13 research outputs found

    Comportamento sedentário e qualidade de vida de professores da Educação Básica

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    Investigar a relação entre comportamento sedentário e qualidade de vida de professores da educação básica. Método: Estudo realizado com 142 professores de oito escolas municipais de Campo Grande/MS. Foram avaliadas características sociodemográficas, profissionais e hábitos de vida. O comportamento sedentário (tempo sentado) foi avaliado por duas questões específicas do IPAQ-versão curta e a qualidade de vida pelo WHOQOL-bref. A estatística descritiva foi empregada para caracterizar as variáveis do estudo, enquanto as comparações realizadas com a aplicação dos testes de Wilcoxon, Friedman e Mann Whitney. Resultados: Os professores passam em média 270 minutos (±176,5) sentados em um dia de semana e 360 minutos (±239,1) em um dia de final de semana. Quase metade dos docentes não avaliou sua qualidade de vida de forma positiva (47,9%). Maiores escores de qualidade de vida foram encontrados em docentes com experiência profissional superior a 14 anos (p=0,025), que lecionam por até 20 horas semanais (p=0,020) e passam menos tempo sentados em um dia de semana (p=0,006). Conclusão: O excessivo tempo sentado foi associado com pior qualidade de vida entre os professores da educação básica. Diante disso, intervenções voltadas à diminuição do comportamento sedentário e promoção da qualidade de vida são demandas da população investigada

    Promoção da saúde e políticas públicas de esporte e lazer: conexões e digressões

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    O presente estudo objetivou analisar o Plano Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (PLAMEL) de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Especificamente, buscou investigar as dimensões do esporte e os conteúdos culturais do lazer presentes; analisar se a promoção da saúde está contemplada e, caso esteja, identificar a perspectiva orientadora. A pesquisa, classificada como documental e qualitativa, envolveu a análise de conteúdo do PLAMEL por meio da seleção de Unidades de Registro (UR). O lazer consistiu na temática mais abordada (57 UR), com predomínio do interesse físico-esportivo (11 UR) quanto aos seus conteúdos culturais. O esporte foi o segundo tema mais frequente (42 UR), com destaque para o esporte participação (11 UR) e formação (11 UR), embora com diferença mínima para as demais dimensões. Entre os 12 temas norteadores presentes, evidenciou-se digressão em relação à promoção da saúde, vez que apenas a Intersetorialidade estabelece conexão subjetiva. Conclui-se que o PLAMEL contempla os diferentes interesses culturais do lazer e dimensões esportivas com distribuição homogênea, mas nada se compromete em relação à promoção da saúde

    Inclusion of students with down syndrome in Brazilian schools

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    Down syndrome, or chromosome 21 trisomy, is a genetic change that occurs at the time of conception of a child. People with Down syndrome have intellectual disabilities, this fact contributes to social exclusion, isolation and impairment in their development, since there is much social prejudice regarding this syndrome. Considering the need to include children with Down Syndrome In schools this research aimed to promote a reflection on the process of inclusion of these people in Brazilian schools through the assistive technologies used. This research is an integrative literature review where the search took place in databases of greater relevance to the subject. The exact descriptors of medical subject titles were used in English using "Mainstreaming (Education)", "Down Syndrome" and "Schools" and in Portuguese the exact descriptors in the health sciences "Educational Inclusion", "Down Syndrome" and Schools”. The results showed that the insertion of the child is only physical and only due to the obligation promoted by the current national legislation. Social inclusion does not occur in such a way as to integrate students, teachers and technicians, and teachers are unprepared to drive inclusion due to limitations in their education, lack of incentive to qualification, school infrastructure and large numbers of students in the classroom. In accordance with this reality, this paper aims to promote a reflection on the inclusion of students with Down syndrome in Brazilian schools, through the discussion and development of appropriate assistive technologies for this process to occur effectively

    Political, Historical and Social Features of the Human Right to Health: A Brief Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature

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    The consecration of the right to physical and mental integrity at the time of the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946 and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) in 1948 established the human right of access to health. Conversely, the practical guarantee of this right has gone through many nuances since then, so that today the process of its implementation is closely related to the political, historical and social aspects of each country, demanding from the administrative power an interdisciplinary look for this issue. The problem that involves this conjuncture drives the researchers of this field to question themselves: what is the role of the State in this right? What is the performance of health professionals in fact? Is it possible to achieve the universality of human rights in an economically and culturally globalized world? In the light of the above, this narrative review aimed to collect in the literature the scenarios that permeate this reality providing tacit examples of how the human right to health is shaped according to the conjunctures of insertion of each community that tries to implement i

    The Work of The Deaf teacher at The University

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    The deaf teacher is a professional who differs from another in the way he communicates, and the language used by these professionals is the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). The objective: to verify the inclusion of deaf teachers in higher education as well as to verify the assistive technologies that contribute to this process and the reality of these professionals. The methodology was a literature review of articles published between 2009 and 2017. Data werecollected from the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and National Library of Medicine (PUBMED), using the keywords: teachers, deafness, universities, inclusion, assistive technologies and disability. The results showed that the inclusion of deaf teachers in higher education occurs due to the laws that determine the appointment of deaf teaching professionals as priorities for teaching LIBRAS courses in universities, being LIBRAS an Assistive Technology (TA) for the inclusion of these professionals. However, deaf teachers showed isolation due to the difficulty of communication with other teachers, having difficulties to exchange experiences beyond the strangeness of the students, about the didactics, methodology and evaluation of the deaf teacher

