448 research outputs found

    Adaptation-induced Tourism for Consumers of Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans

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    My aim in this article is that of starting to relate the expanding research field of adaptation studies to the subject area of film-induced tourism. Adaptations are a specific typology of films: that is, films whose story was not originally intended for the screen but, more often than not, for the written page, and has, therefore, been ‘translated’ into a new medium. The phenomenon of adaptation has been at the center of a heated debate for a few years now, but the specific link between adaptation and tourism has not yet been studied in its own right. In my article I question why and how adaptations of literary texts for the screen can induce a desire to visit film locations (actual geographical places) in readers who are also inclined to enjoy the experience of “literature on screen”. In order to do this, I focus on the case study of adaptations from Jane Austen’s novels and on a specific kind of tourists, the so called ‘Janeites’, or Austen fans. In questo saggio intendo mettere in relazione il campo di studi sull’adattamento filmico, che specie in ambito anglosassone è molto fiorente, con l’area di ricerca del cineturismo. Gli adattamenti sono, infatti, una particolare tipologia di film: si tratta di film le cui storie non nascono originariamente per lo schermo ma quasi sempre per la pagina a stampa e sono, dunque, ‘letteratura’ tradotta in un nuovo mezzo audiovisivo. Il fenomeno dell’adattamento, nelle sue varie accezioni non solo cinematografiche, è da diversi anni al centro di un vivace dibattito, ma la specifica connessione fra adattamento e turismo non è ancora stata adeguatamente studiata dagli specialisti di entrambi i settori. La domanda da cui il presente saggio muove è invece: perché e come l’adattamento di testi letterari per lo schermo può indurre il desiderio di visitare una location (che è poi un reale luogo geografico) in lettori inclini a gradire anche l’esperienza della “letteratura su schermo”. Per cominciare a rispondere, ho deciso di concentrarmi sul caso di studio degli adattamenti dai romanzi di Jane Austen, analizzando una particolare tipologia di turisti: i fan di Austen, noti anche come ‘Janeites’

    A sustainable requalification of Bracciano lake waterfront in Trevignano Romano

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    This paper describes the first interventions carried out in accordance with the results of the three years bilateral research SoURCE (Sustainable Urban Cell) performed by CITERA (Inter department Centre for Territory, Building, Conservation and Environment) of the Sapienza University of Rome and the Department of Urban Planning and Environment of the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm (KTH) regarding urban redevelopment and distributed micro-generation of buildings. The location is the municipality of Trevignano Romano in the area (urban cell) of the lake waterfront aimed at the integration of all facilities that will increase the tourist accommodation of the area. The concept of the project is to utilize empty spaces, in all lake waterfronts, for the construction of public toilets and showers, introduction of electric boat and bike rental for sightseeing with charging stations and construction of an energy efficient wooden prefabricated building to be used as a general shop for tourists (closest analogue service is about 3 km). The research is included in the executive programme for the scientific and technical cooperation between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Italy, in the area defined ‘Energy and Environment: Sustainable Cities’

    Reuse and upcycling of municipalwaste for zeb envelope design in European urban areas

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    Building energy efficiency and urban waste management are two focal issues for improving environmental status and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The main aim of this paper is to compare economic costs of new building envelope structures designed by authors reusing and upcycling municipal waste in order to decrease energy demand from the building sector and, at the same time, improve eco-friendly waste management at the local scale. The reuse of waste for building envelope structures is one of the main principles of the Earthship buildings model, based on the use of passive solar principles in autonomous earth-sheltered homes. This Earthship principle has been analyzed in order to optimize buildings’ energy performance and reuse municipal waste for new building envelope structures in urban areas. Indeed, the elaborated structures have been designed for urban contexts, with the aim of reuse waste coming from surrounding landfills. The methods include an analysis of thermal performance of urban waste for designing new building envelope structures realized by assembling waste and isolating materials not foreseen in Earthship buildings. The reused materials are: cardboard tubes, automobile tires, wood pallets, and plastic and glass bottles. Finally, comparing economic costs of these new building envelope structures, the obtained results highlight their economic feasibility compared to a traditional structure with similar thermal transmittance

    Technology park in connection with national filing of radioactive waste

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    The starting project idea arises from the need to provide a national disposal for radioactive waste as required by the European Union, in order to adjust Italy to the rest of the other European countries. The site will replace the temporary disposals realized near to the four former nuclear plants in the Italian territory, to permit plants decommissioning and the subsequent environmental rehabilitation of those areas. The disposal will be realized according to the most modern standards of environmental safety and ensuring maximum sustainability of the site thus using all the ‘Best Available Technique’ for the construction of Near Zero Energy Buildings and energy production systems from renewable sources. The Project is based on data coming from SOGIN (the Italian society for the decommissioning of nuclear plants) for the national radioactive waste disposal able to contain 90,000 cubic meters of radioactive waste and divided into two parts, allowing separate storage of the waste of first and second level, respectively, in quantities of 15.000 mc and 75.000 mc. The Technology Park close to the disposal, will be done with maximum transparency criteria, so to make the site not only accessible to citizens, but even a tourist attraction and a meeting area for the scholars, university students and researchers. In this technological park there are strong requirements for high security systems and an adequate transport and mobility plan designed even for critical situations. In fact in the designed Park there are even special protection systems from physical agents with the possibility, in case of danger, of an access to the closed collection points that are able to insulate workers and visitors from fire or radiation danger

    Selection of Lactobacillus strains from fermented sausages for their potential use as probiotics.

