16 research outputs found

    Мастнокиселинен състав на биволско мляко при интензивно и пасищно отглеждане

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    With the aim to assess the fatty-acid profile of buffalo milk from intensive and pasture farming system, the study included two farms. Farm 1 assigned 9 non-grazing buffaloes raised on green fodder or maize silage, and Farm 2 – 8 buffaloes on pasture until November and hay in winter. Individual samples of milk, taken in 7 monthly test days from August to February, were subjected to the Roese-Gottlieb lipid analysis. Analyses of variance were carried out per each fatty acid (FA), including the effects of farming, test day, milk yield and fat content. Farming system was established to be significant source of variation of all individual monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FAs (PUFA) and total PUFA. All PUFAs, except C20:3n3 and C20:2n6, showed better values in the milk from the buffaloes on pasture – more than 2-fold difference in total conjugated linoleic acids (0.913%) and rumenic acid (0.829%) in particular, in alpha-linolenic (0.145%) and gamma-linolenic (0.502%) acid, and in omega-3 FAs (n3), rendering n6/n3 ratio definitely lower (1.99). This applies also to greater extent to trans-C18:1 (4.027%) and vaccenic acid (2.323%) in particular, and to lesser to atherogenicity (2.44) and thrombogenicity (3.21) index. While C18:4n3 was found to increase, vaccenic and gammalinolenic acid decline throughout grazing season, as well as conjugated linoleic acids with the exception of a peak in December. C20:5n3, C22:5n3 and C20:3n6 are characterized by such even more pronounced peak.С цел оценка на мастнокиселия състав на биволското мляко от интензивна и пасищна система за отглеждане, в проучването бяха включени две ферми. От ферма 1 бяха взети 9 биволици без паша, хранени със зелена маса или царевичен силаж, а от ферма 2 – 8 биволици на пасищно отглеждане до ноември и на сено през зимата. Индивидуалните проби мляко, взети в 7 месечни тестови дни от август до февруари, бяха подложени на липиден анализ по метода на Roese-Gottlieb. Бяха проведени анализи на варианса за всяка мастна киселина (МК), включвайки ефектите на ситемата на отглеждане, тестовия ден, млечността и маслеността. Беше установено, че системата на отглеждане е достоверен източник на вариране на всички отделни мононенаситени и полиненаситени (ПНМК) МК, както и ∑ПНМК. Всички ПНМК, с изключение на C20:3n3 и C20:2n6, показват по-добри стойности в млякото от биволиците на паша – повече от двукратна разлика в сумата от конюгираните линолови киселини (0,913%) и в частност в C18:2c9t11 (0,829%), в алфа-линоленова (0,145%) и гама-линоленова (0,502%) киселина, както и в омега-3 (n3), правейки съотношението n6/n3 определено по-ниско (1,99). Това се отнася до голяма степен до транс-С18:1 (4,027%), в частност C18:1t11 (2,323%), и в по-малка до индекса на атерогенност (2,44) и тромбогенност (3,21). Докато C18:4n3 се повишава, C18:1t11 и гама-линоленовата киселина намаляват с напредване на пасищния сезон, както и конюгираните линолови киселини с изключение на пика през декември. C20:5n3, C22:5n3 и C20:3n6 се характеризират с подобен, още по-силно изразен пик

    Параметри на лактационната крива в зависимост от продължителността на лактация при биволици от две различни системи на отглеждане

