40 research outputs found

    NASA SSERVI Contributions to Lunar Science and Exploration

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    NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) represents a close collaboration between science, technology and exploration that will enable deeper understanding of the Moon and other airless bodies as we move further out of low-Earth orbit. The new Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) will focus on the scientific aspects of exploration as they pertain to the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) and the moons of Mars. The Institute focuses on interdisciplinary, exploration-related science centered around all airless bodies targeted as potential human destinations. Areas of study reported here will represent the broad spectrum of lunar, NEA, and Martian moon sciences encompassing investigations of the surface, interior, exosphere, and near-space environments as well as science uniquely enabled from these bodies. We will provide a detailed look at research being conducted by each of the 9 domestic US teams as well as our 7 international partners. The research profile of the Institute integrates investigations of plasma physics, geology/geochemistry, technology integration, solar system origins/evolution, regolith geotechnical properties, analogues, volatiles, ISRU and exploration potential of the target bodies

    SSERVI Annual Report: Year 4

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    The SSERVI Central Office forms the organizational, administrative and collaborative hub for the domestic and international teams, and is responsible for advocacy and ensuring the long-term health and relevance of the Institute. SSERVI has increased the cross-talk between NASAs space and human exploration programs, which is one of our primary goals. We bring multidisciplinary teams together to address fundamental and strategic questions pertinent to future human space exploration, and the results from that research are the primary products of the institute. The team and international partnership reports contain summaries of 2017 research accomplishments. Here we present the 2017 accomplishments by the SSERVI Central Office that focus on: 1) Supporting Our Teams, 2) Community Building, 3) Managing the Solar System Treks Portal (SSTP), and 4) Public Engagement

    Infrared studies of dust grains in infrared reflection nebulae

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    IR reflection nebulae, regions of dust which are illuminated by nearby embedded sources, were observed in several regions of ongoing star formation. Near IR observation and theoretical modelling of the scattered light form IR reflection nebulae can provide information about the dust grain properties in star forming regions. IR reflection nebulae were modelled as plane parallel slabs assuming isotropically scattering grains. For the grain scattering properties, graphite and silicate grains were used with a power law grain size distribution. Among the free parameters of the model are the stellar luminosity and effective temperature, the optical depth of the nebula, and the extinction by foreground material. The typical results from this model are presented and discussed

    Hydrogen Isotopic Substitution Studies of the 2165 Wavenumber (4.62 Micron) "XCN" Feature Produced by Ion Bombardment

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    The interstellar 4.62 μm absorption band, commonly seen toward embedded protostellar objects, has not yet been unambiguously identified; here we report new results which further elucidate the components of the band carrier, which is often referred to in the literature as the "XCN" band due to previous implications of carbon and nitrogen. If the atmosphere of the early Earth was not overly reducing, as some studies indicate, production of prebiotic molecules containing the cyanogen bond would have been difficult. In that case, CN-bearing molecules, necessary for the origin of life, may have come primarily from extraterrestrial sources, and the interstellar medium may be an important source of those molecules. Laboratory studies show that energetic processing of ice mixtures containing H, C, N, and O atoms readily reproduce a band similar in peak position and profile to that seen in the interstellar spectra. Earlier isotopic labeling experiments clearly identified carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen as active participants of the XCN species. In this paper, results of ion bombardment of CH3OH : N2 and CD3OD : N2 ices are presented. A shift in band position resulting from deuterium substitution demonstrates that hydrogen is also a component of the carrier in the laboratory-produced 4.62 μm band. Irradiation of ices through ion bombardment allows the testing of mixtures which include N2, a possible source of the available nitrogen in dense cloud ices that cannot be probed through UV photolysis experiments

    NASA SSERVI: Merging Science and Human Exploration

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    The NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) is a virtual institute focused on research at the intersection of science and exploration, training the next generation of lunar scientists, and community development. As part of the SSERVI mission, we act as a hub for opportunities that engage the larger scientific and exploration communities in order to form new interdisciplinary, research-focused collaborations. This talk will describe the research efforts of the thirteen domestic teams that constitute the U.S. complement of the Institute and how we will engage the community through workshops, conferences, online seminars and classes, student exchange programs and internships


