206 research outputs found

    Learning to See the Wood for the Trees: Deep Laser Localization in Urban and Natural Environments on a CPU

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    Localization in challenging, natural environments such as forests or woodlands is an important capability for many applications from guiding a robot navigating along a forest trail to monitoring vegetation growth with handheld sensors. In this work we explore laser-based localization in both urban and natural environments, which is suitable for online applications. We propose a deep learning approach capable of learning meaningful descriptors directly from 3D point clouds by comparing triplets (anchor, positive and negative examples). The approach learns a feature space representation for a set of segmented point clouds that are matched between a current and previous observations. Our learning method is tailored towards loop closure detection resulting in a small model which can be deployed using only a CPU. The proposed learning method would allow the full pipeline to run on robots with limited computational payload such as drones, quadrupeds or UGVs.Comment: Accepted for publication at RA-L/ICRA 2019. More info: https://ori.ox.ac.uk/esm-localizatio

    Utilizing Estate Plans to Achieve Economic Justice

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    Bayview has been the home to many black families for decades. However, the inability of title-holders to create distribution plans for their estate before their death has contributed to their ultimate displacement. When a title-holder of property dies, their property is required to go through a court system known as probate. The probate court system has various functions ranging from identifying assets, calculating any owed taxes and fees, and distributing property. The only way to avoid probate is through the execution of a probate-avoidance distribution document, which is mentioned in further detail below. The probate court system, to say the least, is complex and expensive. Apart from the difficulty of having to navigate the probate court system, there are various additional consequences that come with a title-holder not having a distribution plan for their assets at all. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that the issue of dying without having a distribution plan is more common for low-income black homeowners than their white counterparts. This paper discusses how the lack of distribution plans has resulted in the displacement of many low-income black residents and what can be done to address this ongoing issue. Part II of this essay describes the relevant demographic history of Bayview, San Francisco, California. Part III provides details about the probate court system. Part IV expands on specific challenges that entail conducting transfers of wealth. Part V touches on the role that race and class have on one’s ability to conduct transfers of wealth. Lastly, Part VI presents various ideas for achieving economic justice in both legal education and practice

    Foot Tracks on the Ocean: Zora Neale Hurston and the Creation of an African-American Transcultural Identity

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    This project focuses on African American and Afro- Hispanic literature and folklore. Specifically, I employ Fernando Ortiz’s theory of transculturation. Ortiz makes the case that a new Afro- Cuban identity is created with the intermingling of African, Spanish and native inhabitants of Cuba. Using Ortiz’s critical framework as the foundation of my study, I undertake a new critique of Zora Neale Hurston’s portrayal of African American identity. Analyzing Hurston’s work through the model of transculturation, I examine the parallel between her work and that of Lydia Cabrera, a Cuban ethnographer whose work represents Afro-Cuban identity as a transcultural one. Establishing this comparison, I reflect on the similarities and differences among their strategies of representing Transculturation in African- based identities. I look at their works from a womanist lens to analyze how their female anthropologist status influenced their folkloric portrayals and how they enacted a political agenda that emphasized female agency. I also analyze the oral aesthetic of their texts; in my opinion, Hurston and Cabrera reproductions of the spoken are ways to represent transcultural dialogue. Finally I compare their ethnographic studies of the African- based spiritual systems of Santeria and Voodoo

