23 research outputs found


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    The paper is focused on the spatial exploratory analysis of data related to crime and economic development in EU on the NUTS-3 level. NUTS is the statistical territorial classification of EU and EUROSTAT and its 3rd level includes the smallest regions. The analysis has three steps. First of all, the most commonly used indicators in studies investigating the relationship crime-economic conditions were identified. In the second stage, after search for these indicators in EUROSTAT NUTS-3 level datasets the research dataset was established. Finally, the data is geographically referenced and tests for spatial dependencies and local correlation of some indicators are introduced. Hierarchical clustering of indicators is used both for 2009 and 2010. The research shows the existence of flows and inequalities of data, as well as absence of data on NUTS-3 level for important indicators, despite their presence on higher levels of the territorial classification. Regardless of these shortcomings, the exploratory spatial analysis generates the idea to continue the research on the relations between infrastructural indicators such as distance to ports and highways and crime rates. The mapping of identified clusters shows the existence of stable geographically formed groups of regions from similar clusters. Another positive result is the possibility to classify, visualize and study the similarities and differences in EU smallest statistical regions


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    Interspecific hybridization was carried out between sterile analogues of cultivated sunflower lines with normal cytoplasm and wild annual Helianthus bolanderi accession E-009 from collection of DAIGeneral Toshevo. Hybrid plants were produced using classical breeding methods and the biotechnological method embryo rescue. The degree of crossability and the inheritance of some morphological traits were determined. The obtained F1 progenies were characterized from morphological and phytopathological point of view. Hybrid forms distinguished with resistance to stem canker, phoma and downy mildew were obtained. The hybrid plants, carriers of Rf genes for CMS Pet 1, could be used in sunflower breeding programs for developing restorer lines


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    The purpose of this article is to assess the possibilities for creating an analytical database to study real estate prices. To a large extent, the article presents some of the findings of a joint project with leading Bulgarian real estate agencies. Using a suitable analytical approach and standardising the information would bring substantial benefits to the dynamic Bulgarian market. Due to the lack of tools and experience, it was necessary to select an appropriate method and to apply it to the largest possible database created with the help of information from other markets. The study focused on the impact of urban security on real estate prices. On the one hand, this is a basic determinant for customers’ choice, and on the other hand, information about security rating could be used in urban planning and management. As a result, a georeferenced dataset was created with information about the characteristics of over 191 000 properties in Denver, Colorado. The application of the selected method – the Geographically Weighted Hedonic Regression – for this dataset showed a number of issues related to hardware and software restrictions of the application, the manner of data aggregation and the presence of co-linearity between indices. The application of the Geographically Weighted Principal Analysis as a means of solving the problem of co-linearity has shown other advantages such as defining the impact of various indices in smaller urban regions. Despite using data from other markets, this research has made some important conclusions regarding the definition, collection and study of data necessary for the creation of a suitable database to analyse the Bulgarian real estate market

    Eicosapentaenoic acid provokes stronger in vitro antiadipogenic effect than docosahexaenoic acid in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells

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    The comparative studies of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) effects on the amount of lipid droplets (LD) and within adipocytes are limited. In this study, 3T3-L1 mouse embryo fibroblasts (ATCC® CL-173™) were expanded up to fifth passage. At the stage of growth arrest, the cells were treated with EPA and DHA separately and in combination at 100 μg/mL for 2 days. Oil Red O staining protocol, subsequent extraction with isopropanol and spectrophotometric determination of absorbed dye were used to establish the amount of intracellular lipid droplets depo-sition. While DHA administration had no significant effect on reduction of LD intracellular deposi-tion, the EPA treatment decreased optical density (OD) significantly (P<0.05). Furthermore, a syner-gic effect of combined application of both PUFAs was not observed. In conclusion, EPA provoked stronger antiadipogenic effect than DHA suggesting that EPA administration would be more effective in already existing obesity