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    A rapid screening method was used to isolate potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains from fermented sausages after enrichment in MRS broth at pH 2.5 followed by bile salt stressing (1% bile salts w/v). One hundred and fifty acid- and bile-resistant strains were selected, avoiding preliminary and time-consuming isolation steps. Strains were further characterized for survival at pH 2.5 for 3 h in phosphate-buffered saline and for growth in the presence of 0.3% bile salts with and without pre-exposure at low pH. Twentyeight strains showed a survival >80% at pH 2.5 for 3 h; moreover, most of the strains were able to grow in the presence of 0.3% bile salts. Low pH and bile resistance was shown to be dependent on both the species, identified by phenotypic and molecular methods, and the strain tested. This is the first report on the direct selection of potentially probiotic lactobacilli from dry fermented sausages. Technologically interesting strains may be used in the future as probiotic starter cultures for novel fermented sausage manufacture

    Disciplinary regimes of ‘care’ and complementary alternative education

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    In schools, the notion of ‘care is often synonymous with welfare and disciplinary regimes. Drawing on Foucault, and a study of alternative education across the UK, and looking in depth at two cases of complementary alternative education, we identify three types of disciplinary regimes at work in schools: (1) dominant performative reward and punishment, (2) team building and (3) therapeutic. We argue that while all three regimes aim to steer identified students back to the norm, the two complementary approaches that we saw avoided the narrow instrumental behaviourist approaches of the dominant pattern. In so doing, they also opened up wider horizons of possibility and ways to be and become

    Historical analysis and refurbishment proposal of the “Red schools” in Viterbo

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    To hinder climate change, EU legislation requires that by 2020 each European state achieves the objectives set by the 2020 Climate and Energy Package. Particular attention is paid not only to new constructed buildings, the so-called Near Zero Energy Buildings, but also to the existing building stock: in Italy in fact, in addition to the National Action Plan to increase the NZEB buildings (PANZEB), the Strategy for Energy Renewal of the National Real Estate Park (STERPIN) is planned. The aim of the thesis work is a primary school built in 1938 within the historical centre of Viterbo. The work touched on three different areas of design: the design of the internal and external spaces, annexed to the school building, finding solutions for a flexible and functional distribution in line with the theories of modern pedagogy, moving from a school of homologation to a school of diversity enhancement. This was joined by a study concerning the original elevations and constructive features, bearers of historical and aesthetic values, which resulted in the proposal for conservative restoration of the Terranova plaster and the original iron-window profiles. Finally, attention was paid to energy upgrading and efficiency, in line with regulatory provisions. The interventions did not only concern the building envelope (through a thermal upgrading of the original iron-windows, the insulation of the flat roof and the indoor thermal coat of the perimeter walls), but also the system (through the replacement of the boiler with a heat pump, integrated with the photovoltaic system placed on the roof, the inclusion of thermostatic valves and lighting design with the replacement of fluorescent lamps with LED ones)

    How is theory used to understand and inform practice in the alternative provision sector in England:trends, gaps and implications for practice

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    This article examines how theory features in the research literatures concerning the English alternative (education) provision (AP) sector. Despite increasing interest over the past decade in how AP can (re)engage school-aged young people in learning, there has been no comprehensive review of the theoretical ideas used to understand, analyse, and inform practice in the sector. This article presents a framework for categorising the literature on AP, which refer to theory. This framework is of international relevance and can be used by researchers who are seeking to understand the state-of-knowledge on AP in their own contexts. Applied to the English context, this framework demonstrates trends and gaps in the ways theory is used to frame and understand the sector by researchers and practitioners. The framework highlights a shortage of published research which seeks to understand how practitioners in English APs understand, and use, theoretical ideas, concepts, and frameworks to inform their work with young people. We also find that theories drawn from psychological and therapeutic orientations are more common than those drawing on socio-political framings. We reflect on the causes and implications of these trends and gaps and conclude with suggestions for future research to better understand them.<br/


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    La tesi analizza il segmento, del settore entertainment, dei parchi divertimento tematici con l’obiettivo di osservarne l’impatto economico e le relative dinamiche, in particolare per quanto attiene le eccellenze site sul territorio nazionale. Il documento, dopo aver analizzato il relativo "percorso storico", prende in esame le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono i parchi a tema rispetto agli altri parchi divertimento, le tipologie di questi ultimi e le tipologie di attrazioni che in essi si possono riscontrare. Successivamente divengono oggetto di analisi le dinamiche inerenti il segmento di appartenenza nelle quattro macro aree dove questo è presente: Nord America, Europa, contesto asiatico e sudamericano. Infine, restringendo la prospettiva di analisi, sono oggetto di disamina le strutture d'eccellenza presenti sul territorio nostrano attraverso la consultazione delle informazioni ricavabili dai rispettivi fascicoli di bilancio, la loro comparazione, l'analisi di bilancio stessa e la determinazione degli indicatori necessari ai fini della valutazione delle performances
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