    English as a Medium of Instruction in Learning Professional Skills for Engineers

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    In this article, we reflect on the variables to be considered when teaching in English a subject of the bachelor’s degree of Computer Engineering: “Learning Professional Skills for Engineers”. In order to make this study, we start from an analysis of the recent history of teaching in English at university level and the institutional context in which it happens. Three research questions are posed, with the intent to check what minimum conditions must be met to be able to teach this subject in English. The results lead us to conclude that the option of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is not the appropriate one, taking into account both the linguistic and didactic training of the teaching staff and the language accreditation of the students. However, it is feasible to opt for the Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) option.En este artículo hacemos una reflexión sobre las variables a tener en cuenta a la hora de impartir en inglés una asignatura del grado de Ingeniería Informática: Habilidades Profesionales para Ingenieros. Para hacer este estudio partimos de un análisis de la trayectoria histórica de la docencia en inglés a nivel universitario y el contexto institucional en el que sucede. Tres preguntas de investigación son propuestas en este trabajo, mediante las cuales se pretende comprobar qué condiciones mínimas exigibles se deben dar para poder impartir docencia en inglés en la asignatura que nos ocupa. Los resultados nos llevan a concluir que la opción de inglés como Medio de Instrucción (EMI), no es la adecuada teniendo en cuenta la formación tanto lingüística como didáctica del profesorado y la acreditación en idiomas del alumnado. Sin embargo, sí resulta viable optar por la opción de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera en la Educación Superior (ICLHE).En aquest arEn este article fem una reflexió sobre les variables a tenir en compte a l'hora d'impartir una assignatura del grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica en anglès: Habilitats Professionals per a Enginyers. Per a realitzar este estudi partim d’una anàlisi de la trajectòria històrica de la docència en anglès en l’àmbit universitari i el context institucional en què ocorre. En este treball es plantegen tres preguntes de recerca, mitjançant les quals es pretén comprovar quines condicions mínimes exigibles s’han de donar per a poder impartir docència en anglès a l'assignatura que ens ocupa. Els resultats conclouen que l'opció d'anglès com a Mitjà d'Instrucció (EMI), no és l'adequada tenint en compte la formació tant lingüística com didàctica del professorat i l'acreditació en idiomes de l’alumnat. No obstant això, sí que resulta viable optar per l'opció d'Aprenentatge Integrat de Contingut i Llengua Estrangera en l'Educació Superior

    Closing the ‘CSR gap’ through a successful CSR strategy : insights from Nike Inc.

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    CSR has become an important asset for most companies. It has been at the centre of multinational companies’ strategy such as Nike Inc’s in controversial industries. However, its efficiency is questionable as such companies are still pointed out for their recurrent wrong ethical behaviours. Hence public associates CSR with practices of window-dressing: their actions often don’t represent their commitment to ‘social good’. Accordingly, even though stakeholders are increasingly sensitive to business ethics, a ‘credibility gap’ is still present in most company’s CSR. The lack of CSR credibility combined with little awareness on CSR created a ‘CSR gap’: hindering the possible benefits companies can retrieve from their investments in CSR. The market study explores beliefs related to CSR, shows the existence of the CSR gap, and how perceptions of CSR can act as barrier to an effective CSR. Insights on awareness, perceptions of CSR performance, and expectations of present CSR are gathered through an online survey. Results show lack of awareness, high expectations, negative perceptions of CSR performance and doubts on the ability of CSR to do ‘social good’. Finally, the author identifies actions that can be taken to address the ‘CSR gap’ and allow companies to fully benefit from CSR investments. Companies need to establish long term positive awareness and credibility of their CSR initiatives, to cut the association of CSR to window-dressing, by minimizing the contradiction between claims and actual events or actions.A RSC (Responsabilidade Social Corporativa) tornou-se um trunfo importante para a maioria das empresas. Tem estado no centro das estratégias de empresas multinacionais controversas tais como a Nike Inc’s. Porém, a sua eficácia é questionável pelo facto de tais empresas serem continuamente apontadas pelos seus comportamentos éticos errados recorrentes. Daí, o publico associar a RSC a práticas de window-dressing: muitas vezes as ações não representam o compromisso das empresas para com o “bem social”. Assim, mesmo que os stakeholders sejam cada vez mais sensíveis à ética empresarial, o fosso ao nível da credibilidade ainda está presente na maioria da RSC das empresas. A falta de credibilidade na RSC combinada com a pouca conscientização sobre a RSC criou um “RSC gap”: limitando assim os possíveis beneficios que as empresas podem obter dos seus investimentos em RSC. O estudo de mercado explora crenças relativas à RSC, mostra a existência do fosso na RSC e como as perceções na RSC podem agir como um obstáculo para uma RSC eficaz. Percepções sobre a conscientização, sobre o desempenho e as expectativas da RSC presente são recolhidas através de um questionário online. Os resultados mostram a falta de conscientização, as expectativas elevadas, a visão negativa sobre a RSC e as dúvidas quanto à habilidade da RSC para a criação de bem social. Finalmente, o autor identifica medidas a tomar para combater o fosso na RSC e permitir às empresas beneficiar plenamente dos seus investimentos em RSC. As empresas necessitam de estabelecer uma conscientização positiva a longo prazo e uma credibilidade nas suas iniciativas de RSC, para diminuir a associação da RSC ao window-dressing, ao minimizar a contradição entre reinvendicações e eventos ou ações reais