    Multiple proliferating trichilemmal cysts of the skalp: a case report. Multiple proliferating pilar tumors of the scalp

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    Proliferating trichilemmal cyst, also known as proliferating pilar scalp tumor, is a rare benign tumor of the hair follicle. While trichilemmal cysts are common intradermal or subcutaneous cysts, occuring in 5–10% of the population, only 2% will develop into proliferative trichilemmal cyst. The differential diagnosis should include lesions such as malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor and squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical treatment is the only effective method for treating these rare cysts. We present a case report of a 78-years-old female patient who hasentered the Neurosurgery clinic of “St. Marina” University Hospital with clinical manifestation of rapidly growing from several months subcutaneous formation on the head and the presence of two smaller ones. MRI scan discovered three subcutaneous tumor formations suspicious for trichilem cysts, one of which was gigantic in size. After clinical discussion, under general anesthesia an operative treatment was performed with total extirpation of the cysts. Postoperatively, surgery-related complications were not observed. The patient was mobilized and verticalized on the day after intervention and discharged on the 5th day. As a result, a good cosmetic effect was obtained. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst is an uncommon neoplasm, and reporting of these lesions are important due to the good clinical evolution compared to the malignant macroscopic and microscopic feature of these tumor formations

    Poszukiwanie ekonomicznych i przestrzennych zależności wskaźników przestępczości w Europie dla poziomów NUTS-3

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    The paper is focused on the spatial exploratory analysis of data related to crime and economic development in EU on the NUTS-3 level. NUTS is the statistical territorial classification of EU and EUROSTAT and its 3rd level includes the smallest regions. The analysis has three steps. First of all, the most commonly used indicators in studies investigating the relationship crime-economic conditions were identified. In the second stage, after search for these indicators in EUROSTAT NUTS-3 level datasets the research dataset was established. Finally, the data is geographically referenced and tests for spatial dependencies and local correlation of some indicators are introduced. Hierarchical clustering of indicators is used both for 2009 and 2010. The research shows the existence of flows and inequalities of data, as well as absence of data on NUTS-3 level for important indicators, despite their presence on higher levels of the territorial classification. Regardless of these shortcomings, the exploratory spatial analysis generates the idea to continue the research on the relations between infrastructural indicators such as distance to ports and highways and crime rates. The mapping of identified clusters shows the existence of stable geographically formed groups of regions from similar clusters. Another positive result is the possibility to classify, visualize and study the similarities and differences in EU smallest statistical regions.Artykuł koncentruje się na przestrzennej analizie eksploracyjnej danych związanych z przestępczością i rozwojem gospodarczym w UE na poziomie NUTS-3. NUTS jest statystyczną klasyfikacją terytorialną w UE i dla EUROSTATU, a jego trzeci poziom obejmuje najmniejsze regiony. Analiza składa się z trzech etapów. Po pierwsze, zidentyfikowano najczęściej stosowane wskaźniki wyrażające relacje pomiędzy przestępczością a warunkami gospodarczymi. W drugim etapie, po poszukiwaniach tychże wskaźników w bazach EUROSTATU, na poziomie NUTS-3 utworzono zestaw danych wejściowych. Wreszcie, dane geograficznie zidentyfikowane poddano testom zależności przestrzennych oraz zaproponowano badania lokalnej korelacji niektórych wskaźników. Hierarchiczne grupowanie wskaźników zastosowano zarówno dla 2009 i 2010. Z badań wynika występowanie przepływów i nierówności w danych, jak również brak istotnych danych statystycznych na poziomie NUTS-3 dla kilku wskaźników, pomimo ich dostępności na wyższych poziomach klasyfikacji terytorialnej. Niezależnie jednak od trudności, rozpoznawcza analiza przestrzenna wskazuje, by kontynuować badania na temat relacji między wskaźnikami infrastrukturalnymi, takimi jak: odległość od portów i autostrad a przestępczością. Graficzna prezentacja zidentyfikowanych klastrów na mapach wskazuje na istnienie stabilnych grup regionów z podobnymi wartościami. Innym pozytywnym rezultatem wynikającym z badania jest możliwość sklasyfikowania, wizualizacji i analizy podobieństwa oraz różnic dotyczących najmniejszych regionów statystycznych UE

