22 research outputs found

    The theory of thermally activated delayed fluorescence for organic light emitting diodes

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    The interest in organic molecules exhibiting Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) has been reinvigorated in recent years owing to their potential to be exploited as emitters in highly efficient purely organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). However, designing new molecules that exhibit efficient TADF is a non-trivial task because they would appear to require the optimisation of a number of contrasting properties. For example these molecules must exhibit rapid conversion between the singlet and triplet manifolds without the use of heavy elements to enhance spinorbit coupling. They should also display a large fluorescence rate, but simultaneously a small energy gap between low lying singlet and triplet states. Consequently to achieve systematic material design, a detailed understanding of the fundamental factors influencing the photophysical behaviour of TADF emitters is essential. Towards achieving this goal, theory and computation is playing a crucial role. In this feature article the recent progress in the theory of organic TADF molecules in the context of OLEDs is presented, with a view of achieving a deeper understanding of these molecules and driving systematic material design

    Reverse sequence polymerization‐induced self‐assembly in aqueous media

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    We report a new aqueous polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) formulation that enables the hydrophobic block to be prepared first when targeting diblock copolymer nano-objects. This counter-intuitive reverse sequence approach uses an ionic reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) agent for the RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA) to produce charge-stabilized latex particles. Chain extension using a water-soluble methacrylic, acrylic or acrylamide comonomer then produces sterically stabilized diblock copolymer nanoparticles in an aqueous one-pot formulation. In each case, the monomer diffuses into the PHPMA particles, which act as the locus for the polymerization. A remarkable change in morphology occurs as the ≈600 nm latex is converted into much smaller sterically stabilized diblock copolymer nanoparticles, which exhibit thermoresponsive behavior. Such reverse sequence PISA formulations enable the efficient synthesis of new functional diblock copolymer nanoparticles

    Reverse sequence polymerization-induced self-assembly in aqueous media: a counter-intuitive approach to sterically-stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects

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    Polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) is a powerful platform technology for the efficient synthesis of block copolymer nanoparticles in many types of solvents, including water. In PISA, a soluble precursor block is used to grow a second insoluble block, which leads to in situ self-assembly of the block copolymer chains. Thus, in the case of aqueous PISA, the water-soluble block is always prepared first because this confers steric stabilization. Herein, we challenge this paradigm by demonstrating that amphiphilic diblock copolymer chains can be prepared in water by preparing the hydrophobic block first via reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. This counter-intuitive reverse sequence PISA formulation utilizes an ionic RAFT agent to conduct the RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA), which results in the formation of charge-stabilized PHPMA latex particles of ∌500 nm diameter. Initial attempts to chain-extend these hydrophobic PHPMA chains with water-miscible monomers such as glycerol monomethacrylate (GMA) were unsuccessful, with only uncontrolled free radical polymerization being observed in the aqueous phase. However, using a water-immiscible monomer such as isopropylideneglycerol methacrylate (IPGMA) enabled the synthesis of charge-stabilized PHPMA-PIPGMA latex particles. Subsequent acid hydrolysis of the PIPGMA block led to the in situ formation of sterically-stabilized PHPMA-PGMA diblock copolymer spheres. Alternatively, dissolution of the precursor PHPMA latex in a methanol/water binary mixture enables RAFT solution polymerization of water-miscible monomers such as GMA or N,Nâ€Č-dimethylacrylamide (DMAC) to be achieved with good control. The resulting amphiphilic diblock copolymer chains then undergo self-assembly in aqueous solution after removal of the methanol co-solvent. Finally, this reverse sequence PISA protocol can also be applied to other vinyl monomers such as 2-methoxyethyl methacrylate (MOEMA) or diacetone acrylamide (DAAM), which significantly broadens its scope

    Prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): an international flash mob study

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    Introduction Current emergency care systems are not optimized to respond to multiple and complex problems associated with frailty. Services may require reconfiguration to effectively deliver comprehensive frailty care, yet its prevalence and variation are poorly understood. This study primarily determined the prevalence of frailty among older people attending emergency care. Methods This cross-sectional study used a flash mob approach to collect observational European emergency care data over a 24-h period (04 July 2023). Sites were identified through the European Task Force for Geriatric Emergency Medicine collaboration and social media. Data were collected for all individuals aged 65 + who attended emergency care, and for all adults aged 18 + at a subset of sites. Variables included demographics, Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), vital signs, and disposition. European and national frailty prevalence was determined with proportions with each CFS level and with dichotomized CFS 5 + (mild or more severe frailty). Results Sixty-two sites in fourteen European countries recruited five thousand seven hundred eighty-five individuals. 40% of 3479 older people had at least mild frailty, with countries ranging from 26 to 51%. They had median age 77 (IQR, 13) years and 53% were female. Across 22 sites observing all adult attenders, older people living with frailty comprised 14%. Conclusion 40% of older people using European emergency care had CFS 5 + . Frailty prevalence varied widely among European care systems. These differences likely reflected entrance selection and provide windows of opportunity for system configuration and workforce planning

    Ultrafast dynamics of the S(1) excited state of benzene

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    We investigate the ultrafast intramolecular dynamics of electronically and vibrationally excited benzene using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum dynamics simulations. In addition to an ultrafast initial decay, we observe an oscillation between two states. We interpret this data in terms of excited state population moving away from the Franck–Condon region towards the singlet–singlet conical intersection with the ground-state, where ultrafast intersystem crossing from the initially populated singlet state to an optically dark triplet state is enhanced. Our results challenge the currently accepted view that intramolecular processes in hydrocarbons which involve a change of spin are negligibly slo

    Neutron reflection from a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayer adsorbed on a hydrophobised silicon support

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    AbstractNeutron specular reflection has been used to study the structure of a monolayer of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) deposited using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique onto a silicon oxide substrate. A self-assembled monolayer of octadecyltrichlorosilane with a deuterated alkyl chain (d-OTS) had been previously bonded onto this silicon oxide substrate which rendered it hydrophobic. In the system under study, the alkyl chains of the phospholipid were found to penetrate extensively into the d-OTS layer with the mixed chain region (d-OTS and DMPC) having a total thickness of 30.5 Å. This mixed region was divided into two halves for analysis; the ‘lower half’ (nearest to the substrate surface) was found to comprise anchored d-OTS chains mixed with the lipid chains in the volume ratio approx. 0.60:0.35. The corresponding volume ratio in the ‘upper half’ of this region was determined to be approx. 0.50:0.40. The thicknesses of these regions were found to be 17.9 Å (incorporating approx. 6% solvent) and 12.6 Å (incorporating approx. 9% solvent) for the lower and upper halves respectively. The DMPC head groups were found to be confined to the most external layer (furthest away from the silicon substrate). This layer was found to have a thickness of 9.4 Å and included a small fraction of the lipid alkyl chains with approx. 47% solvent