    Joint Image and 3D Shape Part Representation in Large Collections for Object Blending

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    We propose a new approach to perform object shape retrieval from images, it can handle the shape of the part of the object and combine parts from different sources to find a different 3D shape. Our method creates a common representation for images and 3D models that enables mixing elements from both kinds of inputs. Our approach automatically extracts the desired part and its 3D shape from each source without the need of annotations. There are many applications to combining parts from images and 3D models, for example, performing smart online catalogue searches by selecting the parts that we are looking for from images or 3D models and retrieve a 3D shape that has the desired arrangement of parts. Our approach is capable of obtaining the shape of the parts of an object from an image in the wild, independently of the pose of the object and without the need of annotations of any kind

    Creating Safe and Vibrant Communities for All New Yorkers

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    Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) released its budget report, Creating Safe and Vibrant Communities for all New Yorkers, a community-driven rebuke of the mayor's proposed FY23 budget. Mayor Eric Adams' proposed budget has been heavily criticized and condemned by community members across the city for continuing regressive and failed policing patterns of the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations and further bloating the NYPD budget while crucial community services receive comparatively microscopic investments. According to CPR's budget report, the mayor is proposing the largest-ever NYPD budget -- $11.2 billion, with minuscule investments in community-led violence prevention and intervention solutions that actually work

    Melhoria da Atenção aos Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus da UBS Barra de Quarai, Barra de Quarai/RS

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    PENATE, Marisol Guevara. Melhoria da Atenção aos usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes mellitus da UBS Barra de Quarai, Barra de Quarai/RS. 2015. 86f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica(HAS) o Diabetes Mellitus(DM) são condições inicialmente assintomáticas, altamente prevalentes, de alto custo social e de grande impacto no perfil de morbimortalidade da população brasileira, trazendo um desafio para o sistema público de saúde, sendo que a cronicidade dessas condições torna este desafio ainda maior. A ESF é a porta de entrada, o primeiro contato do usuário com o sistema de saúde. Verificou-se a necessidade de melhorar a atenção ao hipertenso e diabético considerando-se para a intervenção o objetivo de Melhorar da Atenção aos usuários com HAS e/ou DM da UBS de Barra de Quarai, Barra de Quarai/RS Para a realização da intervenção, foram utilizados os Protocolos e Manuais Técnicos de Hipertensão e Diabetes Mellitus, do Ministério da Saúde. Utilizamos a ficha-espelho do programa de atenção aos hipertensos e diabéticos, planilha de coleta de dados, fornecida pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O projeto foi executado a partir dos quatro eixos pedagógicos: O Monitoramento e Avaliação, a Organização e Gestão de Serviço, o Engajamento Público e a Qualificação da Prática Clínica. Temos uma população de 1216 usuários dados do CPA na área rural do município com uma estimativa na área de abrangência de 102 usuários hipertensos e 25 usuários diabéticos. Após a intervenção, foi possível cadastrar 100% dos usuários, desenvolvendo todas as ações propostas, com resultados satisfatórios durante as 12 semanas em que foi desenvolvida a intervenção. A intervenção foi de suma importância para a comunidade, já que para a população, era um desejo de ter uma ESF de nova formação, para o atendimento da área rural. A intervenção chegou impactar a comunidade, qualificando a atenção dos usuários hipertensos e diabéticos que se mostrou com muita gratidão pela prioridade no atendimento e acompanhamento. Também com a satisfação da criação do grupo de HIPERDIA, desenvolvendo atividades integradas com os profissionais da saúde, nutricionista, psicóloga, assistente social e odontóloga. Apesar de alcançar 100% da cobertura, à equipe continua trabalhado na busca ativa de usuários hipertensos e diabéticos. A ação programática voltada aos hipertensos e/ou diabéticos foi incorporada à rotina da ESF , ainda que, com limitações derivadas da infraestrutura e da demora no retorno dos resultados de exames, pois, foi possível observar melhorias no atendimento aos usuários, proporcionando ainda, maior engajamento público. A partir dos resultados, pôde-se observar que a intervenção foi importante para qualificar o serviço prestado e aproximar à comunidade da equipe profissional, melhorando a visão da população sobre os serviços de saúde e estimulando os profissionais