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    Buffaloes from intensive (farm 1 - Fm1; 438 normal, 115 short lactations) and pasture (farm 2 - Fm2; 330 + 58 lactations) system were assigned to study lactation curve via ANOVA (LSMLMW and MIXMDL) per each 10-day period (“tenday”), as well as overall (PI1) and post-peak (PIP) persistency. Greatest is the effect of parity and season, also of year on 2nd-12th tenday. Persistency is affected by parity, year and season of calving, and especially by peak month and DIM (P≤0.001). The curves showed peak averagely at 2nd tenday in both herds. Compared to the buffaloes on pasture, Fm1 has significantly lower milk in initial two and in 15th to 21st tendays, defining slower decline to mid-lactation and faster after that. These differences in the curves predetermine a non-significant difference in PI1 between Fm1 and Fm2 (0.932 and 0.940) and a significant but still small superiority in PIP of Fm2 (0.893) over Fm1 (0.880). The lactations below 210 days are 17.8%, persistency being 0.859 to 0.742, and peak by 17 to 32% worse than normal lactation. Long and very long lactations’ persistency is 0.923 and 0.950. Only very long lactations have а typical curve – 4th tenday peak, by 10% lower than normal lactation.Бяха включени биволици от интензивна (Fm1 – 438 нормални и 115 къси лактации) и пасищна (Fm2 - 330 + 58 лактации) технология на отглеждане, за проучване на лактационната крива чрез ANOVA (LSMLMW и MIXMDL) за всяка 10-дневка, както и на общото (PI1) и след-пиково (PIP) постоянство. Най-значим е ефектът на поредната лактация и сезона,, както и на годината за 2-ра–12-та десетдневка. Постоянството се влияе от поредната лактация, годината, сезона, и особено от пиковия месец и дойните дни (P≤0.001). Пикът е средно през 2-ра десетдневка в двете стада. В сравнение с биволиците на паша, Fm1 има достоверно по-ниска млечност в първите две и в 15та–21ва десетдневка, дефинирайки по-бавен спад до средата на лактацията и по-бърз след това. Тези разлики в кривите предопределят недостоверна разлика в PI1 между Fm1 и Fm2 (0.932 и 0.940) и и малко но достоверно превъзходство в PIP на Fm2 (0.893) спрямо Fm1 (0.880). Лактациите под 210 дни съставляват 17,8%, като постоянството е от 0,859 до 0,742, а пика е със 17 до 32% по-нисък от нормалната лактация. Постоянството на дългите и много дългите лактации е 0,923 и 0,950. Само много дългите лактации имат типична крива – пик в четвърто десетдневие, с 10% по-нисък от нормалната лактация

    Параметри на лактационната крива в зависимост от продължителността на лактация при биволици от две различни системи на отглеждане

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    Buffaloes from intensive (farm 1 - Fm1; 438 normal, 115 short lactations) and pasture (farm 2 - Fm2; 330 + 58 lactations) system were assigned to study lactation curve via ANOVA (LSMLMW and MIXMDL) per each 10-day period (“tenday”), as well as overall (PI1) and post-peak (PIP) persistency. Greatest is the effect of parity and season, also of year on 2nd-12th tenday. Persistency is affected by parity, year and season of calving, and especially by peak month and DIM (P≤0.001). The curves showed peak averagely at 2nd tenday in both herds. Compared to the buffaloes on pasture, Fm1 has significantly lower milk in initial two and in 15th to 21st tendays, defining slower decline to mid-lactation and faster after that. These differences in the curves predetermine a non-significant difference in PI1 between Fm1 and Fm2 (0.932 and 0.940) and a significant but still small superiority in PIP of Fm2 (0.893) over Fm1 (0.880). The lactations below 210 days are 17.8%, persistency being 0.859 to 0.742, and peak by 17 to 32% worse than normal lactation. Long and very long lactations’ persistency is 0.923 and 0.950. Only very long lactations have а typical curve – 4th tenday peak, by 10% lower than normal lactation.Бяха включени биволици от интензивна (Fm1 – 438 нормални и 115 къси лактации) и пасищна (Fm2 - 330 + 58 лактации) технология на отглеждане, за проучване на лактационната крива чрез ANOVA (LSMLMW и MIXMDL) за всяка 10-дневка, както и на общото (PI1) и след-пиково (PIP) постоянство. Най-значим е ефектът на поредната лактация и сезона,, както и на годината за 2-ра–12-та десетдневка. Постоянството се влияе от поредната лактация, годината, сезона, и особено от пиковия месец и дойните дни (P≤0.001). Пикът е средно през 2-ра десетдневка в двете стада. В сравнение с биволиците на паша, Fm1 има достоверно по-ниска млечност в първите две и в 15та–21ва десетдневка, дефинирайки по-бавен спад до средата на лактацията и по-бърз след това. Тези разлики в кривите предопределят недостоверна разлика в PI1 между Fm1 и Fm2 (0.932 и 0.940) и и малко но достоверно превъзходство в PIP на Fm2 (0.893) спрямо Fm1 (0.880). Лактациите под 210 дни съставляват 17,8%, като постоянството е от 0,859 до 0,742, а пика е със 17 до 32% по-нисък от нормалната лактация. Постоянството на дългите и много дългите лактации е 0,923 и 0,950. Само много дългите лактации имат типична крива – пик в четвърто десетдневие, с 10% по-нисък от нормалната лактация

