17 research outputs found

    Chapter 2: History

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    The early years of laser hydrography have been traced by Guenther (1985). His review tracks the development of laser hydrography, now more commonly known as Airborne Laser Bathymetry (ALB), from the earliest theoretical and experimental efforts in the mid-1960's dealing with in-water lasers and the first demonstration systems capable of detecting bottom returns through the development of the first operational systems. The history was later extended to 1990 in a paper by Sizgoric, Banic and Guenther (1992). Guenther further detailed this history and provided descriptions of operational systems in the Airborne Lidar Bathymetry chapter of The DEM User's Manual (Guenther 2001), which he later updated in the 2nd Edition of the User's Manual (Guenther 2007). This chapter summarizes and updates these reference documents

    Prison Break general gabbery: extra-hyperdiegetic spaces, power, and identity in Prison Break

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    This article examines the interdependent relationship among the text, its producers, and "extra-hyperdiegetic space" constructed around the romantic relationship between Michael and Sara, the central protagonists of the Prison Break television series. The Prison Break creators have created extensive digital and analogue platforms to create an extended textual experience that constructs a close text-audience relationship. The digital and analogue platforms construct a space that is inhabitable by fans, one in which to express their own desires. This article explores the online material generated by fans (the most prevalent artifact of this extended space is the Prison Break fan fiction) as well as material released outside the story by producers on their blogs and official promo sites related the show and examines the interconnected (however mediated) relationship among these different spaces in relation to the increasingly romanticized and melodramatic relationship between Michael and Sara