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    Carbon grains in the interstellar medium evolve through exposure to UV photons, heat, gas, and cosmic rays. Understanding their formation, evolution, and destruction is an essential component of evaluating the composition of the dust available for newly forming planetary systems. The 3.4 lm absorption band, attributed to the aliphatic C"H stretch vibration, is a useful probe of the degree to which energetic processing affects hydrogenated carbon grains. Here we report on the effects of ion bombardment of two different kinds of nano-size hydrogenated carbon grains with different hydrogen content. Grain samples, both with and without a mantle of H2O ice, were irradiated with 30 keV He + to simulate cosmic-ray processing in both diffuse and dense interstellar medium conditions. The ion fluences ranged between 1:5 � 10 13 and 7:9 � 10 15 ions cm � 2 . Infrared and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the effects of ion irradiation on grains. In both the dense and diffuse interstellar medium simulations, ion bombardment led to a reduction of the 3.4 lm band intensity. To discuss the effects of cosmic-ray irradiation of interstellar hydrogenated carbon materials we adopt the approximation of 1 MeV monoenergetic protons. An estimate of the C"H bond destruction cross section by 1 MeV protons was made based on experiments using 30 keV He + ions and model calculations. In combination with results from our previous studies, which focused on UV irradiation and thermal H atom bombardment, the present results indicate that the C"H bond destruction by fastcolliding charged particles is negligible with respect to that of UV photons in the diffuse ISM. However, in dense cloud regions, cosmic-ray bombardment is the most significant C"H bond destruction mechanism when the optical depth corresponds to values of the visual extinction larger than � 5 mag. The results presented here strengthen the new interpretation of the evolution of the interstellar aliphatic component (i.e., the C"H bonds in the CH2 and CH3 groups) as evidenced by the presence of the 3.4 lm absorption band in the diffuse medium and the absence of such a signature in the dense cloud environment. The evolutionary transformation of carbon grains, induced by H atoms, UV photons, and cosmic rays, indicates that C"H bonds are readily formed, in situ, in the diffuse interstellar medium and are destroyed in the dense cloud environment

    Hydrocarbons on Phoebe, Iapetus, and Hyperion: Quantitative Analysis

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    We present a quantitative analysis of the hydrocarbon spectral bands measured on three of Saturn's satellites, Phoebe, Iaperus, and Hyperion. These bands, measured with the Cassini Visible-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer on close fly-by's of these satellites, are the C-H stretching modes of aromatic hydrocarbons at approximately 3.28 micrometers (approximately 3050 per centimeter), and the are four blended bands of aliphatic -CH2- and -CH3 in the range approximately 3.36-3.52 micrometers (approximately 2980- 2840 per centimeter) bably indicating the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), is unusually strong in comparison to the aliphatic bands, resulting in a unique signarure among Solar System bodies measured so far, and as such offers a means of comparison among the three satellites. The ratio of the C-H bands in aromatic molecules to those in aliphatic molecules in the surface materials of Phoebe, NAro:NAliph approximately 24; for Hyperion the value is approximately 12, while laperus shows an intermediate value. In view of the trend of the evolution (dehydrogenation by heat and radiation) of aliphatic complexes toward more compact molecules and eventually to aromatics, the relative abundances of aliphatic -CH2- and -CH3- is an indication of the lengths of the molecular chain structures, hence the degree of modification of the original material. We derive CH2:CH3 approximately 2.2 in the spectrum of low-albedo material on laperus; this value is the same within measurement errors to the ratio in the diffuse interstellar medium. The similarity in the spectral signatures of the three satellites, plus the apparent weak trend of aromatic/aliphatic abundance from Phoebe to Hyperion, is consistent with, and effectively confirms that the source of the hydrocarbon-bearing material is Phoebe, and that the appearance of that material on the other two satellites arises from the deposition of the inward-spiraling dust that populates the Phoebe ring

    Organic Molecules On the Surfaces of Iapetus and Phoebe

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    Absorption bands of both aliphatic and aromatic organic molecules are found in the reflectance spectra of Saturn satellites Iapetus, Phoebe, and Hyperion obtained with the Cassini Visible-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). The VIMS data do not fully resolve the individual bands of C-H functional groups specific to particular molecules, but instead show absorption envelopes representing blended clusters of the bands of aromatic (approximately 3.28 microns) and aliphatic (approximately 3.4 microns) hydrocarbons known in spectra of interstellar dust. In Cruikshank et al. (2014), we matched components of the unresolved hydrocarbon band envelopes with clusters of bands of a range of functional groups in specific types of organic compounds (e.g., normal and N-substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, olefins, cycloalkanes, and molecules with lone-pair interactions of N and O with CH3+). In the work reported here, we revisit the spectra of Iapetus and Phoebe using VIMS data processed with improved radiometric and wavelength calibration (denoted RC19). The band envelopes of both aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons are now more clearly defined, corroborating the provisional assignment of specific classes of molecules in Cruikshank et al. 2014, but permitting a more reliable quantitative assessment of the relative contributions of those classes, and a revision to the earlier estimate of the ratio of the abundances of aromatic to aliphatic molecules

    High-resolution SOFIA/EXES Spectroscopy of Water Absorption Lines in the Massive Young Binary W3 IRS 5

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    We present in this paper mid-infrared (5-8~μ\mum) spectroscopy toward the massive young binary W3~IRS~5, using the EXES spectrometer in high-resolution mode (R∼R\sim50,000) from the NASA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). Many (∼\sim180) ν2\nu_2=1--0 and (∼\sim90) ν2\nu_2=2-1 absorption rovibrational transitions are identified. Two hot components over 500 K and one warm component of 190 K are identified through Gaussian fittings and rotation diagram analysis. Each component is linked to a CO component identified in the IRTF/iSHELL observations (RR=88,100) through their kinematic and temperature characteristics. Revealed by the large scatter in the rotation diagram, opacity effects are important, and we adopt two curve-of-growth analyses, resulting in column densities of ∼1019\sim10^{19} cm−2^{-2}. In one analysis, the model assumes a foreground slab. The other assumes a circumstellar disk with an outward-decreasing temperature in the vertical direction. The disk model is favored because fewer geometry constraints are needed, although this model faces challenges as the internal heating source is unknown. We discuss the chemical abundances along the line of sight based on the CO-to-H2_2O connection. In the hot gas, all oxygen not locked in CO resides in water. In the cold gas, we observe a substantial shortfall of oxygen and suggest that the potential carrier could be organics in solid ice.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 34 pages, 13 figures, and 14 tables. Comments are more than welcome

    Evidence for chemical processing of precometary icy grains in circumstellar environments of pre-main-sequence stars

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    We report the detection of a broad absorption feature near 2166/cm in the spectrum of the Taurus cloud cource Elias 18. This pre-main-sequence source is the second in Taurus, the third in our survey, and the fifth known in the sky to show the broad 2166/cm absorption feature. Of equal importance, this feature is not seen toward several other embedded sources in our survey, nor is it seen toward the source Elias 16, located behind the Taurus cloud. Laboratory experiments with interstellar ice analogs show that such a feature is associated with a complex C triple bonded to N containing compound (called X(C triple bonded to N)) that results from high-energy processing (ultraviolet irradiation or ion bombardment) of simple ice components into more complex, organic components. We find a nonlinear anticorrelation between the abundance of X(C triple bonded to N) and frozen CO components in nonpolar lattices. We find no correlation between the abundance of X(C triple bonded to N) and frozen CO in polar lattices. Because the abundances of frozen CO and H2O are strongly correlated with each other and with visual extinction toward sources embedded in and located behind the Taurus molecular cloud, these ice components usually are associated with intracloud material. Our results indicate that X(C triple bonded to N) molecules result from chemical processing of dust grains dominated by nonpolar icy mantles in the local environments of pre-main-sequence stars. Such processing of icy grains in the early solar system may be an important source of organic compounds observed in minor solar system bodies. The delivery of these organic compounds to the surface of the primitive Earth through comet impacts may have provided the raw materials for prebiotic chemistry