    Libéralisme en terre hostile : le cas bulgare

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    De l’indépendance en 1878 à la seconde guerre mondiale, la Bulgarie sent la pressante nécessité de moderniser son économie, ses institutions et son système politique. Les idées libérales y ont connu des fortunes diverses, avec toutefois un rôle de premier plan dans le paysage intellectuel, et ont influencé les élites et la formation de la politique économique. Ces idées viennent de France, d’Autriche-Hongrie, mais aussi de Russie et d’Allemagne. On distingue deux périodes où les idées libérales ont joué un rôle déterminant. La première, de l’indépendance aux guerres balkaniques (1878-1912), couvre le rétablissement et la construction de l’État bulgare moderne. Les idées françaises sont l’outil majeur qui structure les idées économiques. Dans l’entre-deux-guerres (1919-1939) se manifeste l’influence forte de l’école autrichienne, qui acquiert une solide position dans les chaires d’économie des universités bulgares. Ce processus est amplifié par l’activité de Bulgares et d’émigrés russes qui ont étudié auprès de Carl Menger et de Peter Struve, ou sous leur influence.Von Beginn seiner Unabhängigkeit (1878) an bis zu den Jahren vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hatte Bulgarien essentielle Probleme zu bewältigen: den Aufbau politischer Institutionen und die Modernisierung seiner Wirtschaft. Die lange, wechselvolle Geschichte liberaler Ideen in Bulgarien ist von zwei Fakten geprägt: Interne Probleme und äußere Herausforderungen waren zu bewältigen. Der vorliegende Artikel unterscheidet dabei zwei Perioden: die erste von 1878 bis 1912, die zweite für den Zeitraum von 1919 bis 1939. In der ersten wurden zur Konstitution des modernen bulgarischen Staates die Ideen des klassischen Liberalismus herangezogen, die Ideen der Denker Jean-Baptiste Sag, Pellegrino Rossi und Frederic Bastiat dienten dem Aufbau der modernen Ökonomie. Im Laufe der zweiten Periode manifestierte sich ein starker Einfluss der Österreichischen Schule, weil zahlreiche Bulgaren und russische Emigranten, unter ihnen Peter Struve, bei Vertretern der Österreichischen Schule studiert hatten und nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Bulgarien die Ideen Carl Mengers zu verwirklichen suchten.From independence in 1878 until World War II, Bulgaria meets the urgent need to solve issues of modernisation in the economy, institutions and political system. Liberal ideas are not always welcome, yet play an essential role in determining tastes of Bulgarian elites and economic policies. Such ideas spread from France and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as from Russia and Germany. Two periods of development see liberal ideas become determinant. The first, from the independence to the Balkan wars (1878-1912), covers the reestablishment and construction of a modern Bulgarian State. Ideas of classical French liberalism are a major tool to frame the economy. During the Interwar period (1919-1939), the strong influence of the Austrian economic school is solid in departments of political economy in universities. This process is further amplified by the activity of many Bulgarian and Russian immigrants who studied under Menger or Peter Struve or who received their influence

    Pregnancy Rates Associated with Oxidative Stress after Estrus Synchronization of Bulgarian Murrah Buffaloes in Breeding and Non-Breeding Season

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    Background: The current study aims to measure the effect of oxidative stress on the pregnancy rates of Bulgarian Murrah buffaloes during the breeding and non-breeding season. Methods: The study group consisted of 24 mature buffaloes more than 40 days after parturition. The following parameters were measured: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) products, Ascorbate radicals, Malondialdehyde (MDA), Nitric Oxide (NO), Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Protein Carbonyl Content (PPC), and total Nitric oxide. The Presynch/Ovsynch protocol was used for estrus synchronization. Results: A statistically significant increase in ROS products were measured in blood serum during the breeding season compared with the non-breeding season. The highest levels measured were in non-pregnant buffaloes during the breeding season. High levels of oxidative stress were registered due to low SOD activity in buffaloes during the breeding season compared to SOD activity during the non-breeding season. The highest SOD activity was observed in non-pregnant buffaloes during the summer season. The lowest GSH-Px levels were observed in non-pregnant buffaloes during both study periods. During the breeding season, concentrations of total NO and PPC were elevated. Conclusion: Comparing the obtained results for oxidative stress and antioxidant activity concerning pregnancy rate depending on the season showed that pregnancy in buffaloes during the breeding season was realized at higher values of NO and SOD. Increased oxidative stress was observed, resulting in a statistically significant increase in serum ROS products, as well as decreased SOD activity in buffaloes during the breeding season