    Nutritional Intervention in the Area of Clinical Nutrition in a Hospital Environment: A Report of Field Experience

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    The present experience report narrates a nutritional intervention in the area of individual and collective clinical nutrition that took place in a University Hospital (HU) in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. The main objective of this field work was the professional training for hospital and outpatient nutritional care through general and specific activities performed on site. The specific activities consisted in writing care protocols and standardization of hospital diets while the general activities consisted in the analysis of medical records, survey of clinical diagnoses, proposal of dietotherapic conduct, monitoring of nutritional status, prescription and dietary adequacy, preparation of nutritional guidelines and development, presentation and discussion of clinical cases. This work also reports on the difficulties in implementing and carrying out this intervention agenda and, given the results obtained, it was concluded that the field experience in the hospital area was a valid and beneficial opportunity in which it was possible to harmonize theory with practice

    Overview of University Actions Aimed at The Nutrition of Two Indigenous Communities In The Interior of The State of Mato Grosso Do Sul – Brazil: Report of Experience In Public Policies

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    The diet composed of adequate food is reported in the literature as one of the aspects of health promotion and maintenance, and it is the duty and obligation of the State to promote public policies that seek to meet these needs of the population. However, due to a number of factors, the minority or vulnerable populations end up not benefiting from a good part of the projects in force in Brazil. Thus, this work aimed to conduct a case study with two indigenous communities living in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, listing the main points related to food practices, evaluation of the state of health in force and measures that help adherence to good food practices. The largest target audience was children from 0 (zero) to 12 (twelve) years, totaling 190 (one hundred and ninety), followed by newborns and puerperals who totaled 14 (fourteen) family nuclei and the elderly population of the community, which totaled 15 (fifteen). The service team was composed of Nutritionist, Health Agent, Social Worker and Nutrition Intern professionals. Several activities were developed, occurring according to the public attended during the different days of visit in the villages, mainly home visits, community actions such as vaccination campaigns, lectures and collective guidance. It is concluded that the measures adopted in public policies related to feeding the indigenous community is a powerful tool to provide the benefits for a better quality of life, well-being and maintenance of the health of indigenous peoples

    Food Science from the Perspective of the Nutrition Professional

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    This work had as thematic the study in analysis of foods from the perspective of the nutrition professional. The objective of the research was to seek the training of this professional for the then analysis of the performance in quality control and formulation of products, with the perspective of assistance to projects carried out on site. This research was conducted in a community cafeteria located in a university in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. As a data collection tool, preparation technical sheets were used in which costs were collected, the preparation order, and the nutritional value provided. Sensory observation was used as an analysis of the data in order to measure and analyze and interpret the reactions of food and material characteristics. It appears that with the identification, attributions and activities developed by a nutritionist in the area, it became possible to analyze the processing of raw material and industrialized food products, according to the needs presented by the site. As for the points not reached were not due to any other factors than those related to the specificities of the research site, which did not prevent the acquisition of theoretical, practical, scientific, social and environmental knowledge of the points concerning the area of action of the nutritionist professional within the field of food science

    Nutritional Health, Food Safety and its Social Determinants: A Brief Narrative Review

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    In its latest report, the United Nations for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) pointed out that the number of those who go hungry increased for the third year in a row affecting about 821 million people worldwide in 2018. Moreover, for the most part, studies show that food insecurity tends to follow social trends in such a way that it is precisely population groups in minorities or marginalized who are most likely to be exposed to food shortages and/or lack of access to adequate food. In this scenario, the concepts of food safety and insecurity gain prominence in the international debate playing a role of relevance to global public health. Achieving a healthy and sustainable food model is today one of the main objectives of modern and globalized society. With this, the main objective of this study is to collect in the scientific literature and discuss briefly about the social, environmental and geopolitical determinants that are (or should be) involved in the continuous process of effective human right to adequate feeding

    Nutritional physical examination: historical, methodological and applied approach

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    The historical interest in the use of physical evaluation skills in clinical settings gained new notoriety at the end of the 20th century with evidence that patients in intensive care units experienced increased morbidity and mortality related to poor nutritional status before and/or during their admission. This awareness of the adverse effects of malnutrition led to the need for screening and evaluation tools to identify nutritional risk. no clinical finding of EFN should be considered a diagnosis per se. It is academic, scientific and clinical consensus that its results should be interpreted as suggestive, being crucial to consider the other methods of clinical evaluation of the patient\u27s nutritional status for the correct global nutritional diagnosis. However, the systematic and periodic repetition of the test may help to follow the evolution of the individual\u27s nutritional status, especially in the long term. In summary, although it requires specialized training and continuous practice of the evaluator and/or the team – in addition to requiring complementary nutritional information – the physical nutritional examination can still be considered an effective adjuvant method in the clinical evaluation of the patient’s nutritional status