed in a sample of 173 clinic-referred adolescents (ages 12-17), results from which suggested that these scales are multidimensional in nature. The Psychopathy Content Scale was best captured by a two-factor structure, with personality-based items loading on one factor and antisocial/impulsive behaviors loading on the second. The most parsimonious solution for the Psychopathy-16 scale was a three-factor model, characterized by callous and egocentric features on the first two factors and antisocial behaviors on the third. The Egotistic scale of the MACI was best represented by three factors, depicting features of self-confidence, exhibitionistic tendencies, and social conceit, respectively. Regression analyses supported the multidimensionality of these scales by showing divergent patterns of association with violent and nonviolent outcomes among the factors that composed the scales

    Replica symmetry breaking in an adiabatic spin-glass model of adaptive evolution

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    We study evolutionary canalization using a spin-glass model with replica theory, where spins and their interactions are dynamic variables whose configurations correspond to phenotypes and genotypes, respectively. The spins are updated under temperature T_S, and the genotypes evolve under temperature T_J, according to the evolutionary fitness. It is found that adaptation occurs at T_S < T_S^{RS}, and a replica symmetric phase emerges at T_S^{RSB} < T_S < T_S^{RS}. The replica symmetric phase implies canalization, and replica symmetry breaking at lower temperatures indicates loss of robustness.Comment: 5pages, 2 figure

    Teacher interventions in students’ collaborative work in a technology-rich educational makerspace

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    This study reports on an investigation of teacher interventions in students' collaborative work in an educational makerspace. We draw on a qualitative analysis of video data on teacher-student interaction derived from 94 students (aged 9-12) and their teachers in a Finnish school. The results show that the teacher interventions were both student- and teacher-initiated. Three leading teacher intervention strategies were identified, namely authoritative, orchestrating and unleashing which emerged in teacher-student interactions dealing with conceptual, procedural, technological, behavioural and motivational issues. The study demonstrates the demands makerspaces pose for teacher-student interaction, and how moving from authoritative to collaborative interaction requires collective efforts and cultural change.Peer reviewe

    Fission yeast 26S proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the pap1 transcription factor

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    Here we report the result of a genetic screen for mutants resistant to the microtubule poison methyl benzimidazol-2-yl carbamate (MBC) that were also temperature sensitive for growth. In total the isolated mutants were distributed in ten complementation groups. Cloning experiments revealed that most of the mutants were in essential genes encoding various 26S proteasome subunits. We found that the proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the stress-activated transcription factor Pap1. We show that the ubiquitylation and ultimately the degradation of Pap1 depend on the Rhp6/Ubc2 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and the Ubr1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. Accordingly, mutants lacking Rhp6 or Ubr1 display drug-resistant phenotypes

    Statistical mechanics of clonal expansion in lymphocyte networks modelled with slow and fast variables

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    We study the Langevin dynamics of the adaptive immune system, modelled by a lymphocyte network in which the B cells are interacting with the T cells and antigen. We assume that B clones and T clones are evolving in different thermal noise environments and on different timescales. We derive stationary distributions and use statistical mechanics to study clonal expansion of B clones in this model when the B and T clone sizes are assumed to be the slow and fast variables respectively and vice versa. We derive distributions of B clone sizes and use general properties of ferromagnetic systems to predict characteristics of these distributions, such as the average B cell concentration, in some regimes where T cells can be modelled as binary variables. This analysis is independent of network topologies and its results are qualitatively consistent with experimental observations. In order to obtain full distributions we assume that the network topologies are random and locally equivalent to trees. The latter allows us to employ the Bethe-Peierls approach and to develop a theoretical framework which can be used to predict the distributions of B clone sizes. As an example we use this theory to compute distributions for the models of immune system defined on random regular networks.Comment: A more recent version (accepted for publication in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical) with improved figures, references, et

    No Scalar Hair Theorem for a Charged Spherical Black Hole

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    This paper consolidates noscalar hair theorem for a charged spherically symmetric black hole in four dimension in general relativity as well as in all scalar tensor theories, both minimally and nonminimally coupled, when the effective Newtonian constant of gravity is positive. However, there is an exception when the matter field itself is coupled to the scalar field, such as in dilaton gravity.Comment: 13 pages, Latex format, some minor corrections are made, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Intensity-Based Registration of Freehand 3D Ultrasound and CT-scan Images of the Kidney

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    This paper presents a method to register a pre-operative Computed-Tomography (CT) volume to a sparse set of intra-operative Ultra-Sound (US) slices. In the context of percutaneous renal puncture, the aim is to transfer planning information to an intra-operative coordinate system. The spatial position of the US slices is measured by optically localizing a calibrated probe. Assuming the reproducibility of kidney motion during breathing, and no deformation of the organ, the method consists in optimizing a rigid 6 Degree Of Freedom (DOF) transform by evaluating at each step the similarity between the set of US images and the CT volume. The correlation between CT and US images being naturally rather poor, the images have been preprocessed in order to increase their similarity. Among the similarity measures formerly studied in the context of medical image registration, Correlation Ratio (CR) turned out to be one of the most accurate and appropriate, particularly with the chosen non-derivative minimization scheme, namely Powell-Brent's. The resulting matching transforms are compared to a standard rigid surface registration involving segmentation, regarding both accuracy and repeatability. The obtained results are presented and discussed

    A dual process account of creative thinking

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    This article explicates the potential role played by type 1 thinking (automatic, fast) and type 2 thinking (effortful, logical) in creative thinking. The relevance of Evans's (2007) models of conflict of dual processes in thinking is discussed with regards to creative thinking. The role played by type 1 thinking and type 2 thinking during the different stages of creativity (problem finding and conceptualization, incubation, illumination, verification and dissemination) is discussed. It is proposed that although both types of thinking are active in creativity, the extent to which they are active and the nature of their contribution to creativity will vary between stages of the creative process. Directions for future research to test this proposal are outlined; differing methodologies and the investigation of different stages of creative thinking are discussed. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC