542 research outputs found

    Nuovi clienti in nuovi mercati: il vino italiano in India

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    Il commercio internazionale \ue8 nel corso degli anni divenuto sempre pi\uf9 indispensabile per i grandi paesi produttori di vino, che vedono ormai nell\u2019export la possibilit\ue0 di vendere una quota della loro produzione che tendenzialmente supera la domanda interna, la quale invece appare in calo nei paesi con consolidata tradizione produttiva. I paesi di maggior interesse risultano essere ovviamente paesi ad elevato PIL pro capite, in fase di crescita economica e demograficamente rilevanti, tali da rappresentare potenziali mercati per lo sviluppo dell\u2019export. Tra questi vanno segnalati i cosiddetti BRIC, ovvero Brasile, Russia, India e Cina, che presentano alcuni tratti comuni, ma ovviamente anche problematiche specifiche legate alle peculiarit\ue0 del singolo paese o anche di aree sub-nazionali, vista la loro rilevante eterogeneit\ue0 socio-economica e culturale interna. Gli elementi pocanzi indicati evidenziano per\uf2 la necessit\ue0 per i produttori vinicoli di elaborare una strategia competitiva innovativa che possa permettere di penetrare efficacemente questi nuovi mercati; in tale senso appare necessario ricorrere ad approcci innovativi di marketing del vino. Per i produttori italiani di vino l\u2019individuazione di nuovi clienti in nuovi mercati geografici pu\uf2 rappresentare un interessante percorso di innovazione e sviluppo aziendale. In questa prospettiva, nel presente capitolo si analizzano le potenzialit\ue0 e le criticit\ue0 del mercato indiano del vino, un mercato ancora giovane che, pur di fronte a diversi ostacoli di tipo culturale, religioso, legislativo e tariffario, sta manifestando segnali, a volte contraddittori, di interesse e di crescita. Il presente capitolo ha l\u2019obiettivo di esplorare le prospettive e le criticit\ue0 del vino italiano in un mercato emergente come quello indiano che, pur presentando tratti di grande interesse per gli operatori, \ue8 ancora caratterizzato da notevole incertezza sulle potenzialit\ue0 di sviluppo. Dal punto di vista metodologico, dopo un sintetico inquadramento del mercato, basato sull\u2019analisi di dati secondari e dei recenti contributi accademici9, si propongono i risultati di una ricerca qualitativa, realizzata, con finalit\ue0 esplorative attraverso interviste a diversi operatori del settore

    On the behaviour of fuse wires

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    "Thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering."Typescript.1 illustration pasted in.Includes bibliographical references.The last few decades have witnessed the introduction of electricity as a factor of everyday life in its use as a source of light, power and heat. The dangers of fire breaking out, or the damaging of machines or other apparatus by an unexpected rush of excessive current, have demanded the immediate use of protective means to interrupt the current before it becomes higher than the current capacity of the circuit. The earlier forms of the so called "cut outs" were fuse wires, whose current carrying capacity was, or at least was supposed to be, equal to that of the circuit, but which would fuse and consequently open the circuit at the smallest excess of current above the normal load. Various other forms, like the magnetic circuit breaker, have subsequently come into use, but they are restricted mainly to guard against short circuits, while the ordinary fuse wire is still and will be used to open the circuit when the current exceeds the carrying capacity of the line.Digitized at the University of Missouri--Columbia MU Libraries Digitization Lab in 2011

    Design and Field Measurements of a Linear Accelerator Endowed with Single Feed with Movable Short Coupler

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    Field asymmetries in the rf coupler of accelerating structures degrade the projected beam transverse emittance, especially at low energy. This paper presents an alternative single feed coupler design that reduces the dipolar and the quadrupolar field components by exploiting a movable short circuit placed on the opposite waveguide. The structure has been simulated and optimized with the Ansys HFSS simulation code. RF measurements on an aluminum prototype machined in the "Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.", are here presented. Such results are in good agreement with the simulations

    Engineering at the University of Missouri, 1850-1940

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    Context Dependence, MOPs,WHIMs and procedures Recanati and Kaplan on Cognitive Aspects in Semantics

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    After presenting Kripke’s criticism to Frege’s ideas on context dependence of thoughts, I present two recent attempts of considering cognitive aspects of context dependent expressions inside a truth conditional pragmatics or semantics: Recanati’s non-descriptive modes of presentation (MOPs) and Kaplan’s ways of having in mind (WHIMs). After analysing the two attempts and verifying which answers they should give to the problem discussed by Kripke, I suggest a possible interpretation of these attempts: to insert a procedural or algorithmic level in semantic representations of indexicals. That a function may be computed by different procedures might suggest new possibilities of integrating contextual cognitive aspects in model theoretic semanti

    7-Azaindole-1-carboxamides as a new class of PARP-1 inhibitors

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    7-Azaindole-1-carboxamides were designed as a new class of PARP-1 inhibitors. The compounds displayed a variable pattern of target inhibition profile that, in part, paralleled the antiproliferative activity in cell lines characterized by homologous recombination defects. A selected compound (1l; ST7710AA1) showed significant in vitro target inhibition and capability to substantially bypass the multidrug resistance mediated by Pgp. In antitumor activity studies against the MX1 human breast carcinoma growth in nude mice, the compound exhibited an effect similar to that of Olaparib in terms of tumor volume inhibition when used at a lower dose than the reference compound. Treatment was well tolerated, as no deaths or significant weight losses were observed among the treated animals

    Where does Cosmological Perturbation Theory Break Down?