    Crohn's Disease Complicated by Ileosigmoid Fistula - Synchronous Resection or Primary Sigmoid Repair, One or Two-stage Procedure? A systematic review of the literature and prospective case series

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    Introduction: Although ileosigmoid fistulas (ISFs) in Crohn’s disease (CD) are rare they can be quite challenging, especially for the inexperienced surgeons. Furthermore, current guidelines offer no clear recommendation regarding the surgical strategy in such cases. A systematic review of the literature to determine the best surgical strategy and a prospective case series are presented herein.  Materials and methods: The systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. A single-center prospective data-base from January 1, 2014 to August 20, 2019 is presented. Age, duration of CD, and the rates of ISF, emergency, preoperative diagnosis, type of surgery, type of stoma, and complications were analyzed and a prospective case series. Results: Eleven of 69 papers with a total of 505 patients were included in the systematic analysis. The rate of ISF was 3–5% of all CD patients. The combined preoperative detection rate of all modalities was 71%. Primary repair was performed in 42% of the cases; the rate of stoma was 31.5% with a similar proportion in primary repair and sigmoid resection.In the presented series, 35 of 176 patients with CD were operated (51% in an emergency setting). There were 7 cases with ISFs (4% of all and 20% of the operated patients). Preoperative diagnosis was made at 57%. Primary repair was performed in 71%, and a two-stage intervention with a stoma – in 58% of patients. Conclusions: Primary repair should be attempted in all cases in which the sigmoid colon is disease-free or is not involved in the adja-cent abscess. The synchronous resections are not a mandatory indication for the stoma, but rather a tailored approach is recommended with an evaluation of the risk factors. Based on the available literature, no clear recommendation regarding the type of stoma can be made

    Carl Menger on the theory of economic history. Reflections from Bulgaria

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    Carl Menger founded the Austrian School of economics at the end of the 19th century. He rejected some of the main ideas of the German Historical School in his work Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics (1881). The submitted paper presents the main implications of the investigations on the theory of economic history with a special reference to the economic history and history of economic thought of the Balkans. The emphasis is on the methodological subjectivism, spontaneous order, rejection of the teleological understanding of the process of economic development, and the application of mathematical models. These principles could be used as a theoretical base of the historical research, though they are widely underestimated in modern economic history

    The Small and the Medium Size Enterprises in the Industry

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    In this study we show the importance of the small and middle enterprises for the industrial development of Bulgaria by comparison with the economic situation in the more developped countries. The emphasized point here is the clarifying of the essential characteristics of these economic units. We support the thesis that without such a characteristics, which should be in a legislative form too, we can not expect positive results. We also pay attention to the factors that infer the formation and functioning of the small and middle enterprises. In the study we emphasize that enterprises of such type are not transitional. They are and will be of vital importance not only now but in future too.

    The Austrian school in Bulgaria: A history

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    The main goal of this study is to highlight the acceptance, dissemination, interpretation, criticism and make some attempts at contributing to Austrian economics made in Bulgaria during the last 120 years. We consider some of the main characteristics of the Austrian school, such as subjectivism and marginalism, as basic components of the economic thought in Bulgaria and as incentives for the development of some original theoretical contributions. Even during the first few years of Communist regime (1944–1989), with its Marxist monopoly over intellectual life, the Austrian school had some impact on the economic thought in the country. Subsequent to the collapse of Communism, there was a sort of a Renaissance and rediscovery of this school. Another contribution of our study is that it illustrates the adaptability and spontaneous evolution of ideas in a different and sometimes hostile environment


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    Един от най-важните проблеми, които стоят пред човечеството, е продоволственият. Съществуват два начина за производствто на храни: а) природосъобразен, който не влиза в противоречие с околната среда и б) неразумен, който застрашава съществуването на човека. В статията акцентът се поставя върху втория и се извеждат очакваните отрицателни последици от него – безвъзвратни негативни промени на планетата, които пък от своя страна застрашават съществуването на човека. За да не се допуснат те, се посочват възможности за удовлетворяване потребностите от храни, които са съобразени с природните условия. One of the most important issues facing humanity is the food supplying problem. There are two ways to produce food: a) natural way which is not in contradiction with environment and b) unreasonable way which threatens human existence. The article focuses on the second one and displays the expected negative consequences: irretrievable negative changes of the planet which in turn threaten human existence. In order to avoid them, the article shows opportunities to meet food needs which are consistent with natural conditions