    Relacja ceny nieruchomości a bezpieczeństwa miejskiego: analizy przestrzenne i badania zależności

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    The purpose of this article is to assess the possibilities for creating an analytical database to study real estate prices. To a large extent, the article presents some of the findings of a joint project with leading Bulgarian real estate agencies. Using a suitable analytical approach and standardising the information would bring substantial benefits to the dynamic Bulgarian market. Due to the lack of tools and experience, it was necessary to select an appropriate method and to apply it to the largest possible database created with the help of information from other markets. The study focused on the impact of urban security on real estate prices. On the one hand, this is a basic determinant for customers’ choice, and on the other hand, information about security rating could be used in urban planning and management. As a result, a georeferenced dataset was created with information about the characteristics of over 191 000 properties in Denver, Colorado. The application of the selected method – the Geographically Weighted Hedonic Regression – for this dataset showed a number of issues related to hardware and software restrictions of the application, the manner of data aggregation and the presence of co-linearity between indices. The application of the Geographically Weighted Principal Analysis as a means of solving the problem of co-linearity has shown other advantages such as defining the impact of various indices in smaller urban regions. Despite using data from other markets, this research has made some important conclusions regarding the definition, collection and study of data necessary for the creation of a suitable database to analyse the Bulgarian real estate market.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena możliwości utworzenia bazy danych analitycznych do badania cen nieruchomości. W dużej mierze, artykuł przedstawia niektóre z ustaleń wspólnego projektu, prowadzonego wspólnie z wiodącymi bułgarskimi agencjami nieruchomości. Za pomocą odpowiedniego podejścia analitycznego i ujednolicenia informacji możliwe jest osiągnięcie znacznych korzyści dla bułgarskiego dynamicznego rynku. Ze względu na brak narzędzi i doświadczenia, zaistniała konieczność wyboru właściwej metody i zastosowania jej do największej bazy danych utworzonej z informacji pochodzących z innych rynków. Badanie koncentruje się na wpływie bezpieczeństwa miejskiego na ceny nieruchomości. Z jednej strony, jest to podstawowym wyznacznikiem wyboru klientów, a z drugiej strony, informacje o ocenie bezpieczeństwa mogą być wykorzystane w planowaniu przestrzennym i zarządzaniu. W rezultacie powstał zbiór danych georeferencyjnych zawierający informacje o cechach ponad 191 000 nieruchomości w Denver, Kolorado. Zastosowanie wybranej metody – Ważonej Geograficznie Regresji Hedonicznych – na zbiorze danych wykazało na szereg kwestii związanych z ograniczeniem sprzętowym i oprogramowania, sposobu agregacji danych i obecności współliniowość pomiędzy indeksami. Zastosowanie zasad analiz geograficznego ważenia, jako sposób rozwiązania problemu współliniowości wykazały również zalety, takie jak określenie wpływu różnych wskaźników w mniejszych obszarach miejskich. Pomimo użycia danych z innych rynków, badania umożliwiły wyciągnięcie istotnych wniosków dotyczących definicji, gromadzenia i opracowania danych niezbędnych do stworzenia odpowiedniej bazy danych do analizy bułgarskiego rynku nieruchomości

    Optimization model for production scheduling taking into account preventive maintenance in an uncertainty-based production system