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    We apply the effective field theory approach to the coupled metric-inflaton system, in order to investigate the impact of higher dimension operators on the spectrum of scalar and tensor perturbations in the short-wavelength regime. In both cases, effective corrections at tree-level become important when the Hubble parameter is of the order of the Planck mass, or when the physical wave number of a cosmological perturbation mode approaches the square of the Planck mass divided by the Hubble constant. Thus, the cut-off length below which conventional cosmological perturbation theory does not apply is likely to be much smaller than the Planck length. This has implications for the observability of "trans-Planckian" effects in the spectrum of primordial perturbations.Comment: 25 pages, uses FeynM

    Implementation of Radio-Frequency Deflecting Devices for Comprehensive High-Energy Electron Beam Diagnosis

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    In next-generation light sources, high-brightness electron beams are used in a free-electron laser configuration to produce light for use by scientists and engineers in numerous fields of research. High-brightness beams are described for such light sources as having low transverse and longitudinal emittances, high peak currents, and low slice emittance and energy spread. The optimal generation and preservation of such high-brightness electron beams during the acceleration process and propagation to and through the photon-producing element is imperative to the quality and performance of the light source. To understand the electron beam's phase space in the accelerating section of a next-generation light source machine, we employed radio-frequency cavities operating in a deflecting mode in conjunction with a magnetic spectrometer and imaging system for both low (250 MeV) and high (1.2 GeV) electron energies. This high-resolution, high-energy system is an essential diagnostic for the optimization and control of the electron beam in the FERMI light source generating fully transversely and longitudinally coherent light in the VUV to soft x-ray wavelength regimes. This device is located at the end of the linear accelerator in order to provide the longitudinal phase space nearest to the entrance of the photon-producing beam-lines. Here, we describe the design, fabrication, characterization, commissioning, and operational implementation of this transverse deflecting cavity structure diagnostic system for the high-energy (1.2 GeV) regime

    All-optical spin injection in silicon investigated by element-specific time-resolved Kerr effect

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    Understanding howa spin current flows across metal-semiconductor interfaces at pico- and femtosecond time scales is of paramount importance for ultrafast spintronics, data processing, and storage applications. However, the possibility to directly access the propagation of spin currents, within such time scales, has been hampered by the simultaneous lack of both ultrafast element-specific magnetic sensitive probes and tailoredwell-built and characterized metal-semiconductor interfaces. Here, by means of a novel free-electron laser-based element-sensitive ultrafast time-resolved Kerr spectroscopy, we reveal different magnetodynamics for the Ni M-2;3 and Si L-2;3 absorption edges. These results are assumed to be the experimental evidence of photoinduced spin currents propagating at a speed of similar to 0.2 nm/fs across the Ni/Si interface

    New application of intelligent agents in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis identifies unexpected specific genetic background

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few genetic factors predisposing to the sporadic form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have been identified, but the pathology itself seems to be a true multifactorial disease in which complex interactions between environmental and genetic susceptibility factors take place. The purpose of this study was to approach genetic data with an innovative statistical method such as artificial neural networks to identify a possible genetic background predisposing to the disease. A DNA multiarray panel was applied to genotype more than 60 polymorphisms within 35 genes selected from pathways of lipid and homocysteine metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, coagulation, inflammation, cellular adhesion and matrix integrity, in 54 sporadic ALS patients and 208 controls. Advanced intelligent systems based on novel coupling of artificial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms have been applied. The results obtained have been compared with those derived from the use of standard neural networks and classical statistical analysis</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Advanced intelligent systems based on novel coupling of artificial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms have been applied. The results obtained have been compared with those derived from the use of standard neural networks and classical statistical analysis. An unexpected discovery of a strong genetic background in sporadic ALS using a DNA multiarray panel and analytical processing of the data with advanced artificial neural networks was found. The predictive accuracy obtained with Linear Discriminant Analysis and Standard Artificial Neural Networks ranged from 70% to 79% (average 75.31%) and from 69.1 to 86.2% (average 76.6%) respectively. The corresponding value obtained with Advanced Intelligent Systems reached an average of 96.0% (range 94.4 to 97.6%). This latter approach allowed the identification of seven genetic variants essential to differentiate cases from controls: apolipoprotein E arg158cys; hepatic lipase -480 C/T; endothelial nitric oxide synthase 690 C/T and glu298asp; vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor seven arg353glu, glycoprotein Ia/IIa 873 G/A and E-selectin ser128arg.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides an alternative and reliable method to approach complex diseases. Indeed, the application of a novel artificial intelligence-based method offers a new insight into genetic markers of sporadic ALS pointing out the existence of a strong genetic background.</p
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