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    In the dynamic yet uncertain environment of Industry 4.0, industrial companies are utilizing the benefits of contemporary technologies in manufacturing by striving to implement optimization models in each stage of the decision-making process. Many organizations are focusing particularly on the optimization of two key aspects of the manufacturing process - production schedules and maintenance plans. This article presents a mathematical model with the main advantage of finding a valid production schedule (if such exists) for the distribution of individual production orders on the available production lines over a specified period. The model further considers the scheduled preventive maintenance activities on the production lines, as well as the preferences of the production planners regarding the start of the production orders and non-use of certain machines. When necessary, it also offers the possibility to make timely changes in the production schedule, and thus to handle the uncertainty as precisely as possible. For the verification of the model, two experiments were conducted (quasi-real and real-life), with data from a discrete automotive manufacturer of locking systems. The results from the sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the model further optimizes the execution times of all orders, and specifically the production lines usage - their optimal load and non-use of unnecessary machines (valid plan with 4 out of 12 lines not used). This allows for cost savings and raises the overall efficiency of the production process. Thus, the model adds value for the organization by presenting a production plan with optimal machine usage and product allocation. If incorporated into an ERP system, it could distinctly save time and streamline the production scheduling process

    Lethal outcome associated with percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with coronary artery disease - a complication or natural progression of the disease?

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    Цел: През последните години се наблюдава бързо развитие на интервенционалната кариология в България, но липсват точни данни за съпътсващите усложнения. Целта на настоящaта разработка е да се проучи нивото и причините за вътреболничната смъртност в МБАЛ „Света Марина`-Варна, свързана с избрана инвазивна стратегия при пациенти с исхемична болест на сърцето (ИБС)Материал и методи: Ретроспективно бяха проследени 2036 последователни болни с ИБС, преминали през ангиографския сектор на МБАЛ „Света Марина`-Варна за периода 01.01.2011- 31.12.2011г. При 1019 болни (50%) са проведени диагностични интервенции, a при останалите 1017 (50%) са проведени и терапевтични интервенции. Проучени бяха всички случаи, завършили с летален изход по време на хоспитализaцията, като бяха анализирани причините за този изход. Получените резултати бяха сравнени с данните от големи проучвания и регистри (ACC-NCDR Registry) относно смъртността, свързана с перкутанни интервенции.Резултати: От всички пациенти с проведени коронарни интервенции (ПКИ) през посочения период 1218 ( 60%) са постъпили планово, a 818 (40%) са били с остър коронарен синдром. Летален изход по време на болничния престой е регистриран при 13 болни (0,6%), от които 6 мъже и 7 жени, със средна възраст 72 ± 8 (56- 82) години. С ОКС без ST-елевация са били 2 (15%) от починалите болни, a 11 (85%) са били с инфаркт на миокарда със ST-елевация. От тези болни при 2 са проведени само диагностични интервенции, a при останалите 11 болни - и терапевтични процедури. Болничната смъртност при пациентите със STEMI и първична ПКИ е 6,4% (11 болни от 171). Не е регистриран летален изход при планово постъпили болни. Анализът на починалите болни показва, че те са с лош рисков профил и с редица придружаващи заболявания. Повечето от тях са с тежък коронарен статус (SYNTAX Score = 34 ± 17), в повечето случаи са със закъсняла хоспитализация и са постъпили с различни усложнения.При 31% (4/13) от починалите болни смъртта е настъпила интрапроцедурно или непосредствено след коронарната интервенция, но най-много болни (6/13, 46%) са починали след повече от 24 часа след процедурата при добър ангиографски резултат. Най-честият механизъм на настъпване на смъртта е електромеханична дисоциация.Изводи: Смъртта продължава да бъде най-тежкия възможен изход при ПКИ. Болничната смъртност, свързана с този вид интервенции, при пациенти с ИБС в МБАЛ `Света Марина` е близка до тази, установена при големите проучвания. Леталният изход в тези случаи е настъпил преди всичко като резултат от нормалната прогресия и усложения на ИБС или придружаващите заболявания, a не толкова от избраната инвазивна стратегия и използваните интервенционални техники.Objective: There is a rapid progress of interventional cardiology in Bulgaria in the last years but there are no exact data on the complications of the interventional procedures. Our aim was to study the rate and causes of in-hospital mortality in MHAT Sveta Marina, Varna, associated with elected invasive strategy in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).Material and methods: We investigated retrospectively 2 036 consecutive patients with CAD, hospitalized in the Clinic of Interventional Cardiology in MHAT Sveta Marina, Varna, from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Approximately half of the patients (1 019) had diagnostic interventions and the rest of them had also therapeutic interventions. We studied all the cases with lethal outcome and analyzed the causes of this outcome. The data were compared with the results from big trials and registries (ACC-NCDR Registry) for mortality, associated with coronary interventions.Results: More than half of the patients had planned hospitalization (1 218; 60%) and the rest were hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We had in-hospital lethal outcome in 13 patients (0.6%), 6 male and 7 female with mean age 72±8 (56-82). Only 2 patients (15%) with ACS without ST-elevation died and they had only diagnostic intervention, and the rest patients with lethal outcome (11; 85%) had STEMI at admission and therapeutic interventions. The total number of patients with STEMI and primary PCI for the period was 171 and the in-hospital mortality among them was 6.4% (11 pts.). There were no lethal cases among patients with planned interventions. The analysis of the death cases shows that all these patients had bad risk profile with a lot of concomitant diseases. Most of them had severe coronary disease (SYNTAX Score = 34±17); they were hospitalized late and had different types of complications.In 31% (4/13) of the patients with lethal outcome death occurred during PCI or just after the coronary intervention, but the majority of the patients (6/13; 46%) died more than 24 hours after the procedure, having a good angiographic result. The most frequent mechanism of death was electro-mechanical dissociation.Conclusions: Death is still the most severe possible outcome of PCI. In-hospital mortality in patients with CAD and coronary interventions in MHAT Sveta Marina Varna is similar to the results from big trials. The lethal outcome in these cases is primarily a result of the normal progression of CAD or the concomitant diseases and less a result of the chosen invasive strategy and applied interventional procedures

    n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids provoke a specific transcriptional profile in rabbit adipose-derived stem cells in vitro

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    Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) possess multipotent properties, and their proper functionality is essential for further development of metabolic disorders. In the current study, we explored the impact of two n-3 LC-PUFAs (long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, DHA-docosahexaenoic; C22:6, and EPA-eicosapentaenoic; C20:5) on a specific profile of lipolytic-related gene expressions in the in vitro-differentiated subcutaneous and visceral ADSCs from rabbits. The subcutaneous and visceral ADSCs were obtained from 28-day-old New Zealand rabbits. The primary cells were cultured up to passage 4 and were induced for adipogenic differentiation. Thereafter, the differentiated cells were treated with 100 µg EPA or DHA for 48 hr. The total mRNA was isolated and target genes expression evaluated by real-time RCR. The results demonstrated that treatment of rabbit ADSCs with n-3 PUFAs significantly enhanced mRNA expression of Perilipin A, while the upregulation of leptin and Rab18 genes was seen mainly in ADSCs from visceral adipose tissue. Moreover, the EPA significantly enhanced PEDF (Pigment Derived Epithelium Factor) mRNA expression only in visceral cells. Collectively, the results suggest activation of an additional lipolysis pathway most evident in visceral cells. The data obtained in our study indicate that in vitro EPA up-regulates the mRNA expression of the studied lipolysis-associated genes stronger than DHA mainly in visceral rabbit ADSCs. Eкaterina Vackova1| Darko Bosnakovski2| Bodil Bjørndal3| Penka Yonkova4|Natalia Grigorova1| Zhenya Ivanova1| Georgi Penchev4| Galina Simeonova5|Lyuba Miteva6| Anelya Milanova1| Tatyana Vachkova7| Spaska Stanilova6|Ivan Penchev Georgie